Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 375: One Hundred and Eighty Stars for All Living Beings! (Chapter 3, monthly vote

Luo Li was hugged tightly by the two of them, and they shouted:!

"Brother Luo Li, please lend me money, please give me spiritual stones, please support me!"

Luo Li shook his head vigorously when they made trouble and said:

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble and be serious!"

Lu Zhou and Feng Zixu played around for a while, then stopped playing and returned to normal, and everyone boarded the flying car.

This flying car can seat ten people securely, but it is not enough for only four of them. Luo Li started to enter commands on the main console, and a chart appeared. Then he pointed and determined the target Jinglin Sect of Liangzhou. The flying boat immediately set off, automatically Navigate and fly far away.

Lu Zhou and Feng Zixu looked at it with envy. Lu Zhou said, "It's so cool and handsome. It would be great if I had such a speeding car!"

Feng Zixu said: "You can't afford it, this thing is for burning spiritual stones!"

Lu Zhou sighed and said, "Oh, my forest of sentient beings is like a bottomless pit, I can't afford it!"

Luo Li asked hesitantly: "We all have the Holy Land of the Five Dharmas, and our spiritual energy is infinite? How come you are so short of spiritual stones?"

Lu Zhou said: "Brother Luo Li, you have not cultivated in the Forest of All Living Beings. You don't know that every avatar in the Forest of All Living Beings is transformed by one of our thoughts. They need to absorb spiritual energy, refine it, and gradually form their own consciousness. and life.

This prerequisite must be spiritual energy. Although our All Living Beings Forest Holy Land provides endless spiritual energy, no matter how much it is, it is not enough. One more clone is equivalent to one more person, especially his free clone, which is a big consumer of spiritual energy, and it cannot Give less!

Therefore, the spiritual energy in the Holy Land is only enough to maintain their existence and support their cultivation! The spiritual energy of that holy land is a big pot of rice, and everyone has a share!

But the clones in the forest of living beings can all be regarded as part of your body and mine, possessing human nature.

With human nature, some avatars are lazy, and some avatars like to cheat and eat from a big pot. Without material stimulation, no one will work hard for you! Therefore, material stimulation is needed, and this material stimulation is spiritual stone!

A spiritual stone is completely foreign spiritual energy, not given by the Holy Land, and other clones do not have it. This is different. For these clones, it can become stronger and exist for one moment longer. It is everything!

Therefore, the clones of this living being forest, especially his free clone, like spiritual stones the most. If you give them spiritual stones, they will work hard for you, and they can do anything!

In addition, this clone and you are one and the same. They know what you are thinking in your mind. They know how many spiritual stones you have and where you keep them.

If you are reluctant to give it to them, then the other person's free clone will be dissatisfied, get into trouble, lose spirituality, and become an ordinary clone. That would be miserable. A self-transformed clone cannot be bought with any amount of spiritual stones, so just I gave them all the spiritual stones I had, so I was poor and had only a hundred spiritual stones left for emergencies, and the rest I gave to them. "

Luo Li nodded and couldn't help but said:

"Using thoughts as the source, emptying the true spirit, gathering spirits into a crowd with one thought and one spirit! Using Qi as the body, half empty and half real, nourishing the spirit into the body, in order to seek longevity! With God as the control, the true self, all United as one, billions of people become a forest!”

He looked at Feng Zixu and said, "What about you, senior brother? Isn't there no clone of him in your forest of sentient beings?"

Feng Zixu said: "My Forest of Living Beings does not consume any spiritual stones, but my Ten Thousand Hell Flames cannot!

I practice this method by borrowing it and relying on the experience of my ancestor. The speed of practice far exceeds my own speed. The spiritual energy in the holy land is not enough at all, so I can only rely on spiritual stones to support it!

In addition, no one is too big for the Holy Land. If you want the Ten Thousand Hell Flames to be fierce, you must open up the size of the Holy Land. In addition to building seventeen holes to fan the flames, or opening a platform of wood, coal, and grass to aid the flames, there is another way to explode the spirit stone and Fusion of heaven and earth spiritual things! "

Luo Li asked hesitantly: "Explosive spirit stone?"

