Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 712 A snake and a dragon are born from a mixture of ghosts and ghosts! (Third updat

Luo Li sat there, emitting the golden morning light of the eternal pagoda outside his body. He no longer escaped or fought with them. He just sat there, remaining unchanged in response to the ever-changing changes, and resisting their various changes and magical powers!

In an instant, Luo Li's eyes changed. He became a beggar, living alone in the world and being bullied endlessly. The dream had not continued to develop. Luo Li laughed and said:

"It's too fake, it's too fake, change it, change it!"

Suddenly there was another change. Luo Li became a rich man who had everything in the world, but he only had one son, but he suffered from endless diseases. He had endless wealth, but could not cure his son's disease!

But Luo Li laughed loudly and continued:

"It's too fake, it's too fake, change it, change it!"

Then there was another change. Luo Li sat here, feeling the countless rights and wrongs in the world, turning into countless creatures, whether old women, young men, strong men, or young women, enjoying countless stories in the world.

But Luo Li, his heart was as calm as water, sitting here, with the eternal golden morning light outside, his heart could not move sincerely, no matter what illusions, what nothingness, what dreams, what nightmares, nothing could shake Luo Li's heart.

Luo Li saw flaws in every illusory dream!

"It's too fake, it's too fake, change it, change it!"

Under this slogan, all the female cultivators of the Phantom Demon Sect were dumbfounded!

They pay attention to being invisible and deceiving others, but Luo Li is sitting there, trying to resist. No matter how strong their illusion is, even if Luo Li is on guard, Luo Li cannot be fooled!

Suddenly someone became furious, stopped using illusions, and began to use spells, trying to kill Luo Li.

However, this magic attack is the weakness of the Phantom Demon Sect. With one violent attack, Jin Chenxi was overwhelmed outside Luo Li.

Although Dieshuangfei used the ninth-level treasure, the Magic Heart Bell, this treasure was invisible in dreams and had no direct attack spells, so she was dumbfounded.

Some people were dissatisfied and everyone attacked together. The Nascent Soul Lords also took action. Under their spells, Luo Li's Jin Chenxi broke through!

Luo Li laughed even more, stretched out his hand, and in an instant, three more golden dawns were born, and they were wrapped around him, making him even more invulnerable!

The monks of the Illusion Demon Sect were all stunned. Suddenly, a red lotus rose silently. All of a sudden, the three Jindan Masters of the Illusion Demon Sect could not avoid it. They were knocked down by the red lotus and immediately turned into three balls of flame. Before they could rescue them, It immediately became ashes.

This is really a loss for my wife and a loss of troops!

The opponent was not fooled by the illusions of the Illusion Demon Sect, and the spells could not break the opponent's defense. They all stared blankly. Finally, Die Shuangfei let out a long sigh, waved his hand, and led everyone away, leaving Luo Li here.

Just like this, Luo Li sat here, motionless. For a long time, no other dreams appeared again. Suddenly, a light fell in the distance, and it was dawn!

Luo Li slowly opened his eyes and looked over. There was no one around except himself.

But Luo Li wasn't sure if this was another trap of the Phantom Demon Sect. He sat here and just didn't move.

After two full hours, Luo Li took a long breath and stood up slowly. It must be that the other party left, and he couldn't leave because he resisted hard!

He released Zang Xiang from the White Tiger Prison. Who knew that Zang Xiang was still dreaming:

"How did I get around? Five hundred years ago, I was the Hunyuan Sect's representative. Five hundred years later, I'm not even a representative. How did I get around!"

Luo Li tried several methods, but Master Zang Xiang still couldn't wake up. Luo Li sighed and put him away again. Luo Li laughed fiercely and said

"It's too fake, it's too fake, change it, change it!"

Last night, every once in a while, regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, Luo Li would shout something like this. The monks of the Illusion Demon Sect thought that Luo Li had seen through it and had been tricked by Luo Li!

After shouting, Luo Li waited for a long time, but there was no response. He took a deep breath, and it seemed that everything was fine. He rose into the air and headed straight ahead.

After flying five thousand miles, I finally left Yunzhou Continent. It seems that the Phantom Demon Sect has really left!

