Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 253: Cut through the chaos to get Wujin! (Third update, please vote for me!)

!Luo Li put away all the heaven and earth spiritual objects. These treasures are of little significance to Luo Li now, but when they enter the inner gate of Hunyuan Sect, these treasures are of great significance. The first valuable thing in Hunyuan Sect is the treasure that can build the cave, heaven and earth. , the second most valuable thing is this heaven and earth spiritual creature.

Putting away the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, Luo Li calmed down and put his body in the best condition. He was ready to practice the Pangu Ax and the Armor-breaking Cone.

At this moment, a spiritual thought came from the jade sign of the sect, and someone knocked on the door.

Luo Li was stunned. He had made arrangements before. As long as he practiced by himself, the sect's jade sign would only remind him except for a few special people knocking on the door. Others he did not know would not be notified by the sect's jade sign. Who was this? Knock on the door?

Luo Li stood up, paused his practice, and walked towards the door. When he came to the entrance of his cave, he used the magic circle to peek out. He was stunned again. The person who suddenly came was Senior Brother Tiandu!

A disciple of Tiandu Senior Brother Hu Chan. It is said that he was an expert in the Dutian Sect in his previous life. He may even be an immortal. He has been practicing for hundreds of years and has created the Giant Turtle Way, Ice Demon Way, Shengpeng Way, Fighting Ghost Way, Xuan Shu Dao and other five sentient beings Lin Da Dao! Last time at Shilangmen, Luo Li got a Lei Peng thanks to his help.

"Why is it him? What do you mean?"

Luo Li hesitated, but immediately opened the door and said, "I've met Senior Brother Tiandu!"

Tiandu looked gloomy and said, "I haven't seen you for a few months. Junior Brother Luo Li, how are you doing?"

Luo Li was stunned for a moment. He had a strange feeling that Senior Brother Tiandu had come to question him. He said, "Brother, please come in. Senior Brother, please come in quickly!"

Luo Li let Senior Brother Tiandu into the room, immediately made tea, took out spiritual fruits, and entertained Senior Brother.

Senior Brother Tiandu looked gloomy. After Luo Li finished his work, he said:

"Junior Brother Luo Li, do you know how good my Lei Peng is?"

When asked this question, Luo Li was speechless. Just as he was about to explain, Senior Brother Tiandu continued:

"Although I gave that Lei Peng to you, and it's up to you whether you sell it or die fighting for you, and it's its fate to be broken into pieces, but I don't know why you killed it for no reason last night?

That Lei Peng was tortured and killed by its master, and died in mourning. This thing was created by my spiritual thoughts. I felt the pain of its mourning in my heart, so I came here to ask Junior Brother Luo Li what it did wrong and why it had to be killed like this. ? "

Having said this, Senior Brother Tiandu looked at Luo Li, his eyes motionless, and an indescribable powerful aura slowly rose up in him.

Luo Li was furious and said: "Hateful, hateful!"

It turns out that Fan Wujie was completely defeated by him yesterday. After his return, he felt resentful in his heart. Finally, he focused his anger on Lei Peng who bought him, and brutally killed him. Senior Brother Tiandu sensed it and came to question him!

Luo Li said: "Senior Brother Tiandu, this is what happened!"

He told how he had to sell Lei Peng in order to hire Feizhou, but was deceived and bought by Fan Wujie. Yesterday, he defeated Fan Wujie, and the other party took out Lei Peng. Everything was slowly revealed.

During the conversation, Luo Li felt the change in his true energy, and Brother Tiandu unknowingly used a secret method to check whether what he said was true.

After hearing Luo Li's explanation, Senior Brother Tiandu looked at Luo Li, his expression changed, and he was no longer so gloomy. He said:

"Lei Peng gave it to you. Whether you sell it or give it away, it's normal. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with you. Okay, I asked about this clearly, and I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Senior Brother Tiandu stood up and was about to leave. Luo Li stretched out his hand, grabbed Senior Brother Tiandu and said:

"Senior brother, walk slowly! Do I have something to ask for?"

Senior Brother Tiandu glanced at Luo Li and said, "What else do you want?"

Luo Li took out ten wine gourds and said: "Senior brother Tiandu, when I rented a flying boat and went to Guanxi Pleiades, by chance, I got some spiritual wine. These ten bottles of Taibai Zhenxian Drunken Dragon Wine, please trouble me, senior brother I give this wine to Senior Hu Chan to express my gratitude for the life-saving grace of Senior Hu Chan!”

Senior Brother Tiandu was stunned when he saw these wine gourds, and said: "So this wine comes from you! Some time ago, this wine was robbed like crazy at the inner gate, good stuff, good stuff!"

Luo Li raised his hand, took out ten more bottles, and said: "Senior Brother Tiandu, these ten bottles of Taibai Zhenxian Drunken Dragon Wine are given to you, and Senior Brother Qizhu. Qianlang Sect, I also want to thank these two senior brothers. s help!"

This is Luo Li's purpose. He sold the battle pet given to him by the other party and died because of it. Although the other party didn't say it, he must be mentally uncomfortable, so Luo Li quickly sent him the spiritual wine. The original use of this wine was this.

Senior Brother Tiandu looked at the Taibai True Immortal drunk with dragon wine, and his original gloomy expression gradually changed. A smile gradually appeared on his face, and he said:

"Okay, okay, everyone who meets you has a share, good boy!

If you have short hands, forget it, I won’t argue with you, but I can’t take your spiritual wine in vain!

