Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,414 Yun'an Fa, the prototype of the Immortal Realm!

As soon as he reached out, Luo Li's left hand tore through the glimmer of light and penetrated into Zhou An's dimensional world.

After penetrating into that dimensional world, Luo Li immediately felt that this world was completely different from his own dimensional cave world in the Zhongtian Lord World.

There is sky, earth, mountains, water, and clouds, and there are living beings among them. Those living beings are all little people made up of clouds.

They are all made up of clouds, some are very small, some are huge. Their upper bodies are like living people, but none of them have lower bodies, which are just clouds.

It can be felt that a society has been formed in it, and there is a distinction between superiority and inferiority.

At this time, Luo Li's left hand came in and turned into a towering giant hand, running rampant in the world. Those little people made of clouds were immediately noticed.

Some screamed in fear, some fled in all directions, and some rushed straight towards Luo Li's big hand, trying to stop the invader, but they were all shattered under Luo Li's big hand.

That big hand grabbed a full 70% of the items in Zhou An's storage space in this dimensional world!

However, when Zhou An died, his dimensional world was already in a state of collapse, but it took a while, and it was not so obvious now.

But Luo Li's grasp suddenly accelerated the process. As soon as Luo Li's left hand left, the dimensional world was shattered with a bang. The cloud world and the remaining items were all turned into powder!

£Long £Feng£Literature £Learning, ww◎√≥t

In Luo Li's hand, a lot of items suddenly appeared.

But Luo Li frowned. The dimensional cave world of Zhongtian Lord World is composed of seventy-two cave heaven magic weapons, Pangu World, Taixu Heaven and Earth, Zifu, Qiankun in the Sleeve, Fingertip Buddha Kingdom, Small Dimension Free Heaven and Earth, and Liuguang. Blessed Land, Hengsha World, Mandala, Jiuyuan Demon Mansion, Wooden Sky, Golden Spirit Forbidden Land, Void World, Langfang World, Floating True Shadow, Dayan World, Demon Refining Pot, Demon Suppressing Tower, Virtual Image Space, Soul Mark , Dimensional projection, Taichu Cave, Flying Sky Divine Land, Fire Essence Furnace, Huawai Square Cun, Qiankun Jade Book, Yuankong Slip, Yuanqi Island, Tianwai Fairy Mountain, Tianyi Palace, Sea Eye Cave... and so on.

These cave heaven magic weapons each have their own magical uses, but the constructed dimensional caves are all real dimensional worlds, and they have only one purpose for their existence. That is to serve the master.

But Zhou An's dimensional world was different. When Luo Li reached in with his left hand, he knew that there was a world similar to the real world.

This world is extremely real, but it also contains an indescribable illusion, which is different from the seventy-two heavenly magic weapons in the world of Zhongtian Lord. Just to serve the master.

This dimensional cave seems to have no other purpose besides storage.

Suddenly a word appeared in Luo Li's mind, the prototype of the fairyland!

When she evaluated Luo Li's cultivation, the female cultivator was talking about the prototype of the Immortal Realm, not the Dimensional Cave Heaven. Luo Li sensitively felt that there was a difference between the two!

Luo Li shook his head, forget it, we will talk about it later. Let’s take a look at the loot first.

Starting to count the items, Luo Li suddenly smiled. Luo Li gained a lot from Zhou An's storage space this week.

A handful of fairy beads, a total of three hundred and fourteen, so Luo Li is no longer penniless.

Five hundred kilograms of Linggu fairy rice, one kilogram of rice comes in a small bag, carefully packaged. On top of the package, the spell is applied. As long as it is opened, the immortal rice is cooked and can be tasted immediately. There is a text introduction on it, which is marching food, made by the Yuandang Yundang Courtyard of Yun'an Zong.

Except this ordinary Linggu fairy rice. There are also twelve bags of Longya rice in exquisite packaging. This should be a top-grade delicacy.

The seven robes are all low-level immortal weapons, but all of them look like the robes of the Yun'an Sect. There were sect marks in them. Luo Li shook his head, these robes were worthless.

Three immortal weapons, two of which are low-level immortal weapons, are also unique to the Yun'an Sect and bear the sect's mark. Only the third one looks like a cloud chair. The mid-level immortal weapon should be a flying escape immortal weapon. , has nothing to do with Yun'an Sect.

But the most numerous materials are various materials. There are seventeen types of these materials in total, and they are extremely numerous. Many of them are composed of clouds and gases, looming.

When Luo Li saw the proportion of the materials, he knew that Zhou An was a practicing madman and didn't have much savings.

This is indeed true. In fact, Zhou An just bought a large amount of cultivation materials for his cultivation, so he came to rob even dozens of fairy beads!

As a result, he died because of it!

There were a lot of these things, and Luo Li had no place to put them. As if he felt Luo Li's thoughts, the Taichu Dongtian responded. Luo Li felt the imprint of the Taichu Dongtian, but he could only store items, and only about ten feet.

Luo Li immediately collected these things into Taichu Cave Heaven, but Luo Li had no income from those robes and magic weapons with the marks of the Yun'an Sect.

These marks, vaguely emitting power, should be able to connect Yun'an Sect disciples with each other. Although his Taichu Cave Heaven has the characteristics of isolating all things, it is better to be careful. This is the fairy world, and the magic of magic is endless.

