Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 483: The Sinian Chamber of Commerce spreads business knowledge! (Second update, pl

Wandering in his own market, Luo Li didn't know what to say. Although this episode was right in front of him and belonged to him, how to run this market, how to make money using this market, and what taboos there were, Luo Li knew all about it. Confused.

He sighed, what should I do?

Suddenly, he remembered the passage he had just reminded in his consciousness: "If you own our city, you can join the Aurora Chamber of Commerce and become a peripheral affiliated member..."

It's the Aurora Chamber of Commerce again. Luo Li couldn't help shouting: "Okay, the city has been established. How do I join the Aurora Chamber of Commerce, start a business, and make money?"

Following Luo Li's words, the archway of the city gate emitted light, as if it was traveling through countless voids, trying to connect with something.

After a long time, it seemed that we finally got in touch, and then a voice came from the archway in Nafang City:

"Hello, the owner of Taichufang City, I am Yanyan, the leader of the peripheral branch of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. I can answer your questions!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Please advise!"

Na Yanyan said: "You can apply to join our Aurora Chamber of Commerce and become a peripheral member of our chamber of commerce."

Luo Li said: "There is no free lunch, what do I have to pay?"

Yanyan replied: "You need to make a commitment to become a branch of our Cathay Chamber of Commerce from now on. You are not allowed to join any other plane chamber of commerce organizations. In addition, you are not allowed to carry out any hostile attacks against our Cathay Chamber of Commerce. Of course, I, Chen Yan, Once the Chamber of Commerce will not conduct hostile attacks on you!

Our Aurora Chamber of Commerce will never force a certain person or organization to join us. Mutual win-win occurs for both parties and everyone makes money. This is the right way! The bigger you do, the better your business, and the more you make, the more you will rely on the technical support of our Aurora Chamber of Commerce. When you become a market and advance to market status, you will beg us for help. join us! This is our confidence! "

Luo Li nodded slowly. But what he said sounded good, it still depends on his actions. This market is originally a product of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. If he doesn't join it, it will be difficult to develop!

Anyway, if you don’t join, there is no other way. Join first and then talk about it. It’s really not possible. You can destroy this city with just one thought. In your own Taichu Cave, everything is decided by you!

Luo Li said: "Okay, I will join the Aurora Chamber of Commerce!"

Yanyan replied: "Okay, congratulations, you have become the 83,996th branch of our Aurora Chamber of Commerce!"

Then, a light flashed above the archway, and a small sign appeared. Other than that, nothing changed. Luo Li couldn't help but ask, "Is this the end?"

Yanyan said: "The addition is complete! As a benefit for you to join our Aurora Chamber of Commerce, the Aurora Chamber of Commerce will provide you with three months of free advertising, free transmission of the entrance coordinates of Fang City and all the worlds within the surrounding thirty star fields. , Middle Thousand World, Small Thousand World, all powerful people with the ability to trade in the outer void will receive your advertisement and know the information about the opening of your market!

At the same time, our chamber of commerce will provide you with relevant information on upgrading your market for a fee, and teach you how to run your market for a fee..."

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Can I buy some goods from your Aurora Chamber of Commerce? I bought a trace pen from the Aurora Chamber of Commerce last time, which is very good!"

Yanyan shook his head and said, "I'm sorry. The main world of Zhongtian where you are located and the main world where our Aurora Chamber of Commerce is located are separated by countless star fields. It is difficult for us to trade directly."

Luo Liyi frowned and said: "But as far as I know, Bafang Lingbao Sect and Sihai Yunyou Sect are all branches of yours? As long as the trace pen is there, I can get it!"

Yanyan said: "They have been operating for countless thousands of years and have large trade routes that can span countless star fields, so some of our products can be passed to them.

As for your shop, it can only deliver goods within thirty star fields nearby, and it does not have the ability to open up trade routes at all, so we can only exchange information. "

Luo Li nodded, that's it!

At this time Yanyan continued:

"Wait a minute, I found out that you are the special investment target of Sihai Pawnshop, a branch of our Aurora Chamber of Commerce in the Zhongtian Lord World. You are also a fifth-level customer of our branch Bafang Baozhai. You are a senior customer of our Aurora Chamber of Commerce. Our Aurora Chamber of Commerce I will teach you how to operate for free for one hour!”

Luo Li was stunned. The Sihai Pawnshop seemed to be the gate of the Sifang Yunyou Sect, and the Bafang Baozhai was the Bafang Lingbao Sect. It seemed that Yanyan knew his identity, and an hour of free business could solve his doubts. , he said:

"Okay, don't know how to teach?"

Yanyan said: "Please provide a carrier, we will send a spiritual thought to you, and use the carrier to teach you how to manage!"

Luo Li frowned and said, "Carrier? Is this okay?"

Luo Li called Luo Huang, he did not die in this battle!

Yanyan said: "Okay, absolutely fine, the teleportation begins!"

In an instant, a ray of light shot out from the archway and poured into Luo Huang.

Luo Li waited silently. The light lasted for six hours before it dissipated. Luo Huang's whole body was shaking and his body was deformed. Luo Li took a look and saw that this man was extremely fat, with a double chin and a thick neck. He looked honest and honest. This guy is extremely familiar. He is the same Liu Fan from back then!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Liu Fan!"

The man continued to tremble, and it took him a long time to recover, and said: "Damn it, it's too far away, at least tens of thousands of star fields apart. This business is not suitable!"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said: "I'm sorry, you got the wrong person. This image is the most standard businessman image that our Aurora Chamber of Commerce has purchased and built through countless years of summary. This image is harmless to humans and animals and can reduce the guest's appearance." Vigilance greatly improves the success rate of transactions!

