Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,708 The attack and defense of the Sea of ​​Clouds in the Immortal Realm!

Following Luo Li's order, Gu Taixu, Wu Xianweng, Yu Hezi, and Hua Yu Turkey led all their men to the distant star sea.

The fairyland of September Wind is not difficult to find, it will be found quickly.

Looking from a distance, a continent with a diameter of two hundred thousand miles appeared in front of Luo Li.

This continent can be seen vaguely, and there are endless whirlwinds on that continent.

That whirlwind covered the sky and the earth, covering the entire Immortal World continent. This was the opponent's Immortal World defense system.

This continent is more than 30,000 miles farther than Luo Li's continent. It can be seen that this September Wind belongs to the strong among the earth immortals, at least the late earth immortals.

In fact, even in the later stage, it's nothing. The promotion of Earth Immortal to Flying Immortal is even more difficult.

When everyone arrived, Gu Taixu, Wu Xianweng, and Yu Hezi immediately took action.

Their fairy spirits began to build various forbidden buildings in the void.

They attracted a swarm of meteorites, refined all the meteorites, and turned them into landing places for hanging upside down flying mountains.

Then, various buildings began to be built on the flying mountains. Those flying mountains were arranged in a wonderful array, and light suddenly appeared. With them as the core, a void continent was born.

Then, there was a strange restriction on the continent, attracting all the popular comets flying in the surrounding starry sky.

Stagnated on the mainland, silently refining. There are restrictions on creating water out of thin air, generating gravity, and all kinds of strange restrictions are starting to activate.

Luo Li hesitated and said, "Isn't that why you attacked my Hunyuantian?"

Gu Taixu said: "Sir, your immortal world has not yet been established, and it is inherently dangerous. We don't have to do this, we can enter directly.

This fairy world is in perfect shape and has endless defenses. When we attack a fairy world, it is like attacking a real world. So you have to be prepared. "

Luo Li nodded. He originally wanted to seek experience and just wanted to see more and think more.

In the last war, although Gu Taixu and the others had immortals. They were all killed by Luo Li, but they replenished them quickly without any injuries.

This is the characteristic of the immortal world. As long as the earth immortal is immortal, the foundation is endless. After many years of training of the immortal soldiers and spirits under my command, a group of them died, and another group came, as many as they wanted.

Luo Li watched silently, but Tuli King Kong was not here. It was leading its people to move the resources of the immortal world that had lost its master for Luo Li.

Seeing those fairy world resources, Luo Li shook his head, this place is really a remote place. It is really poor, whether it is spiritual building resources or fairy races.

Luo Li watched what Gu Taixu and the others did and learned from their experience in fighting in the fairy world.

Before this battle, Gu Taixu sent someone to send a message to Jiuyue Feng in the fairy world, but the other party ignored it.

After a full ten days, these buildings were completed. Under the order of Gu Taixu, a comet was attracted from the sky above the world. It immediately began to sublimate, turning into a huge ice meteorite a hundred feet in size, flying towards the other party's fairy world.

The ice meteorite entered the opponent's whirlwind and was swept up by the opponent's whirlwind. Just crush.

But the ice meteorite seemed to contain endless power and exploded. The explosion shook the sky violently, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared.

But in the violent explosion, in the whirlwind. It was quickly extinguished, as if it had never happened.

After this meteorite, he just asked for directions, and then one after another meteorites appeared out of thin air on the continent and flew towards the whirlwind.

Row after row, piece by piece, densely packed!

One by one, they rushed into the whirlwind, were crushed, and exploded!

Boom boom boom!

With the explosion, the whirlwind was shaken, but after the whirlwind passed, everything returned to normal, and it seemed that there was no impact.

But here Yuhezi said: "Yes, yes, it is effective. This Fengtian Absolute Forbidden Formation has lost 10% of its energy. Keep going, keep going!"

Suddenly, another meteorite appeared, flying towards the whirlwind.

