Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 262: The spiritual mountain is hidden in the heart!

Luo Li stood up, went out to the Deacon Hall, and successfully found Steward Jin.

Seeing Steward Jin, Luo Li clasped his fists in salute and said, "I've met the steward!"

This golden steward is made of black gold and is completely a metal puppet. Although he is a steward, many outer monks of the Hunyuan Sect are not respectful to him, because no matter whether you respect it or insult it, to it, It has no feeling, because it is just a metal puppet with no emotion. This is the experience summed up by countless outer monks over the countless years!

The reason why the Hunyuan Sect uses three puppets to serve as stewards of the outer sect is because they want to rely on the ruthlessness of these puppets and follow the rules to avoid malpractice and other malpractices due to personal relationships.

But Luo Li is different from them. Luo Li always has a feeling that Manager Jin has his own thoughts and beliefs, so he treats Manager Jin as a real person and a senior.

Luo Li continued: "Disciples come here to redeem the skills of the Heart Blood Slip, and also sign up to participate in the trial at Jiujiuling Mountain in three months!"

Manager Jin used his unique metallic voice and said: "The registration is approved. The purchase fee for the Xinxue Jane is 3,000 sect points, and the registration fee is 300 points. Are you sure?"

Luo Li said: "Disciple is sure!"

Suddenly, 3,300 of his eighteen thousand sect points were transferred away!

Luo Li saluted and was about to leave. He wanted to go to the Scripture Collection Pavilion to collect the secret book.

Suddenly Manager Jin continued: "Luo Li, in view of your excellent performance in the past, is a friendly reminder that you should spend your points to redeem the Jiujiu Lingshan Style Record, which records the successful and outstanding examples of the Hunyuan Sect's outer monks in building Jiujiu Lingshan in the past dynasties. It will help you complete the Jiujiuling Mountain trial!"

Luo Li was stunned, he didn't expect this? He opened his mouth and said: "Excuse me, Lord Steward, this Jiujiu Lingshan Style Record. How to purchase it?"

Manager Jin said: "This Jiujiuling Mountain Style Record has a total of 138 volumes. Each volume records 20 successful models. You can buy it in separate volumes for 20 points per volume!"

Luo Li thought for a while, and according to Hunyuan Sect's practice, there must be something in the Jiujiuling Mountain Style Record. He also has 14,700 points and must buy it.

He said loudly: "In that case. I bought all these one hundred and thirty-eight volumes!"

Manager Jin said: "Confirmed, Jiujiu Lingshan Style Record, a total of 138 volumes, a total of 2,760 points! Since Luo Li purchased them all, the fraction will be removed, and a total of 2,700 points will be charged!"

In an instant, Luo Li lost another 2,700 points and had 12,000 points left. He clasped his fists in salute and turned to leave.

After exchanging the Dharma skills, Luo Li went to the Sutra Pavilion again. Receive the secret method.

The last time I received the "Innate Qi Great Capture!" and "Thunderbolt Shocking Light Escape Technique!" Luo Li has not practiced it yet. He will practice it when he has free time.

When he arrived at the Sutra Pavilion, Luo Li heard someone calling him: "Luo Li. Junior Brother Luo Li!"

Looking back, it was Feng Zixu. Besides him, there was also Ye Qingfeng. The two of them were wandering around the Sutra Pavilion.

Feng Zixu said: "Junior Brother Luo Li, are you here to receive the secret method of the Blood Slip?"

Only through the trial of breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn. They both passed the trial together last time, so now they can exchange the secret method of the Heart Blood Tablet together.

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes, by the way, how many copies of the Jiujiuling Mountain Style Record did you buy?"

As soon as he said this, Ye Qingfeng said: "Oh, I missed one word, Junior Brother Luo Li, don't buy that Jiujiu Lingshan Style Record!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Why?"

Ye Qingfeng said: "The Jiujiuling Mountain Style Record has been pirated for so many years, and almost everyone has a copy!"

Feng Zixu said: "Yes, yes. If you use points to buy Fengcailu, it will cost eighty or ninety thousand to exchange for spiritual stones. It's a huge loss! There are many for sale in the market, and one jade bamboo slip only costs fifty spiritual stones, and among them All templates are recorded.”

When Luo Li heard this, he just smiled. Although he bought a pirated version and saved spiritual stones, it was not necessarily a good thing. According to his understanding of Hunyuan Sect, the real secret book must have unspeakable secrets hidden in it!

Luo Li said: "I still like to subscribe to the genuine version!"

Then stop talking about it and change the subject.

The three of them were in the Sutra Pavilion, each received the secret method, made an inner demon oath, put it into the sea of ​​consciousness, and said goodbye to each other!

Luo Li returned to his residence again. Luo Li carefully experienced the secret method of the Heart Blood Slip. To refine the Heart Blood Slip, one thing is needed, which is the sect's jade tablet.

The so-called Xinxue Jian is to refine the sect's jade tablet from a solid body into an intangible body and integrate it into one's own body to activate various abilities within it.

Originally, the sect's jade tablet was used to record the sect's contribution, contact Hunyuan magic spirits, communicate with fellow sects, etc. After being refined into a piece of hard work, more functions were activated one by one.

It can create a virtual memory space, which can help monks record everything that happens around them, and automatically generate all maps of the areas the monks pass through, which can be used to practice in the Hunyuan Martial Arts Hall. Each Hunyuan disciple must be proficient in this method and perform tasks every time he goes out of the mountain. After returning home, he would report to the Hunyuan Martial Arts Hall and extract all his experience of going out to fight against the enemy in a piece of hard work and store it in the Martial Arts Hall for future generations to learn from.