He placed those robes and two magic weapons on Zhou An's body, and then punched!

Taishang Guiyi's hand of Hunyuan destroys all bodies.

The corpse, as well as the robe and magic weapon, were all turned into fly ash, leaving no trace behind.

Luo Li had seen many of those materials in the mission hall, but they were ordinary and had no marks, so Luo Li kept them, as well as the marching rations and the cloud chair.

Then Luo Li was about to leave here. Suddenly, he remembered that when the female cultivator died, something seemed to fall, and he went to look for it.

I quickly found it. It was a jade slip. It was very ordinary, nothing special about it, but it had some age and was very hard.

Luo Li also put it away, checked it one last time, found that there were no flaws, and then left.

The red clouds and mist surrounding Luo Li have not dissipated yet. Luo Li walked in front of the red clouds and mist, and used the Qing Tianluo hand from Yuanshi to break all laws in the world!

All turned into flying ash, Luo Li checked aside to eliminate traces of the battle, and there were no flaws before leaving.

But under the illusion of the red clouds and smoke, Luo Li had left the immortal road and came to the wild forest.

There was a small path among them. Luo Li followed it and felt that he should be able to return to the fairy road, so he just walked on it.

He walked quickly. The other party should know about the death of these two monks soon, and someone must come to look for them.

This walk took them a hundred miles away, but they did not leave the wild forest. However, Luo Li could feel that he was getting further and further away from Yun'an City.

Along the way, it was no longer safe. Luo Li encountered attacks from shadow wolves, poisonous phantom snakes, and golden-horned wild boars. There was also an armored tiger following Luo Li. He saw Luo Li punch the golden-horned wild boar into pieces. Jifen, that armored tiger is the one who left.

Luo Li shook his head. The feeling of hunger was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky was getting darker. Luo Li's second night in the fairy world was coming, so rest now!

After killing the golden-horned wild boar, Luo Li followed the wild boar's tracks and found a cave. There were three little wild boars in the cave, howling and screaming just after they were born.

No wonder the golden-horned wild boar attacked her when it saw her. It turned out to be looking for food for her children.

Looking at the three little wild boars, Luo Li said, "I wonder if this roasted suckling pig is delicious?"

But Luo Li didn't eat them, he just trapped them so as not to disturb his rest. The golden-horned wild boar liked cleanliness very much, and this cave was not dirty at all.

Luo Li used the Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand to open up a shelter on the high stone wall of the cave and stayed here.

After settling in, take out the marching rations, open one portion, and the package will automatically emit high temperature and cook the fairy rice. This fairy rice is red and shiny, containing endless spiritual energy. You will have an appetite at the first sight. There are also chopsticks for serving. use.

Luo Li was not polite, picked up his chopsticks and started eating. It was so delicious!

The three little pigs were howling with hunger. Luo Li took out a portion at random and fed them as rent.

Then Luo Li sat down, took out the jade slip, and looked at it.

However, this jade slip has a forbidden seal and cannot be viewed without corresponding means of cracking it.

Luo Li frowned, but he quickly figured out a way to use his Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand to break all laws in the world.

He slightly used the power of Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo's hand to quietly break through the restrictions of the jade slip.

Under his urging, the power of the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand turned into a wisp of electricity, breaking the restrictions on the jade slip bit by bit. After a while, the restrictions were broken!

Luo Li looked at it immediately, and his eyes lit up!

This jade slip is clearly the secret book of the Yun'an Sect's teachings. It records ten of the Yun'an Sect's thirteen immortal paths, and the cultivation method under the Void Immortal.

The reason why ten items are recorded is because the other three items cannot be taught to those who are not the direct descendants of the head of Yun'an Sect. Ordinary Yun'an Sect disciples can only practice ten of them.

This is the secret treasure of Yuandang Yundang Lower Courtyard, which is the disciple of Yuandang Yundang Lower Courtyard. It is extremely difficult to obtain one of the immortal ways, and you need to complete various sect tasks. This is Zhao Wen's father. Seeing his daughter sad and depressed, he secretly passed to her.

Luo Li looked!

Fiber clouds make clever use of red clouds, smoke, wind, light clouds, light wind, tigers, clouds, dragons riding on mist, soaring clouds, passing through clouds, cracking stone clouds, shining brightly, extinguishing smoke and covering the clouds.

There are only eight immortal paths, and when Luo Li cracked them just now, two of them were accidentally destroyed by Chaoyunmuyu and Thin Clouds Covering the Sun!

Luo Li just sighed. If he had known this, he would have been extremely careful.

Suddenly, Luo Li discovered that the three little pigs that had been howling were motionless. In the distance, there seemed to be a powerful spiritual thought sweeping across the world!

This spiritual thought is as illusory as clouds and mist. Luo Li knows it. No, there are experts from Yun'an Sect casting spells to find the missing disciples!

That divine thought is coming straight here, it is extremely dangerous!

Luo Li took a long breath and silently used the power of Yuanshi's Qingtian Luo Hand to separate out a faint wisp and cover his whole body. He hoped that this world-breaking method would continue to be effective!

Ask for a monthly pass! Desire to see through! (To be continued...)


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