Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,647 After the snow in the Tianshan Mountains, the sea is windy and cold!

The Jinxian of Destruction began to teach Luo Li. ≧,

"Lingxian is an immortal who has a spirit, and the word spirit is the first among heaven and earth!

Soul, soul, only when there is spirit can there be a soul; only when there is a soul, only when there is a spirit can there be life.

Pangu opened the sky, and there was a spiritual existence. Only then did Pangu feel lonely, and only then could he change the chaos. All things in the world, in the beginning of chaos, were born and changed only if they had spirits!

So a spiritual word is very important! "

Luo Li listened carefully and nodded.

"After an immortal is promoted to a spiritual immortal, like the virtual immortal, he has two major visions, which are crucial for subsequent cultivation.

If a spiritual fairy can get one of them, then he is considered spiritual!

In the future, it will be easy to be promoted to an earthly immortal. That is the future. Flying immortals can be achieved, and heavenly immortals are expected.

If the immortal has no spirit, the road is hard to find. The immortal is the limit, and it is difficult to advance one step further.

One of the two great visions is the truth and spiritual enlightenment. There is a poem that goes: "The Supreme Four Brightness, the nine gates are full of energy, the ears and eyes are profound, the truth is spiritual and spiritual!"

This is the spirit fairy, who has perfect control over everything he owns, brings happiness to his heart, a little clarity, and instant enlightenment.

From the id to the super-ego, the whole body’s spirituality gathers together at one point, and it is a vision of heaven and earth caused by a sudden enlightenment on oneself.

This vision comes from the spirit fairy himself, the spiritual enlightenment from his heart, which is indescribable.

Another vision gives the spirit to the innocent, "Heaven has a way, the truth is infinite, there is a little bit of true spirit in the dark, the nine heavens fall, and it is given to the mortal world!"

This is different from the true spiritual master, who relies on himself to realize the true spirit. This is entirely a matter of chance, with the help of external forces.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, we take a little bit of the true spirit between heaven and earth, seize the creation of heaven and earth, and conquer the craftsmanship of heaven.

So this becomes a blessing from the heavenly officials and the creatures of heaven and earth. This vision is the most difficult.

This true enlightenment spirit works from the inside out, relying on its own power, while this innocent gifted spirit works from the outside in, relying on the power of heaven and earth. They are completely opposite, but they have the same purpose..."

Luo Li studied humbly. Remember every word of Master.

The Golden Immortal of Destruction continued: "Originally, these two great visions depended on chance.

One is to rely on one's own enlightenment, and the other is to rely on the blessings of heaven and earth.

But among the many sects in our immortal world, there is a sect that studies these two major phenomena.

Years of hard work and study have gradually yielded results. Immortals like us can work hard to stimulate ourselves and change the world. In order to obtain these two kinds of visions of heaven and earth. "

"Luo Li Tingzhen, from now on, you start to collect the following fairy materials:

Twelve kilograms of Haiyuxiang, eight emeralds, seventy-two purple orchid fruits, nine divine thunder bamboos, five taels of Su Ming powder, sixteen ice eggplant flowers, four kilograms of jade dew, and one phoenix pattern fruit. One hundred kilograms, seven cold jade stones, five hundred green jade dates, thirty kilograms of cloud tea, ten earth-centered red fruits, five taels of quenching yuan tea, seven kilograms of gold essence, six taels of chalcedony..."

There are nearly a thousand kinds of fairy materials, covering all kinds of fairy grass and fairy fruits. The numbers are different and complex.

Luo Li wrote down one by one. He knew some of these immortal materials. Some he had never heard of, and some he cherished very much. Some of the bulk goods are everywhere.

Finally, the Jinxian Miedu said: "Collect them all, and then use these fairy materials as the fire of the alchemy furnace to sacrifice yourself. In this way, you can obtain the vision of the true spirit."