But those meteorites had not yet flown into the whirlwind. In the whirlwind, a group of strange beings like sky cranes suddenly rushed out.

They attack these meteorites to destroy them and prevent them from entering the whirlwind.

These are the immortal spirits of the September Wind and the Sky Crane. When they fly away, they can form whirlwinds that roll into the sky. It is said that they formed the Wind and Sky Absolute Forbidden Formation.

Earth Immortal Jiu Feng is said to have nine kinds of such immortal spirits, known as one spirit and one month, so he is Jiu Feng.

If the next Faerie is raised that can form similar storms, he will be renamed October Wind.

At the same time, figures suddenly appeared on the meteorite.

These figures, or green spirits, are like flying mantises. These are the green sword mantises of Yu Hezi.

Or a flying vulture, half human and half bird, with a black corrosive aura on its body. This is the vulture-killing spirit of ancient Taixu.

Or thunder and lightning, one by one, they are Wu Xianweng's men.

Three kinds of fairy spirits appeared, and they immediately faced the cranes.

That day crane was the protective fairy spirit of the Wind and Heaven Absolute Forbidden Formation, and these fairy spirits were the subordinates of the three great earth immortals.

Both sides were led by strong men equivalent to the spirit fairy realm, and the battle began in the void.

Several of the meteorites were destroyed and detonated by them. Suddenly, violent explosions appeared in the sky. Many fighting immortals were swept away by the explosion and died on the spot.

But more meteorites were pushed into the whirlwind, detonating the whirlwind defense.

Continuing like this, the seventh wave of fighting ends with the last Sky Crane creature.

Although he was at the level of spiritual immortals, he was killed by three of the same immortals in the void, and he let out a final cry of unwillingness.

At this point, there were no obstacles, and meteorites fell one after another, and Yu Hezi kept counting!

"30%, 40%..."

"Broken, broken..."

Boom, the huge whirlwind immediately shattered and dissipated, revealing the world inside.

At the same time, above the nine heavens, groups of creatures similar to blue swallows suddenly appeared. They fell straight down and crashed into the continent built in the void.

This is the real assault force of Jiu Yuefeng. Taking advantage of the previous battle, they lurked here and suddenly started.

These blue swallows also contain powerful energy. Any existence they touch will explode. They want to destroy this floating continent.

However, above the continent, groups of strange immortals similar to frogs suddenly appeared out of thin air.

They are also blue, and they look exactly the same color as those blue swallows.

They all extended their tongues, and as soon as the tongue rolled, a green swallow was eaten, and it exploded in their stomachs.

The frog's stomach suddenly swelled dozens of times in size, but immediately returned to normal, and nothing happened at all.

Yu Hezi sneered: "Blood-exploding Green Swallow, Jiu Yuefeng, Jiu Yuefeng, this is the fairy I sold to you, how could I not know!

My Yuanwen Giant Frog is to deal with this Blood-exploding Green Swallow!"

It turned out that this Blood-exploding Green Swallow was also cultivated by Yu Hezi and sold to Jiu Yuefeng, so he naturally had a way to deal with it.

However, Luo Li secretly underestimated that the most tragic thing about Jiu Yuefeng was that he made a friend like Yu Hezi.

Yu Hezi did not notice Luo Li's underestimation, but excitedly said to Luo Li:

"Sir, we have broken through the outer Fengtian forbidden formation of Jiuyuefeng."

Luo Li said: "Okay, how long will it take to enter the opponent's fairyland!"

Suddenly, Yu Hezi was speechless, and after a long time, he said: "Sir, this Fengtian forbidden formation is just the outer Gangfeng defense system, one of the ninety-nine heavenly winds.

After breaking through the ninety-nine heavenly winds, there is also the Yunhai defense system, which has eighty-one levels.

After breaking through the Yunhai defense system, there are still seventeen levels of Fenghou. After breaking through these, it is Jiuyuefeng's fairyland!

If everything goes well, after seventy years, we can break through all these levels and enter Jiuyuefeng's fairyland.")

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