Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1430: Infinite power, overwhelming pressure from the Netherworld Sea!

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As the sun sets, there are burning clouds in the distance, emitting a blood-red glow, which seems to contain endless murderous intent.

In this glow, Luo Li jumped up towards Yin Long, rushed over, and punched him!

When Yin Long saw Luo Li rushing over, he just sneered but remained motionless.

With such a small role, why do you need to take action yourself?

The sea snakes behind him rose up crazily, stood in front of Yin Long, and headed straight for Luo Li.

There are many sea snakes, each of which is dozens of feet long and three to five feet thick. Each one of them has a huge body, driving endless waves, flying above the sea, spitting out auras, dispelling clouds and breaking the sun, and suppressing them with crazy momentum.

But I saw that the sea snake that rushed to the front suddenly burst out with endless energy, and then burst into pieces, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky and dispersed in all directions.

The bloody light was radiating out, mixed with the explosive aura, making it impossible for the sea snake behind to look directly. In a daze, he felt a pain in his body, and the flesh and blood all over his body suddenly swelled. The body that had been practicing in the sea for thousands of years was known as the immortal body. , even the body that had given birth to dragon scales exploded and turned into flesh and blood all over the sky!

The sea snake in the distance saw its companions being shattered one by one. It was startled and it coiled up its body in a defensive posture.

Looking over, on top of the sea, a young man slowly moved forward slowly. Compared with the huge body of the sea snake, he looked like an ant. But it was this ant-like young man who punched the huge body one by one. The sea snakes turned into bloody fireworks in the air.

Luo Li's eyes were serious. The murderous intent is already boiling in my chest!

He raised his head and looked at Yin Long. Endless light erupted in his eyes, his energy boiled, and he suddenly jumped up and roared. His entire body turned into a stream of light flying through the air, running rampant and smashing into pieces all the sea snakes that stood in front of him!

When a sea snake saw Luo Li coming in front of him, he opened his mouth and sprayed out the poisonous fire in his belly that had been cultivated for three thousand years. He knew that the opponent would punch him. The poisonous fire reversed and exploded in his belly, with a bang that shook all directions.

There were several sea snakes beside it, but before they could react, this figure had already charged past and exploded. Boom, boom. They all burst!

Luo Li flies like a startled giant, flying here and there, appearing and disappearing, looking in front of him, and suddenly behind him, every time he passes by. There must be blood spilling from that place, and broken limbs falling like rain.

The other sea snakes were suddenly frightened and frightened, and each one of them dared to stand in front of Yin Long. They all turned around and rushed towards the sea beasts led by the three evil corpses.

When Yin Long saw this scene, he was furious and roared. Endless static electricity suddenly rose up on his body, turning into arcs of electricity, forming a powerful shock wave, making a sound like the chirping of thousands of birds, and sprayed towards Luo Li. go.

Luo Li walked forward slowly, riding on the waves. It looked very slow, but in fact it was very fast. At this time, the static shock wave had already arrived in front of him, and he waved his left fist lightly.

Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluoshou!

The static arc disappeared immediately, as if it didn't exist.

Yin Long was stunned. With his own magic, looking at Feng Qingyun Dan, it could be said that he had mastered the ultimate method of static electricity. Even in the early Mahayana period, facing his own static electricity, it was impossible to wipe it out with such an understatement.

He growled unwillingly, and suddenly opened his hands to release a stronger static shock on his body.

At this moment, Luo Li suddenly dodged, took a step forward, and was in front of him silently!

Yin Long didn't pay attention at all. The most huge sea snake under him had already sprouted dragon horns and dragon claws. He stretched out his hand and made a giant claw ten feet in size, and fell straight on Luo Li!

In an instant, Luo Li only felt the light escape, and a haze appeared in the sky. The clouds covered the moon. The big hands trapped him, just wanting to catch him to death.

Luo Li smiled slightly and struck with his right fist.

This blow seemed so understated.

Suddenly this punch collided with the giant claw of the sea snake!

There was a roar, like a thunderbolt hitting out of thin air!

A shrill howl resounded across the sea, and the huge sea snake under Yin Long's seat suddenly turned into a rain of blood, gushing out like a spring, filled with fishy smell, and collapsed in all directions!

And Yin Long immediately felt a sense of panic coming over him. He raised his eyes and saw that Luo Li had punched the sea snake, but he still walked towards him lightly.

Before the punch hit him, the twelve talismans on Yin Long's body exploded one by one. These were the twelve life-saving dragon talismans given by Tianlong Palace, the number one sect in the lower realm. One of the dragon talismans, It could save his life, but before Luo Li's punch came, they all exploded!

The robe he was wearing suddenly became dented and began to show signs of collapse. This was the purple robe of the Likong Sect, the most precious treasure of the town. When the Likong Sect was destroyed, he was rewarded by the Tianlong Palace for his meritorious service in betrayal. He was known as the strongest defense among the immortals. !

He was immediately frightened, and immediately flew back, running away with all his strength, using his magical power of static electricity to escape thousands of feet away, and then avoided Luo Li's punch.

Then I only heard, click, click, the purple robe was shattered bit by bit, and finally turned into flying ash with a click!