Even if a Hunyuan disciple dies in battle, the Blood Slip will be hidden in the remains of the corpse and will remain immortal for three years. When other monks collect the corpses of their fellow disciples, they can extract the Blood Slip and store it in the martial arts hall, so that everyone can know who the murderer is. Okay To avenge the death of his disciples in battle. At the same time, we will also know how Hunyuan disciples died in battle and how they failed, and use this as a lesson to avoid another tragedy.

It can be said that Xinxue Jian is one of the foundations of Hunyuan Sect's magic!

However, successfully refining the Blood Slip is only the basis for the Jiujiuling Mountain Trial. After successfully refining the Blood Slip, a virtual memory space must be opened in the Blood Slip. The opening of this space requires a monk with extremely strong spiritual consciousness, and many monks have Consciousness is just stuck here, unable to move forward.

After the virtual memory space is opened, in this space, every thought of Luo Li will turn virtual into reality, and appear as virtual things in the virtual space. For example, if you think about a stone in your mind, a stone will be born in the virtual space. If you cut the stone into stone slabs, in the virtual space, the stone will automatically be cut into stone slabs according to your thoughts.

However, this is not just a matter of just thinking about it, something you fantasize about. The more you know, the more real it becomes in the virtual space, the shape, composition, weight, characteristics, texture, use... the more you know. These data will all be reflected. If you don't understand anything, the things you imagine will be shabby and messy.

The so-called Jiujiuling Mountain requires every outer sect monk of the Hunyuan Sect to be in this virtual space. Construct a spiritual mountain world, a perfect mountain gate cave.

There must be spiritual veins of the earth, towering mountain gates, and mountains and rivers. There must be various Dharma halls, flood drainage equipment, defense systems, and secret blessed places. There must be...

Countless requirements, but more importantly. The virtual space of this Xinxuejian is not infinite, there is only a certain space, and all of this must be reflected in this small space.

This tests the practitioner's ability in reasoning, judgment, layout, planning, etc. It also tests the practitioner's understanding of the world of Lingshan. It also tests the strength of the practitioner's spiritual consciousness to be able to construct this majestic Lingshan.

This is the content of the trial of Jiujiu Lingshan. If you can build a Lingshan from scratch in the virtual space within the specified time and reach the level of Jiujiu perfection, you can pass this trial. But if you want to seize The first place in the trial has to go to the next step.

The monks who have passed the trial can sign up to participate in the trial competition. The outer sect steward will use secret methods to transmit the Lingshan world built by the trialer into a huge virtual space, and then the trialist who participates in the competition will Collide your own spiritual mountain with the opponent's spiritual mountain!

In the collision of Lingshan Mountains, the one who collapses will be disqualified, and the one who is stable will win. Then everything will start again, and the next collision will continue. The last trialist who crashes all the Lingshan Mountains will be the first place in the Jiujiu Lingshan Trial!

Luo Li analyzed in detail that the real purpose of Jiujiuling Mountain should be for the Five Dharma Holy Land of Hunyuan Seven Dharma. Just like Senior Sister Ruotong’s Forest of Living Beings, it is actually to practice how to make a reasonable layout in a small space world. design.

As for why you use crushing other people's spiritual mountains to judge the outcome, it is to vaguely point out that solidity is the first element of Jiujiu Lingshan. No matter whether your spiritual mountain is full of flowers or beautiful, if it is not strong, it will not withstand drying. , everything is illusion!

Luo Li smiled. Divine consciousness, which he lacks the most, has reached forty-two feet. Even the first level of foundation building cultivation is only thirty feet. It can be said that he is the first person in the outer sect to have divine consciousness!

As for building the Lingshan Mountain, I have experienced the calamity of life and death. In the state of decline and decline, my intelligence and thinking have been greatly improved. I don't have to worry about this. Moreover, I have the Taixu Tianyan Taishang Sensing Taiweidong Sutra, so this Jiujiu Lingshan, You will definitely win! Fan Wujie, just wait, your spiritual stones are all mine!

Luo Li took a deep breath and began to practice. He picked up the sect's jade medal and pricked his middle finger. Youdao means ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the essence and blood on these fingers is the blood of human beings!

He began to drip blood on the sect's jade tablet. While dripping blood, he silently recited the incantation and began to refine the painstaking slip!

"There is no color within the color, there is no emptiness in the sky, there is neither conditioned existence nor inaction, there is no emptiness in consciousness, there is no hindrance to the insight, you can enter the wonderful door and understand it naturally..."

Following Luo Li's spell, a wave of spiritual energy flew up from Luo Li's body and was injected into the sect's jade tablet. With the injection of spiritual energy, the sect's jade tablet began to change. It softened, became transparent, and emitted little by little. All kinds of shimmers.

Gradually, the faint light became fierce and turned into seven-color rays of light, illuminating the entire practice room, but Luo Li didn't care and continued to cast spells and continue to practice!

Just like this, the light brightened and dimmed, dimmed and brightened again. After seven times, in an instant, this sect's jade tablet changed from real to virtual. From a real jade tablet, it instantly turned into a spiritual light composed of thousands of brilliance. , then Luo Li opened his lips, and the spiritual light gradually entered Luo Li's mouth and integrated into Luo Li's body.

Luo Li continued to cast spells, and in the blink of an eye, ten days and ten nights later, there was a clear sound in the practice room, and Luo Li opened his eyes!

After successful cultivation, the sect's jade token was completely refined by Luo Li and turned into an invisible piece of hard work, which is stored in Luo Li's soul. In the future, when using the sect's jade token, there is no need to take out the physical object, just make a thought.

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