Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,455 I have something to ask for during the Ten Thousand Years of Daqing!

With the strong rise of Hunyuan Sect in the South China Sea, it gradually attracted the attention of surrounding areas.

Among them, the Zhejiang and Anhui area sect councils on land specially sent envoys to visit the Hunyuan Sect.

The Zhejiang-Anhui Region Sect Council is a council formed by the major lower realm sects from five regions, including the Zhehao Region, to fight against other regions.

Among the sect councils in the Zhejiang and Anhui regions, the strength is strong, and it is controlled by seven major sects, including the first-class sect in the lower realm, the Dragon Tiger Sect, the King Kong Sect, the Jiuyuan Sect, the Yixin Sect, the Dafan Sect, the Yulong Sect, and the Tianjia Sect. Like Feiyu Sect, he is just one of them.

They began to send envoys to Hunyuan Sect to express their willingness to form an alliance.

Someone from the other party came to visit, and Luo Li also sent someone to return the visit. Luo Li didn't have time. Now Luo Li mainly focuses on cultivation.

Luo Li also discovered that in this spiritual world, if you don't enter the Mahayana, you will always be an ant.

Only by entering the Mahayana realm, moving mountains and reclaiming seas, and sowing beans into soldiers, can we then gain the right to speak and prosper the Hunyuan Sect in this spiritual prehistoric realm.

Luo Li sent three evil corpses to pay a return visit to the other party. In a low-key manner, they responded to the Zhejiang and Anhui Sect Council.

The three evil corpses went away for more than a month and returned for a return visit, bringing an invitation to the celebration of the Zhejiang and Anhui Sect Council. At the same time, the Zhejiang and Anhui Sect Council wanted to form an alliance with the Hunyuan Sect.

Qingzhumei said: "We went to test this Zhejiang-Anhui area, ∽,w♦, this time they held a celebration, it can be said that there are as many sects as dogs, and Mahayana is everywhere!"

The middleman said: "Yes, in the Zhejiang-Anhui area sect council, there are seven first-class sects, thirteen second-class sects, twenty-one third-class sects, and a total of thirty-seven fourth-class and fifth-class sects. .

This time is a celebration. It was the grand celebration of the 30,000th anniversary of the founding of this council. It was held in the Yixin Sect. It is said that during the ceremony, many immortal projections would fall. "

Qingzhumei said slowly: "For this celebration, they have invited guests from all over the world. It is said that many sects from the surrounding areas will go there to participate in the celebration.

There will also be a large-scale auction, and countless treasures will be released! "

The old man shook his head and said: "The sect council in Zhejiang and Anhui is really strong. More importantly, we found that this council did not bully the weak and was very upright.

The three of us, seeing this situation, actually want to join the Zhejiang-Anhui Sect Council. That unknown Mahayana will definitely cause trouble in the future, so we can use them to deal with powerful enemies!

As a result, they didn’t do it!

He said that within three hundred years our Hunyuan Sect would give birth to a virtual immortal with real qualifications. Only then will they consider it, and in the end they just form an alliance with us! How depressing! "

Luo Li said: "It's nothing. Our Hunyuan Sect has established a foothold in the immortal world, but it has only been a year. As long as we are given time, I believe that our Hunyuan Sect will definitely prosper!

When the time comes, they beg us to join, but we won’t! "

Qingzhumei said: "Sect Master, we really have to go and participate in this celebration three months later.

By the way, sect leader, this time we paid a return visit and found out that the Yixin Sect in the Zhejiang-Anhui area was refining a kind of elixir. It’s called Wu Dao Xuan Huang Dan, and it’s very powerful! "

The old man took out an elixir. The elixir was golden in color, as if it were made of gold, and its surface was as smooth as a mirror. But if you look carefully, you can vaguely see circles of patterns underneath.

He said: "This Xuanhuang Pill is most suitable for the true spirit of He Dao. It is made by collecting five kinds of dragon blood as the main medicine, and then mixing it with 365 kinds of elixirs. It can make people realize the Great Dao, enter the world, and transform." Life and death, looking for transcendence!

This is also the reason why their sects have many Mahayana. Some strong men can rely on elixirs to rise directly from the Nascent Soul realm to Mahayana!

It’s just that the price is a bit expensive. It takes three thousand fairy beads to buy one, and it’s also limited. This time we relied on our alliance qualifications to buy ten. Sect Master, please give it a try! "

After saying that, the old man took out ten Xuanhuang Pills of Enlightenment!

After hearing everyone's introduction, Luo Li became somewhat interested in the Ten Thousand Years Celebration of the Sect Council in Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces.

When everyone dispersed, Luo Li picked up a Xuanhuang Pill of Enlightenment, swallowed it, and started practicing.

He immediately discovered that this elixir was very effective. As soon as he took this elixir, his cultivation in the Hedao realm immediately accelerated.

After eating ten pills in ten days, Luo Li found that it was at least equivalent to his three years of hard training, reaching the middle stage of Hedao and making significant progress.

As long as you take five hundred of such elixirs, you can easily enter the late stage of Hedao!

Luo Li calculated that it was enough for the Hunyuan Sect to buy five hundred immortal stones of the Xuanhuang Pill of Enlightenment. He immediately became more interested in this ten thousand year celebration!

However, during this practice, Luo Li discovered a serious problem.

Now Luo Li has three avenues, the Yuanshi Avenue, the Taishang Avenue, and the True Fire Avenue, which are completely different from others.

It can be said that this is something that rarely happens in the world of immortality. The reason for this is that the host is weak and the guest is strong!

