Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1424 Xiaoyao Hou! system breakdown!

Luo Li stood on this deserted island. The Barefoot Immortal had left, and he was the only one here.

This island has a radius of about thirty miles. To the north is a towering stone mountain with a lush grove on it. Looking at it, this should be the original center of the island. It seems that someone has cut it open directly. The other side of the island has been cut open and disappeared.

Two small rivers originate from the mountains and flow to the southwest. The other one follows the cliffs in the north, turns into a waterfall, and flows directly into the sea.

At the foot of the mountain was a piece of flat land, about ten miles away. Luo Li walked over casually and saw ruins and broken buildings. It seemed that this place had once been glorious.

Perhaps, back then, the world of the Spiritual Earth Realm was reshaped and finally turned into ruins.

Luo Li wandered around here casually and found a stone tablet with the word "Li Kong" on it.

It seems that this island is called Li Kong Island. Luo Li nodded and said: "There is a word Li, is this specially prepared for me? Well, let's call this island Li Kong Island!"

Continuing to watch, you can see obvious traces of plowing by the small river. He walked to the plowing field and stretched out his hand to grab it. The soil was very fertile, and Luo Li suddenly frowned.

There must be a reason for abandoning such a fertile field, and there is an obvious time difference between this field and the ruins of broken bricks and tiles.

The ruins were at least a thousand years old, while this abandoned field was only a dozen years old.

Luo Li walked along the river and walked to one side. Along the way, he could see a lot of farmland and some fruit trees. The most edge area was a natural harbor and a fishing village.

But this place is also abandoned, and the fishing village and the ruins on the island are not from the same era. These fields are cultivated by fishermen on the island.

Entering the fishing village, Luo Li took a casual look. The fishermen should have abandoned this place more than ten years ago. They left this place very suddenly. There are no traces of natural relocation at all, and there are relics of battle damage.

Go to the harbor. Luo Li saw at a glance that there was a fish scale mark on the bluestone of the harbor. This was the mark of the Sea Clan. It seemed that the people of this fishing village had been driven away by the Sea Clan.

Luo Li shook his head, what about the sea clan, that is all in the past tense, this place belongs to him now!

Looking into the distance, I saw the setting sun like fire in the distance. The golden light of the setting sun renders the sea brilliant and dazzling, and the red sun and golden waves complement each other, making people dazzled and unable to control themselves.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "I will never get tired of watching the sunset over the sea for another hundred years..."

After watching for a while, Luo Li returned to the island and found the main hall where the spiritual veins were located according to what the Barefoot Immortal said. Then he stretched out his right fist and punched the ground. Suddenly the dust flew up and a big pit appeared!

Luo Li punched down, and soon the earth was cracked thirty feet below the ground. He immediately felt where the earth's spiritual veins and spiritual eyes were, and the endless spiritual energy there poured into Luo Li's whole body. It made Luo Li extremely comfortable!

The spiritual energy of this spiritual earth prehistoric world is different from that of the Zhongtian world. The spiritual veins of the Zhongtian world are earth veins that cover the earth. Transport spiritual energy.

And this spiritual energy of the fairy world is just a point. The spiritual vein is not on the earth, but hidden in the fairy world. Unknown and uninformed, the spiritual energy of the fairy world is gathered here and pours out one after another.

Spiritual energy surged out, and Luo Li casually found a huge bluestone among the ruins. Taishang Guiyi's Hunyuan hand no longer punched out, but turned his fist into a palm and began to cut the bluestone.

Under the hands of Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan, everything was broken. The bluestone was immediately cut into stone slabs by Luo Li like tofu.

Then Luo Li tried to cast a spell, and arranged runes on this stone slab according to the acupuncture technique of the Eight Gods Temple in the Zhongtian Lord World!

