Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 229: The wild fungus moves the dragon and the snake! (Fourth update from five chap

!After the Drunken Dragon Fruit was planted, Luo Li quietly activated the restriction, and suddenly endless spiritual energy poured into the spiritual field. This spiritual field contained countless spiritual energy. Under the nourishment of this spiritual energy, the Drunken Dragon Fruit seeds began to sprout and grow.

As expected, Wang Wu got things done, and within three days, the Xiannong Sect's secret method of killing insects recorded in the Neimen Sutra Pavilion was delivered to Luo Li.

Seeing this secret method, Luo Li couldn't help but be stunned. This secret method is really insightful.

The so-called observing the subtle details requires focusing one's spiritual consciousness on a very small object, and magnifying the minute parts of that object a hundred times, a thousand times, without limit, from the macro world to the micro world.

Then, under the control of his spiritual consciousness, he uses his magic power to operate in the microscopic world with extreme precision. This is a powerful micro-manipulation control. No wonder the senior of Hunyuan Sect gave up in the end and specialized in the art. To be able to control this secret method requires extremely high power of spiritual control, space transformation power, and super micro-manipulation ability, which is very difficult.

Luo Li studied it carefully, but kept shaking his head. He couldn't activate this secret method. It was too difficult, too difficult!

To use this method, you need to inject your spiritual consciousness into a drunken dragon fruit seedling. The drunken dragon fruit seedling will turn into a huge world, and then in this drunken dragon fruit seedling world, the dragon fungi that invade these worlds will be eliminated Kill, this is the Xiannong Sect’s method of killing insects!

But this is too difficult. First of all, it requires strong spiritual control ability. Secondly, it requires the ability to master spatial micro-control. Finally, it requires the power to kill the dragon fungus. And it can only kill the dragon fungus and cannot destroy the drunken dragon fruit seedlings!

"What can I do? Am I going to be stuck here? Is there really no way?"

"Is there really no other way? I don't believe it. There must be a way!"

Luo Li couldn't help but frown. He began to focus all his energy on this and began to study this matter!

This time passed day by day, and on the seventh day, nourished by endless spiritual energy, the seeds of the drunken dragon fruit grew wildly, and buds emerged from the ground one after another, growing upwards happily.

If this Drunken Dragon Fruit grows naturally, it will take ten years to live forever, ten years to bloom, and ten years to bear fruit. It will take at least thirty years to get a batch of Drunken Dragon Fruit!

Fortunately, after many years of cultivation, the Xiannong Sect has obtained a set of planting methods, which shortened the thirty years to ninety days. Using this secret method, it saved countless troubles.

But correspondingly, this kind of planting is much more difficult. Every day, Luo Li must follow the planting secret method of Xiannong Sect, morning, noon and evening, use the small spirit cloud technique to spread the spiritual field all over the spirit cloud, and also use the big rain technique. Above the fields, spiritual rain falls, nourishing the spiritual fields.

That's not all. Every sunrise and sunset, the Golden Thunder and Purple Lightning Technique is also used. On this spiritual field, after the clouds and rain are spread, all kinds of thunder and lightning will be emitted!

Only in this way, the clouds and rain, thunder and lightning can activate the dragon nature contained in the drunken dragon fruit, allowing the drunken dragon fruit to sprout and thrive little by little, saving a lot of natural growth time.

The Small Spiritual Cloud Technique, the Great Rain Technique, and the Golden Thunder and Purple Lightning Technique are all recorded in the Immortal Planting Technique. They are all very common immortal techniques that can be learned within a short time of practice. It is not difficult for Luo Li to master them. .

But to use them, you need a lot of Qi. You can't make ends meet just by relying on the Qi in your own body, so you have to rely on external things.

This foreign object is the spiritual stone. Use the spiritual stone to lay out a magic circle, emit spiritual energy, inject it into the spell, and support the spell to operate for a long time, so that Luo Li can persist and cast these spells every day.

Originally, Luo Li still had three high-grade spirit stones on his body, but they were all consumed quickly. Fortunately, in the Tuntian Sect, the old beggar once gave Luo Li three thousand Taiqing Gold Liquid Qi Refining Pills. Luo Li later obtained Ah Most of the Wancao Soul Resurrection Wine and the Taiqing Golden Liquid Qi Refining Pills are left. Now at the critical moment, all the Taiqing Golden Liquid Qi Refining Pills have been sold by Luo Li in exchange for spiritual stones, and the magic circle is arranged here. .

