Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 259 Who am I, the Ancient God Emperor?

Luo Li is now in this trial, and the instinct of life keeps reminding him, warning him, stopping him, and continuing to dissolve!

But Luo Li just smiled and shook his head. As early as in Yinzhou Continent, Luo Li was not afraid of life and death. This was too trivial for him. He was fearless and passed the test easily.

Gradually, Luo Li was in confusion, his mind disappeared, he no longer had himself, heaven and earth were one, everything was nothing, Luo Li entered a strange state.

The onlookers outside suddenly discovered that Luo Li's dark cocoon was completely lifeless and showed no reaction. The expressions of Fan Wujie and others suddenly changed. Could it be that Luo Li also knew the secret?

Selflessness, complete disappearance, no mind and no thoughts, all loss of feeling, man and the chaotic world, completely melted, there is nothing else!

Time passed little by little, and soon a quarter of an hour was up. The dark cocoon began to collapse. The chaotic world constructed by mana was about to collapse. At this moment, Luo Li was about to wake up in an instant.

This is the secret of the Pangu Ax of the Hunyuan Sect. At the moment when the cultivator wakes up, an ax is issued. When the ax is issued, the cultivator merges with the chaotic world. After the ax is issued, it naturally carries the terrifying power of the chaotic world, just like A terrible blow from the entire chaotic world.

When Pangu Ax strikes, heaven and earth will recognize that by locking this method, the excess power brought by the chaotic world will also be recognized by heaven and earth as being sent by the cultivator. If Pangu Ax is used in the future, the blessings of heaven and earth will be obtained. Far beyond the power of the main body, this move will become extremely terrifying and powerful.

But this kind of behavior belongs to the world of deception. Therefore, it can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. Only a few people know it. If everyone knows it, and everyone is like this, the world will naturally respond and adjust accordingly. Therefore, one can only know this secret by personal chance.

The dark cocoon is about to collapse, and Luo Li's consciousness returns, and he is about to send out the Pangu Ax. As long as this ax is issued. He can break out of the cocoon of darkness and be reborn!

However, Luo Li did not send out this blow, although he had not woken up yet. Haven't regained consciousness yet. But somewhere. He had a feeling that if he struck like this, it would be the result of Yan Zixi and Huo Qingkong. Maybe I can compete with the two of them, but I will definitely lose to Fan Wujie.

This ax cannot be fired! You must use your kindness to strengthen the power of this axe!

Therefore, Luo Li paused for a moment, and just for a moment, the dark cocoon began to collapse, and the chaotic world began to dissipate. In such a moment, sixty seconds with a snap of the fingers, nine hundred births and deaths in one moment, passed in an instant, but they seemed to be separated. millions of years,

Luo Li woke up, but he didn't wake up. He could see everything, but this body didn't seem to belong to him. He didn't know who he was or where he was!

In a trance, he seemed to have had a dream, and was in a huge battlefield. This battlefield was located in the void, boundless, and he was not himself!

In this dream, I had nine heads and one hundred and eight arms, I was wearing golden armor, I was standing on dark clouds, I was ten thousand feet tall, and I saw thousands of strange creatures, including giant dragons, spiritual beasts, immortals, and magical weapons. On their bodies, they fly up and down from time to time. They are all their guardian pets!

He has endless power. With one punch, he can shatter the heaven and earth. With one kick, he can break through the earth. He is a god, controlling endless power and an omnipotent god!

But Luo Li looked up and couldn't help being stunned. There were not a few like him on this battlefield. At a glance, there were thousands of ancient gods like him, boundless, forming a battle formation on this battlefield. Get into formation and wait for the fight!

Looking to the opposite side, I saw endless demonic energy rising on the other side of the battlefield. On the opposite side, there were countless ancient gods. They were wearing terrifying armor and had demonic energy billowing from their bodies, but they were gods and demons!

Instantly, a term came to Luo Li's mind: In ancient times, there was a war between gods and demons!

According to ancient legend, the heaven and earth first opened. In the ancient times, the chaos dissipated.

In the ancient times, in the sky, countless ancient gods were born according to the thoughts of the Taoist Lord. Under the ground, according to the thoughts of the Demon Lord, endless gods and demons were born.

When the sun rises, the ancient gods attack the underground. When the sun sets, the gods and demons counterattack in the sky. The two sides fight day and night for countless millions of years. This is the battle between gods and demons in ancient times!

In the end, the gods and demons were destroyed, and all the gods and demons died. The ancient era of gods and demons ended, and the era of divine power began when all races in ancient times flourished.

In a daze, Luo Li knew that he was one of these ancient gods. Suddenly, countless ancient gods around him and countless gods and demons on the opposite side all cheered. They cheered loudly towards the thing that appeared in the center of the void!

Luo Li looked up and saw a majestic palace appearing in the void. On top of the palace, there was a long banquet with countless wines and dishes. Twenty-four people were standing behind the long banquet, toasting and changing glasses. , they are drinking and having fun!

The reason why they are human figures is because they are completely humanoid, with neither three heads nor six arms, nor wind, thunder or lightning. They are just the same normal form as human beings. And when you look vaguely at them, you can see the faces of several people, which are extremely familiar!

But Luo Li knew in his heart who they were, the twelve ancient god emperors led by the God of Light, and the twelve demon emperors led by the Dark Demon God. Among them, the God of Light and the Dark Demon God faced each other. Behind them, the God of War, the Fire Demon God, the Sea God, the Beast Demon God, Dragon God, Thunder God...