He looked at Luo Li stupidly and asked, "What kind of spell is this? It's so powerful!"

If Luo Li had told the truth before, today he saw the Supreme Supreme Dao of Yuanshi, these two secret books, and knew the legends about them. Countless immortals could not get the power of the Supreme Supreme Dao of Yuanshi, so Luo Li would not reveal it!

He said slowly: "This is the Hunyuan world-destroying magical power! It is unparalleled in destroying the world!"

Yin Long looked at Luo Li stupidly, and muttered: "Hunyuan's world-destroying magical power! Unparalleled in destroying the world!"

The battle over there was also extremely fierce. Over a hundred sea fish and sea beasts led by the three corpses of Tiansha were all dead, and they were all killed by the sea snakes.

But most of those sea snakes were slaughtered by the three corpses of the Tiansha. What was even more frightening was that the remains of the sea snakes killed by the three corpses of the Tiansha slowly resurrected, turned into zombies, joined the battle, and besieged the remaining sea snakes.

Yin Long gritted his teeth, looked at Luo Li, and said: "I am ordered by Tianlong Palace to guard Likong Island. If you leave the island as soon as possible, I will let you go. Otherwise, don't blame my men for being ruthless!"

Luo Li doesn't know what Tianlong Palace is!

Luo Li sneered, looked at Yin Long, and shouted: "Kill!"

Heading straight for him again!

Yin Long roared, stretched out his hand to his neck and tore it apart. A scale torn off!

This is the reverse scale. Dragons have reverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them!

But this reverse scale is different from Yin Long's scales. It is golden purple. This is a reward from an expert, which allows him to borrow magic from the immortal for a short period of time!

Then he shouted and turned into a Li dragon. Indigo is like the blue of the sea!

Suddenly it flashed, and a strange power erupted on him, covering a thousand feet in radius. At the same time, a fairy sound sounded in the heaven and earth!

This fairy sound resounds throughout the world. It can be heard for hundreds of miles around. The voice is majestic, it is not a human voice, but the resonance of heaven and earth!

"The power is endless, the Netherworld Sea is overwhelming!"

Boom, with a radius of thousands of feet, it was like being hit by an invisible object. With Yin Long as the core, under the pressure of the void!

This is the weight of the sea!

In the ocean, every time you dive down one foot, the pressure doubles, and the bottom is ten thousand feet deep. Boulders can be crushed, and objects dropped into the deep sea will be flattened before they sink to the bottom.

This method is based on this principle, rotating the heaven and earth, forming an invisible giant sea above everyone's head, and pressing down. In an instant, everyone within a thousand feet seems to be deep into the underwater world of millions of feet, and endless pressure falls from the sky!

This is the immortal method given by Tianlong Palace. This is one of the methods of using the heavenly way of the sea. It attracts the Netherworld Sea and turns it into a huge sea pressure!

Suddenly, all the zombie sea snakes and ordinary sea snakes within a thousand feet were crushed and flattened under the pressure!

Only Luo Li and the three evil corpses were completely fine and could withstand the water pressure, but the four of them were unable to move.

The downward pressure began to increase endlessly. The sea beneath their feet was immediately squeezed apart, and they fell towards the bottom of the sea.

All the sea water in the entire thousand-foot area was squeezed away, but they still couldn't help falling downward. The three-hundred-foot sea fell to the bottom of the sea in the blink of an eye.

The seabed was a reef area. Under this pressure, all the reefs were immediately crushed into flat plates, and the four people were still going down and began to enter the seabed earth.

If this continues, the pressure will push everyone directly into the depths of the earth, and the pressure will increase endlessly as they enter the earth!

This attack is definitely a method of the Mahayana realm.

Under this pressure, the bodies of the three evil corpses collapsed. At this critical moment, Luo Li punched hard!

Luo Li punched the sky!

The supreme power, punching with the right hand, crushes everything between life and death!

Boom, one punch, that blow that could blow everything apart, didn't even break the huge pressure!

But there seems to be a crack in the invisible sea surface!

But Luo Li punched again, hitting the crack just now!

Boom, boom, boom!

Luo Li punched three times in one breath, all of which hit the cracks in a concentrated area!

With a point of Arrancar, boom!

The huge water pressure collapsed immediately and was broken by Luo Li!

The four people immediately escaped from the trap, all jumped up, and rushed out of the sea with all their strength.

At this moment, the three evil corpses were furious and were almost killed by this blow. They ignored Luo Li's order. Luo Li wanted to kill the dragon alone, so they swarmed forward.

The middleman shook his hand, and thousands of fish bones shot towards Yin Long like a heavy rain, while Qingzhumei turned into a ferocious beast and rushed straight away.

At this juncture, Yin Long stretched out his hand to his neck and tore off another scale!

In an instant, Sanskrit sounds sounded again between heaven and earth!

"Extreme speed, the rapids of the Cang Yue Sea!"

In his hand, a water line appeared. This water line was a water column cut by strong pressure caused by the high-speed rotation of sea water.

When the water reaches a certain speed and flows rapidly, it will turn into that terrifying blade and cut through everything!

There was a flash of white light, and the green bamboo plum that rushed over was split into two by the water line in the light! (The novel "Walking Alone" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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