Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1388 Burning Landa Temple!

Luo Li's whipping contained endless power and had the power to open up the world.

When Master Bujie was whipped, the dragon elephants transformed by Master Bujie started wailing one by one, struggling desperately, and suddenly collapsed and disillusioned one by one in this whipping.

The Dragon-Elephant Prajna has no efforts, but under the divine whip, no matter how endless it is, it will be destroyed.

At the same time, cracks began to appear on Master Bujie's untouched diamond heart.

No one can describe the majesty of this whip, and no one can describe the power of this whip.

The momentum is overwhelming.

Kakaka, endless cracks appeared on the body of Master Bujie.

With a bang, the power of Luo Li's whip was fully demonstrated, and Master Fujie was completely beaten into thousands of pieces, which were scattered in all directions!

However, Luo Li frowned. Among the thousands of fragments that Master Bujie scattered in all directions, a powerful force appeared!

"Bodhisattva, please repair it and give me another life!"

"Rebirth, regeneration!"

The fragments that were beaten and scattered in all directions reversed time and space and returned. At the same time, countless vitalities began to rise in Master Bujie's body. The flesh and blood all over his body squirmed, then closed up, and he was completely restored!

It is exactly the meaning of Bodhi, one of the six divine arts. A single thought of Bodhi can lead to life or death. If you don't quit, you can turn death into life. In such a perfect condition, it returned to Luo Li, and its strength was still vaguely three points stronger than before!

Luo Li frowned, what a powerful bodhicitta, but Luo Li didn't stop in his hand, raised the Hunyuan Golden Whip, and it was a blow!

"One dozen gods come, two dozen immortals..."


Just as Bujie replied, Luo Li was whipped again, but to Luo Li's expectation, he did not dodge, looked at Luo Li, turned the monk's head towards Luo Li's Hunyuan Golden Whip, and said :

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

Seeing Bujie's performance, Luo Li frowned and suddenly remembered a unique skill in Landa Temple. The power of the whip immediately weakened and he withdrew half of its power. At the same time, the Hunyuan Golden Lamp was lit to protect himself!

There was another loud bang. This time, although it was only half of the strength, Bujie was beaten into thousands of pieces by Luo Li. However, there was a strange power that rebounded from Bujie's body. It was surprisingly Luo Li has the power of Hunyuan Golden Whip.

This rebound is exactly the Great Zen Buddha Heart Skill of the Landa Temple's seventy-two unique skills!

You have the mace, I have the Tianling Gai!

The harder you hit the opponent, the harder the opponent will bounce back.

This rebounding force hit Luo Li, and the Hunyuan Golden Lamp flashed, and the light almost went out. Even if it was only half the power of the Hunyuan Golden Whip, it was extremely powerful and terrifying, and it almost destroyed the Hunyuan Golden Lamp. light.

At this time, among the thousands of flesh and blood fragments of Master Bujie, another Sanskrit sound sounded:

"When you see the Tathagata, all conditioned phenomena are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning. You should observe it like this."

Countless pieces of flesh and blood were immediately reorganized, and he was suddenly resurrected again, and his strength was increased by 30% compared to before.

Luo Li took a deep breath and said, "Nirvana!"

Bujie nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, my great road is nirvana!"

Master Bujie is also promoted to the realm of Guiyuan. Different from the penetrating way of Monk Honest, Master Bujie's way is the way to Nirvana. Just like the Buddha, his power increases by three points every time he enters nirvana and encounters a calamity.

Every time Buji is beaten to death, Buji's power will increase by 30%!

Luo Li said: "What a nirvana, let's see if your way of nirvana is more powerful, or my way of true fire!"

After saying this, there was a bang, and an infinite fire suddenly rose up on Luo Li's body. The fire was endless, and then slowly poured into the divine whip.

Luo Li yelled: "You are taking my whip!"

Just raise your hand and strike!

Bujie said: "Life, death and nirvana are just like yesterday's dream."

The battle at this time has turned into a collision of two ways, the way of Nirvana versus the way of true fire!

Suddenly, where the two of them were fighting, this kind of battle was already a battle in which the two of them fully manifested the power of heaven they had mastered.

The endless power of heaven intertwined and collided.

On one side is endless Buddha light, spreading thousands of miles, on the other side is supreme fire, spanning the nine heavens.

The eminent monks watching the battle kept retreating and staying far away.

If someone was too slow to avoid it and was caught by the flames of Buddha's light, some would die directly while others were immediately burned to ashes.

In the collision between these two avenues, Luo Li raised the Hunyuan Golden Whip and struck again.

This time, Bujie no longer dodges or dodges. The Great Zen Buddha Heart Skill just now did not work. Bujie suddenly strikes out, but under this whip, all laws are shattered, and he is beaten to pieces.

However, if you don't quit, you will be resurrected immediately, and your strength will be enhanced.

Luo Li raised his whip again!

Snap, snap, snap!

Three more times, Bujie was beaten to death by Luo Li, but every time he died, Bujie was resurrected and his power surged.

Bujie was resurrected again, and he slowly said:

"You should know that life, death and Nirvana have no origin and no cessation, no coming and no going. Those who can realize it have no gain and no loss, no taking and no giving up. Those who can realize it have no beginning and no ending, no responsibility and no cessation. This is the realization. In the middle, there is no power and nothing. After all, there is no proof, and there is no proof. All dharma nature is equal and incorruptible."

At this time, Luo Li was whipped again. He actually reached out and grabbed Luo Li's whip. His repeated deaths and nirvanas made his strength infinitely stronger, and he could withstand the blow of the whip.

