Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 570: You are cheating!

After getting Xiao Hui, the harvest from this trip to Zhongxuan was pretty good. !

Three days later, Luo Li participated in another Taoist exchange. Last time, everyone had changed all the things they should have changed. This time, it was just a simple Taoist exchange.

Everyone asked their own cultivation questions one by one, and those Nascent Soul Lords answered them. Some of them also had questions, and asked them to see if those who were traveling with them knew the answers.

The atmosphere of the entire conference was harmonious. Luo Li listened carefully. Although he only heard questions, he was well aware of the problems he might encounter after entering the golden elixir realm in the future.

Next to Luo Li was a female monk, who was also a Jindan master. There was no sign of any deliberate decoration. She was just dressed in ordinary household clothes. She wore a thick gauze back that went down to her knees, long-sleeved gauze pants, and barely exposed any skin. There was only a light makeup on her face. She was sitting next to Luo Li with her eyes lowered and her expression calm. She was clearly a woman from a good family who knew etiquette and kept quiet. However, her bright eyes are filled with all kinds of charms, and she is really the most charming fairy that can confuse people's hearts.

On the other side of Luo Li was a burly man with a strong back and a righteous face, but looking over, he seemed to have a particularly bad temper!

Among them, he asked a question, asking about the method of refining the spirit and nourishing the soul. This question was very obscure. The two Nascent Soul Lords and the female cultivator on the side could answer it. However, the price offered by the Yuanying True Lord was very high. In the end, this big man I chose a young woman.

Following the young woman's answer, the big man was very happy and kept saying: "That's it, that's it. Thank you so much, fellow Taoist!"

He was so happy that he suddenly spilled the tea cup of an old man in front of him, and the tea spilled on Luo Li's feet!

The big man hurriedly apologized. He was also acquainted. He chatted with the old man and Luo Li, and the young woman also joined them.

Luo Li chatted with the three of them very easily. From time to time, they would reveal some secrets from all over the world. Luo Li listened with great interest, so the four of them became friends!

The big man was called Wuye, the old man was called Shentu, and the female cultivator was called Yuwan. All three of them went to Chongxuan Sect to buy magic weapons.

Among them, Shentu has been to Shentu many times. She is familiar with the road and can contact many cheap treasure sellers. Yuwan immediately begged Shentu to lead the way. Wuye, who was interested in Yuwan, also hurriedly asked to accompany her. Luo Li watched from the side. To put it bluntly, the four of them finally decided to get off the flying boat and let Shentu lead the way to buy magic weapons together.

After the Taoist exchange was completed, Luo Li returned to his residence, and suddenly Jia Xu Tianfeng appeared and said: "Lord, there is a problem with these three people!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What's the problem!"

Jia Xu said: "Although the three of them claimed to have met for the first time and became friends, and there was no flaw in their words, the auras between Wuye Yuwan and Wuye Yuwan were similar. They seemed to practice the same method, and even combined attacks. They are definitely old acquaintances. I suspect this is a trap!”

Luo Li said: "No way, these three people are very similar to my temper, they can't be like this!"

Tian Feng said: "Boy, believe it or not, it's up to you. Don't be tricked to death by then. It will be too late!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "I still don't believe it, but I'll give it a try!"

This first-class cabin imitates an idyllic scenery, and there is also a butterfly killer named Luo Li, who is released between the bees and spiritual butterflies. They turn into ordinary colorful butterflies and secretly monitor the three of them.

After these three people met Luo Li, they each returned to their residences and never got together again. They all looked like they had just met each other. Detective Lingdie found no problem at all.

If this didn't work, Luo Li had another way. Two days later, he invited the three of them to a party together.

Luo Li deliberately chose the largest restaurant in Feizhou. If these three people really had bad intentions, they would not dare to attack here.

Entering the hotel, Shentu said: "Brother Bie Xue, what are you doing with this wasted money? It's all in vain!"

Wuye said, "Yeah, yeah, next time everyone can come to my place, a few bottles of good wine, a few side dishes, it's economical and affordable, anyway, let's get together and have fun!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Yes, yes, I will invite you this time, and I will go to your place next time!"

I went to your residence and the three of you and I died without even knowing how!

They sat down at the restaurant and the four of them chatted while eating. Luo Li started teasing Yu Wan, telling some dirty jokes that made Yu Wan blush and become angry from time to time!

Wuye on the side also smiled and raised his glass to drink from time to time, but his eyes showed anger. This Yuwan was his wife, and he was annoyed to be teased by Luo Li like this.

Luo Li was teasing Yuwan on purpose. He knew that Wuye had special feelings for Yuwan, so he wanted to make Wuye think wildly so that he could eavesdrop on his thoughts.

Feeling that it was almost done, Luo Li said: "Three fellow Taoists, by the way, I have a small gift here. I wanted to give it to you when I came in. I was so happy drinking just now, but I just remembered it now, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, Luo Li took out three Ghost King Realm Ghost Beads, one for each person!

Seeing the Ghost Bead, the three of them suddenly brightened up and took it respectively. Shentu said, "Thank you, brother Bie Xue!"

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Bie Xue!"

Luo Li smiled and said, "Just thank you. You have accepted my things. As long as you are not grateful from the bottom of your heart, I will know what you are thinking right away. Look who you are!"

None of the three people thanked Luo Li!

The pretty and beautiful Yu Wan thought: "What a fat sheep. If you kill him, you should get a lot of good things. But seeing that he is interested in me, I dumped the rude man Lao Wu and stayed with him." , can there be more benefits?”

