Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 198 The ancient spiritual diamond is a real treasure! (Second update, please vote f

!Continuing on the road like this, after flying for three more days, the land ahead turned blood red! It was all wilderness, and it looked extremely desolate. Not to mention people, there were not many ordinary birds, beasts, ghosts and ghosts here.

Wang Wu said: "Okay, this is it. This ghost market has a small market every ten days, a mid-market every month, and a big market every year. We are unlucky. It happens to be at the beginning of the month, and last month's mid-market has passed. , can only participate in small markets!

Everyone waits here all night. At dawn tomorrow morning, the ghost market will automatically open before the sun rises. When the sun rises and the ghost market ends, everyone will pop up automatically. It will take about an hour! "

Everyone was waiting here, and Wang Wu released the jingshe again, where everyone rested and waited.

At night, monks came here one after another. They were all monks from the Guizhou Continent. They either controlled the ghost wind, controlled the black mist, commanded the zombies, or controlled the skeleton magic weapon. They were all full of ghostly aura. However, there are also monks from other regions who are passing by here and specially come to this ghost market!

Everyone is here, no one is looking at anyone, no interference with each other, just waiting for the ghost market to open!

At dawn the next day, the sun had not risen yet, and everything was dark. On the blood-red land, at some point, a market appeared silently, and it was bustling with people. It was so lively!

Everyone walked towards the ghost market, Wang Wu said: "Okay, the market is open, let's go in, remember, in this market, you are just buying things, don't ask about the source, don't be troublesome.

In addition, it is impossible to sell in this market. Even the True Master of Transformation God and the True One of Returning to the Void cannot cast spells here, so there is absolutely no problem with safety!

Okay, everyone, go ahead, enter, and you will be automatically teleported. Let everyone disperse and look for their own opportunities! The ghost market has disappeared, gather here! "

Everyone said: "Disciple, obey!"

Then they dispersed and entered the ghost market. Luo Li also entered it. Entering it, he suddenly lost track of everyone and found himself in a huge market!

There is a huge flow of people here, and there are people everywhere. I don’t know how many people there are, but the order is still quite orderly.

"The Great Sun Sword, the Circle-Moon Shuttle, the Sun-Moon Divine Weapon, this is the only pair!"

"New hunting beast bones, bloodline of the great demon, book as soon as possible."

"The supreme secret book Nine Luminaries Longyuan Sword Talisman is here. It's cheap, it's cheap, it's on sale!"

"It's a foundation-building pill, it's a foundation-building pill, there's a big discount!"

The ghost market here is located in a huge depression, with a diameter of at least seven or eight miles at the top and gradually narrowing down. There are hundreds of thousands of caves drilled out of it, and there are also cloud-like caves in the middle. Cloud barrier platforms, or stalls supported by simple racks, are connected by floating ladders and criss-crossed.

Countless merchants here are selling their goods, and more customers are choosing between them!

Luo Li looked at everyone and his heart moved. Although this place is said to be very safe, there is a mixture of dragons and snakes, and everyone is there. If something happens and someone remembers their face, it will be troublesome in the future!

Thinking of this, Luo Li smiled. The painted leather mask he bought last time just played a role here. With the mask, the devil knows who you are. It is absolutely safe and does not leave any trouble.

Thinking of this, Luo Li took out a painted leather mask and put it on his face. His whole person suddenly changed, from a young boy to a burly man!

This big man was tall, with messy hair tied up in a bun, his chin was shaved livid, and his eyes were like red-hot pebbles, dark red, rolling slowly in the eye sockets, making him unforgettable at first sight. The open mouth voice was like thunder, rough and powerful, it was no longer Luo Li's speaking voice. Luo Li smiled, the painted leather mask was indeed paid for in vain.

Then Luo Li started to move forward in this sea of ​​people, looking for good goods.

But as he turned around again and again, Luo Li couldn't help but frown. There was a mixture of fish and dragons here, and there were all kinds of goods. The properties of the foundation-building pill were completely wrong. If you take one, let alone foundation-building, it can definitely poison someone to death! What kind of supreme secret book needs to be practiced corresponding to the stars in the sky, but Luo Li has never heard of the corresponding stars, and they are definitely not stars that exist in the Zhongtian Lord world! There are millions of commodities, but only a few are valuable.

However, there were some good things among them, but the price was really scary. When the stall owner saw the customers, he was like a wolf seeing the meat, and asked for the price. Luo Li shook his head, he couldn't afford it, so he could only avoid it.

In the market, there were many monks of all kinds. Luo Li observed them carefully according to the Kunlun Hundred Thousand Questions. Some of them even wore robe styles that were popular more than a hundred thousand years ago, and some wore robes that were popular tens of thousands of years ago. Some are from thousands of years ago, and some are unheard of and have never been seen before!

Luo Li wandered around in this market. After a while, he felt a little confused. The ghost market here only lasted for an hour. If he didn't buy something, the time would go by in vain!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, the old method!

"The sky is above! The soil is below! Good things are sure, and rewards for good will be behind!"

Use your magical powers to choose valuable stalls for yourself, so you can buy one or two!

With the use of magical power, two of the stalls Luo Li had seen along the way suddenly emitted a faint light, which was different from others!