My name is Wuye, even if I told you, you wouldn’t recognize me! "

Then he walked around the market in Luoli and said: "The Caotai team has nothing, they are penniless!"

Luo Li didn't know what to say.

Wuye continued: "Boss, our time is limited. I need you to release all permissions. I will teach you how to run a business. Do you dare to release all permissions to me?"

Luo Li pondered for a moment, what is there to be afraid of? Wuye's body is Luo Li's Void Spirit Golden Core Real Person, which is completely under his control. In addition, Luo Li said without doubt:

"Okay, I'll release all permissions!"

Wuye nodded. Most bosses in Fangshi would hide this or that if they were afraid of that. Few people like Luo Li would release their authority in all directions. He closed his eyes and seemed motionless. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said:

"Your market is an expanded version of your Tianwai platform. That Tianwai platform requires two people to find buyers at the same time within a certain range and exchange with each other, which is very inconvenient.

Now that you have this market, you are here as a lighthouse and a market. Anyone who has something like Tianwaitai within the 30-star field can receive the signal and be distracted here. You can sell your goods to them. , you can also rent their shop and let them sell their goods here and earn rent! It’s ten thousand times more advanced than your outer platform that can only exchange items!

This kind of buying and selling exchange is what we call void trading in the outer realm! In fact, our Aurora Chamber of Commerce provides a platform for the two of you to trade here. If you meet in reality and your strength is countless times different, the other party can kill you and take away your treasure with just a breath.

But in this market, no matter you are an immortal, a god, a demon, or a disciple in the Qi refining stage, you are all the same. You are all the guests of the market. The other party cannot find your identity, cannot trace you, and can only treat you fairly. trade!

What I call a fair transaction is a transaction between you and me. Remember, there is no highest profit rate for void transactions in the Outer Realm, only higher. Ten thousand times the profit or a million times the profit is nothing.

In your world, maybe it's just an ordinary little herb, but in the other person's world, it's an elixir that can make people ascend!

Therefore, the second principle of void trading in Outland is to make money! "

Luo Li couldn't help but nod, indicating that he understood!

Wuye continued:

"Remember that the goods traded in the void in the outer domain must be special products from the cave. This special product is transformed into energy so that it can be transported remotely. All items in the real world, except for some intelligent cores and energy crystals, can be transported. Other items cannot be transported. Teleportation, including the so-called magic weapons, divine swords, spiritual stones, and elixirs of the immortal civilization! Only when these things are fully energy can they be traded and teleported."

Luo Li said that he understood. This was also the case in the Tianwai Platform in the past. The core of intelligence was the golden elixir of Master Jindan, the Yuanying of True Lord Yuanying, and the energy crystal was the spiritual creature of heaven and earth. When creating the void warriors, Luo Li knew it!

Wuye said: "I found four products for your market to earn income for you!"

After saying that, he clapped his hands together, and a portion of the Taiyin Spiritual Water from Luo Li's Glazed Sea flew into his hand. He said:

"This spiritual water is your most popular product. It has wonderful functions such as calming the mind, avoiding all evil, refining the body and healing the body, replenishing the true essence, etc. Moreover, this spiritual water has the effect of all spirits, which is very rare. The only drawback is the energy. It’s not enough, otherwise it can be sold at a high price!”

Luo Li asked hesitantly: "What is the universal effect?"

Wuye said: "Sometimes what is honey to one race is poisonous to another race, just like the poisonous soul pill of the ghost race. If the ghost race eats it, the ghost power will increase. If the human race eats it, they will immediately Poison to death, this is the limitation of race.

And after drinking this spiritual water, all races will have the effect of calming down, avoiding evil, refining the body, healing injuries, and replenishing true energy. This is its value! It's just that your spiritual water doesn't contain enough energy, otherwise it could be sold at a high price! "

Wuye mentioned this topic again, and Luo Li was moved in his heart and said: "Senior, please give me some advice. Don't worry, senior. I understand, I will give you thirty copies of this Taiyin Spiritual Water!"

After the last expansion of Taiyin Spiritual Spring, Luo Li accumulated a lot of Taiyin Spiritual Water. He originally wanted to sell 500 spirit stones in one portion at the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, but now that he can trade it in vain, why sell it to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce!

Wuye nodded. The biggest profit from this tutoring was the filial piety from the boss in Fangshi. This boss was very sensible. If he had nothing to lose, he would only do business and teach some principles that everyone knows.

Wuye said: "Okay, I will teach you a way to inject the so-called high-grade spiritual stones here into the Taiyin Spiritual Water to increase the energy contained in it. Such a portion of Taiyin Spiritual Water can be exchanged for a first-level energy crystal! That’s what you call the Huang-level heaven and earth spiritual being!”

Luo Li took a deep breath and exchanged a portion of spiritual water for a yellow-level heaven and earth spiritual object. The yellow-level heaven and earth spiritual object was worth at least 200,000 spiritual stones. This was a suitable deal!

Luo Li nodded and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Wuye slowly transmitted a piece of spiritual consciousness. This was a spell that completely exploded the high-grade spiritual stone, injecting the spiritual energy into other items.

Luo Li studied for a few times and quickly learned it completely. He immediately felt that this method was extremely valuable. It was not only as simple as injecting all the spiritual energy of the spiritual stone into the spiritual water, it could also be used in alchemy, weapon refining, and even in battle. use!

This is just a very simple spell for Wuye, but for Luo Li it has thousands of possibilities!

Luo Li said: "Thank you, senior. This spell is priceless. I will give you a hundred copies of the Taiyin Spiritual Water!"

Wuye nodded, the boy can be taught!

He said: "Follow me!"

The so-called Cathay is actually the ancient Indian name for China. My first V-book, Red Top Plane Merchant, has a detailed introduction. The book is out of stock. You can go read my old book and cover your face. , introduce yourself!

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