Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 294: Virtual reality reflects Hunyuan Tian! (Third update, please vote for me!)

Master and disciple recognized each other, and there was sudden applause from all around. !

Xianyun nodded secretly and shouted: "Climb to the rooftop, the master and apprentice selection ceremony is over, and the next step of worshiping the ancestor hall begins!"

Just like that, the disciple selection meeting ended. All eleven disciples had masters. The thirteen real people stood up and looked at each other. In an instant, the thirteen real people flew up, and all the selected disciples like Luo Li flew up with them. , under the control of the real person, led them to fly towards the tallest and largest Tongtian Peak in the sky.

Luo Li was flying at high altitude. In fact, he did not move at all. This was Master Hu Chan filming him flying. The two of them were in tandem. Luo Li, who was behind Master Hu Chan, did not notice that Master Hu Chan used any spells. , did not control the air, but just took him soaring into the sky.

There is no golden elixir phenomenon in the body of Master Hu Chan, and he can't even feel it in the golden elixir field. No wonder he is called the number one golden elixir master in Chunan, with super strength!

Looking at the back of Master Hu Chan, Luo Li felt happy. Ever since the day he saw him, Master Hu Chan had left a deep impression on Luo Li. Especially, he taught Luo Li how to transcend the locks of heaven and earth, which benefited Luo Li a lot. , from then on Luo Li secretly thought that it would be great if he was his master, and today his dream finally came true!

When Luo Li and the others left the immortal platform, all the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect also moved and teleported away from there. In an instant, the immortal platform was empty.

Then the entire thousand-foot-sized Sendai seemed to have paused in time and solidified. Then, like origami, it began to fold and shrink from a platform covering an area of ​​a thousand feet. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a lotus shape that was only about ten feet long. The strange brilliance dances in the sky.

Luo Li looked extremely surprised. Master Hu Chan saw his hesitation and said through a message:

"That's a Small Thousand World there. You see, it's ordinary there, but it has a long history. It's the first Small Thousand World established by Hunyuanzi, the founder of Hunyuan Sect. It's where we, Hunyuan, were founded. Zong!

His seven major disciples all became disciples there, and the later founders of Zhongxing, Yan Kuangtu and Wang Yangming, also became disciples there. Even though the Hunyuan Sect had undergone dozens of catastrophes and the mountain gate had changed to two locations, it was still preserved. After that, it can be said that it is the fundamental place for our Hunyuan Sect disciples. All disciples worship there and reach heaven in one step, so it is called Climbing to Heaven Platform.

But that Small Thousand World has existed for too long, already 120,000 years ago. In order to allow it to exist forever, so that countless Hunyuan Sect disciples can become disciples there and continue the inheritance, so in addition to every three During the annual apprenticeship ceremony or major ancestor worship celebration, almost this small world will be closed to avoid collapse. "

Luo Li nodded. He didn't expect that it looked so ordinary, but it had such a long history. In the 130,000 years where he became a disciple, countless heroes became apprentices like him.

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Senior... no, Master!"

"Master, what is the Small Thousand Worlds?"

Master Hu Chan said: "Look at our Hunyuan world!"

After saying that, he stopped flying and let Luo Li take a look!

Luo Li looked over, and for the first time he saw the Hunyuan Sect in the sky so clearly!

On the land of Xuanzhou, when you look up, you can see nothing but white clouds and a bright red sun. Now you are in the sky, and at a glance, you can see the entire Hunyuan Sect in your eyes!

The center of this Hunyuan Sect is a peak. The peak reaches straight to the sky, thick at the bottom and thin at the top. It is three thousand feet away from the ground and reaches the sky and the earth. It is ten thousand feet high!

Above the peak, the peak of the mountain cannot be seen. The peak is hidden in a sea of ​​clouds. The sea of ​​clouds is endless, like an ocean, hanging upside down in the sky. The entire sea of ​​clouds seems to be composed of endless light and endless glazed color. This sea of ​​clouds is enough to cover the entire The sky above the land of Xuanzhou was completely covered.

And outside the mountain peak, there seemed to be countless black spots floating in the air. If you look closely, it seemed that there were golden pagodas forming a strange formation, endlessly rotating around the mountain peak!

Looking towards the mountain top again, the mountain top, from top to bottom, is covered by endless forests as far as the eye can see. In the forest, flames spurt out from time to time, as if there are endless things hidden under the forest and within the mountain peaks. Hell!

In this illusion, countless light points were flying and shuttled there. When Luo Li saw this illusion before, he thought they were immortal cultivators flying in the air, causing light points. But looking at it now, it is not at all, those light points , are all the light emitted by the same small world as the one just ascended to the rooftop.

Luo Li said stupidly: "Is this our Hunyuan Sect?"

Master Hu Chan shook his head and said: "No, what you see is just one of the forms of our Hunyuan Sect!"

Then he raised his hand, and the electric light flashed in his hand, touched Luo Li's eyes, and said, "Look again, this is another form of Hunyuan Sect!"

Luo Li looked again and found to his surprise that the peaks, sea of ​​clouds, golden pagodas, forests, and hells were all gone. The world in front of Luo Li was a strange world shrouded in clouds and mist, with layers of white clouds beneath his feet, boundless from a distance. The center of this world is a huge hanging mountain in the air. This hanging mountain is the center of the entire world. Surrounding this hanging mountain are five similar hanging mountains closest to each other. They form the first echelon and slowly drift and rotate.

