Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 238 It is difficult to refine the shape of Wansi! (Eighth update of Chapter 10, ple

!Watch carefully and don’t miss a single thing! !

This purple light fantasy sword technique can use mana to condense a magic sword to slash the opponent. This can also give birth to supernatural powers. It can refine up to ninety-nine magic swords. It is infinitely powerful. Yes, yes.

That Ningsha Jueqi, as long as one breath is released, all living beings will die, it is very powerful, and it can also be promoted to magical powers. Although it is necessary to find a Yinsha place, it should not be a problem in Xuanzhou!

This mountain-moving and reclamation technique can be used completely by Jingwei to reclaim the sea, and this spell can also evolve into magical powers. The higher the level, the more powerful it is. You can choose!

That Immortal City Red Fire Thunder, this is a thunder method, extremely fierce, although it is extremely difficult to practice, but after practicing it, you can refine the divine thunder seeds, which can be used to sell money. After successful practice, you can make a lot of profits, a secret method to make a fortune. !

This two-meter three-light flying escape technique can be integrated into flight and increase the flight speed by 30%, which is very good!

Luo Li gradually became dazzled. They were all good, but he only had two free qualifications, and there was a rule in the Sutra Pavilion that each disciple could only choose two exercises in six months!

If it were anyone else, he would be completely confused and not know how to choose, but Luo Li has a way.

After he read all the secret techniques, he muttered silently:

"The sky is above! The soil is below! Good things are sure, and rewards for good will be behind!"

One of the remaining three good deeds breaks down, bringing Luo Li the best choice!

Suddenly the names of two secret methods appeared in Luo Li's mind. This was his best choice!

"Innate Qi, great capture!" "Thunderbolt, light-shaking escape technique!"

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, it's these two!

One of the techniques was on the second floor and the other on the third floor. Luo Li found them one by one and waved them with the sect's jade sign, immediately activating the magic circle. A jade bamboo slip slowly emerged from the magic circle, but you couldn't touch it. ·The Jade Bamboo Slips are protected by a magic circle, and you need to swear a blood oath and make an oath of inner demons. This spell will never be taught to others, including children and relatives, before you can get it.

Luo Li began to swear blood, and then dropped the blood on the magic circle. Suddenly a huge statue of gods and demons rose up. This is the inner demon. If you violate the oath, you will be chased by the inner demon.

This jade bamboo slip was out of protection and Luo Li put it away. This jade bamboo slip can only be read by those who are bleeding. As soon as others read it, it will be shattered immediately, and they will also be injured by the explosion. This is the theory that the law does not spread to the six ears.

Luo Li has finished choosing two magic arts. He can't choose any other magic arts here. Unless he masters these two magic arts skillfully and passes the trial, he can practice the next magic arts.

Or half a year later, Luo Li comes over and announces that he has given up practicing and sends back the Jade Bamboo Slips. Then he can also choose the next method, but success or failure will be evaluated. If you fail to practice the method three times in a row, there is no need to practice anymore. Pack your bags·You've been kicked out of the house.

Innate Qi is a powerful capture. This spell is very common. It is almost the Mantis Fist in the world of immortality. There are countless kinds of spells with this name in various sects, small and medium sects, casual cultivators and wild cultivators. Back then in Lingdie Sect, Luo Li saw it Arrived in three versions.

But Luo Li knew that the Hunyuan Sect's outer sect's Innate Qi Great Capture was the real spell. Otherwise, the magical power of rewarding good and punishing evil would not let him choose this spell.

Looking at the Jade Bamboo Slip carefully, Luo Li's brows gradually widened. This Xiantian Yiqi Great Capture is completely different from other versions. This Xiantian Yiqi Great Capture comes from a sect called Xiantian Yiqi Sect. This sect has been destroyed, but according to the words between the lines Narrating vaguely, Luo Li felt that this sect was very majestic and extraordinary!

That Thunderbolt Shocking Light Escape comes from a senior casual cultivator named Shentuo Yixiu. This is his unique escape method, which begins with four lines of poetry: The universe is vast in the sleeves, and the golden light of the Thunderbolt is long. A person walks thousands of miles away, and the afterimage is also confused. !

These two jade bamboo slips are both very ancient jade bamboo slips, relics from at least 100,000 years ago, and they are not the jade bamboo slips copied and reprinted like other scripture collection pavilions. They are all original antiques. This may be a reward for kindness. The reason why the evil-punishing magical power chose this secret method!

Luo Li looked carefully and found that in the introduction of these two techniques, there were at least a thousand records of practice failures. It can be seen that since this secret method was put into the Sutra Pavilion, countless monks have chosen to practice these two techniques over the years. Finally, They failed one by one, and no one succeeded. In the end, the monks had to send back the Jade Bamboo Slips and give up these two techniques. Therefore, the original Jade Bamboo Slips fell into the hands of Luo Li!

After the secret method selection was over, Luo Li took a breath and said, Okay, that's it. Although he doesn't have time to practice them now, he can use them as a reserve secret method. When he has perfected the six arts of Hunyuan, he can practice them again, so as not to be like Some time ago, it was impossible to fix it!

After selecting the secret method, Luo Li left the Scripture Collection Pavilion, returned to his residence, sat in the practice room, and began to practice the three skills of Hunyuan he had obtained.

Pangu Ax, the art of cutting! It is borrowed from the creation of the world by Pangu, the ancient god who created the world of Zhongtian Lord. With one strike of the ax, everything is cut open, splitting the heaven and earth with force, cutting open everything, and running rampant.

