Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1417 His calamity fire hole is burning behind!

This carriage is an open carriage with two rows of seats inside, which can seat twelve people. It is pulled by two horses. The difference from the human world is that this horse has eight legs and is good at running and pulling things. This is an eight-legged horse. !

Luo Li got in the car. There were three people in the car, a young couple and an old man. When they saw Luo Li, they frowned and slowly stepped aside to avoid Luo Li.

Luo Li knew immediately from this trivial movement that it seemed that what the village chief said was full of blood and blood was indeed the case, but he couldn't feel it, but the natives of the fairy world could feel it.

Luo Li smiled and sat casually near the car door, keeping a distance from them and looking at the scenery outside.

This is not possible. The other party is just an ordinary person, so he can feel the bloody smell on his body, but he cannot feel it. If this continues, he will be unable to move even an inch in the spiritual earth world!

Luo Li smiled there. He didn't believe that these natives could feel it, but he just couldn't feel it.

Be calm, calm, calm down, feel carefully, and look for that insight.

Luo Li didn't believe it, he couldn't feel the so-called bloody aura.

Closing his eyes and meditating, Luo Li gradually fell into a mysterious state!

As Luo Li felt, gradually, the breath around him, the wind blowing by, the sunshine of the bright sun, all kinds of breaths flowed around him!

These breaths are flowing and rotating, split and analyzed, combined at will, transformed into the most complex, transformed into the most simple, disappearing between heaven and earth, and then born from the world!

Vaguely, Luo Li felt like something was broken and had a splitting headache. Yet extremely clear.

The burning between the eyebrows extends to the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, Luo Li's eyes suddenly became enlightened.

Like this moment. Luo Li saw another world, and suddenly his spiritual thoughts seemed to be broken down into details. He could see more carefully and feel more clearly!

He immediately found it on himself. As expected, they were entangled with countless bloody auras. The wild beasts they encountered died in their own hands, and the energy and blood on their bodies was entangled with them.

Sure enough, he is full of blood!

The reason why Luo Li couldn't feel it was because of the difference between human monks and immortal monks.

There's so much energy here. The fairy spirit here is lingering. In this fairy world, the monks in the fairy world enjoy endless advantages over the monks in the human world. They can observe the world more carefully.

It can be said that in addition to the five senses of human beings, they also have an additional sense of immortality. This is the native of the immortal world. Senses you are born with.

When Luo Li first arrived here, he used the five human senses to examine the fairy world. Therefore, he just couldn't feel the blood energy that could be felt by the immortal consciousness in the immortal world.

When Luo Li felt it carefully, he felt it immediately!

Feeling the bloody aura on his body, Luo Li took a long breath and gently inhaled the bloody aura. Just dissipate.

All methods have different paths, but they all lead to the same destination.

Suddenly. Luo Li became no different from everyone else in the car. At this point, he has completely integrated into the natives of the fairy world.

The bloody aura disappeared, and Luo Li began to re-examine himself.

From this point of view, even though I am at the peak state of Guiyuan Dzogchen, as long as I find the method of Hedao, I will immediately be promoted to the Hedao state. This is the result of my hard work and hard work in the human world.

However, this realm in this fairy world has flaws, because the fairy energy, resources, and everything in the fairy world are far beyond those of the human world. Luo Li had the idea of ​​​​re-cultivating in his heart.

At least, there is no need to rush to advance, consolidate yourself and lay a solid foundation.

Although the Five Dharma Holy Land of Hunyuan Sect is no longer there, the spirit of cultivation is still there!

With the foundation accumulated for eternity, he soars into the sky and crushes all enemies with overwhelming power!

It would be great if you have the heart of nirvana, and you can start over again!

Before his ascension, Luo Li left all the Nirvana Hearts to the Hunyuan Sect disciples. Now he doesn't have any of them, but he just carried them with him. During the ascension process, they also turned into flying ashes.

During the process of ascension, only a few items, the bead left by the Demon Lord, the world treasure exchanged in Taichufang City, the contract of the shop in the fairy world, and the three books of the Book of Heaven, passed through the calamity of ascension!

It seems that we have to rebuild it again, start over, and rebuild the foundation!

With this thought for the rest of his life, Luo Li suddenly felt like his whole body was tense!

Then, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some warm water that was surrounding and wrapping him up little by little!

They are so silent and gentle, with a kind of warm power, flowing slowly in every pore and every part of the skin all over my body. Unknowingly, I have been tightly surrounded by them. In the middle!

"Immortal energy, this is immortal energy!"

"Clean the menstruation and cut the marrow!"

This immortal energy was injected into Luo Li's body, and they continued to seep into Luo Li's body, nourishing and transforming every inch of flesh and blood. They spread, penetrated, infiltrated, and transformed every muscle, vein, skin, flesh, and bone of Luo Li's body...

Luo Li just felt comfortable in every pore on his body. The dense and moist feeling made him feel so comfortable that he almost opened his mouth to speak!

This feeling is really amazing!

