Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1659 Several ruins surround the old well!

After buying Huo Liuli, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief.

However, this is just a deal. After the auction is over, Luo Li goes over to inspect the goods and pays for the fairy stone. That will be considered a real deal.

But don't talk about one million fairy stones now. Luo Li doesn't have any fairy stones in his hand. He can only wait for his fairy sword to see if he can sell it at this price.

If you can’t sell it, then you have no choice but to grab it!

The auction continues, and the next treasure appears, a secret book of inheritance!

"This inherited secret book is the "True Interpretation of the Taiqing Infinite Sword Sutra of Life and Death". It is a secret book of the supreme immortal sword created by two powerful golden immortals who are close friends of Tianjue and Shenfeng, the two great immortal worlds.

This sword technique is divided into serious text, true explanation and appendix. The official scriptures record the original texts excerpted from the classics of various schools. The contents are inscrutable and obscure, so we have the true explanation. The true explanation is the interpretation and supplement of the canon, and the appendices are the derived sword techniques.

This secret book is a superb, all-encompassing and fascinating book of swordsmanship. By practicing this swordsmanship, you can advance to the realm of immortals and true immortals, no problem!

This sword scripture is priced at a low price of 300,000 immortal stones, and each bid will increase by 10,000 immortal stones! "

The auction started immediately, and Luo Li had no interest in it. After the last bid, he was bought for 1.1 million immortal stones.

The auction continued, and more than a dozen auction items were bought. The auction entered the climax. The next auction items were either high-level fairy treasures, extremely precious fairy materials, or rare materials whose names I have never heard of. .

"The fifty-second auction item, the evil spirit of the ancient nine-headed ferocious beast!"

There is a crystal stone on the plate, and an ancient creature is sealed in the crystal stone. The ancient creature had nine heads, like an eagle or a tiger, but its body was like a dragon. On his face were the ferocious faces of demon gods.

"This is the evil spirit of an ancient nine-headed ferocious beast, which itself is in the Golden Immortal realm. After being killed, the evil spirit was sealed.

Evil spirits can be integrated into immortal treasures and refined into weapon spirits, which are extremely powerful.

Which master. The newly refined immortal treasure, without the weapon spirit, can be integrated into it, and the immortal treasure can obtain the abilities and functions of the ancient nine-headed ferocious beast. Strength and mana will be upgraded to a higher level.

This nine-headed ferocious beast, an ancient mythical beast, has nine heads. Each head has an ability, namely light, darkness, thunder, and electricity. Water, fire, fog, metal, poison. As the weapon spirit of a high-level immortal treasure, it immediately reached the top level. "

Feng Qiniang slowly explained that refining the immortal treasure and deriving the weapon spirit by oneself would take a long time and the power would be too weak. You have to cultivate it carefully yourself.

Instead, they directly capture powerful spiritual beasts and demon gods and refine them into weapon spirits, which is not only extremely powerful. Moreover, the immortal treasure itself will also incorporate various characteristics of these spiritual beasts and demons.

There are even legends that some fallen immortals directly capture other immortals and refine their immortal souls directly into weapon spirits!

"The asking price for this mythical beast is one million! The price will be increased each time. It must not be less than ten thousand!"

Feng Qiniang on the stage was full of enthusiasm and started the auction!

"One million and one million!"

"1.2 million!"

The fairy stones that they cherished so much in the past were in their hands and they didn't take them seriously at all.

In the end, the nine-headed ferocious beast was bought for 2.8 million immortal stones.

Luo Li shook his head and continued to wait.

"Okay, everyone, the fifty-third auction item is two eighth-level immortal swords, unnamed. These swords complement each other and form a set. They contain strange power..."

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, he finally got his own!

"Okay, everyone, let's make an offer, five hundred thousand! Every time you increase the price, it must not be less than ten thousand!"

Luo Li shouted: "Fifty-one million!"

Your own things must be carried higher!

"This sword is good, five hundred and twenty thousand!"

"Five hundred and fifty thousand!"

Everyone starts to compete, someone is bound to win, and the price keeps rising!

"one million!"

The floating old man who competed with Luo Li last time suddenly spoke up and offered a big price! It seems that he is interested in this thing.

Luo Li immediately shouted: "One million and one million!"

"One million and one million!"

"One million, one hundred and eleven thousand!"

"One hundred and fifteen thousand!"

Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no need to rob, just selling the sword was enough!

He deliberately made trouble. As long as Fu Kongsou increased the price, Luo Li would immediately follow suit and make money from the extra fairy stones!

As soon as he bid, the floating old man immediately grinned angrily and looked at Luo Li.

Luo Li just smiled at him, pretending he didn't exist, mocking him and irritating him!

Fukongsou immediately shouted: "I have been practicing hard for so many years and have nothing but immortal stones. If you want to fight with me, you little brat, you are not qualified enough!"

1500000! "

"One million and a half million!"

The two of them started to increase the price of each other. After the two of them raised their prices, everyone was silent. Two eighth-level flying swords were worthless after one and a half million.

Under the fighting spirit, the two swords increased to 2.1 million in one breath.

After the floating old man finished shouting, he suddenly saw Feng Qiniang on the stage and gave him a smile.

Fu Kongsou immediately knew that he couldn't add more, it was time!

Feng Qiniang looked at Luo Li with a smile. She was setting Luo Li up, a trap.

She wanted Luo Li to buy her own flying sword. Then we would see how he settled the bill and find out where he came from!

In the space, a strange power spreads silently. No one under the Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal can feel this power.

Driven by this power, everyone will magnify their minds several times, unable to control their emotions, and can't help but get excited and burst out their hearts.

Luo Li was about to speak out of habit: "Two million, one hundred and ten thousand!"

But after opening his mouth, there was no sound.

The Golden Immortal of Destruction, at this moment, controlled his body and prevented him from making this bid.

Everyone was talking, and in the end Luo Li did not bid, only the price of 2.1 million immortal stones from Fukong Sou.

Suddenly, the auction of the two immortal swords ended, and Fukong Sou bought Luo Li's two immortal swords for 2.1 million immortal stones.

Fukong Sou's face was pale, and he looked at Feng Qiniang, and he failed.

But Feng Qiniang didn't care about him at all, she was looking at Luo Li.

The other party happened to interrupt the bidding everywhere and broke free from the influence of his own bliss karma, which was something that even the Golden Immortal could not do. Feng Qiniang suddenly whispered: "So, is it an old friend who has visited here? Zhuang is polite!" With her voice, in an instant, it seemed that the entire auction house was in a state of stillness, as if time had stopped. Only Luo Li and Feng Qiniang could move here! Suddenly Luo Li felt that the captured flying fairy in his left sleeve began to twitch desperately. This twitching seemed to be possessed by the body, and then a powerful force rose from his body. In an instant, a figure broke away from Luo Li's sleeve, looked at Feng Qiniang, and slowly said: "After so many years, you are really getting less and less depraved. Now you are playing with the bliss karma. Your path has deviated. As a friend, I must wake you up!" (To be continued.)h211

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