Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 432: Set up a cage and wait for the birds! (Chapter 3, please vote for me!)

Bi Li took one look at this treasure house and saw that all the treasures had been taken away. He said:!

"Okay, Luo Yin, try your power and destroy this place for me!"

Master Luo Yin immediately nodded and said, "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

He began to cast a spell, creating a crown above his head, which seemed to be composed of endless light. It looked like the dawn light, and then this light shot out, and wherever it went, everything was shattered under this light.

Luo Li looked at this spell with great curiosity and asked, "What kind of spell is this?"

Master Luo Yin replied: "This is the Xiaoyang Tianguan Jue among the sixty-four methods of divine power. It imitates the divine power of the God of Light and absorbs the first ray of sunlight at dawn to form a crown. It represents the power of the new sunlight in the morning and can be used to attack or defend. , can destroy all things!

In addition, there is the Sunset Crown Ce, which absorbs the last ray of sunlight at dusk to form the Sunset Crown, which represents the power of the sunset to destroy the sun. It can also be attacked, defended, and can destroy all things!

The two can be fused and used at the same time, making them more powerful! "

Luo Li nodded, the Shenwei Sect indeed had superb magic, and it was not simple at all!

He took out a golden thread, threaded it through the Fighting Void Spirit Palace, hung it on his chest, and then connected all the living beings forest, Ten Thousand Hell Flames, and Golden Buddha in his Five Laws Holy Land with it, and suddenly three The aura of the Great Holy Land slowly poured into the Dou Zhan Void Spirit Palace, turning it into the power needed for the Void Spirit warriors to move.

Master Luo Yin sent out various spells. Luo Li estimated carefully that even if Master Luo Yin used all his strength, his holy land aura would not be reduced much.

The reason for this is that one is the wonderful use of Dou Zhan Xu Ling Tian Shen Palace. Master Luo Yin has the strength of Master Jin Dan, but he does not need to consume as much energy as Master Jin Dan, and Luo Li's Five Laws Holy Land is too perfect. , can provide endless infuriating energy.

Luo Li used Taixu Tianyan Taishang to sense the Taiweidong Sutra. He estimated that his true energy was enough for thirty-seven ethereal warriors like Luo Yin. It seems that Jindan Dao is interesting!

Luo Li said: "Let's go!"

After saying that, they left the treasure house and wherever they went, Master Luo Yin destroyed whatever they saw. The corpses of the four Master Jindan were also turned into ashes, and all the stored magic weapons on their bodies were collected by Luo Li.

Finally, the two of them came to the Thunder Eye. Luo Li did not destroy this thing. It was a good thing. Luo Li was about to put it away, but he thought about it and said:

"Luo Yin, give it a try. Can you use this thing?"

Master Luo Yin nodded. He sat down in the cauldron and began to cast spells. He was fully able to use them, and everyone within a thousand miles was under his surveillance.

Luo Li smiled, this treasure's supreme reconnaissance function belongs to him from now on!

At this moment, Master Luo Yin suddenly said: "Master, we found a flying boat approaching us quickly. It is estimated that it is the flying boat driven by Master Li Qing. They are disguised as ordinary monks. They will return in about three quarters of an hour. Cave!"

Luo Li was suddenly shocked. Today is the twenty-seventh day. How come Master Li Qing returned three days early.

Luo Li didn't know that the news of Hu Liang's death was delivered to Li Qingzhen. He was shocked and accelerated his return in advance, so he returned here three days in advance.

Luo Li just smiled and said:

"Well, it's better to come back, to take revenge and to complain!"

He decided to ambush Liqing Zhenren! But before that, he wanted to create more ethereal warriors.

He returned to his Taichu cave, came to the Taibai prison, and said:

"Everyone, I ask you one last time, do you surrender?

If you surrender, I will give you a way to live and become my slaves. If you don't surrender, then don't blame me for being evil! "

The Jindan master there snorted coldly and said:

"Junior, if you wish to kill or behead me, just do it. We will never frown!"

"Junior, we are unlucky to be harmed by you, but we will never give in and surrender. We have been cultivating immortals for hundreds of years, how can we have no backbone at all!"

"If you surrender, you will be enslaved by your Hunyuan Sect's sentient forest for ten thousand years. Life is worse than death. The blood lessons of countless ancestors mean that you would rather die than surrender!"

The five Jindan Daoist disciples all had strong backbones, and none of them surrendered! The main reason is that there have been countless examples before. After surrendering, they will be refined by the sentient beings of Hunyuan Sect. This is not the case, so none of them surrendered!

Luo Li bowed and said: "Then I'm sorry, fellow Taoists, please take a step first!"

As soon as Luo Li thought, all five people were cut in half in an instant. One of them, Jin Dan Leap -, was about to escape, but was immediately captured. !