This enlightened spirit is in the realm of spiritual immortals, among two major visions. It is easy to get, at least there are traces to follow, but it is very difficult! "

Luo Li nodded, understanding his master's teachings, and he began to send people to collect these fairy materials.

The Muyang River Star Territory is now completely unified by Luo Li. In this star field, above the Muyang River, there is only one Taichu City, and no other flying cities exist.

Although it will take thousands of years for the Muyang River tide to erupt.

But usually, there are many immortals appearing in Muyang River, and many immortals and spirits come here to try their luck.

Although the big sects in the immortal world don't care about the current harvest, for ordinary casual immortals, these harvests are also very rich.

When searching for treasures here, there is naturally a place to stay, and that is Taichu City.

Because apart from Taichu City, there are no other flying cities to settle here, and in Taichu City, there are complete shops and complete markets, which makes it easy for the immortals who come here to harvest and sell profits.

Therefore, even if the great tide of Muyang River ends, the business of Taichu City in Muyang River Star Region is still prosperous, and it continues to create new wealth for Luo Li.

Luo Li has let go and left Taichu City under the control of his twelve true spirits. He just concentrates on cultivation.

At the end of the Muyang River catastrophe, someone once wanted to build a flying city above the Muyang River.

Who would have known that during the construction process, Taichu City happened to fly by and accidentally bumped into the flying city being built, instantly smashing the flying city into pieces.

Although the other party became angry and made countless harsh words, but with the examples of Shenlong Sect and Yuanzhu Sect, Taichu City was invincible in the Muyang River Star Region.

Unless you also have a sixth-level, flying city fairy treasure similar to Taichu City, but now this kind of fairy treasure is hard to come by.

In the end, this matter was settled.

At this point, the Hunyuan Sect's dominance in the Muyang River Star Region was confirmed.

Luo Li came out of seclusion and began to order the collection of these fairy materials. With the financial support of Taichu City, ordinary fairy materials among these fairy materials were not a problem.

However, some immortal materials are really rare and precious, so Luo Li can only use the Steel Emblem Parrot to trade in Xumingtang Yaotian.

Fortunately, although these immortal materials are rare, they are not unavailable. As long as you have immortal stones, you can buy them.

In this way, Luo Li slowly gathered various fairy materials to refine the vision.

Suddenly on this day, a flying talisman traveled through the void and appeared in front of Luo Li in an instant.

Even Taichu City's powerful defense could not stop this flying talisman from escaping.

In an instant, a divine thought was injected into Luo Li's mind.

“The Grand Alliance of Immortal Qin Council officially rules Lingxian Luoli.

Immortal Luo Li has been promoted to the realm of spiritual immortals. At this point, he must participate in a distant war between the immortal world and the foreign immortal realm within thirty years!

This is a responsibility and a necessary obligation that immortals must bear. Please prepare, Lingxian Luo Li, and report to the nearest Immortal-Qin Parliament Grand Alliance Parliamentary Branch, Beijiang Liujing Immortal Realm in the Rainy Night Star Territory, within thirty years! "

Looking at this flying talisman, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, it's finally here!

This is a formal order in the name of the Xian Qin Council Alliance and cannot be violated.

The Grand Alliance of Immortal-Qin Council is the ruling power of the Immortal Realm in name only. However, since the era of the Lord of Creation, it has downplayed the dominance of the Grand Alliance of Immortal-Qin and conducted inaction, so their existence is almost invisible now.

But this Immortal Qin Council Alliance is the controller of the Immortal World and rules the Immortal World!

However, only those who are promoted to Earth Immortal can be regarded as ruled immortals in the Immortal-Qin Council Alliance, and only those who are promoted to Heavenly Immortal are eligible to contact the Immortal-Qin Council Alliance. This is too far away for Luo Li.

However, Luo Li knew that after this order was issued, he must execute it.

Within thirty years, no matter when I go to the Beijiang Liujing Immortal Realm in the Rainy Night Star Territory, what awaits me is the trap set by those Immortal Realm sects for me! (To be continued...)

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