Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 504: The high mountains urge the city to bear the spring breeze! (Second update, p

Sure enough, Zhenjun Suhua shouted again: "Third hand, Dang, Feng Shengling!"!

She continued to use spirit stones to transform into wind spirits and control the consciousness of space, the origin of heaven and earth. At this time, a breeze began to appear in the whole world, blowing the breath of chaos.

And the voice of Gucheng Zhenjun continued to sound: "The third hand, dive, the earth moves, dragons, snakes, mountains and rivers move!"

The earth moved, dragons, snakes, mountains and rivers moved, and it was his roar that was like thunder!

Following his words, the mountains he created began to expand outward, and the mountains spread in all directions. At the same time, the earth created by Gucheng Zhenjun appeared more and more in this chaotic world. The mountains on the earth, Higher and higher!

Senior Brother Tiandu said from the side: "The Tao chess skills that Master Gucheng just used are the special chess skills of Chaos Tao chess that he has mastered. When he was fighting for the upper hand, he used one hundred and thirteen high-grade spirits. Shi's spiritual energy was injected into Tao chess, and now he used the earth-walking dragon and snake to move the mountains and rivers, and began to absorb the spiritual energy and automatically expand his mountains. Soon, the entire chaotic world, the Earth Warp, would be born, and it would also be a world with mountainous terrain. ”

Luo Li frowned and said: "This chess game also has special skills? This seems unfair. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage if you don't know it?"

Qizhu, who was silent on the side, said: "Luo Li, you are wrong. This chess is not used to win or lose. How can it be fair? The purpose of playing Chaos Dao chess is to use this world of life and death to sharpen our skills." Practice yourself and improve your cultivation!

So remember this and don’t put the cart before the horse!

In addition, the so-called Tao chess skills are actually magic spells in reality. This technique is the mutated Tongtian Peak spell of Master Gucheng. I once saw him use it once, and other people's Tongtian Peak three mountains and five mountains were dead and fell from the sky.

The three mountains and five mountains in his hands are alive, tumbling and rolling. Once he uses it, the earth will tremble and the mountains will rush. It is impossible to resist.

It's a pity that this method was only gained by his insights from playing chess, and others cannot master it or copy it. Otherwise, he would be fully qualified to be promoted to one of the ninety-nine methods of reform of our Hunyuan Sect. "

Zhenjun Suhua shouted again: "The fourth hand, burn, fire life!"

She continued to use spiritual stones to create fire spirits and control the consciousness of fire, the origin of heaven and earth. True Lord Suhua was unmoved and continued to seize the original consciousness of heaven and earth!

Lord Gucheng said softly this time: "The fourth hand, Yang, fire creates light!"

With his order, the spirit stone was thrown in, and suddenly a big sun slowly rose across the chaotic world, emitting endless light and illuminating the entire world.

With this move, the sun appeared, and the chaos gradually disappeared. And as the chaos disappeared, the earth under the mountains created by the Gucheng True Lord continued to expand outwards, and soon the entire chaotic world was about to take shape.

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "This... this is different from Wang Wu and others playing chess back then. They all built their own world and then played against each other!"

Senior Brother Tiandu shook his head and said: "The cave-level battle at that time allowed you to create a world of your own, slowly develop, and then look for enemies. How can there be such a good thing in the real world?

This is a dimensional chessboard, where heaven and earth are one. If you create the earth, the other party will also benefit. If you create the sun, the other party will also get the sunshine. Therefore, Master Suhua competes for the upper hand and the consciousness of heaven and earth, because no matter what Master Gucheng creates, she will benefit. .

However, I think she was wrong. Playing chess with four hands, the environment for the birth of the Gaoshan tribe is now perfect, and troops can be sent out with five hands. This is almost the fastest speed in Chaos Dao chess!

That's it for Master Suhua. She doesn't dare to seize the two remaining world origins! She has to go to war, otherwise she will lose completely! "

Sure enough, Suhua Zhenjun shouted: "The fifth hand, condense, rain turns into water!"

Suddenly, the world began to roar, and the rain poured down. It began to rain. In some places where the land did not spread, the rain gradually gathered and turned into rivers, seas and lakes.

As they play chess, the world is rapidly taking shape and changing!

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "It's too late, Master Gucheng won't give her a chance. It will take at least eleven moves until Master Suhua sends troops.

At that time, Master Gucheng's Gaoshan tribe had already been formed, and Master Suhua was definitely defeated! "

Gucheng Zhenjun shouted: "The fifth move, explosion, the majestic earth and mountains rush! Get up, son of the earth, mountain eagle!"

Following his order, the mountains above the earth immediately swelled, growing tall and straight upwards.

Then on the high mountain, some stones began to roll. As they rolled, they gradually transformed into humans. These people, naked, running around on high mountains, don't understand anything, and sometimes fight with each other.

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "The Gaoshan Clan and Luo Li were born. Don't think they are the same as the human race. That's because they were created by the Gucheng Master. In fact, they and the human race are completely two different lives. We humans are made of flesh and blood. , they are completely made of sand and stone.”

Qizhu on the side said:

“Back then, when I traveled to the Great World of True Yang, I met real mountain people. They called us carbon-based life forms and called themselves silicon-based life forms!

They are best at using foreign objects, and they like to use magical weapons like the military meat puppets of the military meat sect. But they are all made of metal and have their own characteristics. "

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Are they powerful?"

Qizhu smiled and said: "Of all the spirits in the world, the human race is the strongest. Compared to the monks, although the Gaoshan tribe has some specialties of its own, they are not easy to use!"!

