Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1631: Immortal stone is charming to the eyes, and opportunities confuse people&#039

A great tide broke out in the Muyang River, and many guests from Taichu City were in Taichu Square to watch the great tide.

On the square, many viewing platforms have been specially built.

These viewing platforms are also divided into primary and secondary locations. Guests of the first-class cave are naturally more expensive than guests of the second- and third-class caves. They also have a variety of delicious fairy fruits and fragrant fairy tea!

Among them, the highest and most distinguished viewing platform is the viewing platform of Jinxian Tianxian and others in Taichu City.

Here, no matter the rich second generation with flowers and stones like flowing water, or the mysterious female immortal, they all occupy a corner and watch the tide of Muyang River.

Luo Li is also here, and beside him are powerful people such as Tian Gangfei of the Creation Sect, Jiu Shengzi of the Taihe Sect, and they all rent the Jinxian Immortal Mansion.

Not only are they here, there are also seven or eight friends they called here. These immortals are all powerful people who come here and are powerful.

When the rich second generation saw them, they immediately became honest and respectful, and no longer looked like their second generation ancestors.

Even friends like Tiangang Fei could only rent a first-class immortal mansion. In the end, Luo Li secretly moved them to the Tianxian Cave Palace. These people don't earn their immortal stones, but they are not short of such a small income. They are strong and worth making friends with.

Everyone was watching the tide here. Tiangang Fei, the creation sect beside Luo Li, suddenly frowned and said:

"There's something wrong with the situation!"

After hearing Tiangang Fei's words, Taihe Zongjiu's son first asked: "What's wrong?"

Tiangang Fei is the power of rebirth. He has visited Muyang River Tide many times in his previous life and is absolutely authoritative!

Tiangang Fei said slowly: "Something's wrong, something's wrong!

In the past, although the big tides were fierce, they were not as fierce as this one. This time, the tide always made people feel that something was wrong! "

Jiu Shengzi frowned, looked at the big tide, and said for a long time: "There is something wrong, it seems too neat. The tides are coming and going. They all have an indescribable momentum. Weird, weird?"

Luo Li woke up. Asked: "What's going on?"

Jiu Shengzi tasted it again, and finally said: "I can't tell, it may be an illusion! We are worrying too much!"

Tiangang Fei smiled and said: "Haha. I hope we are worrying too much!

Anyway, there is something going on, so it’s not us who has something going on in Taichu Feicheng! "

Everyone laughed!

Three days passed quickly. At this time, the great tide of Muyang River became calmer and no longer so terrifying and violent.

Tiangang Fei was the first to stand up. Said: "Okay. It's time to harvest!"

He was going to the Muyang tide, and Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Brother Tian, ​​this tide is still very fierce!"

Tiangang Fei said: "Wealth and wealth are found in danger. Only in the seven days when the tide just broke out can we find the ancient relics of the water spirit world.

Those ancient relics will record the cultivation experience of the powerful people in the water spirit world in the past, and record the most powerful water power. Those are the wealth our generation needs! "

After saying that, he left Taichu City. Jiu Shengzi took a deep breath and left!

Many immortals began to go out into this tide to find their own opportunities for wealth.

Ordinary immortals are looking for spiritual treasures and spiritual materials that will make them rich. Powerful immortals are looking for legends of chance that will make them powerful!

Seeing their actions, many immortals immediately followed them, but some immortals had just entered the tide. It just screamed for help, and soon disappeared.

The strong will get the treasure, the weak will die in the tide!

Seeing everyone setting off, Xiaoshan and Xiaoqing were all eager to give it a try.

Luo Li took a look and said to his men: "You guys should go too. Remember, safety comes first. Don't lose your eyes and die in this tide just for the so-called chance!"

"Yes!" Everyone set off one after another, also entering the tide, looking for opportunities.

But Luo Li sat down and started practicing.

Luo Li took out a piece of Muyang True Essence, suspended it in front of him, and started refining it.