"In the morning of the cave, the true yang is connected, Xuan Lao rides on the virtual hair, the four transformations are wonderful, the cloud scenery is bright and the moon is bright, the xunxu pavilion is in the Danqu, the Zhulu of the bridle is used, the music is quoted to make friends with the underworld, and the Jiulingque is gathered together, Wei Zai To protect the calamity, who can measure the floating and fighting? After the nine passes, the deformation is too weak, and the flying is clear..."

As Luo Li chanted the incantation, runes were gradually carved on the stone slab. Luo Li let out a long breath. In this world, the acupuncture technique is still effective.

He began to cut the stone slabs continuously, and began to arrange them on the spiritual eye. Gradually, a vortex was generated on the spiritual veins. Countless spiritual energy circulated here for a week, and began to flow out according to the method Luo Li arranged. Used by Luo Li!

Luo Li was busy all night. At dawn the next day, he was smiling. At this point, the spiritual acupoint was completely arranged and under his complete control.

On the ground, a fountain appeared, with endless water spurting out, and then falling into the fountain in an endless cycle, in which countless spiritual energy circulated.

This spiritual energy went upwards. Seven hundred miles away, in the sea, there was a water mansion. The owner of the water mansion frowned and looked at it and said:

"Who found the spiritual veins in the ruins of Li Ling Sect?

It's really annoying. The Liling Sect has become a thing of the past and cannot be resurrected. Ao Bing, Ao Fang, Ao Wan, go and kill those who explore the ruins of the Liling Sect! "

Suddenly three big men shouted: "Yes, take the decree!"

When they left the Water Mansion, they transformed into three water snakes that were a hundred feet long, emitting endless spiritual light and heading towards the Liling Island!

Luo Li nodded, taking complete control of the spiritual veins. With the spiritual spring, Luo Li began to build an altar.

This altar is used to connect the heavens and the immortal world.

Now Luo Li understands the composition of the fairy world, which is composed of countless small worlds.

These small worlds are created by immortals who have advanced to the realm of earthly immortals and turned their own fairy realms into reality, turning them into small fairy worlds.

These small fairy realms are combined into fairy realms one by one because of their respective attributes or sect origins. All fairy realms are complete fairy realms.

This ancient world of spiritual earth is just one of the countless small worlds in the immortal world. It is only used to train monks and advance to immortality.

Following the teachings of the Barefoot Immortal, Luo Li began to build an altar.

To build an altar, you must use pure white marble. Fortunately, there are countless such marbles in the ruins.

Soon, Luo Li completed the construction, which was about three feet square and located near the spiritual spring. Then Luo Li introduced the aura of the spiritual vein into the altar, chanted a spell and cast a spell:

"The cave is vast and the five flowers are shining, the divine light is pouring into the green spirit, and the emperor's energy is mixed. Changes occur with luck, and the bright and clear hall begins. The elixir is in the shape of a chain, within the nine elements of Xuanxuan, there is essence in the few, the true scene shines in the cloud palace , Yi Yi shines on the three clear things,..."

Following Luo Li's spell casting. Boom, the altar immediately emitted endless brilliance, and the sacrifice was successful!

But Luo Li frowned. There was something wrong with the acupuncture technique that led the spiritual veins to the altar. At least 40% of the spiritual energy was lost. This spiritual energy contained immortal energy, which was difficult to drain. Magic in the human world is indeed not possible in the fairy world.

After the altar was completed, Luo Li injected his spiritual consciousness into the altar. Suddenly, countless spiritual thoughts poured into his mind like snowflakes.

Then in a flash, all the spiritual thoughts disappeared, and there was only one spiritual thought in Luo Li's mind!

"Didi didi. Confirm, confirm. Connect to the Immortal Realm's Law Enforcement Court and confirm your identity!"

The connected ones are the Great Desolate Realm of Spiritual Earth, the lower realm of the fifth-level sect Hunyuan Sect, the sect leader Luo Li, and the realm of mortals returning to the Yuan Dynasty.

Warning, warning. The Hunyuan Sect does not have any Xuanxian or Xuxian. Please be sure to give birth to one Xuanxian or three Xuxian within three hundred years, otherwise the Hunyuan Sect's registration as a sect in the Immortal Realm will be cancelled.