At this time, Suhua Zhenjun shouted: "The sixth hand, wood, the ground produces forests!"

Following her order, flowers, plants and trees began to appear on the earth. The trees grew vigorously and quickly gathered into a forest. The reason why they grew so fast was related to her control of two-thirds of the origin of heaven and earth. Her order was executed very thoroughly in the Chaos Dao chess.

Tiandu said: "I know, Master Suhua wants to use the Wood Clan, and most likely the Tiya Clan in the Wood Clan!"

Luo Li asked: "Tiya Clan? What is it?"

Tiandu said: "The Tiya Clan is known as the Son of the Forest. Every one of them is extremely handsome, especially the women, who are the most beautiful!

The Tiya Clan is good at hiding their tracks, moving like lightning, using archery, and can control the forest and beasts, which is in line with Master Suhua's style!"

Luo Li couldn't help asking again: "When Senior Brother Wang Wu played chess, they all used races similar to their own Forest of Living Beings. Are the Gaoshan Clan and Tiya Clan the Way of the Forest of Living Beings of Gucheng and Master Suhua?"

Wu Ren said: "Yes, yes, I remember that Master Suhua's Forest of Living Beings is the Way of Thunder God, Huasheng Chasing I'm looking for the lightning spirit of the extremely fast lightning escape! Why did it change to the wood clan? "

Senior Brother Tiandu shook his head and said: "Although Grandmother Suhua used the wood clan this time, the Tiya clan is also an extremely fast race, which is in line with her Thunder God Dao's extremely fast escape!

My Hunyuan Sect, the foundation of the foundation, will pay special attention to the 103 paths of the Forest of Living Beings and dare not go beyond one step. Like Gucheng and Grandmother Suhua, they have already been in the Nascent Soul, and the Forest of Living Beings has been completed for a long time. They are no longer limited to a certain path in the Forest of Living Beings! Start to transform into the world of heaven and earth!"

Luo Li nodded slowly. In the last battle, Tianya Zhenzun himself did not take everyone away, but let Suhua Zhenjun take everyone away. It can be seen that Suhua Zhenjun is the fastest flyer in Hunyuan Sect, at least in the realm of Yuanying Zhenjun!

At this time, Gucheng Zhenjun shouted: "Sixth move, surrender, life will be wise!"

With this move, the mountain tribes began to gain wisdom, no longer naked, making tools, forging weapons, they gathered together to form tribes, reproduce the next generation, and then the tribes fought and formed a country!

Suhua Zhenjun and Gucheng Zhenjun continued to play chess one after another. As they played one move after another, the world began to evolve by itself, becoming more and more perfect and vivid. The sky, the earth, the mountains, the ocean, the forests and the rivers were no different from the real world!

In the eleventh move, the race controlled by Suhua Zhenjun was finally born. One by one, Tiya was born on the tree. They respected nature, made nests on the tree, and liked all beautiful things.

And Gucheng Zhenjun's mountain tribe, in these moves, has formed a country, made furnaces, mined coal, and mined ore. They began to make machines, invented steam engines, gave birth to muskets, and made gliding boats that could fly in the sky. They began to leave the mountains and expand outward.

Along the way, all the various races born with the heaven and earth were destroyed by the magic weapons of the Gaoshan tribe. They were rampant!

In the fourteenth move, the Gaoshan tribe had evolved a flying boat that burned coal. In the forest, they finally found the Tiya tribe. At this time, the Tiya tribe had just awakened their wisdom, born bows and arrows, and mastered the magic

The battle began immediately. Under the pressure of the flying boat flying in the sky and the attack of artillery and muskets, the Tiya tribe was defeated. However, they got the help of the world consciousness. They used the secrets of the forest and hid in the forest to use guerrilla warfare to avoid the crazy encirclement of the Gaoshan tribe!

In the seventeenth move, the Tiya tribe gave birth to a tree demon. The huge tree demon turned into a war ancient tree, destroyed the ancient tree, and began to fight back, but the Gaoshan tribe gave birth to artillery. Under the artillery fire, the war ancient tree and the destruction ancient tree were all destroyed!

In the nineteenth move, the Gaoshan tribe gave birth to a laboratory!

They brought the remains of the war ancient tree and the destruction ancient tree back to the tribe! Then extract the energy from it and create energy crystals. A terrifying mechanical beast similar to the flesh puppet of the Junrou Sect appears. The Gaoshan people sit in the mechanical body and control the mechanical beast to completely crush everything!

From the very beginning, when fighting for the first move, the layout of Gucheng Zhenjun showed its power little by little, step by step. The Gaoshan people relied on the technological advantages they had in the first few moves to gradually seize the fruits of victory!

No matter how vast the forest is, it can no longer block the scanning of the Gaoshan people. Even if the trees are lush, they can't stop the encirclement of the Gaoshan people!

The Tiya people were defeated and retreated step by step!

In the 23rd move, the Tiya people could only give up their ancestral land! The Gaoshan people cut down the tree of life that gave birth to the Tiya people, and the war entered the countdown. If this continues, within five moves, the Tiya people will be completely destroyed, and Suhua Zhenjun will be completely defeated!

At this critical moment, in the 25th move, Suhua Zhenjun finally began to fight back!

She roared, and her voice spread throughout the world:

"The 25th move, life, spring breeze and rain!"

This roar shocked Tiandu Qizhu and others!

After a long time, Tiandu slowly said: "Spring breeze and rain! One of the ninety-nine secrets of Xian Qin, the situation is reversed!"

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