This Hunyuan Spell was modified by the Hunyuan Sect based on the principle of the Qiankun Sect's Body-Breaking Kun Palm. It was added with the Hengyu Sect's Chaos Disk Ax method and the Creation Sect's Infinite Life Technique. It is formed by the fusion of the three major methods, so that there will be no phenomenon like the body-shattering Wuxing Qiankun Palm that leaves the body powerless after a single blow, and it also has the power of the Pangu Ax of the Hengyu Sect to destroy everything!

The armor-piercing cone, the art of breaking through hardness, pierces everything with high-speed rotating thorns. It is specially designed to deal with those spells or magic weapons with strong defenses. It hits out with one cone, explodes with one point, penetrates the body wildly, and explodes from the inside. Who can block who? die. This technique is specifically designed to deal with the flying sword, the magical weapon used by those cultivating immortals in the Qi refining stage. As long as it is knocked down, the opponent's absolute magical weapon, the flying sword, can no longer be used to attack.

Aura silk, rope technique! Take the spiritual light of heaven and earth and form it into magic thread, which is extremely tough and indestructible. Then use this magic thread to weave talismans to form various prototypes of magic weapons.

The Album Silk Transformation Template Atlas records the methods of weaving these magic weapons with the Almighty Silk. There are a total of 338 kinds of them, including ordinary knives, swords, hooks, scissors, hammers, axes, sticks, etc. Beads and mirrors, complex bells, rings, ropes, fans, umbrellas, flags, flags, bowls, bottles, pockets, and bags, as well as terrifying flying boats, scales, caves, buildings, water palaces, cloud houses, and bunkers , Immortal Pavilion…···

Qins, lamps, beads, books, wheels, fans, bags, pots, swords, clothes, seals, mirrors, tablets, bricks, stones, these 338 transformation templates are all included.

Luo Li looked at the three skills of Hunyuan and let out a sigh of relief. In fact, he had already made a choice in the Deacon Hall, that is, to concentrate on cultivating the spiritual light thread and pass the Thousand Thousand Threads Refining Trial in eighteen days!

Having made up his mind, Luo Li never looked at the Pangu Ax and Armor-breaking Cone again, and began to concentrate on cultivating the aura silk!

"Motion comes from immobility, and action comes from inaction. Inaction means the spirit returns, and when the spirit returns, all things become silent. If there is no movement, the energy disappears, and all things are inanimate.

One qi generates all dharmas, which is the root of Hunyuan. How can qi carry the dharma, and how can the dharma appear in the world? Answer: They all have this thread! Thousands of auras gather into the shape of spiritual threads, and the threads are used to form objects. Ten bundles are made into bundles, hundreds of bundles are made into threads, and thousands of threads are made into ropes. They weave all things, which is the foundation of Hunyuan.

Keep it without image, so the image will always exist; keep it without body, so the body will be completely true. The whole truth is economical and can lead to eternal life. Heaven has its true purpose and will last forever, and the earth will have its true purpose and longevity..."

The so-called spiritual light silk is a supreme secret method that uses the secret method of Hunyuan to refine all kinds of spiritual energy in the world into silk, turning the invisible into the tangible!

This secret method is of great significance to the Hunyuan Sect. It can be said to be the foundation of all methods of the Hunyuan Sect. After entering the inner sect of the Hunyuan Sect, the seven methods of the Hunyuan practiced, whether it is the endless mountains of Tongtian Peak or the countless methods of the Glazed Sea. The secret method is still the countless creatures in the forest of living beings. The most basic composition of all them is this aura silk. The aura is gathered into silk, and then the silk is used to weave all things. Therefore, this aura silk is very important!

Luo Li read all the techniques about aura silk bit by bit, and gradually mastered the technique completely.

To use aura silk, you must first learn the art of observing Qi, which is the first level. Then, you need to find the aura that can condense the aura silk, and then practice the art of gathering truth, taking the aura and condensing it into silk, which is the second level. Then ten spiritual light threads form a spiritual beam. This is the third level! Hundreds of spiritual beams form a spiritual light. This is the fourth level! Thousands of spiritual rays form a spiritual light rope. This is the fifth level!

After passing these five levels, the spiritual energy can be transformed from the invisible into the tangible, and become a truly tangible existence. Then the spiritual light rope is used to weave it into a talisman. This is the sixth level. Use the spiritual light talisman to collect it into a treasure and weave the spiritual light into silk. The magic weapon recorded in the shape template atlas, this is the seventh light. Finally, in one day and one night, you can collect spiritual energy and weave at least 108 kinds of magic weapon. This is the eighth level. Only then can you complete the trial of ten thousand silk shape refining. Practice!

There are eight major difficulties in cultivating this spiritual light thread. It can be practiced by ordinary monks in three years. Their talent is amazing. In fact, Luo Li originally planned to use one of the remaining three virtues to activate the True Understanding of Small Formlessness again, and then comprehend the method of aura silk, so eighteen days is nothing to him, he can definitely do it in ten Within eight days, he completed the cultivation of the aura silk, participated in the trial of the ten thousand silk refining, and defeated Fan Wujie in the trial.

But when Luo Li fully understood the eight difficulties of this spiritual light thread, an idea suddenly came to his mind:

"The cultivation of this aura silk requires at least three years! But Fan Wujie seems to have completely mastered this aura silk in only three months. This boy is really talented!

Since he can master this method in three months, why can't I? Anyway, I have the True Solution of Small No Form, so don’t worry, give it a try. I won’t use the True Solution of Small No Form now, and will rely on my own strength to practice. When it really doesn’t work, or when the trial time comes, I will use it again. The true understanding of Xiaowuxiang, complete the complete mastery of the aura silk!

Yes, that’s it, give it a try and see if I can do it! "

Comparison arose in Luo Li's heart. He did not use virtue to drive the true understanding of Xiao Wuxiang and master the aura thread, but began to practice hard on his own!

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