Junior Brother Luo Li, you just said that you passed the test of Wansi Shaping. The next test should be to break out of the cocoon and be reborn? Have you practiced Pangu Axe, and have you ever used this method? "

Luo Li replied respectfully, "I haven't practiced Pangu Ax yet, and I have never used this method once!"!

Senior Brother Tiandu nodded and said: "Luck, luck, I'm not too late!"

He opened his mouth and said: "Luo Li, this trial of breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn has a hidden secret!

This exam clearly tests the application of the Pangu Ax and the Armor-breaking Cone. The monk is trapped in a dark cocoon and must use the Pangu Ax or the Armor-breaking Cone to break out of the cocoon from the inside to pass. Ten Only three or four people can pass through, and 90% of these three or four people use armor-piercing awls to break through the dark cocoons. Because the armor-breaking awl is at least twice as easy to break through this dark cocoon than the Pangu axe!

But they were all wrong. Luo Li, let me ask you, do you know the story of Pangu's creation of the sky? "

Luo Li replied: "I know. Legend has it that our world was originally in chaos, without light or darkness, without life or soul. Later, Pangu was born in the chaos. Unwilling to be so silent and dim, he waved his giant axe, Split the chaos, create the heaven and the earth, the pure air rises and becomes the sky, and the turbid air sinks and becomes the earth!"

Senior Brother Tiandu nodded and said: "Yes, since the Six Ultimate Skills of Hunyuan are called Pangu Axe, and they are reborn after breaking out of cocoons, how can it not matter with the urine of our ancestors! That dark cocoon, also called the Xuan Chaos Fragment, is It is a fragment of the treasure left by the founder Wang Yangming, an opportunity left to future generations.

Remember, after practicing and mastering this Pangu Ax, you are not allowed to use it even once. This Pangu ax has the power to change the world and destroy the world. It is not tolerated by heaven and earth. As long as it is used once, heaven and earth will determine that it is meaningless.

When you are in the trial and you are in the mysterious chaos, remember to use your first Pangu ax to break the dark cocoon. Then you will know the mystery here! "

Luo Li cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, senior brother, for your advice!"

Senior Brother Tiandu laughed and said, "Don't tell anyone this secret. Everyone has their own destiny. The mysterious benefits are worthy of you Taibai Zhenxian Drunken Dragon Wine."

After Tiandu said this, he stretched out his hand, and all the wine gourds disappeared and were put away by him. He stood up and left. Luo Li greeted him respectfully. After taking two steps, Senior Brother Tiandu seemed to have remembered something and said:

"By the way, there is another question. Under this premise, you must break the dark cocoon with one strike. If you can't break it, it's meaningless!

In the trials over the years, three or four out of ten people can pass. You have to take care of this yourself and control it yourself! "

Senior Brother Tiandu left, Luo Li took a deep breath and frowned, was this Senior Brother Tiandu really here to ask questions? Or did you deliberately teach such a secret technique?

who cares? Fortunately, I did not practice the Pangu Ax and did not fire an axe. However, I had to break the dark cocoon with one axe. This should be very difficult. Otherwise, it would be impossible for ten people, that is, three or four people, to pass this test.

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. The more trials he faced, the more difficult it became. The more Luo Li felt excited and full of passion!

"Besides this, there is another one. Forget it, Lei Peng, who was deceived by Fan Wujie, actually killed him to death. It's hateful. I have to make him pay the price!"

"And that Xingzhou Chang family helped Fan Wujie deceive me. After I enter the inner sect of Hunyuan Sect, I will make you regret it!"

Luo Li took a long breath, returned to the training room, immediately calmed down, and began to study the Pangu Ax!

The Pangu ax is borrowed from the creation of the world by Pangu, the ancient god of the world of the Lord of Heaven. With one strike of the ax, all things are cut open, splitting the heaven and earth with force, cutting open everything, and running rampant.

This Hunyuan Spell was modified by the Hunyuan Sect based on the principle of the Qiankun Sect's Body-breaking Qiankun Palm. It was added with the Hengyu Sect's Chaos Pangu Ax Heart Technique and the Creation Sect's Heart of Life and Endlessness. Dharma is a fusion of the three major Dharma doors. This way, there will be no phenomenon like the body-shattering Wuxing Qiankun Palm that leaves the body powerless after a single blow. It also has the power of the Pangu Ax of the Hengyu Sect that destroys everything!

After practicing this, Fa Luoli quickly understood why nine out of ten people who broke the dark cocoon used the armor-breaking awl. This Pangu ax was too difficult to practice.

Whether it's the magic mind method, the magic formula, or the spiritual energy circulation circuit, this Pangu ax is extremely difficult, and it's not allowed to fire a single axe. It's really difficult, difficult, difficult to practice!

The armor-piercing cone is different. This method uses high-speed rotating sharp thorns to pierce everything. It is specially designed to deal with those spells or magic weapons with strong defenses. It hits out with one cone, explodes with one cone, penetrates the body wildly, and explodes from the inside. Who can stop it? Who dies. This technique is specifically designed to deal with the flying sword, the magical weapon used by those cultivating immortals in the Qi refining stage. As long as it is knocked down, the opponent's absolute magical weapon, the flying sword, can no longer be used to attack.

The armor-breaking awl is easy to understand and can be mastered once learned. It is also very powerful. Once it is emitted, it can penetrate the sky and break the earth. It is indestructible and has unlimited uses. It is completely different from the Pangu axe.

Luo Li practiced in seclusion for more than ten days. He knew nothing about the Pangu axe. The armor-breaking awl, which he had no intention of practicing at all, had only been practiced a few times, but he had already mastered it as a true spell. This made Luo Li dumbfounded.

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