Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,742 Remember, remember that look!

The guidance method of the end of time, the so-called reward of the Xianqin Alliance, can only be issued by the corresponding temple.

The Lichen Sect has fallen into decline and become a lower sect in the fairy world. Many things in the sect have been lost. There is no such guidance method here, so it cannot be issued. Luo Li can only go to other upper fairy domains to issue it.

Among the multiple choices, Luo Li chose Yuxiao Fairyland.

That is where Yuxiao Sect is located. When Luo Li was in Lingtu Honghuang Realm, the sect where the barefoot immortal was located, Luo Li bought countless secret books of the fairy world in the sea of ​​books in the shop of this sect.

Although, these secret books were also purchased by Luo Li with immortal stones, only the methods before being promoted to virtual immortal.

But it can be said that without the help of Yuxiao Sect in the past, Luo Li would have died in several wars in Lingtu Honghuang Realm.

So Luo Li decided to go to Yuxiao Fairyland to receive the reward and thank Yuxiao Sect for its help in the past.

Don't forget the well digger when you drink water!

But before leaving, Luo Li will receive his own reward of 10 million immortal stones in this temple.

He looked at the Master Penglai on the side and said, "Well, Master, please pay me 10 million immortal stones for my earthly immortal promotion subsidy." Master Penglai looked at Luo Li stupidly, and it was hard to believe that the bumpkin in his eyes actually broke the convention of tens of millions of years and got so many earthly immortal rewards. He couldn't help but slap his face hard. It hurt a lot. It was not a dream. Then he began to check the records of the hall and finally proved that this was indeed true. According to the rules of the Immortal Qin, he could only pay 10 million immortal stones. Gritting his teeth, he took out the reserve immortal stones of the Xianqin Hall here, a full 10 million, and paid them to Luo Li. Luo Li smiled, put away these immortal stones, not one less, and left with a smile. Suddenly, Master Penglai seemed to remember something. His eyes lit up, and he grabbed Luo Li and said: "My immortal friend, great immortal. Well, I shouldn't say you are a bumpkin, I am a bumpkin! Well, can you teach me how to receive the earthly immortal reward?" No one else can receive it, only this person can. He must have a way, so Master Penglai began to ask for help.

The earthly immortal promotion reward was a secret reward. He could only see the shadow of endless immortal treasures. He could not see why Luo Li had a reward, what immortal treasures he was rewarded with, and whether he had immortal magic to protect him.

In order to get this secret, he kowtowed and asked Luo Li.

"I am a disciple of Penglai Sect. Master Penglai is my honorific title. I use the name of the sect Penglai. You should know my status in Penglai Sect!

I am here to serve as a gilded official to monitor the Lichen Sect. After ten years, I have returned to the sect to take on a great responsibility. My Penglai Sect is powerful and the world is coming to me. If you don't say anything. Haha, that means you regard my Penglai Sect as nothing. If the mountain doesn't move, the water will move. When the time comes, don't blame my sect for being ruthless."

He began to threaten Luo Li, wanting to get the way to get the earthly immortal reward.

Luo Li looked at him. This guy was arrogant at first and then respectful. He started to threaten again without any sincerity. In addition, Penglai Sect is not a good thing.

Luo Li smiled and said:

"This, this, the secret is very important, I can't easily tell others, but..."

"But what?"

"But I heard that Penglai Sect has a kind of elixir called Chiya Jiushen Sanqi Pill, which is of infinite benefit to earthly immortals..."

"Okay, okay, I have nine of them here. Only ordinary earthly immortals can get three of these elixirs from the sect. I'll give them all to you!"

Luo Li took the nine Chiya Jiushen Sanqi Pills with a smile and said:

"In fact, there is no trick. Why didn't anyone receive the earthly immortal reward before? I read a lot of ancient books and found that the earthly immortal reward was too low in the past, which was a drop in the bucket. The earthly immortals at that time disliked the trouble of receiving it, so no one received it.

Gradually, it became a habit, and rumors spread for thousands of years. No one claimed it.

Now this reward has been there for many years, and it has accumulated for tens of millions of years. The amount is huge, so I came to claim it and I received tens of millions of immortal stones.

In fact, there are still many rewards. Whoever comes to claim it later will get rich!

However, in my opinion, after about three or five people, this reward will be almost consumed. It will be meaningless to return to the previous state! "

The Penglai Master couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said, "Ah, so that's it! So that's it!

However, you are not allowed to tell others about this secret. I exchanged it for the Red Bud Nine Ginseng Three Qi Pill."

"Don't worry, I will never tell anyone else!"

Luo Li smiled and left. The Penglai Master immediately sent a message to his sect. What he said was meaningful and was regarded as a big secret by the Penglai Sect.

Several of the disciples accelerated their cultivation, regardless of their foundation, and finally rashly promoted to earth immortals, and then went to claim the reward, which finally made a big joke. The Penglai Master was punished by the sect and deprived of the sect's honorific title.

Luo Li came to the immortal gate platform of Li Chen Sect, and the two immortals who sold the coordinates of the immortal gate platform were still there.

One was an old man, and the other was a young immortal, both were in the realm of virtual immortals.

Seeing Luo Li waved at them, they immediately ran over with a smile.

Luo Li asked: "Among the coordinates of your immortal gate platform, are there the coordinates of the Yuxiao Sect's transmission platform?"

The coordinates of the transmission platform are not public, only the sects have them. When the Li Chen Sect was powerful, the major sects were on good terms, and they would reveal the coordinates of the platforms to each other.

The coordinates of the teleportation platform should not be sold, but it can be seen that the Lichen Sect is in decline, so they don’t care so much. If they can exchange it for an immortal stone, then it’s an immortal stone.

One of the old immortals immediately said: "Yes, yes, sir, it only takes ten immortal stones."

Luo Li nodded and said: "I bought it! By the way, do you have the coordinates of the platform of the Litian Sword Sect?"

The old immortal shook his head and said: "This was originally in our sect, but later our sect fell into decline, and the Litian Sword Sect cancelled our sect’s coordinate qualification, so the original one is invalid."

"The Yuxiao Sect is the same as our Lichen Sect. It has also fallen into decline in recent years, but they are still a middle sect, so they did not cancel our teleportation qualification."

There is an indescribable feeling in the words, like relief, like ridicule.

Luo Li shook his head slightly, what a pity, what a pity!

This was a powerful sect back then, but now it is so dilapidated that it took out ten immortal stones to buy the coordinates of the Yuxiao Sect’s teleportation platform.

As if sensing the meaning of Luo Li’s gaze, the young immortal couldn’t help but lower his head.

Then Luo Li walked towards the Taoist platform of Zixianmen, intending to teleport to Yuxiao Sect according to this coordinate.

Luo Li was very powerful, and even if he was far away, he could still hear the secret communication between the two immortals.

"Wudao, did you see the look of that earthly immortal just now? Did you feel good?"

"Master, no, it's so uncomfortable!"

"Yes, I feel uncomfortable too. Although we are only selling the transmission coordinates, we are actually selling the dignity of our ancestors!

Remember his look, remember your pain and discomfort just now. I am old, and this is how my life will be!

But you are different. You are still young. Even if I sell my dignity again, even if I kneel down humbly, even if I give up my life, I will gather enough cultivation resources for you.

And you, you must practice well. The future of our Lichen Sect lies in you!

We can be humble, we can be shameless, we can suffer, we can sacrifice, but we must work hard and persevere. Sooner or later, we will regain the glory of our ancestors and make our Lichen Sect rise again and become powerful!

Remember, remember that look, and never forget it!"(~^~)

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