Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 270: Cover your ears and steal the bell to solve your doubts! (Third update of Chap

Luo Li decided to start practicing "Innate Qi Great Grasping" and "Thunderbolt Shocking Light Escape Technique", but this time he did not practice in his cave, but decided to practice outside.

Today we will go to Qinhu Lake, tomorrow we will go to Cailing Valley, the day after tomorrow we will go to Zifeng Cliff, and the day after tomorrow we will go to Jiudang Mountain. We will start practicing at the wonderful waters of these Lingshan Mountains.

The old monk specially told these places that the strong men in the inner sect would go to these places to play when they had nothing to do.

What fun? Luo Li didn't believe that the monks of the Hunyuan Sect would travel everywhere, and there must be some unspeakable secrets there, so Luo Li specially went to these places to practice.

Sure enough, when he arrived at these places, he looked carefully and slowly felt them, Luo Li vaguely discovered that they were extraordinary.

For example, Qin Lake is located 3,200 miles west of the Outer Gate Station. It is a lake with a radius of several hundred miles. The terrain here is complex. Large islands cut the lake into pieces. The lake is in the mountains, and the mountains are in the lake. , among which there are many rivers and gurgling water!

Looking from here, there is no difference from more than 3,000 other beautiful places, but if you feel carefully here, you will feel the difference. In this lake, there are many peaks and islands, including several islands. If you listen carefully to the sound of flowing water on them, you will hear a strange sound.

It's like the sound of running water playing a piano. This sound is the sound of nature. When people hear it, they can listen to the calmness of the heart, forget all the worries and sorrows, and practice with concentration here!

The other three places also have their own mysteries, but Luo Li especially likes Qin Lake.

On this day, he went here. I plan to practice Xiantian Qi Great Capture here.

There is a small island in the Qin Lake that he likes the most. It is very clean, not too big or too small. There is a pavilion in it, where you can see the lake and mountains from a distance and listen to the music of the lake.

Luo Li flew straight to the place where he had just participated in a Top 100 debate today. The trialist Li Dayin fought with Luo Li for a full hour before he was killed by Luo Li. Along the way, Luo Li recalled the details of the battle. Indulge in it and don't care about anything else.

When he landed at the pavilion, he was stunned and found that a monk was ahead of him. Enjoy the sights and sounds here!

Luo Li glanced at it. Surprisingly, that person was a female cultivator. He also knew that it was Mo Yanlan who blocked her Top 100 Debate Trial last time.

Mo Yanlan is still the same. The orchid in the empty valley is quiet and elegant. Standing in the pavilion, silently in a daze.

Luo Li cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry for disturbing senior sister's Qianxiu practice. I didn't pay attention!"

After saying that, Luo Li was about to leave with his sword! According to the unspoken rules here, as long as there are monks here, other monks will stay away and not disturb others. Luo Li was completely immersed in the battle and didn't pay attention at all, so when he arrived at the pavilion, he realized there was someone here and immediately prepared to leave!

Mo Yanlan looked up at Luo Li and was slightly startled, as if she recognized Luo Li.

But Luo Li knew it was impossible. Last time he was wearing a black robe and a mask. He knew her, but she didn't know him!

Luo Li was about to leave, and Mo Yanlan suddenly said:

"Wait a minute!"

Luo Li was stunned and looked at Mo Yanlan hesitantly.

Mo Yanlan said: "You are Jian Laohei, Jian Juehu!"

Luo Li's heart suddenly jumped, how did she know, but Luo Li would not admit it, and said innocently: "What Jian Laohei, this senior sister, what are you talking about?"

Mo Yanlan smiled and said: "Don't deny it, Luo Li, I know who you are!

You cut off my path to immortality last time. Since you can defeat me, why don't you dare to admit it! "

It seemed that she really knew him and his name. Luo Li laughed and said:

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Mo Yanlan. The last time was a sect mission. There is no way. Even if I don't defeat you, others will!"

Then Luo Li changed the topic and said:

"Senior Sister Mo Yanlan, how did you recognize me? I am protected by the Hunyuan magic spirit, wearing a black robe and a mask!"

Mo Yanlan smiled lightly and said:

"Hunyuan Sect, it's big even if it's big, it's small even if it's small!

We, the losers of the trial who are blocked by you, are not fools either!

After all, Hunyuan Dharma Spirit is dead, but people are alive. During this period of time, everyone has almost searched through the outer door of Hunyuan Sect, and finally found your heel, and then I knew who you were! "

It turns out that the law is dead, but people are alive. Those monks who cannot pass the debate among hundreds of people unite to find other ways to find the true form of the outer monks who block their way, or bribe, or coerce, or Use inducements in order to gain some leeway in the next debate.

Luo Li shook his head and said, "Oh, what a crooked way!"

Mo Yanlan said: "It seems that Senior Brother Li Dayin failed again today. Was he defeated by your sword?"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Li Dayin's Great Mantra of Hunyuan Saint Refining Dao is very powerful. I fought with him for a full hour before I barely won."