Feng Zixu nodded and said: "This method is the simplest but also the least effective!

On the holy land, the spiritual stones are exploded into spiritual energy using secret methods and injected into the holy land. In this way, the spiritual energy can expand the capacity of the holy land. Although a high-grade spiritual stone can only increase the volume of the holy land by a small amount, it will increase the volume of the holy land. Get a hint of spiritual energy.

It is equivalent to supplying the spiritual energy of an ordinary spiritual stone every day, but after ten thousand days, this investment will come back!

This method can be used in the Five Dharma Holy Lands. It is not like the seventeen holes to fan the flames, the seven wells, eight springs and thirteen eyes. You still have to find materials and laboriously construct it! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "I see, you are really short of spiritual stones!"

Lu Zhou said: "Yes, alas, my thirty-six clones of others are far beyond my ability to bear. I am very short of spiritual stones. Brother Luo Li, do you want to lend us some?"

Luo Li said: "I won't borrow it!"

Lu Zhou smiled, they didn't originally want to borrow spiritual stones from Luo Li, they were just joking.

Luo Li said, "You can't borrow it, so let's do this. I'll give you spiritual stones, one million per person!"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him. Lu Zhou said, "Brother Luo Li, stop teasing us. One million spiritual stones?"

Luo Li said: "When have I ever joked with you?"

No matter how many spiritual stones there are, friendship is not as important! Sometimes you need to invest in order to reap the benefits!

He took out thirty spiritual stones in one hand and piled them on the ground of the flying boat. Then he took out thirty more and placed them on top. In the blink of an eye, he took out three hundred high-grade spiritual stones! These are all flame amethyst stones, the reward given to Luo Li by Taoist Mu. At first glance, they come from the Diyuan Earth Spirit Sect.

Seeing these spiritual stones, Lu Zhou and Feng Zixu were completely dumbfounded, but neither of them reached out to take them.

Luo Li made a move and pushed a hundred high-grade spiritual stones to Lu Zhou, then handed a hundred to Feng Zixu, and the last hundred to Bai Youyou.

Feng Zixu said: "Luo Li, where did you get this spiritual stone?"

Luo Li said: "I traced my origins and completed the sect's mission. The sect rewarded me with five million spirit stones!"

Feng! Xu was stunned and said: "The sect also rewards spiritual stones? I know, they give you qp million, and you have to earn at least 500 million. They eat meat and give you soup! Luo Li, gave it to us, We can’t afford it!”

Luo Li said: "How do you want to compare with so much nonsense? My brother, why are you so polite!"

Before Feng Zixu could speak, a big man beside Lu Zhou suddenly stood up and said:

"That man, it's really a pleasure. I've made friends with you, my brother. You're a pretty boy. They're all my brothers. Why are you so polite! Just take it!"

This big man appeared in an instant, silently, with a face as black as coal, a huge build, and a full beard. At first glance, he looked like a straightforward, strong, careless, bold, and reckless man. He had two huge axes behind his back. The axes were bright and clear. Wa Liang is half a person tall!

This man's appearance was very unusual, but everyone in Luo Li immediately knew who he was - he was Lu Zhou's clone.

Lu Zhou was in a strange state at this moment, like a statue, dumbfounded. He was motionless. This was enlightenment!

The man was about to grab the spirit stone with his middle hand. On top of the fierce spirit stone, a little dog appeared. It was Xiaobai. Seeing this guy trying to snatch the master's spirit stone, it gave up and appeared, charging at the big man. ·The barking bark!

When the man saw the puppy, he cursed:

"Little thing, you dare to scream at grandpa and let grandpa eat you!"

He frowned angrily, and was about to take out his axe, when a man suddenly appeared. The man was short in stature, not tall, with a dark face, eyes like red phoenixes, and eyebrows like lying silkworms. There are beads hanging from the ears, and the bright eyes are dotted with paint. The lips are square, the mouth is straight, the forehead is broad and the top is flat. When sitting still, he looks like a tiger, and when walking around, he looks like a wolf.

