Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 267 Earning good deeds from business without capital!

In fact, monks who can pass the previous seven trials must at least reach the ninth level of Qi Refining, and will soon enter the Great Perfection state of Qi Refining!

Therefore, monks who have reached the last two trials will almost never be expelled from the outer sect. In addition, even if they fail to pass these two trials for many years, they still have a chance to enter the inner sect!

If the outer sect disciples successfully build the foundation, they can enter the inner sect even if they have not completed these two trials. However, they will lose the qualification to enter Tongtiantai. They are only side disciples of Hunyuan Sect and cannot practice the Seven Methods of Hunyuan Sect. In the future, he will join the branch of Xunling Sect.

If you are unable to build a foundation, you can also apply for a servant boy from the inner gate to work as a handyman in the inner gate, and you will also have a chance to enter the inner gate.

But if you have neither built the foundation nor completed the trial after twenty years, you can only leave the outer gate of Hunyuan Sect. Under normal circumstances, monks will leave early and do not have to wait until twenty years, because during the Qi Refining Period, A monk's lifespan is only a hundred years, but not many twenty years are wasted!

Luo Li looked at these two trials, let out a sigh of relief, and summed them up carefully. This trial is not urgent, and the time is long. Now I have two more important things.

"The first thing I want to do is build the Taichu Cave. This time I just got a reward from the trial, so I chose the wood-type heaven and earth spiritual object, which is enough for two five element cycles! So I can build my own Taichu Cave first!"

"The second thing is that my good deeds are gone, and my magical power of rewarding good and punishing evil cannot be activated, so I must accumulate good deeds and then conduct the trial!"

Luo Li gradually made up his mind and went to the Treasure Pavilion the next day. Receive sect rewards.

When the old monk saw Luo Li, he was extremely happy and extremely polite. His hands were short for taking people, but his mouth was short for eating people!

When he heard that Luo Li wanted to choose a wood-type heaven and earth spiritual object, he immediately recommended:

"Wood type heaven and earth spiritual things, we have a lot of good things here. Look, this is the Constellation Spirit Tree, a spiritual tree that has experienced a hundred thousand years. It contains the power of endless stars! This is the Purple Thunder Pine. It has the ability to absorb thunder and lightning. The powerful spiritual pine!

This is the Lava Fire Grass, a heaven and earth spiritual tree that can grow in the magma sea! This is the Nine-fold Tree. Nine kinds of spiritual trees are strangely hybridized together to form the spiritual tree of heaven and earth. Contains the power of space. It is the best material for space storage! this is……"

The old monk introduced them one by one. Luo Li looked at these spiritual trees and finally chose the Nine-fold Tree. This spiritual tree contains the power of space. It happens to be similar to the Taichu Cave Heaven that I want to build.

After making the selection, Luo Li took out a bottle of Taibai Zhenling Drunken Dragon Wine, handed it to the old monk, and said, "Senior, thank you very much. Please drink!"

The old monk had already helped Luo Li choose the spiritual objects of heaven and earth. In fact, Luo Li had no need to give the Taibai True Spirit Drunken Dragon Wine as a gift, but for some reason, seeing the old monk's desolate state, Luo Li couldn't help but give it as a gift. bottle.

Seeing the wine, the old monk was very happy. He immediately took it and said:

"thanks, thanks!"

He felt a little embarrassed about receiving such an expensive gift. He thought about it and said:

"Um, Luo Li, I'm really sorry for receiving so many benefits from you. In my life, when I was young, I was very successful. I passed five trials in a row in one year. At that time, I thought that I would definitely be able to stand out. But in the debate among the top 100, it completely lost its wings.

I suffered hard for ten years, but I just couldn't pass the test of the Top 100 Debate, but I was unwilling to give up and left the Hunyuan Sect like this. In the end, I chose to be a servant of the inner sect, and practiced in the inner sect for two hundred years. As a result, I worked hard all my life, had no children, and accomplished nothing.

