Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 241: Covering the sky and creating a snare! (First update!)

!Bi Li had an idea in his mind. He realized it again, thought about it carefully, and studied the aura silk shape template diagram bit by bit!

There were 338 types of magic weapon templates recorded in the spiritual light silk shape template diagram. Luo Li took a deep breath and chose the simplest magic weapon template among them, the bead!

Started to weave. This time Luo Li did not weave the template out all at once. Instead, he used the aura silk to weave bit by bit, even halfway through the weaving, then untied and re-weaved.

Then compare the simple weaving method of beads in other secret books and conduct a little analysis and research.

After weaving the beads, Luo Li began to study other magical instruments, such as axes, beads, mirrors, bells, rings, ropes, fans, umbrellas, flags, flags, bowls, bottles, pockets, bags, harps, lamps... ·

Think over and over again and analyze carefully!

Little by little careful argumentation, little by little searching for the hidden secrets!

Gradually Luo Li smiled. Sure enough, his assumption was correct. With a little analysis, Luo Li discovered the secret of Hunyuan Sect hidden in the aura silk shape template diagram.

The real treasure is actually the weaving diagram of this magic weapon. According to this spiritual light silk shape template, weaving the magic weapon can be said to be a complicated and tedious process, but the process is not useless. In fact, this is a step-by-step process, in which the structural characteristics and hidden mysteries of various magical instruments are hidden in the weaving of the aura silk.

For example, this mirror's weaving method is based on the aura silk shape template. Special efforts have been made on the mirror surface and the mirror wall, especially the mirror surface. Seven key parts are faintly pointed out. This should be used to refine mirror-type magic weapons. Several important places.

For example, the same is true for this banner. According to the weaving method of the spiritual light silk shape template, those complicated and cumbersome parts embody all the most critical parts of the banner-like magic weapon.

In fact, the real point of the complex weaving part of those magical instruments is not the weaving, but through weaving, the characteristics and mysteries of this magical instrument are displayed one by one and passed on to the weaver! According to the weaving method of this spiritual light silk shape template, the weaver will know all the structural characteristics of these magical instruments.

The aura silk shape template is not so much a weaving diagram as it is a catalog introducing the magic weapon!

Those monks who buy the so-called weaving secret books on the market can save countless efforts, quickly weave various magic weapons, and complete trials, but they have not understood the characteristics of these magic weapons at all. This is a typical case of buying a magic weapon and then returning it. Pearls enter the treasure mountain in the air without knowing it.

It’s not that the Hunyuan Sect doesn’t know those so-called secret books, but they don’t say that the Dafa has been taught secretly and can be obtained by those who are destined to get it. Those monks who took shortcuts laughed at those who worked hard to follow the aura silk transformation template, When the monks were weaving magical instruments, they had actually missed the greatest treasure.

Luo Li smiled. He would not tell this secret nonsense. He began to analyze the 338 magic weapon templates one by one, and through this weaving method, he understood the characteristics of these magic weapons!

Luo Li studied bit by bit, simple knives, swords, hooks, scissors, etc., as well as more complex bells, rings, ropes, fans, umbrellas, etc., he also quickly mastered them, as well as the flying boats, scales, etc. A. Large super magic weapons such as caves, buildings, water palaces, cloud rooms, bunkers, and fairy pavilions made Luo Li study hard and put in a lot of effort.

Gradually, all the characteristics of these magical instruments are engraved in my mind. When I see these magical instruments, what I see is not the outer appearance of these magical instruments. In an instant, these magical instruments are decomposed, and the internal characteristics and hidden mysteries are all clear at a glance.

Research comes, research goes. Luo Li thought about it carefully, and suddenly he had an idea!

"This weaving method can weave all things, by the way! Can I also use this weaving method to weave my four great nets?"

Luo Li purchased four legal nets from the Sky Spider Sect back then. These four legal nets allowed Luo Li to take advantage. Countless powerful murlocs on the sky sea died under these legal nets. Without these four legal nets, Luo Li would have lost his life. He won't survive now.

