Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 673 The Glazed Sea is pure and dust-free!

Entering the ring, Master Liu Gu is right opposite.

Meet, salute, no nonsense, fight!

Three golden lights suddenly appeared on Luo Li's body, Jin Chenxi.

On the opposite side, Master Liu Gu took a long breath, stamped his feet, and instantly transformed into a giant, with a body of fifty feet tall, giant, one-eyed, with tattoos on his arms. There seemed to be many vines wrapped around his body, and the vines were like The meridians of the body, under the feet, are filled with clouds!

The giant appeared and stamped hard on Luo Li, trying to crush Luo Li into a pulp!

Immediately someone in the audience said: "Forest of all living beings, Giant Way!"

"Incarnate into a giant, but something doesn't look right. What kind of giant is this? One-eyed, Kuafu, Dadi, Zhui Feng? Why doesn't it look like that one?"

"It's no use any giant. Under the glazed sea, ashes immediately fly away. Look, Luo Li is here again!"

But Luo Li flashed his hand, a hundred feet away, and stretched out his hand, and an endless sea of ​​light appeared! In a trance, heaven and earth resonated again:

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

The audience immediately started talking again:

"Look, it's here again!"

"Oh, it's such a unique move that has been used all over the world. This move is practiced and practiced unscrupulously. All spells are in vain, and all swordsmanship is ruined!"

"After the competition, I want to learn from all over the world!"

"Come on, you think this trick is easy. It is said that Luo Li mastered the practice of fifty-seven kills in the Glazed Sea, and spent a lot of money to refine the unified sea area fusion magic weapon in the Chongxuan Sect. He spent a full 100 million spirit stones, and then received the gift from the Patriarch Tianya. Dharma can be refined to make truth and illusion disappear, and glass can create the sea!

Finally, we gathered together from all over the world to become Ling Ding Yang. Do you have this strength? "

"This, this, I haven't practiced the True Void Illusion, or the Ten Thousand Hells Divine Flames. I'd better practice my Ten Thousand Hells Flames!"

"It's strange. The world is resonating today. Why is the sound wrong?"

"Yeah, it's a bit weird!"

What kind of resonance between heaven and earth is basically an illusory sound created by Luo Li using the two great sea areas of Jiuzhen Misty and Huang Pengyanbo? Guanghua deceives the real person Liugu.

When the sea of ​​light arrived, the giant figure of Master Liugu shrank in an instant and turned into a flying crane, only one foot in size. With a slight movement, he could come and go freely in this sea of ​​light without any harm!

Luo Li moved and turned into a stream of light, following behind Master Liugu. The two of them chased and escaped, and seas of light emitted, sweeping the world.

However, when these seas of light pass, nothing is damaged, they are just illusions.

The two started fighting here, but someone in the audience said:

"What are you doing, acting?"

"Yeah, why does it feel so wrong?"

"I don't know, it looks fake!"

The two of them flew away quickly, and three hundred breaths of time passed in the blink of an eye. Master Liu Gu took a long breath and was about to be cured!

But Master Liugu didn't know that everything he did was part of Master Huchan's plan.

Master Liu Gu collected all the images of Luo Li's battle until now, studied them carefully, and finally analyzed the flaw of Luo Li's Ling Ding Yang. Then he specially prepared spells and used Luo Li's Ling Ding Yang flaw to delay time and extend the fight with Luo Li. The battle of separation.

The Primordial Dao of Zhongsheng Lin is extremely powerful, but it has one flaw. Every time it is used, it requires a long time of preparation. Facing a strong enemy like Luo Li who attacks like crazy when he comes up, it is full of flaws.

Therefore, Master Liugu wanted to delay the fight with Luo Li, waiting for the original way to be ready, and then kill Luo Li. But he never expected that Lord Huchan would take action behind his back. If you plot against others, others will plot against you!

In this unknowing escape and pursuit, Master Liugu was already trapped in a dead end, and there was no room for him to escape. He was gradually cornered by Luo Li!

Luo Li faked Ling Ding Yang fifteen or six times in a row. Many onlookers noticed that something was wrong. However, Zhenren Liugu during the battle did not feel it at all. He was the one in the game and had fallen to Zhenjun Huchan. The trap he designed made it impossible to detect any abnormalities.

Finally, Master Liu Gu took a long breath. As long as he took ten more breaths, his original way would be ready and ready to take action.

Just when he took a deep breath, Luo Li's opportunity came. The opponent had nowhere to escape. At the same time, this was also the weakest moment before Master Liu Gu became strongest. Luo Li took action with all his strength.

This time, what Luo Li took action was no longer the false Ling Ding Yang, but the real Ling Ding Yang, and it was the Ling Ding Yang after the teachings of Zhenjun Huchan. It was completely different from the spells Luo Li released at will before.

This time, the real Sanskrit sound of heaven and earth sounded:

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

Master Liu Gu wanted to follow the method just now and avoid it again, but he suddenly found that he could not avoid it. In the fight just now, he had been firmly locked and could only forcefully accept Luo Li's Ling Ding Yang!

In an instant, Master Liugu realized that he had been fooled, but it was too late. The terrifying sea of ​​glazed light turned into waves under the power of the magical power and surged towards him!

“Once we have experienced hardships, only the stars around us are scattered.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind flutters and the catkins float, and the life experience is ups and downs.

Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean.


The last sentence rang in his ears:

"No one has ever died since ancient times!" appeared in his mind!

Master Liugu couldn't help but yelled unwillingly: "Tiger Zen!"

The original way still needs ten breaths of time, it's too late, the fierce Liugu master takes action!

In an instant, a sword light appeared. This sword light was thousands of feet long and completely black. The sword light had not yet arrived, but the gloomy and cold evil aura had already hit his face.

This is the Black Evil Yin Ming Knife. It is a magical skill recorded in the Ghost Clan's holy scripture, the Nether Book. It is made by condensing the Black Evil Yin Ming Qi in Jiuyou's lungs. It is powerful, but extremely sinister. As long as it touches it even slightly. The monk's body will be corroded and soaked by this black evil spirit, turning it into a pool of black water.

This was the unexpected encounter that Master Liu Gu had when he obtained the Book of the Netherworld, transformed into a ghost clan, and practiced this method. At the critical moment, he used the Black Evil Yinming Sword.

The sword went down and collided with the scattered oceans from all over the world. The sword light was shattered, but wherever the shattered black light went, the light of the glass sea dissipated. This blow was blocked by Master Liugu!

But Luo Li always used his physical and magical powers when he took action. He followed closely, and the second wave came from all over the world, and then he arrived, continuing with the sea of ​​​​light!

Master Liugu breathed in and out, then took action, and a bright platinum sword rainbow erupted in his hand, shooting out countless brilliance.

This is Haoran's Thunder Divine Light Sword Qi, and it is the supreme sword technique of Haoran's Zhengqi Sect. It is the most yang and the most strong, and the platinum sword rainbow changes instantly and suddenly expands in a circle. Circles of platinum sword light continued to expand, and in the blink of an eye, the platinum sword light had enveloped the land thousands of feet in radius. This sword light contained endless thunder, bursting out with a fearless spirit, forming a halo, blocking the second attack from all over the world!

Immediately, with a single blow, all the scattered oceans disappeared, and the awe-inspiring thunder and divine light sword energy disappeared!

Master Liu Gu just breathed a sigh of relief. The last time Luo Li's magical power was only able to activate one shadow movement, there were only two strikes!

But Luo Li breathed in and out, and continued to attack, another move from all over the world, and another move with magical powers! This time, there were three shadow movements, and four separate oceans attacked Master Liugu in an instant!

Headless, Master Liugu couldn't help but curse: "Shameless!"

The sea of ​​​​light arrived, and a ray of ice and snow white light suddenly appeared on him. In an instant, the light shrank and turned into an ice and snow phoenix with fluttering feathers!

This phoenix is ​​about three feet long. After it flies out, it shines with divine light and is lifelike. But the icy magic power contained in it is even more amazing.

The reason why Master Liugu killed Master Bingning of Ice and Snow Palace three years ago was to seize this method. This is the magical skill of ice and snow, Ice Phoenix Tianxiang!

Under this phoenix of ice and snow, a vast ocean was blocked by him, but the second Daoist Liugu could no longer be blocked. At this time, the time was up, he could use the original way, and he would transform in an instant!

But it was too late at this moment, he was swept away by foreigners from all over the world!

In this dazzling sea of ​​light, everything turns to ashes! The figure of Master Liugu slowly became fainter and seemed to melt into the brilliance. However, his body is rapidly transforming, turning into a giant, a rhinoceros, an ape, and a golden roc, all in an attempt to resist these isolated oceans.

In the blink of an eye, the third ray of light arrived here, like a furious sea tide. The second ray of light had not dissipated yet. The third ray of light roared in with the power of heaven. The ancient master changed twelve times in succession, and finally turned into a real dragon. , but in this sea of ​​light, it also turned into ashes and completely dissolved!

At this time, the fourth sea of ​​light arrived, "boom, boom, boom..." Everything in the world was shattered, and everything was turned into ashes!

Luo Li wins, Liugu Zhenren loses!

The two of them left the ring in an instant, and Master Liugu shouted: "I won't give in, I won't give in, Hu Chan, Hu Chan! You cheated me!"

But seeing Luo Li's smiling face, Master Liugu's furious mood gradually disappeared and returned to normal. He sighed: "Oh, forget it, a defeat is a defeat!

Sure enough, the next life is formidable, Luo Li, your master did not misjudge you, you are indeed worth a ninth-level magic weapon! "

Luo Li saluted and said, "Thank you, uncle, for your guidance!"

Just like that, the top four were born!

Qizhu, Tiandu, Fanwujie, Luoli!

All four of them are Hunyuan Sect monks who have been forming elixirs for less than a hundred years, and they are promoted to the top four!

Jin Shengzhenyi slowly appeared on the ring, looked at them, and said:

"A young man who is wise will make his sect wise; a young man who is strong will make his sect strong.

The four of you are the future of my Hunyuan Sect!

But don’t think that if you have reached this point, your sect will be invincible and you will dominate the world. Be careful of arrogance and impetuosity. You have just started on the path of Hunyuan cultivation!

OK, I announce that the top four are born! "

Immediately, the audience burst into applause, cheering for the four of them!

Then the drawing of lots begins, preparing for the semi-finals and finals to determine the No. 1 Golden Elixir of the Hunyuan Sect! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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