Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 246: Crush and crush Brahma Wujie! (Sixth update, please vote for me!)

! Feng Zixu was devastated, but at this moment, Fan Wujie didn’t pay attention to Feng!’s reaction at all, because at this moment, he was also devastated!

From the beginning of the first jade bead magic weapon, Luo Li has been following Fan Wujie. No matter what magic weapon Fan Wujie weaves, Luo Li will weave any magic weapon. No matter when Fan Wujie finishes weaving the magic weapon. Luo Li then finished weaving the magical weapon!

All of them are the same kind of magic weapon, no difference is missing, no difference at all, that's it, Luo Li followed Fan Wujie closely.

At the beginning, Fan Wujie didn't care at all, he just sneered and thought to himself:

"I have been cultivating Spiritual Light Silk for three months. With the help of the strong men sent by Patriarch Xin Yuan, it is equivalent to a year of hard work in the strong man's world of Cave, Heaven and Earth. It can be said that I have done countless hard work. , I can weave these three hundred and thirty-eight magic weapons in one day and one night!

Luo Li, if you learn this spiritual light thread for only eighteen days, if you fight me, you will definitely lose. I won’t believe it, and I will lose to you!

You are just an acquired Taoist body of earth and fire. I am the body of the Taoist Holy Spirit. I am the best body for cultivating immortals in the world. Legend has it that I am the body of the Taoist among the seven eternal gods. I don’t believe that I will lose to you! "

Therefore, Fan Wujie didn't care, and used the aura silk to weave various magic weapons easily.

However, when he knitted to the tenth time, he couldn't help but frown. Luo Li was always behind him. Whatever he knitted, Luo Li would knit it. Whenever he finished knitting, Luo Li would finish knitting, following him like a shadow. , no difference at all!

"What a nasty guy! He's so annoying!"

In fact, through his experiences along the way, Fan Wujie had a shadow of fear towards Luo Li. He was afraid of Luo Li, otherwise he would not have been plotting against Luo Li during this period of time.

"What should I do? It's easy! Then be a little more ruthless and I'll see how many of them you can identify!"

So after the tenth time, Fan Wujie began to weave the most difficult magic weapon, such as flying boats, scale armor, caves, buildings, water palaces, cloud rooms, bunkers...

The one weaving was difficult, so Fan Wujie chose that one. So at this time, Fan Wujie and Luo Li dropped in the rankings and were surpassed by others like crazy.

However, just as Fan Wujie finished weaving the flying boat, Luo Li finished weaving it! The same is true for caves, buildings, and water palaces. As long as Fan Wujie has just finished weaving, Luo Li has completed it, and Fan Wujie gradually feels a terrible pressure!

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, why, why, his speed can keep up with me!"

"I have been practicing hard for one year and three months, but he has only been practicing for eighteen days. How is that possible? Impossible, impossible!"

"Am I really not as good as him, really not as good as him!"

"No, no, no, I'm better than him, I'm better than him!"

Gradually, Fan Wujie's mind began to become confused about what happened along the way.

The fear in my heart is getting stronger and stronger!

"Am I going to lose? Am I going to lose! The fact that he can follow me like this proves that his weaving is super powerful, otherwise it wouldn't be possible!"

"It's a coincidence. It's all coincidence. I don't believe it anymore. He is really that powerful!"

"Am I really not as good as him, really not as good as him!"

Ten, twenty-thirty, forty...

In the blink of an eye, a hundred Brahma Wujie weaved a hundred magic weapons, and Luo Li then weaved a hundred magic weapons, without missing a beat!

"No, no, hell, no way!"

"Am I really not as good as him, really not as good as him!"

Fan Wujie suddenly panicked and sped up the weaving of the magic weapon. In the blink of an eye, one hundred and eight times passed. Fan Wujie didn't even notice the puppet's announcement and continued to weave the magic weapon crazily!

He quickly surpassed Feng Zixu, but Fan Wujie didn't pay attention to this Feng Zixu at all. He surpassed him and surpassed him. He didn't care at all. He only had Luo Li in his heart!

One hundred and forty, one hundred fifty, one hundred sixty, one hundred seventy, one hundred eighty, one hundred ninety, two hundred...

In the blink of an eye, Fan Wujie and Luo Li broke through the two hundred magical weapons mark!

The others were left far behind by the two of them, and there was no way to compare with them!

"It's amazing, these two people are so powerful!"

"Yes, yes, there are already more than two hundred magic weapons!"

"No wonder they dare to make bets on the spiritual beings of the world. They are really too strong!"

"Look who comes first, why do I feel that Luo Li is more powerful?"

"I feel the same way, I feel he will be number one!"

The surrounding spectators were talking a lot. In Fan Wujie's heart, the crisis was getting stronger and more terrifying, because Luo Li was following him without missing a beat!

But Fan Wujie took a long breath and thought in his heart:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I still have a trick!"

"Yes, don't be afraid of him. I have a special trick. I will definitely win this competition!"

"Try it, give it a try. This time I weave the magical artifact and the monument slowly. I will see if Luo Li is following me on purpose. If I am slow, will he slow down like me?"

Soon the 226th magical artifact monument was about to be weaved, but Fan Wujie deliberately slowed down, wanting to see if Luo Li was really like him, deliberately following him, and also slowing down!

Luo Li, who had been silent and expressionless, smiled. Finally Fan Wujie showed his flaw, and his long-standing following tactics came into effect!

At the moment when Fan Wujie's weaving speed slowed down, Luo Li said with great ease:

"Okay! It's time to play, go to hell!"!