However, as Luo Li's level improved, the use of this French net became smaller and smaller. In the last battle with the monks of the Nine Transformations Sect, even if the French net covered the opponent, the other party could easily escape.

So Luo Li thought of these four French nets, and wanted to use this weaving method to transform the French nets again, making them more powerful and more applicable.

The golden net, the demon-binding net, the Jedi net, and the shadow net were all taken out. Luo Li looked at them. Luo Li had long studied and understood the various earthly evil restrictions that made up this French net. Now, from another angle, Luo Li wanted to use spiritual light. Silk, reweave these French nets.

Luo Li weaved four French nets. With a thought, he began to construct various earthly evil spirit taboos in the French net composed of spiritual light threads. There were twenty-seven spiritual taboos in the golden silk net, and forty-six spiritual taboos in the demon-binding net. Luo Li had long controlled the thirty-eight spiritual taboos of the Jedi Network and the thirty-two spiritual taboos of the Shadow Net. With a thought, the spiritual taboos appeared in this large network of spiritual light threads!

With the emergence of various different spiritual prisons, the originally identical French nets began to change. Some glowed golden and turned into golden wire nets, which were difficult to break through with swords and guns and extremely tough. Some of them emit various rune fluctuations, which have the ability to break spells, and turn into demon-binding nets. As long as they are caught in this net, it is difficult to cast spells successfully.

Some are dim, hard to see with the naked eye, shadowless and formless, turning into a web of shadows. Some are so huge that they are hidden in the earth and cannot be discovered at all, turning into a Jedi network.

Soon, the French net composed of four spiritual light threads was successfully transformed. Luo Li tested it and found that it had the same effect as his own four French nets, and was even more powerful than his original four French nets.

Luo Li let out a long sigh. It seemed that his four magic nets could withdraw from the stage of history. From then on, his magic nets changed from magic tools to magic spells. He could create magic nets at will to capture enemies.

The only regret was that the nets of the gods appeared in the form of magic tools and were fixed. The magic net he built was woven with spiritual light silk and could only exist for three days. It was really troublesome to weave it again every time it was used. If it was really like a spell, it would be great if the spell could be used automatically with a finger!

It was better to act than to be moved. Luo Li immediately took action and wove the magic net with spiritual light silk. In fact, to a certain extent, spiritual light silk was several times or even dozens of times better than the materials of the various magic nets of the God Weaving Sect. If the God Weaving Sect had the method of refining this spiritual light silk, it would immediately rise from the left path to the side door and its power would increase greatly.

Thinking of this, Luo Li began to study quietly. He began to concentrate all his learning and knowledge on this!

"To build this magic net with the help of spiritual energy silk, you must have a spiritual energy source. However, spiritual energy sources like the sun and the moon are no problem for slowly weaving magic tools, but it is impossible to quickly weave the magic net during battle, or in other words, I can't do it at my current level!" "It seems that I can only use spiritual stones to temporarily replace the spiritual energy source. The spiritual energy of spiritual stones is sufficient, just enough!" "But how to quickly form the magic net and trap the enemy?" "What to do? By the way, the Blood Sea Sect's Fusion Talisman Technique seems to have a method to record how to solve it!" "It's still not enough. By the way, take a look at the Beichen Sect's Transformation Talisman Technique and see how this transformation method solves this problem." "Hahaha, I found a solution. I didn't expect it to be the witchcraft of the Black Feather Demon Witch Sect. It turned out to be this secret that can solve the problem. The Fusion Talisman Technique of the Blood Sea Sect, the Blood Talisman Technique of the Blood Demon Sect, and the Beichen Sect's The talisman transformation technique of the sect, the witchcraft of the Black Feather Demon Witch Sect, the acupuncture technique of the Eight Gods Temple, and the mantra technique of the Morality Sect, among these secrets he mastered, gradually, he found a way!

