Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,661 Natural beauty turns cunning!

On the street, people were in panic, Luo Li walked forward along the street.

Looking at the street signs, Luo Li started looking for Qilian Street.

While walking, Luo Li checked the three sky cores.

This celestial core is about the size of a fist, dazzling, holy and flawless, even brighter than the Milky Way.

The more you watch it, the more you become fascinated, as if there is a perfect universe at its core, exuding endless charm that makes people immersed in it.

It is indeed a good thing. This sky core is the essence of a world, which can no longer be measured by fairy stones.

Luo Li shook his head and continued moving forward.

Soon, Luo Li came to Qilian Street and was startled. On this street, many people had left the crowded stalls, and only a few stall owners continued to set up stalls there.

The vision of heaven and earth just now was really terrifying.

Luo Li frowned, walked over, and started to check the number of stalls according to the signs on the ground.

"The seventh, the eighth..."

On the sixteenth day, Luo Li smiled, the stall was still there, and the stall owner had not left.

This stall owner is not an immortal, but a fairy. Looking at it, it looks like there are countless ropes that are combined together to form a living person. The whole body is covered with thick robes, and no skin is exposed.

This is the Fairy Earthworm Killer. This humanoid appearance is completely disguised. Their true body is similar to that of an earthworm. Their rope-like body is now coiled up to form a human form.

Although they look ugly and incompetent, they are good at sneaking into some terrifying fairyland environments.

For example, the turbulence of time and space, the fairy world that is about to collapse, they have the ability to swim in these terrible worlds, and they are the fairy spirits created by the Yanshu Sect.

Luo Li shook his head and looked at the things on the stall, looking for the strange stone that the master said was radiating nine colors of light.

On top of that stall. Many materials, if you look carefully, are some mutated fairy materials, most of which are spiritual ores.

It should be the various mutated fairy materials collected by this earth-slayer in a special and terrifying environment.

Luo Li looked. Among the piles of fairy materials, there are some stones that emit various colors of light.

"Nine-colored strange stones..."

Luo Li started to search and soon found a nine-color stone about the size of a human head.

Luo Li asked: "Fellow Immortal, how did you sell this stone?"

"Chi, chi, chi, chi, this is the fifteen immortal stone!"

Luo Li nodded, in this black market. Only then did I have a normal feeling of returning to the fairyland.

In the Shifang Pavilion, there are millions and millions of stones that give people an unreal feeling. In fact, in the fairy world, at least in the lower fairy world, fairy stones have always been a very strong currency in the fairy world and are of high value.

Luo Li looked at the nine-color stone and said, "Okay, ten immortal stones. I bought them!"

You have to negotiate the price, actually now in Luoli. However, he has 890,000 immortal stones, but he must negotiate the price here, otherwise the other party will think that he has lost money by selling this thing, and may regret it.

The earth-slayer shook his head and said: "Fifteen, fifteen. No less. It took more than three hundred earth-slayers to get this one..."

This is a strange stone that was exchanged for the lives of three hundred earthworms!

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Then twelve, how about selling them?".

"No. No, fifteen, fifteen!"

Luo Li negotiated with him for a while, and finally the other party finally negotiated the price with fourteen fairy stones.

Luo Li was about to take out fifteen fairy stones and trade with the other party.

Suddenly, an immortal walked slowly not far away. He had thick black skin and sharp features. He looked solid and resolute. The aura on his body was stronger than anyone else's, and a simple stop gave people an unshakable feeling.

He said loudly: "Wait, wait, I want this stone!"

After taking a look at the immortal, who was probably in the realm of Xuanxian, Luo Li was stunned, as if he had seen this person there and felt familiar.

Luo Li said: "How come you don't understand the rules? Do you have a first-come, first-served basis? I've already bought it, and it's mine!"

The big man looked at the earth-killer and said, "I'll give you fifteen immortal stones! Will you sell them to me?"

The earth-killer shook his head and said: "Already, already, sold!"

The big man frowned and said: "It's a pity that I came a little late, alas, alas!"

After saying that, he walked aside and waited for Luo Li and the others to complete their transaction before continuing to buy strange stones.

Luo Li smiled, reached into the storage space, took out the fairy stone, and checked out.

Suddenly, Luo Li was stunned. There was no fairy stone left in the storage space!

Not only that, those three sky cores and many good things he had accumulated in the past have all disappeared.

Inexplicably disappeared!

The big man said from the side: "Hey, hey, you should pay the bill. I don't have any money, so I will buy it!"

Luo Li looked at him and suddenly felt a hint of cunning in his eyes, and suddenly Luo Li smiled.

He knows who he is!

Luo Li stretched out his hand and grabbed the big man.

But the big man immediately dodged, and in an instant, he used dozens of body transformation techniques. Unfortunately, under Luo Li's Qiankun capture, no matter whether it was the magic to break through the space or the magical power to escape through time and space, it was all meaningless. The big man was captured by Luo Li. Li clings to death.

Luo Li said: "Little girl, I haven't seen you for so many years, you are so brave, you dare to tease me!"

After saying that, he grabbed the big man in his hand.

The big man's voice suddenly changed and turned into a voice that was very familiar to Luo Li: "Help, someone doesn't have the fairy stone to pay the bill and started robbing!"

It's Nie Qian!

Nie Qian, who went to the Immortal Sect with Luo Li and finally ascended to the immortal world.

Unexpectedly, in this black market, the two met again!

The two people's play frightened the earthworm seller, and he shouted: "My strange stone, my strange stone!"

Luo Li smiled, extremely happy, and said: "Don't be naughty, give me my things quickly!"

Nie Qian said: "Why don't I know what it is? Are you looking at it, have you lost it?"

Luo Li took a look and saw that all the things that had disappeared were back in the storage space, many of them.

After so many years of not seeing each other, Nie Qian's sect-stealing magic has become increasingly weak, and he steals things so silently.

Luo Li shook his head and gave the fourteen fairy stones to the kind earth-killer.

Nie Qian pulled Luo Li and said, "I haven't seen you in so many years. Come on, let's go drink!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "I will not drink with a guy who is neither a man nor a woman!"

Nie Qian smiled and turned around, and the burly man disappeared immediately, and she turned into a charming girl!

A graceful girl, with a bright yellow vest, short skirt and leather boots, picturesque eyebrows, skin as good as snow, and a hot figure. Her bright eyes have a wild and unruly light, and her long, thick ink-like hair is tied into two branches and hangs down on her head. Finally, a face as clear and beautiful as in a dream is still so beautiful! (To be continued...)

Chapter 1661: Natural beauty comes from cunning! :

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