Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 506 Please don’t tease Lingqi Pavilion! (Fourth update, please vote for me!)

"Strength is the most important thing in the world of immortality! One wrong step will lead to eternal disaster!"!

This word rang in everyone's ears, some listened attentively, some smiled, some remembered it firmly, and some didn't care!

The chess game is over, the gambling game is over, and those who win money go and receive the spiritual stones. Everyone left Chaos Daoqi one after another, and Suhua Zhenjun put away Daoqi. Someone in the distance shouted:

"Lingqi Pavilion is open! Lingqi Pavilion is open!"

The game of chess lasted for an hour, and everyone immediately rushed over and started lining up in front of the cave.

Then they entered the cave one by one. Just after entering the cave, it was a huge square. Space magic should be used!

There are countless stone tables and chairs here. On the stone tables, there are fixed chaos chessboards placed there. They are almost the same as Wang Wu's chessboard, except that they cannot be moved. The monks who come here can play against each other here.

Playing here is like playing real chess. You need to use mid-level spiritual stones as pieces. After the battle, you can also get heroes and treasures.

On the wall on one side, there are countless briefings. After playing chess here, they will be recorded on the wall, and then the points will be calculated to rank the chess players at various levels of Hunyuan Zongdao chess.

Walking inside, it is divided into twenty corridors. Each corridor is straight forward. On both sides of the corridor, there are stone chambers. This is the Lingqi Pavilion. Entering these stone chambers is like being in Chaos Taoist Chess. Among them, you can play chess at will.

You don’t need to invest many spiritual stones to play chess here. One spiritual stone can be used as a middle-grade spiritual stone, and you can completely engage in ever-changing chess battles. You can study your own chess skills here to strengthen your clones in the forest of living beings. You can study combat techniques to practice coordinating tactics with the forest clones of living beings.

You can also use this to practice many of your previous cultivation ideas, and display those spells that are difficult to realize in the real world in this illusory chess world to form your own unique spells.

However, if you don’t invest much here, you won’t gain much. No heroes or treasures will be condensed. It is just a training place.

Luo Li and others randomly chose a corridor and walked forward. Then they each picked an empty stone room and placed a spirit stone on the door. The door immediately opened and they entered.

Qizhu realized that he was about to enter a room, and then said to Luo Li:

"Junior Brother Luo Li, although your Forest of Living Beings has not been constructed, the Holy Land has been established. You can also play these Chaos Dao Chess! However, because without the Forest of Living Beings, you do not have the Dao of Living Beings, which will lead to the birth of magical spirits in your Dao Chess. I don’t know enough about it, so I rely entirely on random generation.

But every disadvantage must have an advantage. You can play chess as you like and try as you like, because you don’t have your own way of being, and there are no restrictions at all!

Go ahead and play whatever you want. There are guiding magic spirits in Lingqi Pavilion. You can learn how to play chess under their guidance!

If you find it boring, just use the frequency we just used, contact our Tian Qing Peak disciples, and let’s fight! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "I understand!"

Qizhu continued: "If fellow sects from other branches come to challenge you and play casually in this stone room, don't go to that square! If they want to bet with you, just slap them in the face, don't Play with them!"

Luo Li was stunned for a moment but still said: "I know!"

Then Luo Li placed a spiritual stone in front of the door. The stone door opened and Luo Li entered the room.

There was only one futon in this stone room. Luo Li sat on it. There was a stone pit in front of him. Luo Li took out another spiritual stone and threw it into the stone pit!

Suddenly the space changed, turning into a chaotic world with no sky, no ground, no light, and no sound!

This was Luo Li's trial chess field. He continued to take out the spirit stones and said:

"First hand, fire, fire makes light!"

Fire means that this spiritual stone is of fire attribute, and uses fire to generate light!

In an instant, a ray of light rose in front of Luo Li's eyes!

"Second hand, soil, soil Yandi!"

Under that light, the earth emerges! There is heaven and earth.

Luo Li shouted: "The third hand, water, rain turns into the sea!"

Suddenly it rained heavily, and countless rainwater gathered into the sea!

In this world, Luo Li is the monarch and the master. As he puts in the spiritual stones one by one, the sun, the earth, the mountains, and the rivers appear one after another! A miniature world is born, and this world changes as you wish!

After a long time, in the thirty-fourth hand, a strange beast tribe was born on the earth. They were like tiger men, slightly possessed of wisdom, and built their own tribal civilization in the sea.

Watching them polishing tools, watching them build tribes, and watching them build altars, Luo Li was extremely surprised. This was so interesting. The next chess piece he placed could determine their future.