Bujie looked at Luo Li and said, "Luo Li, you have failed. My power has surpassed yours. You have completely failed!"

But Luo Li suddenly smiled and said, "No, it wasn't me who lost, it was you who lost!

Since your path to nirvana can give you endless power, well, let me help you.

My way of true fire not only has the destructive power of destruction and burning, but also has another kind of power, which is the auxiliary power of prosperity and redness. The fire burns and brings luck, and the more it burns, the redder it gets! "

After saying that, a strange flame was transmitted from the Hunyuan Golden Whip. This flame is not destruction, but an auxiliary force. This is the strange flame Luo Li discovered when he was looking for strange fires. It can help people practice. !

Under this flame, if you don't stop immediately, you will feel your strength surge and increase again.

Bujie suddenly changed his color. His current strength, through the path of nirvana, has been endlessly improved, and has reached the limit that he can currently hold.

But the injection of flames suddenly increased his strength again. This time, the increase far exceeded the limit that he could hold.

He looked at Luo Li angrily and wanted to say something, but the Nirvana Buddha's light on him suddenly became extremely powerful.

When it reaches the extreme of strength, it means decline and chaos. The Buddha's light is extinguished immediately. Master Bujie's body immediately makes a squeaking sound, and then with a bang, it is torn apart and turned into powder!

It was not Luo Li who defeated Bujie, but his own way of returning to his origin that destroyed him!

Seeing Bujie's death, many monks from Landa Temple present could not help chanting the Buddha's name:

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

"The fire demon is rampant, catastrophe, catastrophe!"

Luo Li looked at a monk in the distance. He was Yuan Zhen, the leader of the Buddhist disciples. He should be next!

But to Luo Li's surprise, Yuan Zhen shouted:

"The evil demon is ahead, fellow disciples, follow me to set up the formation, Brohan's formation, slay the demon and defend the way!"

Following his words, many Huixu Zhenyi from Landa Temple immediately shouted:

"Arhat Formation, Slay Demons and Defend the Way!"

"Arhat Formation, Slay Demons and Defend the Way!"

"Arhat Formation, Slay Demons and Defend the Way!"

Buddha's light erupted from countless eminent monks, and one hundred and eight eminent monks who returned to the realm of virtual reality, under the command of Yuan Zhen, formed an Arhat formation and surrounded Luo Li!

Suddenly a giant figure appeared. This figure had a face like ancient jade. He was an Arhat monk with a huge body. Countless suns, moons and stars revolved around him. On his chest, there were many monks flying back and forth, and temples were built around his chest. There were buildings on the clothes, and many eminent monks were coming in and out of the temple.

At the same time, in Landa Temple, countless monks began to recite Buddhist sutras, and countless Buddhist powers gathered. This endless Buddhist power was gathered on this Dharma image.

Yuan Zhen, who controlled the Arhat formation, pointed at Luo Li and shouted:

"Slay demons to protect the Tao, Buddha's heart transcends the dust, and kills cause and effect!"

Following his words, the supreme Buddha power that gathered together immediately turned into a sharp blade on the Dharma. Under the urging of the Dharma, it fell from the nine heavens in an instant!

This beheading was caused by countless people gathered in Landa Temple, Buddha's thoughts, and the power of Buddha's Dharma!

This blow can be said to be the method of shaking the temple of Landuo Temple. It is issued with one method, regardless of realm or cultivation level, only about cause and effect!

Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect, sow the cause and get the result. Luo Li has already killed several eminent monks here. Under cause and effect, regardless of right or wrong, right or wrong, the karma generated by Luo Li's killing of several eminent monks will immediately backfire and kill Luo Li!

Unless Luo Li is also an eminent monk with a Buddhist connection and Buddhist mind, surpassing everyone in Landa Temple, otherwise even an immortal will be covered in dust by this blow.

This blow was caused by the way of cause and effect. It was impossible to dodge, and it hit Luo Li immediately!

Immediately, many monks in Landa Temple were overjoyed, and some even cheered!

"Okay, this fire demon is dead!"

"Karma, destroy this devil!"

But to their surprise, this slash hit Luo Li immediately! On Luo Li's body, countless Buddha shadows appeared!

Those Buddha shadows are densely packed and countless, covering the sky and the earth.

Luo Li saved countless Buddha spirits at the Kasyapa ruins. Those Buddha spirits were grateful to Luo Li and imparted Buddhist power that far surpassed the monks of Landa Temple.

Suddenly, there was silence in all directions.

All the monks looked at this scene in disbelief. Even if Luo Li killed people and acted unscrupulously, he would still be stronger than at this moment. The power of Buddha in Luo Li was countless times greater than theirs, causing their lifelong faith to collapse. Eminent monk, the Buddha's heart suddenly lost its hold!

Some people couldn't believe this moment, they roared, and some rushed towards Luo Li!

"Liar, how is that possible!"

"Kill the person who steals the Buddha!"

Under their impulse, the Arhat formation immediately collapsed!

Luo Li shouted: "If you say nonsense, then let's fight!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the fire rose, and boom, the square was shaken violently by him, and the space was shattered!

On top of the Purple Pine Mountain, endless meteorites began to fall from the sky. With a bang, they broke through the defensive formation of Landa Temple and fell into the temple of Nalanda Temple.

Wherever the meteorite hit, there were bursts of explosions, and then the meteorite immediately turned into huge fire giants, and began to destroy Landa Temple!

The ancient temple that spread thousands of miles immediately burst into flames, burning Landa Temple! r1152


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