Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 227: Lifelong Enemy Brahma Wujie! (Fifth update, Chapter 2!)

!The selection of Lingtian was completed, but Luo Li did not leave immediately, but waited for the news! Wu Gang could not target him for no reason, there must be a reason, so Ye Qingfeng began to inquire around.

Soon, Ye Qingfeng returned here with a gloomy face and said:

"Luo Li, we've found out the news! It's the Wu Zhen Sect in Xingzhou, and it's deliberately targeting you!"

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Wuzhen Sect? I have nothing to do with them?"

Wu Zhen Sect, like Jing Lin Sect and Life and Death Sect, are all subordinate sects of Hunyuan Sect, guarding Xingzhou Continent for Hunyuan Sect.

Ye Qingfeng said: "They have nothing to do with you, but they have a close relationship with a recent disciple named Fan Wujie!"

Luo Li whispered: "Ban Wujie?"

Ye Qingfeng said: "Yes, Brahma Wujie! Legend has it that this person has been spotted by Patriarch Xin Yuan and will be accepted as a closed disciple. The Wu Zhen Sect was born under the disciples of Patriarch Xin Yuan and is a side branch of Patriarch Xin Yuan. They relied on the protection of Patriarch Xin Yuan, so they flattered Fan Wujie in every possible way. If Fan Wujie said a word, they would do it as an imperial edict!

That Fan Wujie is very concerned about you and has been paying attention to your news. He knew that you were going to plant a spiritual field, so he caused trouble behind your back. Wu Gang was born in the Wu Zhen Sect, and everything he did relied on the support of the Wu Zhen Sect, so he had to Follow the orders and deliberately put you in danger! "

Luo Li couldn't help but said bitterly: "Ban Wujie!"

In fact, Luo Li had no hostility toward Fan Wujie along the way, nor did he deliberately suppress or bully him. Completely treat him as an ordinary junior brother, treat him the same as Lu Qing and others!

Fan Wujie was the first to provoke that conflict. It can be said that Luo Li has always been nothing excessive towards Fan Wujie.

After all, we all come from the same place. Although we don't have a good relationship with each other, we are still fellow villagers. If we can't be friends, we can't be enemies either!

But this time Fan Wujie went too far. He wanted to cut off Luo Li's path to immortality. If Luo Li hadn't mastered the acupuncture technique, he would have been delayed by Fan Wujie for at least several years. This was the way to cut off people's path to immortality. Luo Li's biggest hatred Li couldn't help but feel angry!

Luo Li suppressed the anger in his heart. Business was more important. He went to the spiritual field he chose. This spiritual field was located in the north of Xuanzhou continent, fifty thousand and thirty miles away from the outer gate. It relied on the waterway established by the Hunyuan magic spirit. Luo Li It took three hours of flying to get there.

This place is called Longyang Mountain. It is because of this name that Luo Li chose this mountain peak, which coincides with the drunken dragon fruit! In addition, this place is very remote, which is suitable for Luo Li to secretly steal spiritual energy without being noticed or discovered!

Longyang Mountain is composed of twenty-seven peaks. Although it is remote, the scenery is infinite, green and vast, with floating clouds and hundreds of birds soaring.

Among them, the green pines are shaded and the spring water is tinkling. After the rain, the sky clears, and there is a clear breeze and mist in the mountain valleys. The steaming mist is misty and misty, locking up to the green peaks. The mountains are full of greenery, and under the cover of green trees and white clouds, several huge waterfalls fly down from high places like silver chains, arousing huge roars and water mist, adding a confusing color.

The only shortcoming is that the spiritual energy here is thin, otherwise this is really a good cave!

On the main peak of Longyang Mountain, a ten-acre spiritual field was opened up on the top of the mountain, in which the magical brilliance shone. This spiritual field was restricted and firmly protected by the magic circle.

Before Luo Li came to Lingtian, he took out his sect's jade token and lightly touched the magic circle's restriction. The magic circle's restriction immediately opened and Luo Li entered it.

The spiritual field here belongs to the seventh-level spiritual field. It contains not much spiritual energy, but the land is extremely fertile. It seems like you can squeeze out a handful of black oil with just a touch. Luo Li nodded slightly. Drunken dragon fruit can be grown here.

However, before that, there is one thing to do, which is to open acupuncture points and nourish the veins. In fact, the reason why Longyang Mountain's spiritual energy is thin is not because there are no spiritual veins around it. A large spiritual vein passes under Longyang Mountain. It's just that the spiritual veins are located deep underground, and the spiritual energy absorbed by Longyang Mountain is scarce, so the spiritual energy of Lingyang Mountain is thin.

Luo Li has mastered the spiritual acupoint technique. He can open the spiritual veins to draw Qi into the spiritual field. With a few tricks, he can turn a seventh-class spiritual field into a third-class spiritual field or above, or even a first-class spiritual field. It’s nothing!

Therefore, Luo Li didn't care about Wu Gang's difficulties. Even without his difficulties, Luo Li would have chosen this place.

After arriving, Luo Li began to survey the terrain, looking for underground spiritual veins, preparing to open acupoints to draw energy and steal the spiritual energy from the spiritual veins.

After surveying the ground veins, the spiritual veins were located thousands of feet underground. After Luo Li found them, he began to devise a method to open the acupoints.

After slowly studying and carefully demonstrating, Luo Li gradually formed a perfect plan in his mind. He improved the plan bit by bit, and finally took shape.