Suddenly, his speed began to accelerate!

For the first time, Luo Li was the first to finish weaving the magical artifact monument!

The ranking changed. Luo Li completed the 226th magical weapon and ranked first, surpassing Fanwujie!

Fan Wujie was stunned. Luo Li had always been behind him, following him, and he had adapted. But at this moment, Luo Li surpassed him, which was difficult for him to accept and made him even more panicked.

But Luo Li didn't care about Fan Wujie's reaction. He began to use all his strength. All along, he followed Fan Wujie as a psychological tactic. Luo Li only used nine points of strength for each magic weapon, leaving only one. At this moment, Luo Li exploded completely, using all his strength.

This time Luo Li began to choose the remaining types of magic weapons to weave, choosing the one he was best at weaving, and began to weave quickly, beginning to far surpass Brahma Wukong.

The reason why Luo Li is like this is because if Luo Li competes with Fan Wujie from the beginning, the two will have a fierce battle, and it will be a difficult battle!

So Luo Li chose the following tactic. I am right behind you, and I will pressure you. I will not surpass you, I will threaten you! Putting pressure on Fanwujie little by little, stimulating Fanwujie little by little, making him upset and completely panicking!

Under Luo Li's invisible stimulation, Fan Wujie felt more and more stressed. He became suspicious and had random thoughts. Thirty percent of his ten percent power disappeared!

After passing a hundred magic weapons, Fan Wujie was stimulated by Luo Li. Under Luo Li's pressure, in order to weave faster, he would subconsciously choose the magic weapons that were easiest for him to weave and weave those that were difficult to weave. Whatever he masters, he will unconsciously put it behind. This is human instinct.

When there were two hundred magic weapons, a tiny flaw was revealed when Fan Wujie weaved the magic weapon monument. Luo Li immediately seized the flaw and jumped up, surpassing Fan Wujie!

When Fan Wujie reacted and started to fight back, Luo Li was already walking in front of him, exploding with all his strength. Fan Wujie weaved the remaining magic weapons. None of them were as good as Luo Li's. .

Moreover, Fan Wujie was anxious, anxious and angry, eager to catch up with Luo Li and maintain his number one status, which actually caused him to be unable to display his normal strength.

The most important point is that when he first started weaving, Luo Li struggled to observe the source of the sun's spiritual energy. At this moment, Luo Li began to show off his power. He began to destroy the balance at the source of the sun's spiritual energy, allowing others to take the sun's spiritual energy, and there was a slight obstacle. .

This obstacle is nothing in normal times, but at this critical moment, it becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back. You must know that the aura silk used by Luo Li is 100% effective, while Fanwujie is 100% effective. At the end of the 90th, Luo Li took action, and immediately there was a slight gap in the supply of spiritual energy threads to Fanwujie. This slight gap made it impossible for Fanwujie to catch up with Luo Li!

Luo Li takes action, two hundred and twenty-seven, Brahma Wujie, two hundred and twenty-seven!

Turning around, Luo Li was two hundred and twenty-eight, but Fan Wujie did not catch up. Soon Luo Li was two hundred and twenty-nine. At this time, Fan Wujie was only two hundred and twenty-eight, and a magic weapon was pulled down!

Time goes on, Luo Li is two hundred and thirty-seven, two hundred and thirty-eight...Fan Wujie is two hundred and thirty-five, two hundred and thirty-six, two are pulled down!

Continuing, Luo Li's two hundred and eighty-seven, two hundred and eighty-eight...Fan Wujie's two hundred and seventy-seven, two hundred and seventy-eight, ten were pulled down!

Start crushing!

When Luo Li reached three hundred and three hundred and one, Fan Wujie's two hundred and eighty and two hundred and eighty one were pulled down by twenty!

Keep crushing!

Crush, crush, crush!

In this way, the gap is expanding infinitely. The more it expands, the more impatient Fan Wujie becomes. He speeds up, makes mistakes again, and the distance widens again!

After a long time, all the puppets present suddenly shouted together:

"Trialist Luo Li successfully weaved 338 magic weapons. He passed the trial successfully and ranked first!"

"Trialist Luo Li successfully weaved 338 magic weapons. He passed the trial successfully and ranked first!"

"Trialist Luo Li successfully weaved 338 magic weapons. He passed the trial successfully and ranked first!"

This voice sounded, and the whole audience was shocked!

"No, all the magic weapons have been woven!"

"It's so awesome, so awesome, this is a perversion!"

"Yes, yes, how many years, how many years has passed, our outer sect of Hunyuan Sect has not produced such a powerful ruthless character!"

"Let me check, ah, twenty-one years ago, someone once weaved all the magic weapons day and night! Twenty-one years ago!"

"That's awesome. By the way, look at the time!"

"Ten hours, ten hours, this Luo Li only took ten hours to weave it all, awesome!"

Someone checked the time and saw that only ten hours had passed. Luo Li was far ahead of everyone else and successfully weaved all 338 magical artifacts!

At this time, Fan Wujie was knitting the 307th one. He was crushed and knocked down by Luo Li. He was pulled far behind. He couldn't help but sit on the ground and couldn't calm down for a long time!

"What, he, he, weaved it all out, this is impossible, this is impossible!"

"Am I defeated? Am I defeated?"

"Am I really not as good as him, really not as good as him!"

"I, I, I am indeed not as good as him!"

"No, no, no, no, I still have a chance, the victory or defeat is still uncertain!"

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