Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,474: Open up a natural chasm and turn it into a thoroughfare!

Every time the world of spiritual land is reshaped and the world is reshaped, for some reason, the previous pattern is followed, and the area remains largely unchanged.

Among them, the Miaowu region will appear every time. When the world is reshaped, everything that is difficult to refine will eventually be thrown here and gathered here.

After the reshaping of the world was completed, the terrain here was dilapidated, full of poisonous gas, and poisonous snakes, insects, and scorpions were everywhere. This was the home of various mutated monsters. If it were in the lower realm, it would be very suitable for the practice of the witch tribe, so it was called the Miao witch region.

There are no lower realm sects here, only a lot of casual cultivators. It can be said that there is no order in life here. Murder, arson, and house robbery are all commonplace. It is a chaotic place!

This is where Luo Li headed this time.

Entering the Miao Wu area, Luo Li felt the chaos here as expected. There was a feeling of being in the world of the Lord of Heaven. The order of the fairy world was completely absent!

This place is full of bandits, killing people and stealing goods, appearing in groups.

They have no fear of death, are cruel by nature, and are almost all mixed-blood humans. Here, the animal side of their bloodline seems to be tempted to explode.

As soon as Luo Li entered the Miao Wu area, he encountered seven waves of calamity cultivators. They didn't care about the difference in realm between them and Luo Li, they just swarmed up and wanted to kill Luo Li.

Luo Li would not hold back, he would be killed if he took action. He killed these seven waves of calamity cultivators, not even a single one was left alive!

8, ww⊙w.

After seven waves, over a thousand tribulation cultivators were killed, and the tribulation cultivators here were so frightened that no one dared to appear in front of Luo Li.

Luo Li was running amok in this Miao Wu area.

After the last catastrophe of heaven and earth, the Barefoot Immortal cleaned up those exposed external demons. Thirteen powerful beings were killed by the Barefoot Immortal. However, I don’t know why. But he escaped and was hidden in the Jieyu Tomb in the Miao Wu area.

The Tomb of Jieyu is a place of death. If the Miaowu region is the trash can of the spiritual land, then the Tomb of Jieyu is the trashcan of the Miaowu region.

Here, let alone monks, are living beings. There isn't much, it's filled with all kinds of poisonous mist, and it's chaotic.

Luo Li's goal is here.

In fact, this is not the most suitable place for demon spirits to hide. The reason why things like this are okay now is because the Earth Immortal has just arrived in the primitive realm of spiritual land and has too many things to deal with yet.

When the world of spiritual earth stabilized, the earth immortal freed up his time. This place will inevitably be decomposed and dissipated by the earth immortals who guard the ancient world of spirit earth. The demon spirits hiding here are actually seeking their own death.

But for some reason, that demon spirit is hiding here. The specific reason is unknown to Luo Li!

Soon, Luo Li came to Xie Yu's tomb!

The reason why this place is called Jieyu Tomb. It is because this place naturally claims the form of a cemetery and enters this place. Any depression and sadness outside will turn into happiness.

Luo Li stepped forward and entered Jieyu's tomb.

There seems to be an invisible force in the sky here, and the endless wind blows by all the time.

As long as it flies up, it will be injured by the strong wind. Even the Void Immortal is shattered.

You can only walk here, but on the ground, there are jagged rocks, like steel knives. Lying across the earth, lush vegetation is like thousands of steel needles, making it difficult to move even an inch.

Moreover, poisonous mist blew in from time to time. Although the poisonous mist could not poison Luo Li, it made people extremely uncomfortable, confusing their breath and hurting their bodies.

Luo Li arrived here and walked dozens of feet, just shaking his head. It was really difficult to walk.

There are more and more weeds in the trees. These trees seem to have sharp thorns, which contain endless poison. Even the Mahayana cannot escape.

In addition to trees, there are also various time and space cracks. As long as you enter, you will be cut into countless pieces, which is also difficult for Xuxian to resist.

Looking back, I saw that the place I had walked through had completely changed. The intersection that entered this place had completely disappeared. There was neither a way forward nor a way back. It was difficult to distinguish the east, west, and west.

Luo Li shook his head, stretched out his hand, and Xiao Hui appeared!

Now that we are here, how can we not be prepared? Xiao Hui was originally a treasure hunter, and he is best at finding treasures and finding paths to explore.

Xiao Hui appeared, looked around, frowned and said: "Father, it's weird here!

This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a difficult place!

Father, I can find a way back, let's get out of here! "

Xiao Hui is good at everything, but he is bad at this, he is timid and lazy!

Luo Li glared and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Lead me the way!"

Xiao Hui frowned and said, "Okay, okay, oh, what kind of shabby place is this? Is it so chaotic?"

He led the way, and the situation immediately changed. He could always find a path to walk in the complicated places, avoid the turbulence of time and space, and move forward step by step.

But the speed is not very fast. Sometimes it takes a long time to think about taking a step. Sometimes in order to avoid a space-time turbulence, you have to go around three times or five times, back and forth.

