Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,446: Much gain from annihilation and robbery!

The sound of killing outside was loud, and Qingzhumei slowly recovered, revealing his endless fangs, and immediately rushed out. He had just returned to his physical body and needed a lot of flesh and blood to repair his body.

Luo Li was in this hall and didn't care about the battle outside. The situation had been decided. There was no danger in the remaining battle and victory was certain.

Some of the opponent's three remaining Hedao True Spirits escaped and some surrendered, but Luo Li would not take the surrendered prisoners, only kill them.

There are too few people in the Hunyuan Sect now, so we have no choice but to use such a bad strategy, massacre and destroy!

It seems that cultivating the next generation of disciples is very important, but the current eight disciples from the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect have very poor qualifications.

You must know that everyone in the immortal world is born as the True Lord Jindan, and when they grow up, they are the True Lord Yuanying. They are all fools. They are all like this. Those who cannot be like this all die young, unable to adapt to the environment of the immortal world at all, and they all die.

My eight disciples have been cultivating since they were young. After they started, Luo Li taught the Supreme Master, Qingnang Professor, and ate the immortal rice and elixir vigorously. The eight of them still practiced very seriously, and it can be said that they gave their best.

However, so far, only two people have been promoted to return to the void. If they were in the human world, they might be very powerful, but in the fairy world, this can only be regarded as the basic foundation. Although there are more than a dozen return to the void in a small village.

The potential of these eight people is too low. In this fairy world, only when you enter the realm of Hedao can you show your cultivation level. They are simply not enough to support the Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li shook his head, hoping that he could gain something from this Hunjie Sect and strengthen his Hunyuan Sect.

The battle outside gradually subsided, and it seemed that the battle was coming to an end. Luo Li was sorting out the harvest in the dilapidated dojo.

The great elder's counterattack before his death. The two dojos of Hunjie Sect began to collapse.

However, at that time, he was no longer strong enough to completely collapse the two dojos.

Many of these spiritual buildings have been preserved. Luo Li began to collect these spiritual buildings.

Hunjie Sect has a total of nine spiritual buildings, including three and a half specialties, which support the development of their sect.

The reason why it is called three and a half is that three of them are Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine, Purple Color Red Fish, and Tianyuan Yinfeng Grass. That half is black soil from mountain streams.

Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine is a spiritual wine refined by Hunjie Sect from Taiyue Fruit, a strange fruit. Drinking it can increase endless spiritual energy, especially in battle, the effect is better.

This spiritual wine. The sales are the best, and there are even caravans from distant areas coming to buy remotely.

Purple red fish is a kind of spiritual fish, which tastes very good when eaten. It can strengthen flesh and blood and resist the invasion of immortal energy, which is equivalent to having the effect of extending life. One fish is equivalent to adding one year to your life span.

Tianyuan Yinfeng Grass can be used to refine immortal talismans and is an excellent material.

The black soil of the mountain stream can only be used to cultivate ice jade epiphyllum. Or it is used to pave the floor and has no other use, so it is regarded as half a specialty product.

Luo Li started to clean up the spiritual buildings here. He came to a golden wine pot, which was about three feet in size. Round and shiny. Exudes endless aroma of wine.

Luo Li walked there and gently touched the huge wine bottle. With a gentle tap, a stream of wine spurted out of the jug. Luo Li stretched out his hand to catch it and tasted it gently. A feeling of clear heart arose in his heart.

This is Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine, the specialty of Hunjiemen, the best specialty of Hunjiemen.

The fine wine refined from the Ethereal Yue Fruit and the Hunjie Spiritual Spring can produce a pot of fairy wine every three days.

Luo Li nodded and said, "Good wine!"

He slapped it hard, and the wine bottle was immediately separated from the ruined dojo. Then Luo Li stretched out his hand and took it into his own fairyland and joined Luo Li's Hunyuan dojo.

However, collecting this Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine does not end there. If you want this Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine spiritual building to continue to function, you must have two other supporting spiritual buildings.

Luo Li looked to one side. There was a fruit forest on the side, which was the Taiyue Fruit Forest. Taiyue Fruit was produced here.

This Taiyue Fruit is the only specialty of Hunjie Sect. The whole world is owned by Hunjie Sect, so this wine will be marketed all over the world.

Luo Li looked to see what kind of good thing this legendary Taiyue Fruit was.

But when I looked over, I was stunned. This Taiyue Fruit has a great reputation, but it is only a short tree about one foot in size. There are small green fruits on it. And it seems that Luo Li has seen this fruit before?

He thought for a moment, released the fisherman, and asked, "Have you ever seen this kind of fruit?"

Zhang Yufu took a look and said: "The sour fruits are everywhere at this time. They are the most unpalatable, sour and astringent, and some are poisonous. They are not even eaten by pigs!"

When Luo Li heard this, he couldn't help laughing!

The Hunjie Sect has fooled everyone in the world. They figured out a way to use this sour fruit to make wine, but they pretended to call it Taiyue Fruit and prevented people from seeing the fruit. They made the most common sour fruit wine. All kinds of high-end, selling at high prices, really easy to calculate!

Since no one knows that this sour fruit is the Taiyue fruit, it should be kept a secret forever and become a specialty of the Hunyuan Sect!

Luo Li also put away this spiritual building.

