Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1635 Endless Rebirth Stone Totem!

In a great war, only fighting can lead to a bloody path!

Without any hesitation, Luo Li took action crazily. Under his supreme magic, wherever he went, he was endlessly shattered and destroyed, running rampant. …,

But the water spirit here is endless, and all kinds of water tribes are not afraid of death at all, coming like waves.

Not afraid of life or death, it seems that the meaning of their existence lies in this moment!

Endless, endless, extremely turbulent.

Luo Li Longdie Nine Heavens, screaming with all his strength with the magic in his hand, and endless Sanskrit sounds from heaven and earth, opening a path in front and rushing into the enemy group. Suddenly, it was like a stone dropped into water, with thousands of waves, flesh and blood flying everywhere, carving out a bloody path.

Although these water spirits are weak, they have a fighting spirit and are not afraid of death. They cooperate with each other and use their flesh and blood bodies to stop Luo Li's progress, weaken his true energy, and try to slowly tire Luo Li to death!

Many water spirits are extremely crazy. As long as they don't die, they will never retreat. There is no cowardly water spirit.

At the same time, a large number of powerful water spirits at the peak level of spiritual immortals were hidden among the many water spirits. They suddenly launched an attack and missed a single hit. They immediately fled thousands of miles away to avoid Luo Li's terrifying magic.

In addition, endless waves are set off, and these water spirits stir up the wind and help the waves. The big tide of Muyang River is their most powerful weapon. This is their home, and they control the sky and the sea.

But Luo Li didn't retreat at all, he just fought to the death!

As many immortals appeared behind Luo Li, they also used their most powerful immortal arts, with sword lights flying and immortal arts roaring.

In the distance, there are more than twenty flying cities, suddenly flying towards here.

Those flying cities saw the scene of the battle and resolutely gave up their grievances with Luoli Taichu City and joined the battle here.

Because they know. This battle is between immortals and water spirits. The victory or defeat will determine their future destiny, so they can only participate in the battle.

But most Feicheng didn't have this awareness and just watched from a distance. No matter how he fights, it is meaningless to them!

Luo Li once again used Maha Extermination, clearing away hundreds of miles around him, but Luo Li frowned, a powerful enemy appeared!

There is a strong man hidden in the endless water spirit. When he sends out the Maha Extermination that destroys everything, he gives himself a cruel blow.

Then the other party turned into ashes in his own Maha-annihilation.

This is the biggest harm Shui Ling has done to him so far. Luo Li expressed his understanding to them. He didn't even care about his life. Even if he was injured, it didn't matter.

But this guy has a problem. He has done it three times in a row. The opponent is a patrolling Yaksha, and the Haisha in his hand is at the moment of death. Stabbed himself in the back.

One or two accidents mean nothing. The third time is normal!

Although this guy was turned into ashes time and time again during his own Maha Extinction, Luo Li was sure that this guy was not dead at all, or that he had multiple methods of rebirth to avoid his own trick by feigning death.

Luo Li sneered. Continue to move forward, continue to fight into the many water spirits, and then Maha Annihilation again turns many water spirits into fly ash.

At this moment when the white light rises. Among the many water spirits, there was suddenly a patrolling Yaksha. He flashed in an instant and teleported to Luo Li's side, and then stabbed out with all his strength!

This fork contained endless power and continuously pierced Luo Li's multiple defenses. Suddenly Luo Li was still stabbed by the fork, and blood spurted out.

The flying fork pierced Luo Li and disappeared immediately. The other party smiled and waited silently for Luo Li's spell to turn into flying ash!

But Luo Li sneered and said softly: "Repay kindness when there is kindness, and complain when there is resentment!"

In an instant, a strange power was injected into the opponent's body, and then the opponent turned into flying ash with a bang.

Luo Li took a long breath, and the blood that flowed out instantly returned to his body, and the wound healed immediately.

Years of hard work are not in vain!

This time, he did not rush to take action, but felt silently. Sure enough, the opponent who was hit by his great magic of clearing grudges was not dead at all.

On the far side, under a totem pole, I was reborn in the blink of an eye.

Luo Li sneered and said, "I caught you!"

He jumped up, transformed into a dragon and a butterfly, traveled through time and space, and headed straight for the opponent.

A hundred miles away from the opponent, Luo Li stopped flying in an instant. The opponent had the ability to teleport. This distance was just right and he couldn't move over!

Luo Li stretched out his hand, grasped it innately, and pinched it!

A hundred miles away, the patrolling Yasha, who had just been resurrected and summoned a harpoon, hadn't woken up yet. He saw a giant hand grabbing him. Before he could react, there was a loud "expanding" sound and was exploded by Luo Li. body, killed immediately.

But the totem pole just flashed, and under the totem pole, the patrolling Yaksha was resurrected again, intact.

Luo Li frowned, grabbed it again, exploded, and shattered again.

But the other party was resurrected again, and so on, sixteen times later, the other party was still resurrected.

Patrolling Yaksha looked at Luo Li and laughed, as if he was mocking Luo Li's incompetence!

Luo Li smiled. When the opponent was resurrected for the seventeenth time, Luo Li suddenly used Yuanshi Collapse.

The collapse of Yuanshi broke all laws, and with a bang, the resurrected Xunhai Yaksha immediately collapsed. This time the resurrection failed.

But the totem pole flickered, and soon the patrolling Yaksha was about to be resurrected for the eighteenth time.

Luo Li immediately flew over, took out a stone immortal material from his storage space, inserted it into the body of Xunhai Yaksha, who had collapsed, and then canceled the collapse of Yuanshi.

Yuanshi collapsed and disappeared, and Xunhai Yaksha continued to resurrect, but he and the immortal material integrated into his body immediately merged.

In the blink of an eye, what is here is not a patrolling Yaksha, but a stone Yaksha, unable to move, turned into a stone statue.

Luo Li sneered, and with a gentle push, the stone statue fell towards the depths of the Muyang River. Unless it was broken by others, the patrolling Yaksha would never be able to be resurrected.

Then Luo Li looked at the totem pole. The endless talismans on the totem pole were definitely ancient relics of the water spirit world. This was the ancient method of the water spirit world.

As soon as Luo Li stretched out his hand, Yuanshi's power suddenly surged out, suppressing the totem pole. Then he reached out and grabbed it, innately grabbing it, and the totem pole immediately flew up!

Collect it, and the totem pole was immediately put into the storage space by Luo Li.

Looking around the battlefield, I saw the sounds of fighting coming from all directions, and more than twenty immortals from the flying city joined the battle.

Tiangang Fei, Jiu Shengzi and others attacked with all their strength. Although not as good as Luo Li, they still killed everyone.

Xiaoqing, Xiaoshan, Xiaosun and others also acted recklessly. The restrictions in Taichu City were shattered in all directions.

Luo Li let out a long breath and said, "Fight. Although there are countless water spirits here, they are nothing more than earthly dogs and chickens. Kill him today!"

The war continues! (To be continued...)

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