Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 586: Test your edge and kill Wu Wuqing!

Qihun Daoist Master Tianshen stepped onto the ring and looked at Luo Li. Above his head, ten! Strange runes were flying around him!

Qi Soul Dao Poetic Title: Three Thousand Purple Qi Dao, Refining One Hundred Thousand Souls! The sub-sect specializes in the "Taiyi Void Eight Virtues and Three Mights Battle Soul Treasure". This treasure was one of the secrets of North Kunlun. When North Kunlun collapsed, the founder of Qi Soul Dao, a handyman, got this secret book and left his hometown to open up the sect's Qi. Soul Road.

This method claims to record the names of one hundred thousand war spirits, and the palm can summon war spirits, control fairies and ghosts, and transport gods and demons.

In fact, these are some tyrannical existences in the outer world, either the Demon King, the Ghost Emperor, or the Heavenly Spirit. Countless years ago, North Kunlun got in touch with them and set up summoning talismans. During the battle, they used them to fight. With his power, he transformed into a fighting spirit and formed all kinds of incredible magical powers.

There are not a hundred thousand, and there are only more than a thousand that can be summoned now. The twelve talismans on the head of Master Tianshen represent that he has trained the twelve battle souls in the battle soul treasure.

He came on the stage, looked at Luo Li, and recited the incantation lightly. One of the runes glowed white, and Master Tianshen began to transform. His body grew taller and taller, and he transformed into a snake-headed human body with snake scales all over his body. The hair on his head transformed into It turned into ninety-nine snake hairs, dancing in the wind.

Seeing him use the Qihun Dao incarnation, Luo Li just smiled.

This is the light transformation of the Heavenly Serpent Brahshe. This fighting spirit body has five magical powers, including snake eyes to absorb souls, poisonous breath ripples, snake hair to petrify, golden scales to iron walls, and instantaneous movement across the universe.

In the Forest of Living Beings of the Hunyuan Sect, the twenty-first step is the Qihun Dao. Hunyuanzi, the founder of the Hunyuan Sect, was also a handyman in North Kunlun. In a sense, the Qihun Dao and the Hunyuan Sect are passed down from the same line. How could we let go of the "Taiyi Void Eight Virtues and Three Mights Battle Soul Treasure"? Already thousands of years after the Hunyuan Sect was established, this Qihun Dao "Taiyi Void Eight Virtues Three Mights Battle Soul Treasure" was secretly stolen to the door. and become one in the forest of sentient beings!

So in front of Luo Li, all the spells used by Master Tianshen were in his heart.

This is the difference between the middle school and the first door, the background is so different!

Seeing that his transformation was completed, Luo Li pointed lightly and shouted: "Three mountains and five mountains obey my orders! The former mountain has vitality and endless spiritual power. It has the power to swallow up all things and conquer the five mountains. Come to me, Mount Tai!"

Above his head, the light and shadow of an illusory mountain appeared. This mountain was sixty feet tall, tall and tall, and extremely handsome! Compared to the previous 30 feet in the foundation building realm, the area has doubled!

This fairy mountain is really beautiful. But see: the green hills are cut with green, and the green hills are piled with clouds. The two cliffs are divided into tigers and dragons, with apes and cranes chirping on all sides. Look at the top of the mountain covered with clouds in the morning, and watch the sun hanging on the forest tops at dusk. The flowing water is flowing, the sound of jade is singing in the stream, the waterfall is flying, and the Yao Qin is playing faintly in the cave. If it were not for the Taoist monks to practice medicine, there would be immortals who would refine the medicine.

Endless green pines and cypresses are spread all over the mountains, which is like a dream. If you look closely, you can see the green grass on the ground and the green trees. What's more, the white clouds are floating under your feet, which is like a fairyland on earth.

This mountain appears and gradually changes from virtual reality to reality. This reality is not the real reality. You may look like it is a real mountain, but in fact it is transformed by vitality!

As soon as Taishan finished transforming, Luo Li threw a blast with all his strength! This huge mountain is blasting towards Master Tianshen!

Immortal Tian Shen has just successfully transformed, absorbed the power of the Heavenly Serpent King Brahma from the outside world, transformed into a Dharma form, and controlled the five great magical powers. He is about to fight Luo Li to teach this arrogant boy a lesson. Then he sees this mountain coming from the sky!

This was something Hunyuan Sect's Tongtian Peak couldn't stop. Master Tianshen immediately used his magical power to teleport away from here. This mountain was only sixty feet long. As long as he flew outside the range of the mountain, Tongtian Peak would be terrifying and impossible to defeat. Don’t be afraid of yourself!

But I don’t know why, Master Tianshen moved his feet, but couldn’t move out at all. He still stood there, waiting for the mountain to fall from the sky!

The reason why he couldn't escape was because of the 72nd Killing of the Dragon King Zhenhai in the Glazed Sea. Luo Li used the secret method of Immortal Qin to make the mountain higher than the other. It was obviously Tongtian Peak, but secretly it was this killing that trapped him here. , unable to escape, can only resist!

In front of this giant mountain, Master Tianshen's transformation was like a joke, but the mountain was already in front of him. He could only roar and use all his strength to resist this terrifying fairy mountain!

Boom, with a loud noise, Mount Tai turned into thousands of vitality and dissipated between heaven and earth. That day, Master Shen's legs were paralyzed, and the snake scales on his body began to fall off. He relied on the golden scales and iron walls to withstand this terrible blow!

This didn't work. In an instant, another rune on his head emitted light. He immediately transformed, changing from the light of the heavenly snake Brahma to the whirling death barbarian bull rush!

But Luo Li raised his hand again and shouted again: "Huashan Mountain, Songshan Mountain, show me!" Two mountains appeared above his head at the same time, side by side, changing from virtual to real!