Now that I am old, my Taoist foundation has collapsed, and I have no way forward, I can only wait for death in silence. The sect took pity on me, took care of me, and arranged this position that should be filled by the cave spirit.

Although I can't help you, I still know some of the secrets in the sect. I'll tell you a few places, Qin Lake, Cailing Valley, Zifeng Cliff, and Jiudang Mountain. If you have nothing to do, go to those places to practice more. There are often powerful inner sects there. If you go there and play, if the opportunity comes, they will give you a few words of advice, which will last a lifetime! "

Luo Li remembered these places, Qin Lake, Cailing Valley, Zifeng Cliff, and Jiudang Mountain. Then he clasped his fists and saluted, and said, "Thank you, senior, for your guidance!"

The old man nodded and never looked at Luo Li again. He picked up the Taibai Zhenling Drunken Dragon Wine and took a sip of it. He was half drunk and half awake, recalling his past glory.

Luo Li took a deep breath and secretly made up his mind to work hard. He would never waste his life in vain like the old man.

Choosing the Nine-fold Tree, Luo Li was not in a hurry to go back to worship Taichu Cave Heaven, but returned to the outer gate and headed to the free market.

Luo Li's good deeds are gone. Once this treasure is gone, the magical power to reward good and punish evil cannot be used, which is equivalent to cutting off his hands and feet, so Luo Li must earn good deeds first.

This outer sect of the Hunyuan Sect is not like other places. The outer sect disciples of the Hunyuan Sect here are all very capable and good at everything. Good things are not so easy to do, and Luo Li doesn’t have that much energy and energy. Time, look for opportunities everywhere, and work hard to do good things.

However, Luo Li thought of a way. The outer disciples of Hunyuan Sect may not lack anything, but they must lack one thing, and that is the sect's contribution value!

This sect contribution value is of great significance to the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect. It can only be obtained by completing various sect tasks. Although you can also buy some with spiritual stones on the black market, there are such restrictions, and you can only buy 500 points at most. That’s all.

As for the nine trials of the Hunyuan Sect, each trial requires a lot of sect points, so the Hunyuan outer sect disciples will never have enough points!

This is Luo Li's way of earning good deeds. He placed a banner in the free market that read: Interest-free loan sect contribution value!

There is another sentence below: Only help people, not seeking profit, only help people in emergencies, not the poor!

The banner was erected and immediately attracted the attention of many outer monks. One of them recognized Luo Li and said:

"This kid is Luo Li, what is he going to do?"

"I don't know, the contribution of the interest-free loan sect? Is it true or false?"

"I'm still one hundred and twenty points short of buying the Five Elements Shield of Hunyuan Liujue. I still have to do a few tasks. If I can borrow money, if he can really borrow points from my sect, I'll buy the secret technique first. , do the mission in the future, so that you can pass the nine trials earlier, and the chance of being expelled will be greatly reduced! "

"Yes, yes, I am also optimistic about a secret book in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but it is only fifty points short. It will take half a month to get enough. If you can borrow points, you don't have to wait. You can practice half a month earlier. Month. I will take a step ahead of others!”

"I also like a magic weapon. In its current form, it will definitely appreciate in value, but I don't have many sect points. If I can borrow points, I will buy it now and sell it in the future. In addition to paying back his sect points, I will also You can make more money!”

"Is it true? Is there such a good thing?"

"Whatever, go and ask, if you can really borrow without interest, I will borrow some, even if I don't lack contribution value now, let's talk about borrowing, there is no interest-free anyway, if you don't borrow, it won't be in vain!"

With this mentality, Luo Li was immediately surrounded by countless outer disciples, who came to ask one by one!

Luo Li was surrounded by water, with three floors inside and three floors outside, with nearly a thousand people!

Luo Li looked at everyone and smiled:

"My fellow sects, I have recently earned some sect contribution points, but they are sitting idle here. However, fellow sect members, there are people who are in urgent need of sect contribution points, so I will lend them your sect contribution points for free!"