Luo Li smiled, his magical power was indeed reliable!

He walked towards the nearest stall. That stall was very simple. It was just a floor of animal skins. It was a stall. It was filled with various items made of grass, including little people, ponies, and tigers. , there are trees, a total of twelve, all of them are extremely lifelike and vivid!

The light was emitted by these grasses. Luo Li came to the stall and looked at these items. This grass was the most ordinary grass. There were patches of grass outside. Apart from these lifelike grass men and horses, there was nothing unique about them?

Is this strange? But Luo Li believed in his magical power, and what his magical power pointed to must be a strange object!

He said: "This boss, how do you sell these straw men?"

The boss was a red-faced man, burly and fierce. He was not wearing a robe, only an animal skin. He still holds a handful of grass in his hand and continues to weave.

When he saw Luo Li, he raised his hand and stretched out a finger. Luo Li nodded. One spiritual stone each was very cheap. He said:

"Okay, one spirit stone and one spirit stone, I bought them all!"

After saying that, he took out twelve spirit stones and handed them to the red-faced man. He looked at Luo Li with a look of contempt on his face. He knew at a glance that Luo Li was short of spirit stones!

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Is it a middle-grade spiritual stone or a straw man?"

After Luo Li took out the middle-grade spirit stone, the red-faced man continued to look down upon him!

Luo Li said in surprise: "Could it be that the top-grade spiritual stone is just a straw man! No, it's too expensive, right? Forget it, I'll buy one!"

After speaking, Luo Li took out a high-grade spiritual stone and handed it to the other party!

The red-faced man finally gave up and shouted: "That bald boy, are you kidding Grandpa? This broken stone wants to be exchanged for Grandpa's treasure. Go ahead and dream!"

Luo Li was dumbfounded and said: "What a broken stone, this is a top-grade spiritual stone, one is worth ten thousand spiritual stones, it is priceless!"

When the red-faced man heard what Luo Li said, he seemed to remember something and said, "Ah, I made a mistake! This is a ghost market and anything can happen!

Grandpa's treasure, a straw man needs at least one such spirit stone in order to exchange it, otherwise there is no need to talk! "

After saying that, he took out a strange spiritual stone and let Luo Li look at it. When he saw the spiritual stone, Luo Li was instantly stunned!

This spiritual stone is astonishingly a fist-sized strange spiritual stone with seventeen diamond pillars. It looks like a huge diamond, sparkling!

Luo Li suddenly remembered a legend. It has been passed down from ancient times that ancient monks used spiritual cobalt, ancient monks used spiritual diamonds, medieval monks used spiritual crystals, and modern monks used spiritual stones!

The more ancient times, the more abundant the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In the ancient era of gods and demons, spiritual cobalt was everywhere. In the ancient era of divine power, all races arose, and the spiritual cobalt dissipated. The monks began to use the next-level spiritual diamonds, and then spiritual crystals. Until now, It’s the spirit stone!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "This, this is a spiritual diamond!"

When the red-faced man heard this, he said: "What a spiritual diamond, it's just an ordinary spiritual stone!"

Luo Li nodded in a daze. This guy was indeed an ancient person. The spiritual stone they used at that time was what later generations would call a spiritual diamond! In their time, this was just an ordinary spiritual stone!

All of a sudden, Luo Li's target shifted from those idiots to the red-faced man's spiritual diamond. This spiritual diamond was absolutely worth a fortune. Luo Li rolled his eyes and said:

"Senior, I don't have your spirit stone, but I really want to buy your straw man!

Look, I also have some goods here, many of which you probably haven't seen before. Let's exchange them with each other. What do you think? "

After saying that, Luo Li began to take out his belongings, taking whatever he had to see what could attract the big man's attention!

The red-faced man looked at the things Luo Li took out, shook his head, and said, "Most of these things are junk..."

Suddenly his eyes were on Luo Li and he said: "But there is a good thing. Your skin is very good, but it will be useless if you take it off. What a pity!"

Luo Li was stunned. Suddenly he knew that this layer of skin was talking about a painted skin mask. Luo Li smiled and said:

"I have this thing!"

After saying that, he started to take out the painted skin mask and said: "Senior, what do you think of the mask? This is called a painted skin mask. After putting it on, whether it is the soul, the true energy, or the face and voice, all changes! How about it? One mask for all. You are a straw man!”

The big man looked at these painted leather masks and said: "They are very ghostly, but the paintings are clever and the workmanship is fine. They are very rare things. Okay, let's change them. A straw man and a mask!"

The two of them immediately traded, and Luo Li got all the twelve straw men and straw horses, and put them into the storage bag. Then Luo Li said:

"Senior, I still have this mask, do you still want to change it? One spiritual stone for one mask, what do you think?"

The big man looked at the painted leather mask in Luo Li's hand and said, "Have you taken a fancy to my spirit stone? You descendants are so pitiful. You treat those broken stones as treasures. Haha, change them!"

Luo Li was so ecstatic that he replaced all his painted-skin masks with spiritual diamonds. Except for the one he was waiting for, there were a total of twelve straw men and sixty-nine spiritual diamonds! Although he still didn't know how much this spiritual stone was worth, Luo Li knew that he would definitely make a fortune, and a big fortune!

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