Of these five Jindan Masters, only one is a visiting monk, the Jindan Master of the Blood Demon Sect. The remaining two are Jindan Masters of the Juxi Sect, and one is a Jindan Master of the Qingwei Sect. This person is the one holding the Compass, the Jindan master who tracks Luo Li and others, the last one is the Jindan master of Haodang Sect, who is good at controlling thunder and lightning. It was he who sent out thunder and lightning and shattered Luo Li's flying yaksha.

After obtaining these five golden elixirs, plus the three golden elixirs from the Shenwei Sect, Luo Li had eight golden elixirs. Luo Li harvested six heaven and earth spiritual beings in Liangzhou, and harvested four here. He just used one, and there are nine in total. In this way, he can also create eight ethereal warriors.

But among them, two of the rare earth-level objects obtained from Brahma's Wuxian, a feather from the eternal cloud, and purple-gold light, Luo Li would not bear to consume like this even if he killed him, so there are only seven that can be used, and there is a golden elixir that Zhenren cannot make into a virtual one. Spirit warrior.

One of the Jin elixir masters of the Shenwei Sect is not more than the first level of the Jin elixir. Luo Li decided to put away this golden elixir. If the war is tight, he will transform into a virtual spirit warrior. If nothing happens, then wait until there are other heaven and earth spirits in the future. Things are transforming into ethereal warriors.

Luo Li started to make the Void Spirit Warrior, and put all seven golden elixirs into the Dou Zhan Void Spirit Celestial Palace, then took out seven heaven and earth spiritual objects and put them in, including the Sapphire Divine Bamboo and Kong Hailiu Golden Algae. Immediately, Douzhan Void Spirit Palace began to create seven Void Spirit warriors.

In less than a quarter of an hour, seven Void Spirit Warriors appeared, and they all knelt down to Luo Li and said, "Void Spirit Warrior No. 2 pays homage to the master!"

"Void Spirit Warrior No. 3 pays homage to the master!" "Void Spirit Warrior No. 4 pays homage to the master!"

The stronger Jindan Zhenren is, the sooner the created ethereal warriors will appear!

Luo Li smiled and said: "Okay, according to the time of your birth, you can name it after the heaven and earth are dark and yellow, the universe is ancient, the sun and the moon are waxing, and the stars are arranged!"

Suddenly these seven ethereal warriors had names, Luo Tian, ​​Luo Di, Luo Xuan, Luo Huang, Luo Yu, Luo Zhou, and Luo Hong!

These ethereal warriors were exactly the same as Luo Li. Luo Li began to control their appearance, turning them into different appearances. Some were handsome, some were heroic, some were sinister, and some were fierce. They all looked like real people.

Then Luo Li said: "Our enemies will be here soon. Let's fight with them and kill them to avenge our blood!"

Everyone replied together: "Revenge, revenge!"

Luo Li nodded, took out various magic weapons obtained from the treasure house, and said:

"It's not as good as a guy with good skills-! Let's all choose guys who are good at it!"

Those Golden Elixir Masters began to select, and the magic weapon Divine Sword was immediately divided by them. At this time, Luo Yin, who had been monitoring Master Liqing, said:

"Master, they are back and are about to land!"

Luo Li said: "Let's go! Wait for their return at the entrance!"

Everyone followed Luo Li. Before leaving, Luo Li reached out and put the Thunder Eye into the Taichu Cave. Don't break this treasure!

Everyone came to the entrance of the underworld. This was a large hall with a radius of about fifty feet. Luo Li wanted to release the bluestone courtyard, but it was too fake. The other party was too familiar with the environment of this underworld and could tell at a glance.

He shook his head and began to use the Hengshan method of Tongtian Peak! The Hengshan Mountains condensed, hid in the cave, and blended into the surrounding terrain. Then they waited for the opponent to walk there, triggered the spell to explode, and with a bang, the mountain appeared, imploded into them, and crushed them to death!

Seeing Luo Li deploying spells, Luo Tian, ​​who was born in the Blood Demon Sect, said, "I'm coming too! But Master, I need your blood as a blood guide!"

Luo Li said: "Then smoke it!"

Luo Tian replied: "Okay!"

He pointed at Luo Li, and Luo Li's blood immediately flowed out without injury. Then he used the blood to start setting up the magic circle there.

Luo Li saw how easy it was for Luo Tian to draw blood, and he said: "Luo Tian, ​​during the battle, you secretly draw the opponent's blood, and then give it to me. I have the sea cucumber blood curse to kill them, and I can inflict harm on them!"

Luo Tian immediately replied: "Okay, Master, don't worry!"

Luo Yu, who was born in the Qingwei Sect, also started to set up formations. Luo Zhou, who was born in the Haodang Sect, started to set up thunder formations. All the Jindan masters who could set up this Yinren magic formation began to set up.

Then it’s time to wait, set up a cage and wait for the birds, the battle is about to begin!

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