Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1385 Please ask your temple to close its gates!

Luo Li made up his mind and could not wait for the other party to take action and complete the plan. At that time, he would be in a dead end and unable to extricate himself.

It is better to strike first. Since you want to destroy me, then I will strike first and destroy you.

Luo Li went straight to Landa Temple.

Landa Temple is located in Zisong Mountain in Nanzhou, Kansai Region. It is the holy land of Buddhism in the world. It is dedicated to Tathagata Buddha, one of the top ten sects in the world. It has seventy-two unique skills. It is said that all magic in the world was born here, so it is said that the magic power of the world was born. Landa.

Since cultivating immortality, Luo Li has heard very few rumors about Landa Temple. Disciples of Landa Temple have rarely traveled around the world. However, at critical moments, Landa monks always appear at the forefront of the world of immortality, trying to turn the tide. .

The reason why Hunyuan Sect and Landuo Temple have enmity is because the abbot of Landuo Temple, Master Xuanci, unknowingly took over the enmity with Luo Li.

The last time he went to the Great Brahma God Realm, Master Xuanci was watching him with eager eyes. Among them was the Sword God Yuanchang, and there was no life-and-death fight. However, Luo Li knew in his heart that the hatred between himself and Xuanci could not be resolved, and there must be a battle.

Now that the Sword God has left, headed by Kunlun Landa, this sect meeting will definitely take action against the Hunyuan Sect, so Luo Li decided to strike first.

Luo Li escaped and went to Landa quietly.

Nalanda Temple is located in Zisong Mountain in Nanzhou, Kansai region. It has seventy-two peaks including the Sun, Shaoyang, Mingyue, and Jade Pillars. It has the reputation of being the ancestral palace of the Buddha and the most famous temple in the world.

This Purple Pine Mountain is quite steep, with a wide stone staircase winding straight up to the top of the mountain. This ten-mile-long stone staircase road is also known as Dixin Road. Under the suppression of Landa Temple's protective formation, the monks could not fly up at all and could only walk up.

Looking at the countless temples and halls on the mountain, Luo Li was about to step up. This is how Patriarch Wang Yangming climbed up the mountain.

Then, in front of the mountain gate, the gate was blocked for three months. No one in Landa Temple could go down the mountain, and finally had to agree to be closed for three thousand years.

Luo Li took one step to let out his breath and tell the other party. Get here by yourself.

Sudden. The sound of bells was heard in Nalanda Temple!

Dong dong dong...

Seventy-two rings in one breath, and with the sound of the bells ringing, all the Buddhist temples in Nanzhou are ringing like this. Then the entire Kansai region. Countless temples ring with this bell!

This is a wake-up call. The bell will ring only when Landuo Temple encounters a great disaster, and only when Patriarch Wang Yangming came here. And when the trouble of Rahu occurs, it will sound.

Luo Li smiled. It seemed that the other party knew that he was here. The ancestral hall of the Buddhist sect in Landa Temple naturally had an early warning method. Since he knew that he was coming, it would be better.

Luo Li walked forward slowly, climbing along the mountain road. He saw yellow walls and green tiles in the distance, and the golden tops were illuminated by the first sunlight. He could faintly hear the sound of bells singing. The entire mountain peak was occupied by this magnificent building, which was so precious. The air is solemn and the demeanor is solemn!

The stone steps soon reached the end, and they saw a huge mountain gate right in front of them.

In front of the door, two monks came up to meet them. Looking over, they saw that they were two eminent monks who had returned to the realm of virtual reality. One of them was the Sixth Patriarch Zen Master. Back then, Zi Nanda had fought alongside Luo Li.

When Luo Li saw his old friend, he bowed slightly and said, "I've met the Sixth Patriarch!"

The Sixth Patriarch returned the courtesy and said with a cold face: "The Great Master Huo Dezhen is here, what's the point of doing this?"

Luo Li said: "As far as I know, the Kunlun Noble Sect, headed by the Kunlun Noble Sect, wants to destroy our Hunyuan Sect, so I came here specifically to ask clearly, and also ask the Noble Sect Master Xuanci to meet with me!"

The Sixth Patriarch Zen Master raised his voice and said: "My Buddha is merciful. Although the calamity of fire is ahead, I am a guest here. Buddhism does not block guests. Please come on your own. Please come with me!"

He didn't waste any time talking to Luo Li and led Luo Li into the tall mountain gate.

The vermilion door slowly opened, and when the door opened, there was a brilliance inside. It was a dimensional void, a world of its own.

The Sixth Patriarch Zen Master glanced at Luo Li, and then entered slowly. This time Yuanxukong came here, no one knew what was inside.

Maybe there are thousands of traps inside, maybe the world is collapsing, just waiting for Luo Li to enter!

Suspicious people will never dare to enter. This is simply not taking their own lives seriously. If there are endless ambush inside, entering like this is asking for death.

But Luo Li smiled, his whole body was shaken, and he entered immediately!

Go ahead to dangers!

Entering the gate, there is a huge square inside the gate. Apart from the square, there is nothing in the whole world. I don't know where the dimensional void is.

This square was boundless. At a glance, Luo Li knew that this place was not a simple void world, but a world composed of countless multiple spaces!

But you can see that at the end of the square, there is a tall stone monument with three big characters written on it, Landa Temple!

Behind the stone tablet is the real temple of Landa Temple, where you can see majestic buildings such as the Main Hall.

If he could step there, it would mean the demise of Landa Temple!

