Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1438 The first step in a journey of thousands of miles!

Seventy-two floors!

Luo Li's interest was immediately aroused. How to do the greatest thing with the least amount of money!

Looking carefully, this main building is different from other main buildings. Other main buildings are flat, but this main building is three-dimensional, a nine-story main building, and the nine extended interfaces are each connected to a nine-story main building.

In this way, ten nine-story buildings are connected together to form a three-dimensional main building. Each of the nine connected main buildings has eight connections left, which adds up to exactly seventy-two connections.

Luo Li was dumbfounded and said for a long time: "Is this okay?"

This does work!

These ten main buildings were all transformed by the immortal who created this method. This spell is very simple. It is not a shocking magic. It can be used by monks in the realm of returning to the void, but it has an indescribable mysterious atmosphere.

The main building transformed by this method is so ingenious that it can be interconnected to form an alternative seventy-two-story building.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "This, this is too easy!"

This was almost like playing house, making Luo Li feel as simple as possible.

However, when he looked at the dojo construction diagram, he felt that there was a kind of complexity in this simplicity, an indescribable atmosphere.

It’s no use thinking too much!

Luo Li immediately went to the altar, contacted the Immortal World Chamber of Commerce, found the merchant he had chosen long ago, and purchased ten ninth-floor main buildings.

A nine-story main building, ten immortal stones, and one hundred immortal stones all at once, Luo Li's assets were reduced by half.

After the purchase was completed, the main building of the ninth floor was not the Yellow Turban Hercules Talisman. The other party immediately delivered it along the altar, and you had to wait for a while.

But he didn't have to wait long. About half an hour later, a blue bird landed in the void in the outer realm and flew straight here, without any obstruction. In front of the blue bird, it didn't seem to exist.

It flashed in an instant and flew in front of Luo Li. It looked at Luo Li and uttered human words:

"Sir, here are ten ninth-floor main buildings. Please receive the goods!"

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and a white light fell in front of Luo Li. Inside were ten nine-story main buildings.

Each of the main buildings is only the size of a human head and extremely exquisite. It seems to be made of platinum. If you look closely inside, you will see that it is made of tens of millions of small talismans, emitting endless brilliance!

The blue bird turned around and left, soaring straight into the sky and flying out of this prehistoric world of spiritual land.

This should be the delivery spirit beast of the fairy world, it is really powerful.

Luo Li picked up the ten ninth-floor main buildings. Start manufacturing according to the method demonstrated on the construction diagram of the Hunyuan Dojo.

The more he transformed, the more frightened Luo Li was!

This transformation. It seemed that there was an insignificant slight change, a traceless stroke, but it was said with a mastery. This mastery gave Luo Li a creepy feeling.

just like. Throw a pebble into the sun. Creates an endless storm of true fire, using a bamboo pole. Gently lift the earth, and change the world with a trivial stroke.

This kind of transformation, as long as there is a slight difference, it will be scrapped immediately; if it misses a little bit of vitality, it will completely collapse immediately. It looks simple, but it has indescribable power.

Brilliant, mysterious, unparalleled, legendary!

Vaguely, this small transformation seemed to open a door in Luo Li's heart, allowing Luo Li to see another world.

This is not only a renovation of the main building, but also a variety of inspirations for one's own cultivation and the spells used to fight enemies!

For a long time, Luo Li successfully built this seventy-two-story building, but he sat there, motionless for a long time.

This transformation seems to have a connection with myself in some mysterious way, and an indescribable familiar feeling is looming.

In a daze, Luo Li seemed to realize something. He had been sitting there for a whole day and a whole night. Suddenly Luo Li stood up and stretched out his hand!

Boom, a white cloud rises, covering the sky and the earth. It is the red cloud smoke, which gently melts, and the wind is light and the clouds are light.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the earth roared, and the huge force pressed down. It was the infinite force, the Netherworld Sea pressed down hard!

Then there was a change, thousands of water currents cut through the heaven and earth, and the speed was infinite again, and the Cang Yue Sea was cut by the rapids!

Taking this insight, Luo Li practiced and mastered all the immortal arts he had learned, and completely controlled them!

Luo Li smiled, this counts as buy one get one free, right?

Then who is the senior who created this Hunyuan Dojo, so powerful?

Thinking, thinking, Luo Li slapped his thigh suddenly and said, "I remembered it!"

This method of transformation is familiar to Luo Li, because this method of transformation is very similar to the philosophy of one of Luo Li's branches in the Hunyuan Sect!

That’s turning a boat around!

There are some similarities between the two!

The Hunyuan Sect can turn a boat of ten thousand dendrobiums with one pulse, using a single piece of wood; a person who can launch a thousand-jaw crossbow can use an inch of opportunity. One fulcrum can tilt the earth, one eye can see the sky, and one person can rule the people. It is too empty and boundless, and it is too vast and vast but has images. Life can be lived, and heaven and earth can be repeated.

Use tools and a fulcrum to lift the earth, use the smallest cost to gain the most powerful power, and take everything into your hands!

"Back then, it would have been great if I could have persisted and not listened to Master!"

"Sure enough, you are indeed suitable for our Zhuanzhou lineage!"

This was the time when I went to learn the Heart Art of Chongsheng and what Zhenjun Dafang said!

How many years have passed, and it’s still in Luo Li’s ears!

Luo Li shook his head and started to think about his master. He felt warm in his heart. He thought about his fellow seniors, the three great returners, and the ascended Mo Yanlan and Sword God. I wonder how they are doing?