These five hanging mountains are all huge peaks, broken in the middle, hanging upside down, and rising flatly, forming a huge platform. On this platform, there are dense buildings and countless scenery.

There are fourteen similar hanging mountains outside. Surrounding these five hanging mountains, they form a second echelon. They are also slowly rotating and drifting around the central hanging mountain.

Upon closer inspection, the five hanging mountains in the center no longer look like hanging mountains. Some of the hanging mountains turned into a forest, a forest, flying in the sky, and endless white mist at the edge of the forest.

Some hanging mountains turned into islands, huge islands, surrounded by the sea, but the sea was made of flames. Some turned into cliffs, a high cliff, standing proudly in the sky, some turned into a city cave, and the most bizarre one turned into a huge ship, sailing in the void...

The fourteen hanging mountains outside also changed, turning into huge plains, endless pavilions, majestic mountains, and some turned into deserts. Luo Li was stunned!

Looking at the past, there are five mountains and fourteen ridges there. They all turned into light spots. The original peaks, sea of ​​clouds, golden pagodas, forests, and hell fire scenes were restored. The five mountains and fourteen ridges were just countless light spots flying around this scene. Just one of them.

Luo Li looked at it stupidly and didn't react for a long time!

Master Hu Chan said:

"Hunyuan, Hunyuan, means all dimensional spaces! Although our Hunyuan Sect dominates the world with the Seven Methods of Hunyuan, our core, the real secret, is still the way of space!

In the past, when our Hunyuan Sect was the Hunyuan Demon Sect, our biggest enemy was the Youjian Wujiangkong Demon Sect, which also founded the world on the principle of space. Our sect had fought hard with them for thousands of years, making it difficult for them to survive. The Sky Demon Sect, one of the great demon sects, has completely declined, and even now they have not recovered their strength!

Luo Li, remember, when you travel in the future, when you encounter disciples of the Sky Demon Sect, you must kill them. If you don’t kill them, they will kill you. This is a deadly feud formed by bloody battles over tens of thousands of years. It has been integrated into our two sects. Among the martial arts, as long as there are two disciples, they are mortal enemies and cannot be resolved! "

Luo Li said: "Disciple understands!"

Master Huchan continued: "The five ridges and fourteen peaks of the mountain you just saw, those flying hanging mountains, are the real place of our Hunyuan Sect here, the real material existence, the foundation of the world, they are real! But they are only part of our Hunyuan Sect!

The peaks, sea of ​​clouds, golden pagodas, forests, hells and other scenery you see now are the countless monks of our Hunyuan Sect. When they died, the remaining parts of their Five Dharma Holy Lands experienced collapse, according to their respective attributes. Stacked together, they formed the mountain peaks, the sea of ​​clouds, the flying tower, the forest, and the hell of fire, and the five caves, heaven and earth.

They are also the foundation of our Hunyuan Sect. They all belong to the dimensional cave heaven, and they are virtual!

This fusion of virtuality and reality, dimensions affecting reality, reality shaping virtual realm, virtual realm transforming into heaven and earth, true and false, virtual and real, this is our real Hunyuan Sect!

Jingzhen Forest, Jinghuo Island, Zhezang Cliff, Zhengyifu, Zhuanzhou Valley, Xushenyuan, Tianqing Peak, Yaoguang Sea, Tianmuyuan, Datong Mountain, Xingying Cave, Tranquil Heaven, Taiheyuan, Lingjue Mo !

Among them, Tianqing Peak will be your future home! You haven't officially entered the sect yet, so you can only see the virtual realm in front of you. After you enter, the past will be completely different from the present. "

Luo Li said hesitantly: "Master, I still don't understand. This entity is just a hanging mountain. How did it become various forests, islands, peaks, and plains?"

Master Huchan smiled and said: "Look at your storage bag. It's just a small bag in reality. Why is there so much space inside and can it hold so many things?

In the same vein, would you like to understand why this is the case? When you become proficient in the Five Elements of Hunyuan and advance to Nascent Soul, you will naturally understand! "

Luo Li asked again: "Master, Jingzhen, Jinghuo, Zhuanzhou, Zhengyi, Hibernation, Xushen, Tianqing, Yaoguang, Tianmu, Datong, Xingying, Tranquility, Taihe, Lingjue! This is the only way! Is it the fourteen meridians?

You just said that the Five Ridges and Fourteen Peaks seem to be missing five? "

Master Hu Chan sighed and said: "Yes, the five meridians are missing!

When Patriarch Wang Yangming revived the Hunyuan Sect, we had five branches and fourteen lines! However, after the difficulties of cultivating immortals in Luo, the bloody battle with Tiandao Sect, the revenge of Sky Demon, and the catastrophe of Beichen.

The world is gradually different, the vitality is thinning, and the concepts of the past are no longer applicable now. First, the beliefs of the Death Emperor and Youya are cut off, and then the other three lines also dissipate, and now only five branches and nine lines are left. "

Luo Li sighed, he didn't expect that the Hunyuan Sect looked so majestic and every family had its own scriptures that were difficult to recite, but it was somewhat similar to the Lingdie Sect, and its inheritance was also cut off.

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