Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 648: The meteorite star ring hides heretics! (Second update, please vote for me!)

'Rong Dao Zun, the whole body is red, the flames are endless! !

There are seventeen Dao Zun and eighteen demon gods in the Hunyuan Sect. Except for the first demon, the Po Yuan Wanji Saint Ancestor Demon, which is related to the Chaos God Lord, the other Dao Zun and demon gods are all disciples of the Hunyuan Sect. They were transformed by magic power and born from the mind. .

There are no such Dao Zun and Demon Gods in the world. Even if there are similar demon gods and Dao Zun, they have no specific relationship with each other. They are all created by the disciples of Hunyuan Sect.

This Zhurong Taoist Master has unlimited firepower and can control seventy-two kinds of flames. He can turn the endless Qi of twenty-five Hunyuan Sect monks into various flame auras and inject them into the lighthouse.

Many Hunyuan Sect monks slowly brought out the spiritual energy from the Ten Thousand Hell Flames of their Five Laws Holy Land, and after being transformed by Zhurong Taoist Master, it turned into endless flames. The Hunyuan Sect monks who came here this time have completed the sacrifice of the Ten Thousand Hell Flames in the Holy Land, so they were selected.

This true energy is born out of thin air, and is injected into the Zhongtian Lord World from the Small Thousand Worlds. For the Zhongtian Lord World, this is completely inexplicable. Don't look at this true energy. For the Zhongtian Lord World, it is It is a drop in the bucket, insignificant, but it is for nothing. For the Zhongtian Lord World, it is an opportunity to strengthen itself!

Therefore, secretly, the Central God World favors the monks of the Hunyuan Sect, and they have countless good fortunes. Because of their existence, every moment they use the Five Dharma Holy Land, they are strengthening the Central God World!

But there are advantages and disadvantages. The world is ruthless. If you can strengthen your own creatures in this way, how can it let them leave. Therefore, the Hunyuan Sect monks want to ascend and leave this world. They will no longer provide spiritual energy to this world. It is like a dream. It’s so difficult!

With the continuous input of flame spiritual energy like this, about six hours later, the lighthouse no longer emitted sparks, but brilliance was born in it, and countless runes flowed automatically.

True Lord Farewell said: "Okay, let's take a rest for six hours and continue tomorrow!"

Everyone dismissed the Dharma image and returned to Bai Yujing, the spirit turtle, and began to rest.

In that manor, Zhenjun Farewell said: "It's strange, why do I have a feeling this time? Zhu Rong's Dharma Flame is pure. Today's six hours of work can at least equal the normal nine hours of work!"

True Lord Lingyu said: "Uncle Master, is this your misunderstanding? We all know the cultivation level of these people, and there is no reason that can improve the flame of Zhu Rong's Dharma Flame?"

True Lord Farewell nodded and said, "Yes, it must be my misunderstanding. Everyone, please rest, we still have to work tomorrow!"

In fact, Zhenjun Farewell doesn't know that this is not an illusion. Although Luo Li has not practiced any spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, there is a trace of true fire in his golden elixir.

This trace of true fire refines countless spiritual fires of heaven and earth, gathers the essence of heaven and earth, and the nine great phenomena of heaven and earth appear together, supreme. Therefore, the essence melts into the flame, so this phenomenon occurs!

The next day, everyone continued to assemble the Red Emperor Chongli Fire God Zhurong Taoist and began to repair. After six hours, everyone took a rest.

With the injection of everyone's spiritual fire, the golden ball lighthouse began to recover little by little, turning back into a round shape!

Ten days later, there was a roar, and the golden ball lighthouse was completely restored, emitting endless light outwards, immediately attracting the light of other lighthouses to pour into it, and a network of light was successfully connected!

All the Hunyuan Sect disciples cheered together:


True Lord Farewell took a long breath and said: "Ten days, ten days, at least we have saved five days. It is not an illusion. I wish the flame of Rong Dharma will become pure!"

Lord Lingyu said: "Yes, yes, what is going on? Is it related to the slow increase in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

True Lord Farewell said: "I don't know! But I know that within a month, we can complete the task, and then we can return to the sect and receive the rewards!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was immediately overjoyed!

True Lord Farewell said: "Let's not rest today and hurry up. Let's go to the Xinliu 765 and Xin 6767 areas. These two areas are next to each other and are easy to repair!"

Everyone gathered together once again and transformed into the 16th transformation of the Demonic Demon Xuanyin, the Holy Mother Heavenly Lord Peacock King Ming (the previous text was written incorrectly, this is the 16th transformation), and rushed on their way!

From Xin 1357 to Xin 6765, it is at least a million miles. This flight lasts for five days and five nights. We are still not far ahead. We are finally about to reach our destination. Zhenjun Farewell suddenly gives an order:

"Stop moving forward, rest for six hours, and continue on your way!"