In less than ten days, all the spiritual stones exchanged for the Taiqing Golden Liquid Qi Refining Pill will be consumed soon. Luo Li has no spiritual stones in his hand, and he suddenly becomes worried, what should he do? Are you going to continue selling treasures?

I still have five dragon bones in my hand, sell them?

Just when Luo Li was worried, Ajiu suddenly received a letter. Along with the letter were twenty-five high-grade spiritual stones, which were the harvest of killing the dragon in Tianchi. With these spiritual stones, Luo Li immediately bulged out his waist and carried his pockets. If you have money, you will never have to worry again!

Just like this, a month later, as the spiritual stones decreased, the ninety-seven Drunken Dragon Fruit trees finally completed their growth and began to bloom.

The drunken dragon fruit tree bloomed, and Luo Li took a deep breath. From now on, there was no need to use the method of walking on clouds and rain. In other words, there was no need to consume spiritual stones anymore, but the sorrow appeared again!

"What should we do? How can we activate the secret method of killing insects?"

There was really no other way, Luo Li could only rely on magical powers:

"The sky is above, and the earth is below! Good things are sure, and rewards for good will be behind!"

Silently chanting, with this spell, a bit of strange energy began to dissipate in Luo Li's body and merged into the world. Attracted by this, the strange power falling from the sky was injected into Luo Li's body!

Gradually, a scene appeared in Luo Li's mind. A white-haired old man stood in front of a drunken dragon fruit, wielding his sword intent and observing everything!

Then the scene disappeared, and Luo Li let out a long breath. He knew how he could activate this secret method of killing insects!

Luo Li took a long breath, feeling the six virtues in his body, and said:

"I, Luo Li, have worked hard to seek the truth. Now I am encountering dangers and obstacles. There is a pass in front of me and I cannot pass it. Strong enemies are spying on me and vicious dogs are running rampant. Please protect me from kindness and virtue, grant me divine power and relieve my sorrow!"

Following Luo Li's words, a streak of kindness immediately decomposed and turned into endless energy, dissipating between heaven and earth. Then these energy attracted the energy of heaven and earth, and slowly poured into the true solution of Xiaowuxiang, which had restored some light. Xiang Zhenjie, absorbing these heaven and earth vitality, began to gather Wu Guang. !

Good virtue is different from good deeds. It has powerful magical effects. It can absorb the power of heaven and earth and do things beyond Luo Li's ability!

Luo Li watched with a smile. When the small Wuxiang True Solution gathered the spiritual light, he pointed hard, and the Small Wuxiang True Solution immediately injected this light into Luo Li's five major sword intentions, the Zangkong Sword Intent.

In an instant, Luo Li came to the illusion again and began to practice the Hidden Sky Sword Intent countless times!

I don’t know how long it took before Luo Li woke up, and the hidden sword intention became extremely clear in Luo Li’s sea of ​​consciousness!

The Sword Intention of Hidden Space, the way of hidden space, is similar to the ability to observe the subtleties of the gods. Mastering this sword intention, Luo Li can observe the subtleties of the gods and have the ability to control the space. Using the killing skills of the Xiannong Sect, The secret method of insects prevents drunken dragon fruits from killing each other.

With the infusion of light from the Little Wuxiang True Understanding, Luo Li began to have an infinite understanding and mastery of the Hidden Sky Sword Intent, and understood its techniques! Know the rules! Integrate it!

The so-called sword intention is through countless swings of the sword, the understanding of the sword, the perception of the sword, the infinite accumulation of sword practice, a recognition of oneself, a belief, a pure spirit, a kind of mental power. The powerful power, the essence, the purest, the terrifying, the invincible power!

And through the strengthening of Xiao Wuxiang True Solution, Luo Li completely controlled this supreme sword intention without having to go through countless training processes.

The sword intention of hiding in the sky, the imperial sword intention, is hidden in the void. Under the sword intention, the chasm becomes a thoroughfare. It is caused by the thought. The sword intention is about to arrive. Within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, the sword intention can be silent for an instant. It's here, no distance hinders you.