Wu Ye ■ said: "Boy, if you dare to tease my wife, I will sacrifice your soul for ten years! For one hundred years, I will make you enjoy endless pain!"

But Shentu thought: "What a fat sheep. This guy is so rich. I wonder if he has a big background. It seems that I have to be more careful and find an opportunity to cheat. It's better to be careful!"

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. Among the three bastards, none of them had a good cake!

But Luo Li smiled even more happily and said: "Three fellow Taoists, I am really destined to meet you. I am lucky in my eighth life! Come and drink, drink!"

After enjoying the banquet, Luo Li started fistfighting with them. He grabbed Wuye and Shentu's hands from time to time and accidentally touched Yuwan's calf with his sole. He looked like he was teasing women from good families and offended Yuwan. A cold stare.

Finally, the banquet was over, and Luo Li let out a long breath. In the process, when he drank to his heart's content, he secretly used the sea cucumber blood curse to kill, touching his body, and collecting blood without injury. Unknowingly, he secretly stole the blood of the three of them. of taken some.

Returning to his residence, Luo Li immediately began to configure, using poison to kill, to create blood poison!

This bloodline poison, according to each person's unique bloodline configuration, can poison even the Nascent Soul Lord. It is the most insidious.

Strike first and gain strength, strike later and bring disaster!

Luo Li prepared silently. During this period, the three of them invited Luo Li to have gatherings several times, but Luo Li used cultivation as an excuse and did not go.

The flying boat moved forward and flew for more than two months. It finally passed through several dangerous places and entered the Central Plains region. It was about to reach Taizhou Island on the outskirts of the Central Plains region.

Taizhou Island is the largest island in the Central Plains region. Almost all flying boats that reach the Central Plains region will stop here for supplies. The place is very prosperous, and there are also some monks who use it to disembark and go to other places.

Flying here, with the help of the Ancient Immortal Qin Road, the speed can be increased dozens of times, and it can reach Chongxuan Sect in seven or eight days.

At this time, Luo Li accepted the invitation from Master Shentu and went to his residence for a banquet.

Master Yuwan specially came to invite him, and the two chatted and laughed along the way. Then Luo Li entered Master Shentu's residence.

After Luo Li entered, there seemed to be eighteen runes outside the residence that changed. In an instant, the residence became a world of its own, and it seemed like two worlds were separated from the cabin!

In Feizhou Cambridge, Master Shi Yue said to Yu Sanren: "Master, that Sanxiu Bie Xue entered the residence of the three great masters of Yashen Temple. It seems that they activated the enchantment to kill people and steal goods!"

Yu Sanren said: "Did he go in by himself?"

Master Shi Yue said: "Yes!"

Yusanren said: "That's good. He is looking for death. He doesn't care about our affairs. He has a lot of treasures but doesn't know how to be careful. He won't survive for too long!"

Master Shi Yue said: "Disciple understands, it's a pity this Bie Xue!"

Yusanren frowned, then smiled and said: "There is no regrets, he is not a good bird, look!"

After saying that, Yu Sanren pointed his finger and saw that after Luo Li entered the other party's residence, a Luo Li appeared in his room, wandering around and heading to a crowded place. This was his alibi!

When Luo Li entered the residence, several drinks and dishes were prepared on the table. It was so simple that the other party didn't want to drink or eat at all, just for fun.

Seeing Luo Li's arrival, the magic circle outside was activated, and under the surveillance of the Juehuanhua Sect, Shentu and Wuye both started to laugh!

This smile is a ferocious smile. Finally, the fat sheep is in the bag, and you can make a fortune!

They laughed, and Luo Li also laughed. He began to release blood poison, one for each person. Goodbye, my friends, although you came to trick me, I am still happy to meet you!

The blood poison was released, and the three of them trembled. Shentu coughed violently, and Wuye shivered three times. Only Yuwan remained motionless, as if nothing happened!

Then Shentu and Wuye returned to normal. Nothing happened. Luo Li was dumbfounded.

Wu Ye suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Luo Li and cursed: "Asshole, we have been fooled. This is blood poison. The poison does not kill! You are a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect!"

Shentu was stunned and said: "The blood poison! It's the blood poison that destroyed the Changzhou Shenwei branch last time! Boy, you think we are fools, you killed so many people, we will be careless!

Let me tell you, after what happened there, some seniors deduced the past and found that they all died at the hands of blood poison. Now we have all taken the blood-challenging elixir! "

Luo Li was dumbfounded. After he killed everyone last time, the other party was on guard. He couldn't help but said: "So you are the remnants of the Shenwei Sect!"

Wuye said: "Bah, you are the lost dog of the Shenwei Sect, and I am a disciple of the Eight God Temple!"

Luo Li was stunned again, how could a disciple of the Eight Gods Temple say those words just now!

In an instant, Luo Li thought that the Eight Gods Temple was the remnant of the Guanshen Sect. At that time, the Guanshen Sect was one of the main sects. It was destroyed by the Hunyuan Sect and destroyed the mountain gate. The divine skill of the Zhenshen Guan Shen Zhenme One Heart and One Thought Technique also turned into the Worshiping Heart. Secret!

After hearing what Shentu said just now, the Eight Gods Temple and the Shenwei Sect have formed an alliance to deal with the Hunyuan Sect together!

At this moment, Wuye seemed to have remembered something and shouted: "No, the blood-challenging pill at that time would cause the female cultivator's face to turn livid for three months. The junior sister thought it would affect her appearance, so she didn't seem to take it!"

The three of them looked back and saw that the real person Yuwan was sitting there, motionless and dead from the poison!

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