Lord Lingyu said: "Uncle Master, it's less than half a day's journey from the Xinliu 765 Lighthouse. We've arrived there after all the hard work, right?"

True Lord Farewell looked at True Lord Lingyu and couldn't help but shake his head in his heart. Although True Lord Lingyu was a Nascent Soul Lord, with strong combat power and serious cultivation, he had no decisiveness and average emotional intelligence. If he hadn't joined the Nineteen Heavens Monk, he would probably It is still impossible to enter the Nascent Soul realm. !

He explained: "In the Xinliu 765 area, there are more than a dozen lighthouses with problems. Many monks will gather there. Although they are all monks from the side sect, we traveled all night and everyone was very tired. Be careful. superior!"

Although Lord Lingyu was very simple, he was not stupid. He immediately said: "I understand, in addition to those side sects, there is also the Beast Transformation Sect!"

True Lord Farewell shook his head and said: "There is a True Lord Nascent Soul from the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect. He should be fine, but you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. If there is an expert hidden among them, that is not the case. Impossible, so we must be careful!

Everyone, take a rest! Six hours later, on our way! "

The white jade turtle was released again, but this time, they released many creatures, including bats, green birds, clouds, and lightning. They are all the spiritual pets of these Yuanying Zhenjun in the forest of sentient beings. They released them to guard safety. .

Then everyone started to rest. Six hours later, with an order, everyone gathered. This time, they transformed into the mighty Tian De Lei Yuan Demon, who was also the top five fastest demon god. He flew towards the distance.

After flying like this for another four hours, in front of us was the damaged spot of more than ten lighthouses. From far away, Master Kong Ren suddenly said:

"I see!"

All this time, Kong Renzhenjun has not said a word, as if he does not exist, but now that he speaks, something big will happen!

True Lord Lingyu asked: "What's wrong with Senior Brother Kong Ren?"

True Lord Kong Ren said: "It turns out that meteorites rained down here, forming a meteorite ring 74,000 miles ahead, and the meteorite cluster moved from time to time, so this lighthouse was damaged by the meteorite cluster.

It seems that if we want to repair this golden tower, we must push all the meteorites into the earth, otherwise the repair will be in vain. "

I don’t know what kind of skills Master Kong Ren has practiced. He can feel things 74,000 miles away. Everyone nodded. It seems that the workload will be increased this time!

Kong Renzhenjun continued: "However, this is also an opportunity. Since ancient times, when meteorites arrive in our world, they always bring a surprise. Various spiritual golds can be mined from them, and it is even possible to obtain spiritual objects from heaven and earth. Don't be depressed, everyone. This is an opportunity!

And it seems that the Jiuyao Sect, Ziguang Sect, Beimang Sect, Zangshen Sect, Yandang Sect, Chongyunling and other side sects have started to push down the meteorites, but it doesn't seem to be going well? "

The Hunyuan Sect has three lighthouses that need repair, and only one of the eleven side doors needs repair. They arrived here when the Hunyuan Sect was repairing the first lighthouse.

The same is true for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, but the first lighthouse is also far away, and they simply cannot complete the repairs so quickly.

True Lord Farewell said: "Is there a Tibetan God Sect? Then there must be a Void Courtyard here. Contact the monks from other sects and let's go to the Void Courtyard to rest first!"

After giving the order, someone immediately started to contact them, and they quickly got the news. According to the coordinates, Hunyuan Sect continued flying, and finally saw a huge void courtyard ahead!

This is not so much a void courtyard as it is a void city. It is a thousand-foot-sized castle suspended in the air. Endless flames erupt around it, and there is actually a battle taking place there!

True Lord Kong Ren was stunned. He immediately noticed the problem from a distance and said: "Extraterritorial demons! There are actually extraterrestrial demons who came here through the meteorites!

I understand why those meteorites cannot fall and are suspended in the air to form meteorite colonies. It is because of these extraterrestrial demons, what they did! "

Hearing this, Zhenjun Li was stunned and said with joy: "Is it the kind of outsider, demon and heretic?"

Lord Kong Ren said: "Let me see, my dear, there are actually two major heretics!

One is the Longevity Beetle, and the other is the Demon Blade Mantis!

The ones who control the meteorite swarm should be the re-evolved beetles among the ninety-nine heretics. This outside path controls the gravity of the earth and can build domains in the void. They are the ones who created this meteorite swarm. The Demon Blade Mantis should be the re-evolved beetles. The heretic dependents controlled by them! "

True Monarch Farewell laughed and said: "Cross-Evolving Beetle, Demon Blade Mantis! What a good opportunity, what a good opportunity!

The armor of the beetle can be used to refine robes, the mantis blade can be used to refine the sword, and the egg of the beetle can be refined into a spiritual pet, which has the power to control the earth. It is very useful and valuable. Liancheng, in addition, they swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and often breed spiritual creatures of heaven and earth in their bodies. This time we are all going to get rich, get rich! "

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