"The Essence of Freedom, Wanhua Lingkong, Thirty Thousand Essences, Eighty Thousand Soul Mansion, Emperor of Five Internal Organs, Left Soul and Right Soul, Green Dragon and White Tiger, Suzaku Gouchen, Xuanwu Red Emperor, Supervising God, Palm-born Spirit, Soul-stimulating Boy, Seven Mr. Po Lang has an edict, and he orders the body to be decapitated, and the evil spirits are born in a hurry. "

According to the method taught by the Jinxian of Destruction, the Muyang True Essence was slowly refined.

As he cast the spell, the Muyang True Essence began to dissolve little by little, turning into Taoist Mysterious Immortal Qi and injecting it into Luo Li's Mysterious Immortal Qi.

Slowly Mu Yang's true essence dissipated, but Luo Li felt nothing, no feeling of any increase in the Xuanxian Qi.

Luo Li took a long breath and took out another Mu Yang Zhen Refining.

Soon everyone returned, Tiangang Fei was very happy, this time he gained a lot.

Even Xiaoqing Xiaoshan has gained something. Xiaoshan said: "Father, you can also go patrolling the sea tomorrow.

This is really a great opportunity. You can get the relics of the powerful people in the ancient water spirit world, and you can find the ancient secrets in them.

It is said that there are only seven days, and now there are only three days left. Father, you should practice in these two days! "

Luo Li shook his head and said, "No, I won't go. That's not my chance!"

Others' opportunities are in the tide, and Luo Li's opportunities are within himself.

No matter how many treasures, wealth, opportunities, and excitements there were in the tide, Luo Li ignored them. His treasures, his opportunities, and his excitements were all within himself!

Only by taking control of yourself, not being confused by external things, and knowing clearly what you should do can you go further!

Continue refining, ten Muyang true essences, a hundred Muyang true essences, a thousand Muyang true essences...

No matter how much it is refined, Luo Li's Xuanxian Qi never increases or changes.

But everyone’s gains are getting more and more!

But Luo Li remained unmoved and continued to practice!

Seven days later, the ancient relics in the water spirit world that were supposed to disappear, instead of disappearing, actually tended to increase more and more.

Tiangang Fei has found thirteen ancient relics from the water spirit world these days, and he is beaming with excitement.

Although many immortals died in the tide, more immortals gained something, and all of them were happy.

Regardless of Luo Li's affairs, Luo Li continued to refine Mu Yang's true essence.

Keep practicing hard, and your efforts will eventually pay off. While refining the 3333rd Muyang True Essence, Luo Li suddenly had a feeling, as if countless lights flashed before his eyes, and countless strange figures appeared in front of him. .

These figures are very strange. They all look like me, but they are not me!

As long as you stretch out your hand, you can touch them!

But Luo Li held it back, this was a mysterious vision. Luo Li suppressed it and did not let the vision explode!

The refining continued, and at the 6666th level, the vision changed, and the figures turned into endless brilliance. They could no longer be seen clearly. They were no longer themselves, and turned into other images, flying around themselves. .

At nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, the vision changed again!

There is no more brilliance, and it has turned into strange time and space, as if telling legends and stories, let yourself peep!

At 13,000 copies, the vision changed again. This time, this time, Luo Li could no longer see clearly the brilliance flying around him. They were all as deep as the sky, undetectable!

Time passed day by day, and finally Luo Li refined all the 13,600 copies of Mu Yang's true essence!

Looking back, it was already five months later.

In these five months, Luo Li has been refining Muyang's true essence and no longer pays attention to Muyang's tide.

After refining Muyang's true essence, Luo Li looked at the Muyang tide and suddenly took a breath of air!

Five months have passed since this Muyang tide. Instead of weakening, it is getting stronger!

However, none of the immortal friends around him noticed this problem. They were all intoxicated with the tide, because in the past six months, they had harvested endless immortal treasures and materials.

Under the temptation of the fairy treasures, fairy materials, and ancient relics, they all forgot the horror of the tide, and hoped that the tide could continue like this!

Immortal stones are charming to the eyes, and opportunities confuse people's hearts! (To be continued.)

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