Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,399 Huabiao returns, Lao Lingwei!

In the void, the battle is endless.

Although Bai Youyou has participated in the battle with experience, Luo Li and others were still suppressed by the opponent despite facing hundreds of powerful enemies.

At this critical moment, someone appeared from afar and joined the battle. Her fiery red dance immediately relieved the pressure on Luo Li and others.

Luo Li looked at her and couldn't help being stunned, and said, "Caizhen, are you here?"

Su Caizhen said: "I'm here, I'm here to repay you the love I had back then!"

Then, from afar, a sword flew towards me. The fire lotus rolling in the sword was none other than the Due Red Lotus Karma Fire Sword!

Seeing this sword, Luo Li felt a pain in his heart and said, "Charming, blazing sun, you guys!"

The sword suddenly turned into a woman, both Huo Charming and Huo Jiaoyang. She looked at Luo Li and smiled:

"Brother Luo Li, we are here to help you. We don't want to be born in the same year and the same day, but we want to die in the same year and the same day!"

Seeing the two of them, Hu Chan seemed to understand something. He knew that the two women who liked him were no longer seen in order to help him. He roared suddenly, entered the state of rage, rose up in reverse, and rushed into the enemy. middle!

Hu Chan showed his power, and under the Jiutai, he was running rampant, and no ancient demon or ancient god could resist him.

This is when Kunlun Zhongyuan appears, he blocks Hu Chan, and the two fight!

Then thousands of flowers bloomed, and among the flowers, a woman walked out, it was Fairy Rulin from Fenfang Jieyu Sect. She looked at Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, I have become a flower fairy. According to the oath you and I made back then, I will help you!"

Then in the distance in the sky, someone flew here, and with a bang, thousands of golden flowers bloomed.

Xuemei couldn't help shouting: "Senior sister, why are you here?"

That woman was Grandma Jinhua. She said, "Junior sister, I'm here to help you!"

However, she was looking at Luo Li!

From then on, the four girls joined in, and the battle became more exciting.

The more powerful ones are Luo Li, Hu Chan, Fan Wujie, and Li Douliang. Bai Youyou and the five people gathered together and immediately formed the Hunyuan Sect's Five Elements Battle Formation, and their strength suddenly increased sharply.

This battle was earth-shattering.

All the monks in the world are paying attention to this battle, but few can join this battle.

Ordinary return to the void, fly up, and enter the battle. It will immediately be refined on the spot by the powerful auras of many returning true selves. Only the returning true self can participate in this battle.

Battles raged one after another, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Suddenly a sword light rose from the east, and another person appeared!

This is also a woman, but she is wearing men's clothing. She shouted loudly:

"Luo Li, you saved the world of Zhongtian Lord. However, you were framed by the Demon Lord and besieged by the Demon God. However, the monks in the world dare not speak out. This is unfair!

However, don’t underestimate the monks in the world, there will be people who will stand up for injustice. On behalf of the Taibai Sword Sect, I participate in this battle and seek justice! "

After saying that, a sword light shone coldly on the heaven and earth. The world roars!

This woman is none other than Yang Se of the Taibai Sword Sect, the daughter of an old beggar. Many years later, she was promoted to the Guiyuan realm and participated in this battle!

After Shi Zhongxian ascended, Yang Se became the heir of the Taibai Sword Sect and controlled the way of the supreme sword!

Her joining the battle immediately represented a change in the attitude of the monks all over the world.

How it used to be, it was a battle between monks in the world of Zhongtian Lord, but the ancient demon and ancient god joining the battle means that the situation has changed.

As Yang Se joined, in the south, a scholar dressed as an experienced Taoist scholar appeared. He came to the battle situation and said slowly:

“I really didn’t want to take action, but I just couldn’t stand it.

Luo Li remembers that the heaven and earth have righteousness and are endowed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. What people call Haoran is so overwhelming that it can block the sky!

I'm here to help you! "

Mr. Dawei, the top ten visitor in the world, from the Haoran Zhengqi Sect, continued to express his stance on the Taibai Sword Sect, appeared on the battlefield and joined the battle!

Suddenly someone appeared from the west again.

This time it was three monks.

There was an old monk with a thin body but a kind face, holding a wooden fish. Luo Li did not recognize this person.

Behind him, a great monk was extremely slovenly. His head was almost twice as big as that of an ordinary person. However, his bald head was not very clean. The roots of his hair sticking out of his scalp were as tangled as a mace. Those two hairs were The eyebrows forming a big Chinese character are none other than Master Wanjun of Daleiyin Temple.

The other person was wearing a light yellow monk's robe and white socks and sandals. His attire could be considered simple, with light eyebrows and clear eyes. It was Luo Li's best friend, the Aurora Monk from Cihang Temple!

Unexpectedly, many years later, Master Wanjun and Master Wanjun would both enter the Guiyuan realm!

The old monk said slowly: "Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xianyue Sanxing Cave! This world of God, regardless of Buddhism, Taoism and demons, belongs to our human monks. We, the Fangcun Sect, support Luo Li!"

This person is none other than Master Vacuum of Fang Cun Sect.

Master Wanjun of Daleiyin Temple also shouted: "The wind and rain in the three realms listen to the sound of thunder, and we worship the true Buddha on the Sumeru throne!

Although Luo Li forced Landuo Temple to retreat and oppressed Buddhism, he was extremely evil, but in the final analysis, this is a battle among our human race.