Luo Li followed Xiao Hui. As he moved forward, walking inside became more difficult.

Xiao Hui muttered as he moved forward, trying his best to open up a path forward.

Luo Li frowned, this wouldn't work. It would take at least a few months to enter and find the demon spirit at this speed. The nights were long and the dreams were many, and he didn't have the time at all.

However, it wasn't Xiao Hui who was wasting his time, it was so difficult here.

At this time, there was another large space-time turbulence ahead. Xiao Hui was completely stuck here, looking for a way out. A full half an hour passed.

Luo Li stood behind him, looking in front of him, and couldn't help but frown. His way forward was blocked by this, and he felt unhappy!

He looked at Xiao Hui's method of finding the passage and fell into deep thought without realizing it!

"Hunyuan, Hunyuan, it seems like all dimensions, but I am actually blocked here. This Hunyuan Ming is not worthy of its name!"

"Why are the turbulences of time and space so chaotic? How can we avoid them and find a way out?"

"Here, walking like this? No way? Over there, hiding like this? No way!"

"No, why should I avoid them!"

"If you block my way, just push it away!"

"However, this is the power of the universe, it is extremely majestic. Don't talk about me, even the Void Immortal and the Mysterious Immortal cannot break it by relying on their own strength. It cannot be broken by violence!"

"Violence is not good, but besides violence, I also have other powers!"

"My Yuanshi Power, my Supreme Power, my Hunyuan Power, why can't I break him?"

Luo Li fell into deep thought, and for a long time he smiled. During this difficult road, he seemed to have understood something.

He smiled slowly and said: "It turns out that power can be used in this way!"

"Try it, try it!"

Luo Li began to cast spells here to turn his thoughts into reality.

After a long while, Xiao Hui said: "Okay, we finally found the way. Father, come with me. It may be a little troublesome, but we should be able to get there!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "No, come with me!"

Luo Li stood up and headed straight for the space-time vortex ahead.

Xiao Hui exclaimed: "Father, be careful, it's dangerous!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "What danger, it's just a small whirlpool. I'm here, get out of my way!"

Luo Li drives his Yuanshi power, Yuanshi Avenue runs rampant in all directions, Yuanshi breaks the law, this time Luo Li breaks the truth of heaven and earth, the normal state of the universe!

However, the truth of heaven and earth and the normal state of the universe are simply difficult to break, so Luo Li used the Yuanshi Avenue at this time to secretly use tricks and use the power of the Supreme to quietly change.

This kind of breakthrough can only be described as deception, misleading, and temptation!

At this point, there is no normal state in the sky and no permanent situation in the earth!

Luo Li just took a step forward, and wherever he went, everything changed shape. The turbulent flow of time and space, the jagged rocks, and the sharp poisonous weeds all changed at this moment.

In Xiao Hui's eyes, he was surprised to see that wherever Luo Li went, everything in the world automatically opened a path for Luo Li, and on this path, Luo Li walked freely!

Xiao Hui's mouth widened in disbelief.

Luo Li looked back at Xiao Hui and said, "If you don't follow me, when will you wait?"

Xiao Hui hurriedly followed. As Luo Li moved forward, everything returned to normal wherever they passed.

Luo Li moved forward, taking one step forward. The grass parted, the trees gave way, the rocks smoothed out, and a road automatically formed under his feet!

Luo Li smiled. Not only was this little path-finding technique born, but more importantly, Luo Li had a new understanding of the Way of Hunyuan, the Way of Yuanshi, and the Way of Supreme!

This understanding, from now on, there is no need to use the original left fist, the right fist is too high, punch to the flesh, and kill the opponent.

Based on the original foundation, Luo Li found another new world through his understanding of the pathfinding technique!

Step by step forward, the chasm became a clear path. From now on, there was no longer any danger that could block Luo Li's path.

Step by step forward, the front finally lit up, and Luo Li came to the core area of ​​Jieyu Tomb.

Just like the eye of a storm, the core of that extremely terrifying storm is a calm area where there is no wind at all.

The same is true for the core area of ​​Jieyu Tomb. In this area of ​​dozens of miles, there is no longer the chaotic topography and endless turbulence of time and space.

This is almost a grassland, calm and beautiful!

But on the grassland, it was not quiet. There were hundreds of terrifying beasts here.

Some of those ferocious beasts are like bison, some are like poisonous dragons, some have three heads and six arms, and some are just a ball of flesh. They have all kinds of weird looks, but the demonic energy is rolling around their bodies, and their strength is equivalent to the Mahayana realm.

When Luo Li came here, those ferocious beasts all looked at Luo Li with endless ferocity in their eyes, and they made various low roars!

"Human! Human!"

"Friar, monk, kill him!"

"Eat him, eat him!"

They roared one after another and rushed towards Luo Li.

If it were before, Luo Li would definitely take action and kill them one by one.

But along the way, Luo Li created the path-finding technique and understood new uses of the Way of Hunyuan, the Way of Yuanshi, and the Way of Taishang.

This time, Luo Li wanted to find another way and pass here.


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