Mo Yanlan said: "What a pity, Senior Brother Li Dayin, after a full year of preparation, it failed in the end!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No, he did not fail. I believe he will gain something from this battle! This is what a monk should do, go through thousands of battles, strengthen his mind, and pursue my way!"

Mo Yanlan said: "Tao, what is Tao? Why do each of you have to pursue the so-called Tao? It's so tiring, so tiring!"

Luo Li asked, "Then why are you practicing here?"

Mo Yanlan shook her head and said: "I don't want to either. Originally, I just wanted to live a peaceful life, with three or five thatched houses, raising more than a dozen chicks, and live a normal life. But who knew that I would find out that I had What a transcendent immortal body, my life has completely changed!

If I cannot stay in the Hunyuan Sect, accept the protection of the Hunyuan Sect, and return home, my fate will be very tragic!

I will be married to someone my family doesn't like, and then I will try my best to have children. Because I am a transcendent immortal, my children's talents will not be any worse! I don't want this, so I have to stay in Hunyuan Sect, only here can protect me! "

Luo Li said: "No, you are wrong, no one can protect you, only you can protect yourself!"

Mo Yanlan said: "It's too difficult, too difficult. I really don't like fighting. Every time I fight, I crush the opponent's body. When I see the blood splattering, I will think that I killed someone and someone died because of me." If he dies, his relatives, his parents, and his friends will all be sad because of me. I, I don’t want to fight, I don’t want to see the blood splattering..."

Luo Li looked at her, speechless. Mo Yanlan was too weak-hearted and didn't like fighting. Maybe this path of cultivating immortality was too cruel for her.

Mo Yanlan smiled and said to Luo Li: "Am I useless? I tried to persuade myself countless times, but I don't know why. As soon as I saw the blood collapse, I couldn't stand it and started thinking randomly.

Sorry for making Junior Brother Luo Li laugh. By the way, I have something else to do, so I’ll go first! "

After saying that, the colorful ribbons flew up from Mo Yanlan's body, she rose into the air, left here, and gave it to Luo Li.

Luo Li landed on the island and frowned, Mo Yanlan couldn't do this. A good seedling would be useless if it got stuck here.

Luo Li really wanted to help Mo Yanlan. He was sitting in the pavilion without practicing and thinking carefully. He suddenly slapped his thigh and couldn't help but said: "Yes! I have a way!"

"Mo Yanlan, I have a way to help you overcome the psychological difficulties and pass the Top 100 debate!"

Suddenly someone answered: "Do you really have a way?"

The voice was extremely deep, and a figure appeared on the other side of the pavilion.

It turned out that there was someone here for a long time, but this person didn't want them to see him, so Luo Li and Mo Yanlan both regarded him as nothing and couldn't see his existence. The other party couldn't help but ask Luo Li. Discovered by Luo Li.

Looking at this man, he was about thirty or forty years old. He was calm and solemn. His thick blond hair was as dazzling as the golden sun. His forehead was high and his eyes were deep. His facial features were as profound and handsome as sculptures. When he was young, he must have been a millionaire. Fascinated by countless beauties!

Luo Li was stunned for a moment, then he saluted and said, "I've seen Senior Hu Chan!"

This person is none other than Master Huchan, who is known as the No. 1 Jindan Master in the Chunan region. It was he who fought against Master Anshui and Master Baoyu at Qianlangmen last time and saved Luo Li and others.

When Master Hu Chan saw Luo Li recognizing him, he just smiled and said, "It's not that I eavesdropped on you on purpose. It's because I'm here and you haven't seen me!"

Luo Li said: "Disciple understands!"

Master Hu Chan looked at Luo Li with interest and said, "Luo Li, do you really have a way to make Mo Yanlan get rid of his spiritual weakness and no longer be afraid of blood?

Within the sect, dozens of people thought for a long time about spiritual hints, guidance from heavenly spirits, and secret magical transformations. In the end, they all failed one by one. There was no way! "

Luo Li smiled and said confidently: "The disciple really has a way. It's actually very simple. Make an eyepatch or a crystal mask or other treasure to block her sight so that she can't see the blood. Whenever blood appears, the body will be broken. , just become blossoming flowers, and the problem is solved!”

Master Hu Chan was stunned and said: "It's that simple, isn't it too childish? It's just a cover-up!"

Luo Li said: "It's that simple, just cover your ears and steal the bell! Mo Yanlan can practice till now. I don't believe that she doesn't want to enter the inner door. It's just that she can't control the fear of seeing blood. As long as the blood is covered up, even if she knows This is a cover-up, but I believe she will be able to control herself and no longer have inner demons!"

Master Hu Chan nodded and said: "It makes sense. In fact, even if it fails, it doesn't matter. Give it a try, and no one will die anyway!"

(To be continued...)

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