"Tieniu, whatever you do, don't be rude!"

The big man seemed to be the most convinced of this person and said, "Yes, brother!" He disappeared instantly!

The man who appeared later bowed to Luo Li and said with a smile:

"Brother Luo Li, don't be shy. I'm here with Tian Kuixing. That one just now was my brother Tiansha Xing. He scared me. Brothers and I, when traveling in the world, the most important thing is loyalty..."

His words carry a strange power that makes you unable to help but believe him. You want to bow your head and shout, "Bye bye, brother!"

But this day Kuixing said it nicely, but his eyes glanced at the spirit stone and he could no longer look away. Luo Li had the triple soul protection provided by Xiaobai, Xiaoshi, and Xiaohong, and was not affected by him.

After talking for a long time, Tian Kuixing hummed when he saw Luo Li had no reaction, and a strong man dressed as a traveler appeared. This man had a majestic body and a dignified appearance. A pair of eyes shot cold stars, and the two curved eyebrows were as thick as paint. His chest is broad and majestic, and he is invincible to all men.

He looked at Luo Li and whispered: "My brother has been talking for so long, brother, you should say something!"

Although the words were soft, they carried supreme pressure. The man's eyes were as wide as those of a tiger, making people tremble with fear!

Suddenly Luo Li was stunned. He looked over and saw that the one hundred high-grade spiritual stones had disappeared. Then he saw a sneaky short and thin man walking quietly to the side. He didn't know when the spiritual stones had disappeared. It was stolen by him.

Before Luo Li could say anything, a big man with a leopard head, ringed eyes, and a tiger beard appeared. This man was upright and high-spirited!

He looked at the thin man and said:

"Put the stuff back!"

This man is extremely righteous. He holds a long spear, wears a Fan Yang Li, and hangs a wine gourd on the spear. At first glance, he looks like a brave warrior.

The thief seemed to be afraid of him, but he was reluctant to part with the spirit stone. At this time, a monk appeared with a wide waist, a round face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, with a beard on his cheeks. He held a crescent shovel and said:

"My brother said it, but you didn't hear it! Put it back, and I, Liangshan, will do justice to the heavens. I always only steal, never steal! You put it back, and we will snatch it back. This is the right way!"

His words were like thunder, which shook the cabin with a roar!

"Yes, grab it back, grab it back! My Tianmengxing likes to grab it the most. I will do justice for the sky, grab it, grab it!"

A big man appeared with a mace and shouted!

These people appeared and disappeared one by one, like a revolving lantern. A total of seventeen people appeared. At the last moment, they all dispersed. Lu Zhou let out a sigh of relief and returned to normal!

Feng Zixu and Bai Youyou all clasped their fists at Lu Zhou and said, "Congratulations, junior brother, now all living beings have attained enlightenment to the Great Dao!"

Lu Zhou hurriedly returned the gift, and finally saluted Luo Li and said, "Thank you, Brother Luo Li. Although I have obtained thirty-six free clones, these clones were refined by others, and there is still a layer of separation between them and me.

The stimulation of senior brother Cai's spirit stone just now caused the barrier to collapse, and seventeen of the clones completely merged with me. I am them, and they are me! "

Luo Li said: "That's it, congratulations, junior brother!

However, your Liangshan Road is a little weird! "

Lu Zhou said: "Yes, the senior who created this way is said to be a person from a foreign land who strayed into the great world of Zhongtian, but my Liangshan Way is very powerful!

There are a total of thirty-six Heavenly Gangs and seventy-two Earthly Demons. Each of them masters a magical power. Many of my air-control techniques and teleportation magical powers come from them. When my forest of sentient beings becomes complete and one hundred and eight stars merge into one, I will use them to These one hundred and eight magical powers will transform into a divine power!

That is the power of God. The power of God cannot be seen, cannot be insulted, is omnipresent and omnipotent. With this power of God, the world is invincible! "

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