As soon as he said this, someone immediately said: "Great, great, then lend me a hundred sect contribution points!"

"I want to borrow three hundred!"

"I want to borrow five hundred!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Only helping people, not seeking profit, only helping people in emergencies, not the poor!"

"I have 16,000 sect contribution points here, and I can lend them to eighty fellow sects, 200 each! The loan period is one month, and you need to make an oath of inner demons.

But there are too many fellow students who want to borrow money, so we can only draw lots and see luck, whoever is drawn will be the one! "

Luo Li completed the Jiujiuling Mountain Trial and received a reward of 5,000 points. Adding the original 12,000 points, he finally had 17,000 points, but he left 1,000 points to register for the Top 100 Debate, so Lending sixteen thousand points!

After speaking, he took out a stack of metal plates, and Luo Li began to write numbers on them, one, two, three, four...

A sharp-eyed monk could tell the door at a glance and said, "Is this the Zichen Bronze Medal?"

Zichen Copper is a spiritual material for refining weapons. One pound is worth ten spirit stones. Zichen Copper has a wide range of uses and is easy to use. This brand weighs one pound no matter how you look at it, and is worth at least ten spirit stones.

Luo Li smiled and replied: "Yes, there are too many people. I can only lend money to eighty of my fellow disciples. Many of my fellow disciples come here in vain. We cannot let everyone come in vain. If he is not selected, then this Zi Chen The bronze medal is my thank you gift.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded. Even if they didn't win, the ten spirit stones they got for free, without any time or effort, were still very satisfying!

Luo Li began to write numbers on the Zichen bronze medal, then handed it to the monk in front of him, and said solemnly: "Please keep it! I wish fellow Taoist success in your cultivation!"

The monk took the Zi Chen bronze medal, and Luo Li said polite words. No matter how polite he was, he would casually say: "Thank you!"

This was what Luo Li was waiting for. Everyone knew the value of the Zi Chen Bronze Medal and came to receive it. This meant that the recipient had short hands. The monk who accepted the Zi Chen Bronze Medal was equivalent to accepting Luo Li's help.

If the other person is sincerely grateful and emotionally turbulent, Luo Li will absorb a trace of good deeds. Although the good deeds are insignificant, they add up to a small amount.

If the other person has no gratitude at all, Luo Li will not receive any good deeds, but he will instantly know what the other person is thinking. Such monks were immediately excluded by Luo Li.

For those monks who are grateful, Luo Li will remember their numbers, and then during the lottery process, they will definitely win and can borrow two hundred points for free.

Such monks all know how to repay gratitude, and they are all in special need of points for emergency relief. They are sincerely grateful in their hearts, so that Luo Li can harvest delicious fruits and get a lot of good deeds.

As for the sect points, he made an inner demon oath, and everyone will repay it a month later. Luo Li's cost was the Zichen Bronze Medal, which only had ten spirit stones each. Luo Li made a thousand, but only ten thousand spirit stones.

After a thousand Zichen bronze medals were distributed, a lottery was drawn, and eighty people won the prize. Luo Li began to borrow the sect's contribution. In less than a moment, everything was over and everyone dispersed!

After the matter was completed, this matter was immediately circulated around the outer door. Of course, there were mixed reviews. Some people praised, some were grateful, some were dismissive, some sneered, some slandered, and some said:

"This guy is just looking for fame and reputation. He is not a good guy!"

"I think he must have a conspiracy. I don't believe there is such a good person who enjoys helping others!"

"No, I don't think so, I think he is just a fool!"

There are many things to say, but Luo Li doesn't care, because he has thirty-eight more good deeds! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to: Ye Ruirui, Xiyue, Shazir, I won’t tell you even if I kill you, wangsong105, I love piracy, cc11v,, Zhuxuan, Lonely Walker, 2011, arthur1990b, Play as Life, Book Friends 11030207142i123zhuyudi, Xianyun Bu, thank you all for the reward from Dongbang Evil God!

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