In front of the stone tablet, there was a monk.

This monk is dressed like a beggar monk in the secular world, begging along the street, but his eyes are shining with compassion, and there is a faint Buddha light flowing in the center of his eyebrows. His whole body is as clean as a lotus. In this filthy world, he is none other than Master Xuanci. !

Luo Li looked at Master Xuanci from a distance. Luo Li raised his voice and said first:

"Master Xuanci, we said goodbye back then, but we never thought we would meet today. We are so destined!"

Master Xuanci smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, it was really a pity for the Brahma God Realm and his entourage back then, but today you came to our door yourself, okay, okay, okay!"

This regret is probably because I regretted not having the chance to kill myself back then.

Luo Li smiled. Maybe he was not the old monk's opponent back then, but now he is absolutely confident in defeating him. Luo Li said:

"Master, I have heard legends about you all this time. In my heart, you have the right Dharma and are strict in self-discipline. You are a supreme monk!

However, because of the hatred of Monk Shi, you are eyeing my Hunyuan Sect.

If you have any grievances, you can come to me. Why are you targeting our Hunyuan Sect? That’s why I, Luo Li, am here today to find out from you!

There is revenge, there is complaint! "

Master Xuanci couldn't help but shake his head and said: "Xiao Shi, although he is my son, he doesn't abide by the commandments and kills innocent people indiscriminately. He will die as soon as he dies. I don't care at all.

In fact, fellow Taoist Luo Li, I don’t have any ill intentions towards you. You have solved the catastrophe of all races and saved the world. On the contrary, I admire you very much!

What I really resent is not you, but your Hunyuan Sect, your Hunyuan Sect’s Wang Yangming! "

Luo Li was stunned. This was completely different from what he thought. Why did it involve Patriarch Wang Yangming?

Luo Li hesitated and said: "My Hunyuan Sect Zhongxing Patriarch? But the Patriarch has been dead for tens of thousands of years!"

Master Xuanci said bitterly: "Wang Yangming, why did that old monster return to the dust? You think we don't know that he has always been immortal and hidden in the Hunyuan Sect!

Without his support, would you be where you are today?

Otherwise, how can you, a young junior, understand the Great Way of Fire, control many magic weapons, and defeat the coalition forces of all races? There are countless opportunities! Without him, how could your Hunyuan Sect possess the Earth Fire Dragon, survive the catastrophe of annihilation, and run rampant in the Chunan region? I wouldn’t believe it if you beat him to death!

Back then, he blocked the entrance to Landa Temple and forced me, Landa, to live in seclusion for three thousand years and not care about the affairs of the world! This is a shame that I have never experienced in Landa and will never be forgotten!

Now that he has trained you, he wants you to follow the example of the past and continue to defeat Wo Landa.

Delusion! dream! "

Luo Li was speechless. That's it!

At that time, Patriarch Wang Yangming was too powerful. Even if he was afraid of returning to the dust, everyone was also afraid. He had come step by step to where he is today. They didn't believe that they had this ability, so they all thought that Patriarch Wang Yangming was helping him behind the scenes.

The hatred that blocked the door of Landa Temple and the great shame of the sect will never be forgotten. However, the divine power of the ancestor is still there, and the hatred of Landa Temple has been suppressed and hidden. Later, it was activated by himself as a inducement. Once activated, revenge will be inevitable.

In addition, Landa Temple has become more powerful in recent years, far more powerful than before. Its foreign policy has changed. It does not want to remain in obscurity, but if it wants to regain its strength, the first thing to do is to wash away its shame, so the Hunyuan Sect has become their great leader. enemy.

Luo Li said: "Master Xuanci, you have misunderstood. Our ancestor Wang Yangming has passed away long ago.

My current achievements are all due to my own efforts. I have never met him in my life, so I have his support! "

Master Xuanci laughed loudly and said: "That doesn't matter anymore. I, Landa, have been silent for tens of thousands of years, and it's time for me to become famous again and take charge of the world.

So your Hunyuan Sect is my first prey in Landa. After Hunyuan Sect, there are Kunlun and all the demon sects!

I, Landa, am the number one sect in the world of God! "

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No matter what the reason is, I am already here, and this matter cannot be resolved. In the past, Patriarch Wang Yangming came here and asked your temple to close its doors for three thousand years!

Today, I, Luo Li, have arrived here. I dare not go beyond the Patriarch, so I will ask your temple to retreat for two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years! "

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter in the square, and then countless monks began to appear in the void, blocking Luo Li's way in the square!

Some of these monks have their feet on auspicious clouds, some are sitting in lotus flowers, some are like Dharma protectors, and some are filled with Sanskrit sounds.

In the past, Landa was known as the Eighteen Golden Bodhisattvas, and there were eighteen Returning Void Bodhisattvas in the sect. But now, with the spiritual energy rising, the number of Returning Void Bodhisattvas far exceeds the past, reaching hundreds. No wonder Landa Xiong The desire to rise is born!

Master Xuanci said slowly: "Let me, Landa, retreat? What if not?"

Luo Li said: "If not, you Landuo Temple insists on being an enemy of our Hunyuan Sect, then I will crush Landuo Temple and destroy your ancestral court!"

Suddenly, countless curses sounded:


"Shameless boy!'


Amidst the endless curses, Luo Li ignored him and slowly moved forward. Endless fire rose up on him!

Many monks immediately chanted the Buddha's name:

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

Endless Buddha energy rises, and immediately, this world turns into two poles of heaven, and the war begins! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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