A clear spell was constructed in his hands. From the spell starting posture, absorbing the spiritual energy of the spirit stone as the source of spiritual energy, the spiritual light silk was born, and then the spiritual light silk formed a net of heaven and earth, and then the net of heaven and earth was injected with overlapping spiritual prohibitions, and then the magic net trapped the strong enemy. Gradually, a spell was born from nothing in Luo Li's hands!

Luo Li looked at the magic net formed by the four spiritual light silks, and nodded in his heart. This was the spell he created. He was really happy in his heart!

He drove the four magic nets, flying in the air, and suddenly Luo Li's eyes lit up!

"I'm stupid, why should I limit myself to the magic net of the Shenzhimen? They don't have the materials to refine the magic net, so this magic net is only this big, and it has to be divided into various magic nets.

And I have the spiritual light silk, my net can be as big as I want, and my net can have any power I want, why can't I integrate these magic nets and let this magic net cover the sky and the earth! "

"Yes, I can't send out my butterfly dragon sword intent in the prosperous state, so I will make the enemy become the same as me!"

"The magic net covering the sky and the earth, when the time comes, I will cover the enemy with this net, he can't move, can't attack me, I will make the birth and death withering and flourishing calamity return to the withering state, he can't attack me, I am extremely safe, so the withering state is also safe, and then one move of butterfly dragon sword intent, die!"

"Hahaha, this is my Luo Li's tactics, invincible tactics! ”

This thought made Luo Li’s mind clear up immediately. He couldn’t help but let out a long breath and laughed!

On top of the magic he invented, Luo Li had a new idea! Luo Li began to study the magic net that covered the sky and the earth. He re-wove a large net that was large enough, and then refined spiritual restrictions in it.

The golden wire net had 27 spiritual restrictions, the demon-binding net had 46 spiritual restrictions, the Jedi net had 38 spiritual restrictions, and the shadow net had 32 spiritual restrictions. Luo Li tried to use the Jedi net as the main body and integrate various other magic nets.

Finally, he found that the Jedi net, the golden wire net, and the demon-binding net, the three major magic nets, could be perfectly integrated, both The gold wire net is extremely strong and cannot be destroyed by external forces, and the demon-binding net can seal the opponent's magic.

Luo Li was overjoyed. He thought it was his original creation. In fact, he didn't know that this was originally the secret method of the Divine Weaving Sect. It was just that the Divine Weaving Sect did not have such a powerful weaving material as the spiritual light silk, so it had to divide the magic net into the so-called Jedi net, gold wire net, demon-binding net and other magic nets.

Luo Li completed the fusion of the magic net, and became very interested. He continued to study with all his strength!

"By the way, I can actually use the acupuncture point nourishing technique to directly absorb the spiritual energy of the spirit stone, quickly transform the spiritual light silk, and then use the spiritual light silk to weave the magic net!"

"This way, the enemy is caught. This is not my net, but the net of heaven and earth represented by the spiritual source of heaven and earth. Once caught, it is difficult to escape. At least ten breaths and dozens of breaths, he can't escape! This is enough, enough for me to enter the state of decline and send out a sword!"

"This magic net is too big, a set of spiritual prohibitions is completely ineffective, and it can't support such a large magic net. What can I do? "

"Take another look at the Mantra, see if there is any solution in it?"

"Got it! I can overlap and stack this spiritual ban repeatedly. If one spiritual ban combination is not enough, then ten or a hundred! In fact, it looks like a big net, but it is actually composed of countless small nets. "

"As long as there is a spiritual energy source, as long as there is enough spiritual energy, my magic net will rise infinitely, extremely huge, covering the sky and the earth! Trap the enemy firmly!"

After a long time, Luo Li took a long breath and said: "Okay, it's done, the spell is formed! The rest is how to find the source of spiritual energy, how to shorten the birth time of the French Open, and how to quickly trap the enemy. Those are all details. !

By the way, what is the name of this spell? It must be given a more powerful name, a net that covers the sky and the earth, and everyone can be caught! Youdao means that the sky net is vast and sparse, so it is called the net bar covering the sky. "

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