Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 422: This is mine, please get out! (Chapter 2, please vote for me!)

Bi Li looked at this huge version of himself, which looked exactly like him, but he claimed to be the God of Destruction! At this time, Luo Li understood the meaning of the words spoken by the God of Wisdom before he disappeared. It turned out that the God of Destruction was referring to him!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "The God of Destruction, the great God who destroys the world?"

Luo Li, the God of Destruction, continued:

"Yes, destroy the world! Destroy the world! In ancient times, all the gods and demons died in my hands, so we respectfully call me the God of Destruction!"

"I, the supreme being, was born in the ancient era of chaos because of me. The ancient era of gods and demons was destroyed because of me. This is their burial place, the Divine Tomb!"

Luo Li glanced at the world and said, "Are countless gods and demons buried here?"

The God of Destruction said: "No, this is just the intersection of the God's Tomb and the Zhongtian Lord World. It is just the top layer of the God's Tomb, the real God's Tomb, under this endless world, in the Black Death Jedi. !

When any demon god dies, his soul will be shattered and his body will be pulled into the Black Death Jedi. This is the intersection of the world of Zhongtian Lord and the Black Death Jedi.

However, with this intersection, in recent decades, the gods that should have completely disappeared have often been awakened by those greedy humans and descended! "

Luo Li immediately knew that the so-called awakening was the divine plan of the Shenwei Sect! That Hunya Daoist just now was probably a divine evil. Although the Shenwei Sect was destroyed, the remaining remnants did not give up the divine evil plan and seemed to be even more powerful than before.

The God of Destruction looked at Luo Li and suddenly said: "Luo Li, do you want supreme power? Do you want the divine power to create the world? Do you want the divine power to destroy the world?"

Luo Li was stunned and looked at the God of Destruction!

The God of Destruction continued: "I can give it to you without you paying any price. As long as you merge with me and completely become my son of God and my spokesperson, I can give you these powers and let you have everything. Take control!"

Luo Li said hesitantly: "You can have it all without paying any price?"

The God of Destruction said confidently: "Yes! Have everything!

Although you are now my descendant and I can descend upon you, you belong to the gods! "

Luo Li said: "What do you mean, evil? I keep hearing this word and don't know what it means?"

The God of Destruction explained: "The evil god is like an illegitimate child. Although you are my descendant, the world does not agree with it, and you cannot get all my power.

Only if you acknowledge me according to the ritual, and I acknowledge you, then you are my son of God and I can come to you at will, so that you can gain supreme power! "

Luo Li suddenly realized and said, "Ah, you want me to be your son, find a godfather for myself, and then inherit the legacy of you, a damn ghost?"

These words were unpleasant, and the God of Destruction paused. Knowing that Luo Li was resisting, he hurriedly changed his words and said: "No, the son of god is just a metaphor. In fact, I am you, you are me, we are two in one!

In short, as long as you acknowledge me, believe in me, and merge with me, I will give you supreme power!

With this power, you can live freely and fearlessly. The heaven and earth are yours, the world is yours, you are the master of this universe, and you are the master of heaven and earth..."

Luo Li couldn't help but nod, then clapped, and said, "Okay, well said!

Sure enough, you are me and I am you! But Brother Miushi, you should know that when I fool people, I often like to bite my lips. Just now you have been biting your lips four times while talking nonsense!

Brothers, since we are one and the same, don't play this imaginary thing. It's okay to fool me! "

As soon as he said this, the God of Destruction was speechless. After a long time, he said:

"I can really give you power, super powerful power, the power that can change the world! You can..."

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Brother Miushi, you should remember what my father taught me when I was seven years old!"

This time it was the God of Destruction's turn to interrupt Luo Li's words and said: "I remember that you were beaten thirty-eight times and starved for thirteen days. In the end, you know that anything you can take advantage of will be in vain. They are all traps. Anyone who gives you free benefits is a liar. There is no free lunch in this world!

It seems that I have gone too far, so why not start tempting you, make you pay the price, and then give you strength, maybe you will believe me! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "I don't believe that you won't have to pay the price to get the power you mentioned, so don't lie to me, I won't be fooled!"

The God of Destruction continued: "But, Luo Li, do you know? The world is about to change greatly. In your human words, your modern sect era is about to end. The next era, in your words, should be called the end of the world. era!"

Luo Li asked: "The end of the world?"