Hunyuan Sect has the following benefits. Enjoy all the public benefits of the fifth-level sects in the lower realm of the fairy world, you can receive five fairy prototype production quotas every year, you can link to all the void chambers of commerce in the fairy world, and you can receive tasks issued by all circles in the fairy world..."

Luo Li listened carefully, and then he immediately asked:

"I want to receive the Immortal Realm Shaping Qualification immediately!"

Along the way, Luo Li had heard about this prototype of the Immortal Realm countless times, so he really wanted it!

Following his words, the voice on the altar immediately replied:

"Okay, reward Hunyuan Zong Luoli, shape the fairy world!"

In an instant, a ray of light fell silently from the nine heavens and injected into Luo Li's body!

Suddenly, on the altar, the voice changed!

"Didi beep, beep beep, warning, warning, unknown problem found!"

"Didi, didi, didi, it was discovered that Luo Li, the one who shaped the Immortal Realm, is the seventh-class Xiaoyao Hou of Immortal Qin!"

"Didi, drip, drip, the system is disordered, the system is disordered. As early as 1,1653,200 years ago, the Immortal Qin Alliance no longer awarded the title of Xian Qin. This is a malicious invasion. Immediately Test, test now!”

Suddenly, the light shining on Luo Li suddenly changed and turned into a variety of colors, as if he was exploring Luo Li's secret.

Luo Li couldn't move, and waited silently in the light!

Soon the light exploration was over and the shaping continued.

"Didi, didi, didi, sure, sure, Luo Li is the seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou of Xian Qin! There are no signs of malicious tampering, no signs of violation of laws and disciplines!"

"Didi, didi, didi, it is confirmed that Luo Li is the seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou of Xian Qin. According to regulations, Luo Li enjoys all the welfare benefits of Xiaoyao Hou..."

"Didi, drip, drip, the system is disordered. According to the regulations of Xian Qin, the Marquis Immortal must be in the Immortal and Earth Immortal realm. Luo Li's realm does not match...

"Didi, didi, didi, the system is disordered, Xiaoyao Hou Luoli, a mortal has returned to the Yuan Realm, and cannot receive Xiaoyao Hou's welfare benefits. Please be promoted to the Earth Immortal Realm, connect to the Immortal Qin Alliance, and receive corresponding welfare benefits!"

"Didi, didi, didi, continue to shape the fairy world, the system is chaotic, Xiaoyao Hou Luoli, the system is chaotic, Xiaoyao Hou, the system collapses..."

"Didi, di, boom!"

There was no more sound of dripping, and the fairy light continued to fall, falling endlessly, pouring into Luo Li's Taichu Cave.

Luo Li came from the Zhongtian Lord World, which was the first big world developed by the Immortal Realm. At that time, the title of the Immortal Realm was not very valuable. You could get it by working hard in the human world, but the highest level was no more than twelfth level or lower.

Later, the Zhongtian Lord World lost contact with the Immortal World. In the Zhongtian Lord World, it only lasted for more than 10,000 years, while in the Immortal World, it lasted more than 30 million years.

During these thirty million years, with the great development of the Immortal Realm, the title of Immortal Qin became more and more valuable.

Then as time passed, the political power changed, and the value began to depreciate. Finally, the Xianqin Alliance stopped issuing the title of Xianqin as early as 10 million years ago. The title of Xianqin became a kind of noble honor with no practical significance.

In the Zhongtian Lord World, Luo Li almost cheated and got the seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou. No matter in that era, it was impossible, so he suddenly caused the system of the Immortal Domain Shaping System in the Immortal World to collapse!

Although the system crashed, the shaping continued!

It's just that the amount of immortal energy used to shape the body of monks in the spiritual earth realm was limited in the past. The immortal energy is precious and cannot be given to you casually!

The system collapsed when Luo Li was shaping, and the immortal energy fell from the sky without limit! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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