The two giant mountains are equally towering and straight. Each of the mountains is sixty feet long, majestic and huge!

Then, these two mountains immediately blasted towards Master Tianshen!

Then Luo Li waved: "Hengshan, Hengshan! Go!"

Zai Yi waved: "Where is Penglai?"

"How about Abbot? Give me a blast from Japan!"

Luo Li launched mountains one after another, boom, boom, boom!

Loud noises were heard, that day! Shen Twelve's fighting spirit changed back and forth, from the light of the sky snake Bo Luoxie to the whirling death bull rush, then to the ghost light of the mastiff sea, the roar of the devil dog, and then to the volleying iron-backed dragon bird feathers. Transform into a giant stone monitor lizard Hunyuan Dou!

But he only blocked Luo Li's seventeen mountain bombardments, and he suddenly turned into a stream of light and was smashed into meat patties by the Tongtian Peak, and he was defeated!

Master Tianshen was teleported out of the ring, and he gasped for air. Although the monk in the ring was not injured after he died in the battle, the feeling of death was extremely realistic and penetrated deep into his heart. He looked at Luo Li again, with a hint of sadness in his eyes. Fear.

This is the arena. If it were realistic, he would be instantly killed by the opponent within ten breaths. He was no match at all. The more Master Tianshen thought about it, the more scared he became, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

If he can withstand the shadow of failure, Tianshen Zhenren will reach a higher level. If he cannot withstand the invasion of failure, he will never be able to break through the middle stage of Jindan, and the path to immortality will end.

Master Tianshen was defeated, but someone immediately stepped onto the ring. It was a female cultivator. This woman's eyes were like pure sapphires, exuding a charm that made people involuntarily indulge in it. Her long black hair hung down to her waist, and her roots were slender and smooth. Like a flowing waterfall, the sapphire blue dress meanders to the ground like an upside-down tulip, making her figure appear even more slender.

Her forehead was as smooth as jade, her lips were sapphire blue, and there was a playful smile on her lips, as if she didn't care about anything. Her fingers were slender and slender, and thirty-six sword pills were flying in her hands, shining like nebulae!

The female cultivator said softly: "Song Wei of Chenjian Sect, who has been cultivating elixirs for fifty-six years and is at the fourth level of the golden elixir realm. I have met fellow Taoist Luo Li!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Hunyuan Sect Luo Li, I have met fellow Taoist, please!"

Master Song Wei looked at Luo Li and drank lightly. In an instant, a sea of ​​stars appeared above her head. Thirty-six stars and one hundred and three micro-chens could be seen in it, covering a hundred feet in radius!

Suddenly, someone in the audience started talking:

"Golden elixir magical power! This is the magical power Yingluotu and Xinghui Hairun transformed by the golden elixir vision!"

"Yingluotu, Xinghui Hairun? I understand. With this magical power, she can move among the thirty-six stars in an instant. She can completely avoid Luoli's Tongtian Peak, which covers an area of ​​60 feet!"

"I didn't expect that Master Song Wei, after only fifty years of cultivating elixirs, could actually develop such magical powers of golden elixirs!"

"Senior brother, is this golden elixir phenomenon powerful?"

"Of course, all golden elixir masters will have golden elixir visions within three to five years after forming the elixir. However, those golden elixir visions are just visions and are useless in battle. On the contrary, they consume the true energy and affect the cultivation. Because, so Master Tianshen like just now didn’t send it out at all.

But there are some strong people who can turn the golden elixir vision into golden elixir magical power, such as Yingluotu and Xinghui Hairun! That's it!

This kind of magical powers are all natal magical powers. They are powerful when applied and do not consume real energy. They are ten times more powerful than ordinary magical powers! "

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Master Song Wei looked at Luo Li and stretched out her hand. The thirty-six sword pills in her hand were immediately launched, and they disappeared after thousands of turns!

These sword pellets blasted towards Luo Li. They had no trace to follow. They were just flying around randomly. Some of the sword pellets collided in the air, changed their orbits, came and went without a trace, and were ethereal and invisible. It was even more terrifying! And in the process of flying, the thirty-six sword pills divided into ten, becoming seventy-two, one hundred and eight, two hundred and sixteen, and finally turned into three hundred and sixty sword pills, forming a rain of bullets. , shrouding Luo Li.

Luo Li smiled and stood there as if motionless. The bright moon in the sea was killing him, and everything was in his heart. The sword ball that bounced over came to Luo Li's side. His body moved slightly and he immediately avoided it. In this endless wave of In the rain of bullets, not a single leaf touched me!

In the process of avoiding the rain of bullets, Luo Li accumulated strength over time, formed a spell with his hands, used the giant whale to kill, surged his mana, and locked the opponent with the sea and bright moon kill!

Suddenly, he pointed at Master Song Wei in the distance. In an instant, endless brilliance rose in his hand. In an instant, three thousand rays of brilliance flew out and danced on the arena, all like butterflies. Then, in an instant, the spiritual butterflies turned into dragons. Three thousand brilliance, gathered together, are like a tsunami, surging and containing endless destructive power!

The butterfly dragon sea explodes! Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot...

In an instant, three thousand brilliance, like a sea wave, blasted towards the real person Song Wei. Boom, a loud noise came, and a huge explosion sounded, resounding throughout the world!

Jindan Zhenren of Chenjian Sect, who was also famous for his sword tide star sea, immediately turned into ashes under this sea of ​​light!

Master Song Wei was sent out of the ring. She was shaking all over. She looked at Luo Li and couldn't believe it. How could it be possible?

But that's it, this is just a small victory for Luo Li!

It took ten years to sharpen a sword, and today I will try my best! who is the next! Come, come, come, come one, kill one, come two, kill a pair, come three, it's just one more blow!

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