Luo Li counted with his fingers and found that it was almost half a year since he ascended. Another half year would be enough for one year.

Legend has it that a year after a monk ascends to the throne, there is an opportunity, similar to the seven-day soul return, to deliver the treasures of the fairy world to his hometown in the lower realm.

In the mortal world, this is called a blessing from an immortal, which is used to prove that one's ancestor has truly ascended successfully and is not ascending to some other unknown place.

Counting the days, I wonder if I can come to such a fairyland to bless me?

Withdrawing his mind, Luo Li continued to work hard and began to build the Hunyuan Dojo.

The main building is constructed and everything is simple. Luo Li began to follow the instructions to connect six immortal buildings.

The Everlasting Well, the Netherworld's Black Eye, the Ice Jade Epiphyllum Tea Forest, the Jade Washing Box, the Ice Essence Flower Bed, and the Spiritual Bamboo Forest!

The six immortal buildings were connected, and then Luo Li began to connect to the spirit gate.

When we got here, the Hunyuan Dojo said something again.

It introduces Luo Li's purchase of nine spiritual gates, with nine attributes including sun, moon, wind, thunder, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Then. In each extended main building, a spiritual gate is installed in a special order. After installation, the nine gates merge into one and become a nine-gong Jinque and Jade Seal Hunyuan Gate. It can be said that the defense power of Lingmen is No. 1!

It’s really about spending the least amount of money to accomplish the greatest things!

However, there is an explanation below. Such a spiritual gate is a waste of eight link places, if safety issues are not taken into consideration. Just buy one and use it!

But what Luo Li needs most now is safety, so it's him!

Luo Li started to buy spiritual gates. These spiritual gates with a single attribute were very cheap. Each of them only cost three to five immortal stones. Luo Li bought nine more spiritual gates. At this time, the immortal beads seized from the battle with Yinlong Palace were all left. Thirty-six boxes!

This is how many years of Yin Long Palace's accumulation was squandered by Luo Li. Even within the first and second class sects in the lower realm, those monks are not so heroic, they are really spending money like water!

This spiritual gate can also be purchased. It was refined according to the secret method and then installed. The prototype of the dojo was immediately completed.

The last step is just to move the spiritual source into this dojo.

Luo Li came to the spiritual source and placed the prototype of the dojo on the spiritual source. Then silently recite the mantra:

"Three blue Luobo caught the stage. He left the hall and pushed him in. Zhu Yuluo Guangdu Ling. Fuyu Miao San Zhaosheng.

The three joys are deep and five great doors. Hongyu is in a state of complete enlightenment. Ming Kao Li pulls the calamity. Wandering because of Mingshen Chuluo.

Fa Qianhe Guangyun Chang. The calamity is great and manifest. The scenery is full of beauty. The seed of Qi will come out of Lanmeng.

The life will be peaceful at first. Ming Chongci believed in Mingdu. The leader captured Yuan Xiling. Baojie Chengjie six courts.

Urgency is like a law and order, but it has not yet appeared. When will it be more? "

Following Luo Li's spell, there was a bang. The spiritual source in Likong Island was immediately extracted and injected into the dojo, and this dojo was immediately formed from the spiritual source.

In an instant, where the main hall of Li Kong Island used to be, the main hall was shattered into pieces, and a terraced courtyard appeared on the ground.

Looking over this courtyard, the towering walls cover a five-mile radius.

There is a hazy white mist inside, making it difficult to see what's inside. If you want to enter, you can only enter through the vermilion door in front, which is the gate of the dojo.

So far, this Likong Island is no longer defenseless, but now has its own defensive array!

The vermilion door is five feet long and three feet high. The door is engraved with mountains, rivers, wind, snow, thunderstorms, birds, insects, fish and other all kinds of things. The divine light is restrained, but it has an intimidating and coercive demeanor.

Above the gate, there are four golden seal script patterns!

Hunyuan Dojo!

Luo Li pushed the door open and walked in. Once inside, the inside suddenly opened up. Behind the door was a pool of clear water, which stretched away. In the clear water, there were two springs, which kept spewing out spiritual water. They were the wells of endless life. , Netherworld's black eyes.

Follow the curved corridor above the clear water, pass through a water pavilion, and enter the courtyard behind. You can see countless flowers blooming here, with green leaves in full bloom, red flowers blooming, and the fragrance is astonishing.

It is the result of the two spiritual structures of the Jade Washing Box and the Ice Essence Flower Bed.

In the distance, there are stacks of bamboo forests and seas of flowers, which can’t be counted all at once.

That is the Ice Jade Epiphyllum Tea Forest and the Lingyin Bamboo Forest!

In the middle, a hall supported by twelve stone pillars appeared in front of Luo Li. That was the main hall!

Entering the main hall, it was empty except for a spiritual energy fountain that discharged spiritual water. It was the spiritual eye!

In the center of the hall, there was a throne. Luo Li came to the throne and sat on it gently!

Suddenly, the Hunyuan Dojo was shaken, and Luo Li shouted, "Stop it!"

Immediately, the Hunyuan Dojo disappeared and was included in Luo Li's Immortal Realm. On the mainland in the center of Luo Li's Immortal Realm, a majestic courtyard appeared.

Luo Li shouted: "Let go!"

The dojo appeared again, and Luo Li smiled. He sat on the throne and looked at his own Hunyuan Dojo, which was his first foundation in the immortal world.

Although it is only a small step, this step will be the beginning of a journey of thousands of miles that will never end! (To be continued)



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