Next to it is a glimpse of spiritual spring water, Hunjie Spiritual Dew Spring. This is a specialty of Hunjie. Only they can build this spiritual spring. They use rocks to catch the waves and create mist in the morning.

This Luo Li is also put away. So far, the three spiritual buildings supporting Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine have been put away.

However, the spiritual building next to it is not so lucky and has been destroyed. This one is Tianyuan Yinfeng Grass, which is really a pity.

The supporting spiritual building of Tianyuan Yinfengcao is also in ruins. Maybe there is something to say about this, but it is impossible to know now.

Luo Li continued to collect, and collected two more spiritual buildings. One was a spiritual building that produced mountain stream black soil. It was a spiritual soil vein that could produce a pound of mountain stream black soil in one day.

One is the purple-colored red fish, which is a fish pond that can produce three purple-colored red fish in thirty days.

However, the other two spiritual buildings were shattered.

So far Luo Li has ten spiritual buildings:

The black soil of the mountain stream, the Hunjie Ling dew spring, the Taiyue fruit, the Hunjie Taiyue Tianling wine, the purple-colored red fish, the endless well, the dark black eyes, the ice jade epiphyllum tea forest, the jade-washing box, the ice essence flower bed, the spiritual Yin Bamboo Forest!

That epiphyllum crimson purple that has not been established, this time there are countless spiritual fields in the Hunjie Sect. This cannot be taken away, and it does not need to be used in vain, but it can also be established.

However, with so many spiritual buildings and nine spiritual gates, Luo Li's Hunyuan Sect dojo only has one low-level small spiritual vein, and the spiritual energy is simply not enough to support their operation.

These spiritual buildings were put away, but the biggest gain was not them.

It is the spiritual source in the Hunjie Gate Dojo.

This is the most valuable treasure!

Luo Li came to the center of one of the rock dojos and checked the spiritual source. This spiritual source was several times more powerful than the spiritual source of Luo Li's Hunyuan Dojo. It was a spiritual source composed of two low-level small spiritual veins.

Luo Li began to cast a spell to deprive this spiritual source. As he deprived it, the dojo that was already about to collapse shattered with a bang!

Looking at the spiritual source in his hand, Luo Li nodded and introduced them into his Hunyuan Dojo.

The other Panshi Dojo had three low-level small spiritual veins. I didn’t know that Hunjie Sect had so many spiritual veins!

Luo Li also collected them and incorporated them into his Hunyuan Dojo.

After collecting five of them, plus Luo Li's original one, seven low-level small spiritual veins, the spiritual energy was enough for Luo Li's Hunyuan Dojo.

The Panshi Dojo collapsed one by one, and faint cries could be heard outside. They were the cries from the indigenous residents of Hunjiemen. Seeing their temple collapse, they could not accept it!

The fighting outside was completely over, and the battlefield began to be cleaned.

Soon the old man came over to report:

"Sect Master, all the stubborn enemies have been eliminated, and the Hunjie Sect has been completely wiped out. No one is left alive. There is no killing of ordinary people around!"

The middleman said: "Sect Master, this is a big harvest!

The complete cultivation secrets of the Hunjie Sect and the sect's secret methods have all been collected, not a single one is missing.

In the barn, they harvested 180,000 kilograms of fairy rice, 115 fairy weapons, two fairy treasures, ten fairy stones, 3.63 million fairy beads, ten yellow turban warrior talismans, and There are all kinds of resources, which is really a big bonus! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, okay!"

In his last step, he found a spiritual field here, built the Immortal Building Epiphyllum Purple, and incorporated it into the Hunyuan Dojo.

Then everyone, get out of here!

After Luo Li and others left, the indigenous residents near the Hunjie Gate climbed up to the main Hunjie Island and saw that it was desolate and devoid of spiritual energy. The spiritual fields began to wither gradually, and the entire island was lifeless. Someone suddenly burst into tears.

There was a sound of wailing, the spiritual energy source here disappeared, the fairyland withered, and this place will gradually become a dead place. The many surrounding islands cannot support so many people at all. It can be said that this place is no longer suitable for survival.

Ordinary people in this fairy world must eat fairy rice if they want to survive. Although they don't need to eat every meal, they must eat one meal every ten days, otherwise the fairy energy will corrode and they will soon age and die.

Although the fairy fields that produce fairy rice can be developed without spiritual veins, they are only one or two points of land and can only be eaten by a very small number of people. Only when they are close to the land with spiritual veins can a large amount of fairy fields be developed, which is easy for ordinary people to obtain!

The dojo here is shattered and completely ruined. It is possible to live here, but with so many people now, it is definitely not possible. Those who survive will face a cruel struggle.

Some people began to plan to go to other places to make a living, some wanted to go to the mainland, and some wanted to go to a lonely island.

Suddenly someone among them said: "What kind of force is the Destruction Hunjie Sect? Will they take us in?"

‘I think so. They didn’t kill us mortals. I don’t believe it. They don’t need us mortals to serve them. "

"Yes, yes, it should be okay!"

Suddenly someone yelled at him: "Asshole, these killers destroyed our Hunjie Sect, and you actually want to join them, you are not human!"

Everyone cursed and stopped talking about this matter, but many people looked into the distance, maybe there was really a way out there!


Three updates in the evening, a must! (To be continued)


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