It’s strange, it feels so familiar, and the guy at the front looks so disgusting and looks like Fan Wujie! Wait, who is Fanwujie?

That one seems to be Lu Zhou, and that one seems to be Li Douliang. It's strange. Who are they?

Before Luo Li could think clearly, the God who looked like Brahma pointed towards the opposite side and shouted loudly: "Fight!"

With an order, countless ancient gods jumped up and rushed towards the other gods and demons. The endless gods and demons also rushed towards the ancient gods. The two sides began to fight fiercely on the void battlefield!

But Luo Li couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. The battles between countless ancient gods and demons were actually just a pastime for the twenty-four god emperors to drink and have fun.

With this thought throughout his life, Luo Li gradually woke up. He began to break away from the body of this ancient god and gradually returned to his own world.

When Luo Li returned, a divine thought suddenly came from the ancient god's body. This was the ancient god's own divine thought. The moment he took action, he secretly raised his head and looked at the huge palace. This look Passing through the twenty-four gods and demon emperors, passing through countless barriers in the palace, and landed in the center of the palace. On a throne sealed by countless chains!

"What belongs to me. I will definitely take it back! For all those who rebel, regardless of gods or demons, I will make you pay the price and end your eternal life! End this era of chaos!"

This spiritual thought disappeared in a flash. The body of the ancient god. Back to normal. There is no difference between him and other ancient gods. He is no different from the gods and demons on the opposite side. Fight together!

Luo Li was stunned, vaguely seeming to know something, but he couldn't say anything...

Luo Li woke up. He was still immersed in the endless power of the ancient gods. At this moment, the dark cocoon was about to break. Luo Li knew that it was time for him to take action!

At the same time, he also knew why Fan Wujie would score such a high score with one strike of his axe. Fan Wujie, like himself, was also immersed in the memory of the ancient god. At the moment of awakening, he brought the power of the ancient god to Zhongtian Lord. In this world, only in this way can we achieve the highest score of ninety-nine points!

A shadow of an ax appeared above the dark cocoon. This giant ax exuded an endless terrifying aura, destroying the world and destroying the earth!

But Luo Li knew that this wouldn't work. Even if he attacked like this, he would still be the same as Fan Wujie, with ninety-nine points, tied for first place!

"No, no! I must surpass Brahma Wujie! I must surpass him!"

"Must, must!"

"You must, you must, you must surpass him!"

"We can't lose to him, we can't!"

"You must, you must, you must surpass him!"

This belief was not just in Luo Li's mind, it seemed that in that dream, the ancient god also roared like this!

As this belief continued to ring in Luo Li's heart, at the same time, all the good deeds suddenly dissipated. In Luo Li's storage bag, the iron ball that was cut in half by Mo Xiulan suddenly appeared in Luo Li's storage bag. The body emits strange energy, which is also the power of chaos.

This iron ball is the Chaos Stone obtained by Mo Xiulan's father in the ancient ruins after untold hardships. It is the remaining fragment of Chaos in the universe after the collapse of heaven and earth, and finally falls into the vast world, transforming into Make iron and stone.

This treasure was easily abandoned by Mo Xiulan. Luo Li felt that this thing was extraordinary, and finally put it away. The karma was at peace. In this dark cocoon, stimulated by Luo Li's magical power to reward good and punish evil, this treasure was activated and distributed. The same power of chaos.

With the injection of this power of chaos, the power exploded by Luo Li's Pangu Ax is much higher than that of Brahma Wujie. Therefore, with the injection of this power, the shadow of the ax appearing on the dark cocoon becomes clearer and clearer. The bigger it gets, the more terrifying it becomes!


A kind of aura from the ancient times spurted out from Luo Li's body. This aura was so terrifying that all the monks in the square, except for Manager Jin, were overwhelmed and fell to the ground. All the scenes here collapsed in an instant.

This aura is still spreading outward, spreading for ten miles, a hundred miles, and a thousand miles. The entire space is under the pressure of this aura. The endless momentum condenses in the air, and the prehistoric aura explodes in the sky, like a giant standing proudly on the horizon. Holding a giant ax in hand, he wants to open the sky and split the earth again.

With a roar, the dark cocoon surrounding Luo Li's body was all shattered and turned into nothingness. However, the shock wave of the Pangu ax had not dissipated and continued to expand outwards. All the trialists watching outside were all affected by this axe. .

Manager Jin shouted: "No!"

In a flash, the whole world seemed to freeze, and the endless power of heaven and earth appeared. He wanted to use the power of space to suppress the shock wave of the Pangu Ax, but everything was like paper. The power of heaven and earth just appeared, and immediately Shattered by the shock wave of this Pangu Ax!

At the same time, seventy-two huge metal puppets rose up on the ground. They stood in front of everyone and turned into strong shields, trying to block the shock wave of the Pangu Ax. However, boom boom, all the metal puppets , everything is shattered, this shock wave continues to move forward!

With a flash of light, all the testers were ejected from this space by Steward Jin and returned to the outside of the Deacon Hall. Because the delivery was too sudden, many people and onlookers outside fell together and rolled into a ball!

Then there was a roar, and the entire space used for trials and rebirth was shattered and turned into nothingness under the blow of the Pangu ax!

The world changed, Luo Li struck down with an axe, destroyed the trial space, and chopped the whole world into pieces! (To be continued...)

ps: Please give me a monthly ticket, please give me a monthly ticket!

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