What ancient demons and ancient gods, this is no longer your era, get out of our world! "

Jiguang shouted: "Riding the compassionate sail of the Great Prajna, we can cross the sufferings of the three existences, enter the sea of ​​Samantabhadra's wishes, and cross the drifting waters of the Dharma Realm! Luo Li, I'm here to help you!"

The original war was just a war within the human race. Now under the control of the Demon Lord's clone, the Ancient Demon and the Ancient God appeared, so the Buddhists took action to support Luo Li!

Hua Qingyun, the leader of the Chaos Demon Sect, and Fang Wentian, the seventh in the world, looked at each other. Fang Wentian shook his hand and threw the tenth-level magic weapon that Kunlun lent him to the old man of the Holy Demon of Qiankun. He shouted:

"We are Wentian, who has been upright all our lives. How can we be running dogs of alien races?" After saying that, he turned around and left the battlefield. Hua Qingyun, the leader of the Chaos Demon Sect, also left afterwards. The Taoist Zhenwo of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect and Mr. Wuding of the Void Piaomiao Sect didn't know what to do. But the old man Black Crow and the True Yang Heavenly Witch did not leave. They came here at the command of the God Lord Witch God. They would not leave until the last moment! And in the north, thousands of demonic spirits appeared. Boom, a giant tree appeared out of thin air. There was also a huge sky snake around the giant tree, two giants! The big locust tree, the Stone Mountain Emperor, the Sky Snake King, and the Sea Giant! The big locust tree looked at the battle and said, "The world of Zhongtian is also ours. Ancient demons, ancient gods, die!" The Sky Snake King roared and rushed into the battlefield, driving endless wind and clouds. The four ancient giant beasts appeared to help Luo Li! They joined. The whole sky was plunged into a war, boom boom boom! There was no sun or moon in the sky, and thunder and disaster rolled! Endless meteor showers fell, and wherever they went, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and there were endless explosions!

In the ruins of the Guizhou Continent, three old men were waiting here silently. They looked up at the sky from time to time, and they were the three returning to the void of the Hunyuan Sect.

Everyone in the sky fought. It has been a full day and night. Affected by this, there is no day or night in the Chunan area. There are lightning and thunder from time to time, earthquakes and tsunamis!

The God of Wood said: "Why hasn't this ghost market appeared yet?"

Jin Sheng replied: "It's almost there, it's almost there, when the time comes. We can take back our power and we can take action!"

The God of Wood listened to the world. He said: "Luo Li, saved the Chunan area. Now he represents this world, and the other party is the enemy of this world. We take back our power, which is completely in accordance with the law of nature. So there should be no catastrophe!"

Jin Sheng said: "If you want to take back your power, you can only wait until the ghost market appears, and then take it together with the Black Death Jedi. Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

Suddenly, in the void. A sword sounded!

This sword sound seemed to be emitted by all the sharp swords in the world at the same time.

Jin Sheng sighed and said, "What a pity, Jian Xin! Monk Wanjun, Shi Shan Huang, Jian Xin, three of them have died in the battle!"

This cry of grief represents the death of Jian Xin, the old Zen master of Xin Jian Zen Sect.

But his death was not in vain. Under the Heart Sword, he killed the ancient god Kuang Shen and the ancient demon Jealous Demon on the spot!

The three looked up at the sky and shook their heads.

Suddenly, there was a roar, and the ghost market appeared!

The three old men looked at each other and were very happy.

The ghost market opened, but this time because of the sky war, no customer entered the ghost market.

The three old men began to chant slowly, and as they chanted, the three of them began to change their shapes.

Jin Sheng began to grow bigger and more powerful, the Wood God began to become more elegant and delicate, and the Earth Emperor became an old man little by little, too old.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the ghost market and merged with the Earth Emperor. The Earth Emperor opened his slightly closed eyes and shouted: "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe! I, Hunyuanzi, am back. Why don't you return to your positions? When will you return?" With his roar, the ghost market triggered the connection, and runes immediately rose under the earth. In an instant, a large formation and another strange world appeared! That world was black and dead, and it was the black and dead area. Two lights and shadows appeared there and merged with the Wood God and the Golden Saint. The Golden Saint roared: "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe! I, Yan Kuangtu, am back!" The Wood God smiled and said: "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe! I, Wang Yangming, am back too! Time is limited, let's act quickly!" On the bodies of these three returning to the void, endless momentum surged. In fact, the true identities of the three of them were the three great ancestors of the Hunyuan Sect. It's just that they cut off their primordial spirits, and the true soul of Hunyuanzi was hidden in the ghost market, while the true souls of Yan Kuangtu and Wang Yangming lived in the Black Death Land and the tombs of the gods.

The endless power of the three people surged wildly, and then the three people took action, boom!

Three beams of light shot up into the sky!

All the cultivators and demons in the void were shocked!

The old man Qiankun Saint Demon looked at the earth stupidly, and then roared: "Wang Yangming!"

In an instant, the three people took off into the air and joined the battle!

As soon as they took action, the ancient god Qingshen, the ancient demon Yumo, and the Yin-Yang Sect Leader were killed by the three people!

When the three people took action, the connection between the earth and the Black Death Land did not dissipate, and suddenly another light and shadow appeared there!

It was a woman, and under her, there were thousands of dead spirits. These dead spirits carried eight sedan chairs and left the Black Death Land with her to join the battle. It was the Death Emperor Yu Xiaoxiao who was immersed in the Black Death Land back then.

She also left the Black Death Land to help Luo Li!

With their joining, the entire battle situation changed immediately!

The ancient gods fell, the ancient demons dissipated, the monks died in battle, and the battle became extremely fierce. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!


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