The God of Destruction said: "Yes, there will be a great change in the world. In that great change, the ancient gods and demons will be resurrected, the ancient races will return, and the ancient immortals will come. You small human race will not be able to stand up to them. "So that great era will be the end of your race!"

Luo Li said: "The resurrection of the ancient gods? The return of all races? The arrival of immortals?"

The God of Destruction nodded and said: "Yes, so for the sake of the human race and your future, you should believe me. Together, we will kill all the resurrected gods and demons again! They should not exist in the first place!"

Luo Li sighed and said: "What a great hatred. Brother Doomsday, you have remembered this hatred for too long!"

The God of Destruction said: "No, this is necessary! How about, Luo Li, cooperate with me. As long as you recognize me, I can give you..."

Luo Li smiled and said: "Brother Destruction, okay, stop talking. You have been here for a long time, so dissipate! I don't care about your so-called power, because if I gain your power, I will lose it." body! In fact, without you, I can get the power you mentioned by myself!

What you actually want is my body! But this body belongs to me, Luo Li! From human monk Luo Li!

This body is mine and everything to me. It is my whole world and my world. I will not allow any existence to occupy my world!

No matter who you are! No matter what kind of existence you are! No matter what past life or present life you are of mine! No matter you are my future or past!

Although, I am countless times smaller than you, a great god who can create and destroy the world. Although I am just an insignificant little mortal. Compared with you ancient gods, I am like an ant. Although I am only in the foundation-building realm, a tiny little mortal. The monk!

But my life is much more comfortable and interesting than yours!

The future of the human race is none of my business, and the apocalypse is none of my business! I just take care of myself and live my own life!

So, brother of the apocalypse, I'm sorry, please leave my body! Never come back! "

The God of Destruction shouted: "I am the God of Creation, I am the God of the End of the World, I control endless power, I have..."

Luo Li said: "Stop talking, brother of the apocalypse, you have been dead for countless thousands of years. Heaven and earth have their own laws, and all things have laws. Your current existence depends on my blood and my strength. You must have mine." Agree so that you can exist!

So you keep fooling me, I won’t be fooled!

As long as I drive you away, this world and the laws of heaven will follow my will and drive you away, so you can't resist at all!

So please leave, so please get out, get out!

Leave my body, leave my world!

This body is mine, so get out of here! Never come back!

roll! roll! roll! roll! roll! roll! roll! ! "

Luo Li yelled crazily!

This god of the apocalypse has disappeared for countless thousands of years. According to the laws of heaven, there is no foundation for his existence in this world. Where he can appear now, the root of his existence is Luo Li's body. Luo Li expelled him now, and suddenly His roots are cut off, the laws of heaven begin to appear, and he will dissipate and return!

As Luo Li roared, the extremely huge god of the apocalypse began to shrink, began to dissipate, and turned into nothingness bit by bit!

The God of Destruction looked at Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, I'm leaving! But although I will continue to sleep, although I will leave you, I will come back, and it was you who invited me back!

You mark my words, I will be back! I will return! I will return······"

With his words, boom, the huge God of Destruction shattered and dissipated. Luo Li's eyes flashed. He regained control of his body and returned to the divine prison!

Luo Li gasped for air. Everything that happened just now seemed like a dream, but it was absolutely real!

Although the God of the Apocalypse has disappeared, he has left behind something, some memories to be precise, and a great power!

Luo Li clearly felt that the Pangu Ax he had mastered had completely mutated. The dissipated divine thoughts of the God of Doomsday were injected into this spell, and the original spell Pangu Ax evolved into the powerful Pangu World Destroying Ax!

In the past, Luo Li was unable to use the Pangu Ax because the backlash of the world was too strong. As long as the ax was released, the backlash of the world would immediately cause Luo Li's body to shatter. It can be said that with one move, the enemy will be destroyed and he will die!

Now this Pangu Ax has completely mutated, absorbing the divine thoughts of the God of the End of the World, and completely transformed into a terrible world-destroying power. The Pangu Ax was recognized by the laws of heaven and earth before, but now it is destroyed together with the laws of heaven and earth!

Luo Li didn't know what the consequences would be if he fired this axe. Maybe with one blow, all the land thousands of miles away would be turned into ashes, maybe all the land thousands of miles away would be turned into powder, but he knew that he would definitely die.

Luo Li smiled bitterly and said: "Brother in the apocalypse, this is what you call power, destroying everything, even yourself!

I'd better play and practice by myself, I can't afford to be such a jerk with you! "

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