Let them die, let them live, let them prosper, let them wither, it all depends on Luo Li's next move, his next thought!

This feeling is so exhilarating, as if I am the God of Creation, I can decide everything by myself, making it difficult to control my vanity! !

After a long time, Luo Li took a long breath and dissipated this thought. He understood why True Lord Gucheng and True Lord Suhua would play such a game of chess before the opening of Lingqi Pavilion. It was to warn everyone that the world in chess is just illusion and reality. That's the most important thing!

Unable to distinguish between illusion and reality, and seeking the meaningless honor most, only to end up in failure! die!

Luo Li calmed down and continued playing chess!

That tiger tribe, following Luo Li's chess pieces, became more and more prosperous and prosperous, occupying the entire continent!

However, it was too prosperous, and there were no external enemies. Gradually, the tribe split up, and then competed for the resources of the continent and started fighting internally!

Luo Li could not stop this internal fighting at all. When a chess game was played for more than 100 moves, this tribe seemed to have its own life. After the previous preparation, they had already made their own choices.

The tiger people fought bloody internal fighting, and the more they fought, the worse they became. Finally, they completely collapsed and the tiger people declined!

Luo Li sighed, and he didn't expect it to be this ending!

At this time, the chess pieces had been played for 200 moves, and a voice came from the room in an instant:

"This game of self-playing chess has reached the limit. Please play the next game!"

In an instant, everything dissipated, and Luo Li returned to the stone room and continued to play chess again.

Investing in spirit stones, changing the world again and again, vicissitudes again and again, prosperity and decline again and again!

In these countless chess games, some people became completely cold and had no feelings, while others were completely devoted, and were happy and sad with those prosperity and decline.

As for Luo Li, every game was like the first one. He was full of passion for Chaos Chess. He liked this chess!

He played chess by himself again and again. Finally, one day, Luo Li had enough!

No matter how much he continued to play chess, there would be no new changes in the world. For Luo Li, he had completely mastered the opening of Chaos Chess!

Luo Li couldn't help asking, "Excuse me, is there a guiding spirit to teach me how to fight?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the stone room:

"The guiding spirit is here. First, conduct a battle test, and then choose a guiding spirit for you!

In this battle, you can freely develop twenty-one moves, and then thirty-six wolf beasts will be released on the chessboard. If you can withstand this attack, your battle situation will be evaluated, and then a guiding spirit will be selected for you!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, let's start!"

Suddenly, a new chess game began!

Luo Li picked up a spirit stone and said:

"First move, fire, fire creates light!"

"Third move, water, rain turns into sea!"

The chess pieces fell one by one, and the chaotic chessboard began to change, but Luo Li did not use all the five elements chess pieces as before, creating various races, and then strengthening them little by little, or making them master civilization!

Instead, he used water chess pieces to continuously strengthen the water system of this world!

Suddenly a warning came:

"Chess players, pay attention, the wolf war beasts are proficient in water battles, and it is impossible to isolate the invasion of the wolf war beasts with the sea!"

Luo Li smiled and didn't care at all! The eighth chess piece was put in, and the water gathered into the sea, and the sea rolled!

The twelfth chess piece was put in, and the sea became an ocean, covering the sky endlessly!

The fifteenth chess piece was put in, and there was a roar. The dark clouds gathered in the sky drifted rapidly. Several lightning flashes that foreshadowed heavy rain suddenly flashed between the clouds. With a thunder, the drifting rain immediately poured down.

Along with the deafening thunder and rainstorm, a very small but extremely shocking cry came out, "Ang... Ang...", and then a huge sea dragon appeared in the sea!

The sea dragon roamed the sea, calling the wind and rain, thunder and lightning, and with its thunder and lightning, in the sea, shrimps began to evolve and became shrimp soldiers, crabs began to evolve and turned into crab generals. Luo Li did not need to add chess pieces. The sea dragon automatically summoned his subordinates, countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals, patrolling sea yakshas, ​​giant whale warriors, and turtle prime ministers appeared one after another!

After Luo Li's 21st move, there was a roar, and thirty-six human wolf war beasts were automatically born in the Chaos Dao chess. They walked on the waves and killed Luo Li here!

When they arrived here, they were stunned. They saw a huge crystal palace appearing in front of them, and there were hundreds of giant whale warriors and thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals looking at them!

One giant whale warrior can kill all the human wolf war beasts. The battle has not started, but it is over!

Instantly, the Chaos Dao chess disappeared, and Luo Li asked:

"Did I pass the test? Who is the guiding spirit?"

After a long time, a voice came from the stone chamber:

"The test passed, but you don't need a guiding spirit, please don't tease the Spirit Chess Pavilion!"

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