In fact, the Hidden Sky Sword Intent and the Tattooed Sword Intent are very similar. They are both extremely fast. However, the Tattooed Sword Intent requires a starting stage, from slow to fast, and gradually accelerates. The Hidden Kong Sword Intent is completely hidden in the void, and it can be reached in an instant. Yes, this acceleration process is not used at all, but the kinetic energy damage caused by the acceleration process will be lost. It can be said that both have advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own merits!

After mastering this sword intention, Luo Li came to a drunken dragon fruit seedling, but instead of rushing to use the Zangkong sword intention, he used the calamity of life and death!

In an instant, the catastrophe of life, death, and glory was activated, and Luo Li became extremely old. His hair was gray, skinny and gray, and it was very difficult to stand.

But in this state, the weakness of the body is exchanged for the incomparable clarity of mind and the incomparable power of spiritual consciousness. At this point, Luo Li has reached another condition for observing the subtleties of the spirit, the powerful ability to control spiritual consciousness!

To a certain extent, sword intention is also a kind of spiritual power, which can be wielded even if the body is weakest.

Luo Li used his spiritual consciousness and the Zangkong Sword Intent to invade the drunken dragon fruit seedling in front of him.

With Luo Li's spiritual consciousness and sword intention working together, in an instant, the drunken dragon fruit seedling in front of him began to grow rapidly, from an ordinary plant to a huge world in the blink of an eye!

In this world, there is no color, everything is gray and white, things are magnified thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, everything looks so amazing!

It turns out that the fibers on the drunken dragon fruit turned into mountains one after another in this world, and a grain of sand turned into a huge mountain. Everything became different.

Luo Li took a long breath and succeeded. He finally succeeded. Entering this microscopic world, he can kill those dragon fungi and protect his drunken dragon fruit!

Under this microscopic world, everything has become so strange. The thin fibers of the Drunk Dragon Fruit have now turned into mountains, huge and mysterious. This world makes Luo Li endlessly obsessed with it, completely harmonious. The real world is completely different.

The drunken dragon fruit blooms slowly one by one. The drunken dragon fruit flowers are as big as the mouth of a bowl. They look like lotus flowers, glow purple-red, and are extremely beautiful. However, in this beauty, there is endless murderous intention!

Drunken dragon fruit flowers bloom, and they spread their own pollen to thousands of miles around. As long as these pollen fall on the same drunk dragon fruit seedlings, they will hatch latently and turn into terrifying dragon fungi. These dragon fungi The insect will kill the parasitic Drunken Dragon Fruit seedlings little by little, ensuring that there is only one Drunken Dragon Fruit tree within a radius of thousands of miles!

Beautiful, yet terrible life!

When they were blooming and powdering, Luo Li started working. He walked back and forth among the ninety-seven drunken dragon fruit trees. From time to time, he turned into a white-haired old man and used his sword to clear the dragon fungi on the drunken dragon fruit trees. insect.

Luo Li sat on a bench he carried with him so that he could save his energy. In his withered state, his body had no strength at all.

As usual, Luo Li would check the Drunken Dragon Fruit tree ten times a day. This time it was a routine inspection. He sat in front of a Drunken Dragon Fruit tree in the spiritual field, put his hands on the Drunken Dragon Fruit Tree, and closed his eyes. The blue Tiangong Sword Intent, guided by his divine consciousness, quietly sank into the Drunken Dragon Fruit Tree. He could feel his own sword energy passing through the Drunken Dragon Fruit Tree without any hindrance.

Suddenly, there was a wave of Zangkong Sword Intent, and Luo Li let out a long breath. What was supposed to come, came anyway. He encountered the dragon fungus for the first time!

The originally calm Zangkong Sword Intent suddenly emitted endless killing intent, rushing towards the target.

Through the information scanned by his spiritual consciousness, Luo Li could clearly feel the status of the dragon fungus.

Dragon fungi are like terrifying crocodile reptiles, but they are dragon heads. In the consciousness, they are countless, tens of thousands, but fortunately, they are a group of larvae and have not yet Grow up and become extremely small. But within them, there is a terrifying aura that destroys everything. The meaning of their existence is to destroy the drunken dragon fruit tree where they are!

There is nothing to say, just fight and kill them!

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