Luo Li's fundamental avenue is the path of true fire, but compared to Yuanshi Avenue and Taishang Avenue, the path of true fire cannot compete with them at all. It is not a path of the same realm.

In fact, the True Fire Avenue is also a super powerful avenue, one of the origins of the universe, but compared to its opponent, it is still insufficient. Unless the five elements are united, it can fight against it.

In the early stage of Hedao realm, there were no big problems, but in the middle stage of Hedao realm, problems gradually appeared. The main force was weak and the guest was strong, and the foundation was insufficient. It seriously restricted Luo Li's practice, and Luo Li had a premonition that this would be the end of Hedao. In the later stages of the Tao realm, problems will definitely arise.

Unable to find a solution, Luo Li searched through the books in Yuxiao Palace, but could not find the answer.

This won't work. Luo Li wanted to go out for a walk, looking for opportunities.

So Luo Li decided to go to the Ten Thousand Years Festival of the Sect Council in the Anhui area to see if there was an opportunity to buy some Enlightenment Xuanhuang Pills on the way to speed up his cultivation.

But this time when going to the Ten Thousand Years Celebration, a problem arose. All the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect wanted to go.

The twelve true spirits had just arrived in the fairy world and wanted to see the world. The three evil corpses also wanted to go and have a look.

If Luo Li leaves and leaves those children behind, will the attacking force continue to attack?

If you leave by yourself, Hunyuan Dojo will be destroyed by others if it is placed here!

Luo Li gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go together! Come out in full force!"

He decided to take all the Hunyuan Sect disciples to participate in the celebration and take the Hunyuan Dojo directly away, safe and sound!

As soon as this decision came out, everyone was happy.

The twenty-eight children rescued by Luo Li had forgotten the past, so Luo Li named them after the twenty-eight stars, and they all took his surname Luo.

As expected, these children are all very talented. When they were rescued, they were all already in the Nascent Soul realm.

With the help of the spiritual energy of the Hunyuan Dojo, they practiced the three secret techniques with ease. In less than a few months, they all quickly advanced to the realm of divine transformation, far surpassing Luo Li's eight outer disciples.

There were still more than a month before the celebration, so Luo Li put away the Hunyuan Dojo, released the captured sea boat, and everyone set out together to go to the Yixin Sect in the Zhehao area.

The Yixin Sect is ranked seventh among the first-class sects in the lower world. The poem number in the sect is: A little heart lamp illuminates the sky, a single-minded alchemy fairy!

Many disciples in their sect cultivate a heart lamp. It is said that this heart lamp can break all illusions in the world, and can illuminate the nine heavens and the nine deep abyss when it is high!

The immortal boat headed towards the Yixin Sect in the Zhehao area. Along the way, everyone found countless sailing boats traveling with them.

There are monks from these five outer sea areas and three offshore areas. Countless monks gather in groups and head towards the Sect Council in the Anhui area.

It seems that this celebration is quite grand, and there is definitely a lot of excitement to see.

Hunyuan Zong Haizhou had just left the South China Sea area and had not yet reached the Zhehao area.

In the distant sky, a huge flying boat appeared. It was completely a flying palace, the Nine Heavens Palace!

The palace gate fell, the red carpet was spread on the floor, and the two Mahayana True Saints appeared to welcome Luo Li and others, put them into the flying boat, flew all the way, and brought them directly back to Yixin Sect!

When we arrived on the land, there were even more sects coming to participate in the celebration. On the land, there were all monks. There were so many sects as dogs, and the Mahayana was all over the streets!

However, Luo Li frowned. This ceremony was too grand, and there seemed to be something wrong there.

Arriving at Yixinzong, this place is a blessed place, far superior to the Immortal Mansion!

Entering the blessed land, Luo Li was greeted by the leader of Yixin Sect, Mr. Xinyi!

Mr. Xinyi is already in the late stage of Mahayana, his ascension is just around the corner, and his body is full of immortal energy. He is no longer a mortal at all.

Mr. Xinyi greeted Luo Li with great courtesy, as if he regarded Luo Li as a fellow monk, and Luo Li even frowned.

I am only in the middle stage of Hedao. Although my sect is a fifth-level sect, there is no immortal ancestor. The disciples in the sect are even more pitiful. There are less than a hundred people. Why should the other party treat me like this?

The host and guest were seated, and the other party immediately sent a congratulatory gift, three hundred Xuanhuang Pills of Enlightenment!

Looking at these Enlightenment Xuanhuang Pills, Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Senior Xinyi, I don't understand why your sect is so interested in us!

If you don’t get rewarded for your merits, please let me know, senior! "

Seeing Luo Li's attitude, Mr. Xinyi said with a smile: "Actually, I, the Yixin Sect, really have something to ask for!"

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Your sect is powerful and the sect is strong. Is there anything I can help with?"

Mr. Xinyi looked at Luo Li and said: "As far as I know, fellow Taoist Luo Li, are you the seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou of Xian Qin?"

As soon as he said this, Luo Li nodded and said: "That's right, I am the seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou of Immortal Qin!"

Mr. Xinyi took a deep breath and said: "That's great! To be honest, in my Yixin Sect, there is an Xianqin ruins, but only the Marquis of Xianqin can enter!

There is no such thing as the Marquis of Immortal Qin in our prehistoric world of spiritual land. I never expected that, fellow Taoist Luo Li, you are actually a seventh-level Xiaoyao Marquis, so we have something to ask for! "


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