Over and over again, the immortal energy contained in heaven and earth was pouring into, penetrating and transforming Luo Li's body all the time.

Luo Li gradually turned white and flawless, his skin was crystal clear, his breathing was long, and he almost completely entered a state of forgetting everything and me, and wandering around the world!

After a long time, Luo Li woke up and looked over. The car was already full of people. Next to him, two aunts were chatting about daily life. None of them paid attention to Luo Li. Luo Li had completely integrated into the fairy world. There is no aura of vision.

If you want to advance in cultivation in the fairy world, and finally ascend to the fairy world, step by step, this is the most difficult level for an ascended monk, to integrate into the fairy world. Luo Li successfully passed it without knowing it!

At this time, the old man driving the car shouted: "Okay, okay, we are reaching Chuqinfang City ahead. Those who get off the bus, please get off the bus!"

Luo Li got off the bus. In addition to Luo Li, the old man also got off before Luo Li got on the bus.

After the old man got out of the car, he took out a spirit bead and handed it to the driver.

Luo Li was stunned. The coachman deceived him. The old man got on the coach before him, but he was just a spirit bead.

Luo Li also took out a spirit bead and handed it to the coachman.

The driver looked at Luo Li and said, "This is wrong. We agreed, two spirit beads!"

Luo Li said: "Why should he have one spirit bead and I have two spirit beads!"

The coachman said: "You are a foreigner, you are full of blood, you can tell at first glance..."

He looked at Luo Li and was stunned. What kind of spirit is there? It's no different from mine. I originally wanted to blackmail one more spirit bead, but now I don't dare!

He hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, sir. I made a mistake, one spirit bead, one spirit bead!'

Luo Li shook his head, ignored the coachman, and followed the old man forward.

There is a town ahead, this is Chu Qinfang City. There are no outer walls or gates here. It belongs to the black market and can be entered and exited at will, so there is no need to check the identity plate.

In this city. People were coming and going, shops were like a forest, and many monks set up stalls on the ground and hawked on the street.

Luo Li entered the crowd and followed the crowd while checking the terrain.

Luo Li is on this road. A lot of fairy grass and spiritual plants were used, as well as a lot of wild beast materials. Luo Li wanted to sell them, besides. Luo Li also wanted to find some secret methods of cultivation.

In addition to the first time, there is another more critical requirement, which is the identity nameplate.

This is a black market and you can enter and exit at will, but if you want to enter or exit other fairy cities, you must have an identity plate.

Walking in this city, Luo Li observed carefully, but kept shaking his head.

Sure enough, the conclusion I made some time ago is extremely correct, and it is the same all over the world!

Although this is a fairyland, it is not a pure land!

There are bullies who bully the market, petty thieves, and profiteers who cheat and kidnap. There are also some warblers in the distance, calling guests on top of the brothel. It seems that even in the fairy world, this is the oldest human being. The profession also exists.

But it’s normal to think about it. The fairy world is actually the world above your head. This is just the lower realm of the fairy world, just the larger world of cultivating immortals!

That being the case, it’s easy to handle!

Luo Li observed carefully and gradually selected a vendor.

This merchant, with sinister eyebrows and a fierce face, was in the realm of Gui Yuan. He peeked around from time to time. This affection and this action were extremely familiar to Luo Li, as were all the calamity cultivators in the world of Zhongtian Lord.

The most important thing is that there is a faint smell of blood on him. Ordinary natives in the immortal world cannot feel this bloody smell. Only Luo Li has realized the immortal knowledge and can vaguely see it.

Luo Li smiled, it’s you!

Luo Li just stared at the monk silently from a distance, calmly.

The vendor couldn't feel Luo Li's presence at all. He was constantly looking for customers. The goods he sold were a kind of strange soil called Lingxi soil. There were six fairy beads per pound. Compared with the Lingxi soil in the shop, A spirit bead is cheaper.

Many of the guests who came here bought this Lingxi soil and took advantage of it.

After the merchant sold a lot of Lingxi soil, he withdrew the stall and walked quietly to the side. There was also a road, but it was not a fairy road. A customer who bought his Lingxi soil took a shortcut and walked on this road.

In the Lingxi soil, he used a unique secret recipe that could be used to track the opponent's whereabouts. The customers who bought this land were all wealthy and worthy of robbery.

Luo Li nodded, it was indeed Jie Xiu, and he followed closely behind.

The mantis stalks the cicada, with the oriole behind. This guy should be a local and very familiar with this market. Luo Li will find out the details of this market from him.

Although the opponent is also in the Guiyuan realm, his aura is unstable. No matter how powerful he is, can he be more powerful than the monks of Yun'an Sect?

Luo Li firmly believed that with his own methods, this robbery cultivator would definitely tell everything he knew. In addition, he could also supplement his own wealth.

Since everything is the same everywhere, there must be someone in this black market who can forge identity plates.

In less than an hour, Luo Li returned with a smile on his face and a good harvest, a total of six to seven hundred spirit beads.

He went straight to the third, slightly shabby shop in the market. (To be continued)


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