Luo Li was about to return to the outer gate, buy some materials, and start executing the plan. At this moment, a speeding car flew slowly towards here in the distance. Luo Li was stunned. Who is coming?

The speeding car approached Lingyang Mountain and slowly stopped. On top of the speeding car, more than ten people got off, including mortals and monks. The leader was Uncle Qi!

He quickly came to Luo Li and said, "Luo Li, I'm sorry, I didn't let you choose a good spiritual field!

However, your seventh uncle still has some power. I am responsible for managing all the fairy farmers in the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect. These are the best fairy farmers in our sect. I have brought them to you. With them here, you want to plant fairy farmers. Gu Xian Guo, no problem at all! "

Luo Li immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Uncle Qi!"

It turns out that Uncle Qi sent Luo Li, the best immortal farmer from Hunyuan Sect, to help Luo Li plant spiritual fields.

However, these immortal farmers are of little use to Luo Li. He masters the immortal planting technique of the Xiannong Sect, which is the highest immortal technique of immortal planting. These immortal farmers can't compare at all, but they are kind enough to send them here, so they have to thank them. In addition, with the help of these fairy farmers, it is much easier. Some chores, such as plowing the soil and digging ridges, do not need to be done by yourself.

Uncle Qi told these immortal farmers again that they must obey Luo Li's orders and plant the immortal plants. After giving them all the instructions, he left.

It was already very late at this time, and Luo Li was about to return to the sect's headquarters. He gave orders to these fairy farmers, asking them to do all the preliminary work before planting. When the fairy farmers heard these orders, they all looked in disbelief. !

They are all the best immortal farmers and masters in the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect. These things are all done by small apprentices. Now they are assigned to do these small things. It is really dumbfounding, but there is no way. Uncle Qi is their immediate boss, so they can only hold their noses and start working.

Luo Li didn't care what they thought. He completed the tasks assigned, then stood up with his sword and returned to the outer gate.

Just after returning to the outer gate, Luo Li was startled when he saw Fan Wujie alone in the square, as if waiting for him.

Seeing him, Luo Li immediately became angry, but his expression remained unchanged and he slowly walked over. Fan Wujie saw Luo Li returning, clasped his fists and smiled, saying:

"Senior Brother Luo Li, you're back!"

Luo Li looked at him and said, "I'm not sorry for you! Why do you want to be my enemy?"

Fan Wujie said: "Senior Brother Luo Li, you have always been kind to me along the way. Although you defeated me, it was me who challenged you, so I don't blame you.

However, I have to be your enemy because you block my way!

As long as you are here, I will not exist! You are too strong. In the eyes of everyone, there will only be you, not me. With you, I am just a green leaf, always the second place!

So you block my way, I must push you away and crawl over you, so that I can be me, the Brahma Wukong who is admired by millions of people!

Actually, Senior Brother Luo Li, I am very grateful to you. When I first left the Nine Transformations Sect, I didn’t understand anything. I thought I was the best in the world and was extremely ignorant, so I offended many people.

But traveling with you and watching what you do, I understand a lot of truths. Now I can talk and laugh with people I used to despise, I can say words that go against my will, and I can tolerate those vulgar trash!

You taught me these, and I am very grateful to you, but just because of this, I must defeat you, so that my road can be farther and stronger! "

Luo Li looked at him and said, "Are you afraid of me?"

Fan Wujie said: "To be honest, I am very afraid of you, really afraid, from the bottom of my heart! I know that compared with you, I am far inferior to you!

So, there is no other way, I can only use such small means, I hope this can help me take the first step! "

Luo Li suddenly laughed and said: "I understand, I understand! But since you have declared war on me, let this war begin!"

Fan Wujie said: "It has already begun, Senior Brother Luo Li, because Patriarch Xin Yuan has a little trust in me, all the major forces in the outer sect can be said to have a little friendship with me!

The Wu Zhen Sect has completely turned to me, and I have already started working on the Jing Lin Sect and the Life and Death Sect. Ye Qingfeng and the others are just an outer sect of the Jing Lin Sect. I believe that these sects will make the right decisions. of choice.

So Senior Brother Luo Li, the right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people in the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect have all leaned towards me! You can't stand in my way anymore! "

Luo Li smiled and said: "The monks still rely on themselves, no matter how strong external objects are, it is meaningless! Junior Brother Wujie, you are on the wrong track!

Since you rely on Patriarch Xin Yuan's support for you, well, in the future, I will continue to attack you, defeat you, and trample you under my feet. Then I will see if Patriarch Xin Yuan will still treat you. Will trust you loser like before! "

As soon as he said this, Fan Wujie's expression changed. The reason why he attacked Luo Li was because he was afraid that he would not be able to compare with Luo Li and would be looked down upon by Patriarch Xin Yuan. When the time came, Patriarch Xin Yuan would choose Luo Li instead of Luo Li. Himself, then he will lose everything!

He snorted coldly and said: "Come on then, let's try it! Do you want to defeat me? You must first get that qualification, then let's talk!"

After saying that, Fan Wujie turned around and strode away. Watching Fan Wujie leave, Luo Li said slightly:

"Is it blocking your way? But, Fan Wujie, if you do this, you will also block my way!

Anyone who stands in my way will end badly! You are no exception! "

The two completely broke up and became mortal enemies!

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