Continuing to fly, flying thousands of miles above the South China Sea, suddenly, there was a sword light flashing in front, and a ghostly aura rising into the sky. Luo Li's eyes widened, and he suddenly saw nearly a hundred monks in front of him, surrounded by two monks. Fight there.

One Luo Li is very familiar with, he is the ghost hand of Jiuyou Guiming Sect, and the other one is a long sword, extremely sharp!

Someone shouted: "But brother Luo Li?"

I saw one person flying over, it was Guiyan, Guiyan Youming saw Luo Li and came over to say hello!

Luo Li suddenly laughed:

"It's too fake, it's too fake, change it, change it!"

Guiyan was dumbfounded and said, "Luo Li, Luo Li, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Li said: "Ah, it's okay, it's okay! What's going on? Who is Brother Guishou fighting?"

Ghost Eyes looked back and said, "We met the Luofu Sword Sect. Everyone has itchy hands, so let's have fun first."

Luo Li said: "Brother Gui Yan, you and Gui Shou are the representatives of the Jiuyou Ghost Sect this time, right?"

Guiyan smiled slightly and said: "The last time our sect suffered a catastrophe, the two of us performed well. We were recognized by the two Zhenyi Patriarchs Gui Jianchou and Qigui Taoist. They strongly supported us, and we were able to cultivate the supreme technique. You can attend this conference!”

Luo Li immediately said: "Congratulations, congratulations, the two seniors deserve their honors, congratulations, congratulations!"

But he thought in his heart: "Great, finally the Jiuyou Ghost Sect is not perverted, has ghost hands and ghost eyes, hahaha, they are nothing to be afraid of!"

Luo Li knew very well that this ghostly hand and ghostly eye was really not taken into consideration by Luo Li.

Guiyan let out a long sigh and said: "The two of us are just here to have a good time. Our Jiuyou Ghost Sect has not recovered its vitality after the last catastrophe, so we should be honest and don't ask for any rankings!"

But brother Luo Li, you have to be careful of Hai Wujun and Ji Fengzi from Luofu. That boy is Hai Wujun, who has superb swordsmanship, and that strong man is Ji Fengzi, who is also very powerful! "

Luo Li nodded. Chen Dao Zhenzun almost accepted Luo Li as his disciple. Luo Li had a good impression of the Luofu Sword Sect monks.

He looked at the two people, and Hai Wujun seemed to feel Luo Li's gaze, flashing in an instant, and appeared in front of Luo Li!

Luo Li first reported the poem number: "One breath generates ten thousand dharma, Hunyuan destroys the universe!"

Hai Wujun responded immediately and said the Luofu poem number: "The moon in Luofu is white and the sea is dust-free, the jade trees and Qionglin are spring everywhere!"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "You are Luo Li! On behalf of Junior Brother Shi Shui, thank you for not killing me!"

Back in the Chongxuan Sect, Luo Li met Zhenren Luofu Sishui and defeated him. Remembering his old feelings for Zhendao Zhenzhen, he spared him without killing him.

Luo Li immediately smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The True Master of Chen Dao was kind to me back then. I will not kill Luofu's disciples!"

But to Luo Li's surprise, Hai Wujun sneered: "If you don't kill me, I will kill you at the heroes meeting!

I, a disciple of Luofu, can be defeated and die, but I cannot be humiliated!

I will kill you for insulting my Luofu disciple, Luo Li, just wait for death! "

Luo Li was immediately dumbfounded. How could he let someone go without killing him? It became an insult. This was the truth.

Luo Li said speechlessly: "Is this what fellow Taoist Shi Shui said?"

Hai Wujun said: "No, this is what I said! That weak guy Xi Shui should commit suicide on the spot to save Luofu's reputation!

So Luo Li, I will kill you at the heroes meeting to protect my reputation, Luofu! "

Luo Li was really speechless and said: "Okay, okay, okay, our heroes will meet!"

Hai Wujun said: "You are dead, if you have any last words, please say them quickly!

Remember the Patriarch of Chen Dao, the ninth-level divine sword Xizhao Taibai Xiaorihong is mine. I will kill you and I will never forget the thought of the Patriarch! "

Luo Li was stunned. It seemed that Chen Dao Zhenzhen had mentioned him in the Luofu Sect. He sighed that this guy was jealous, so he did this.

Luo Li smiled and said: "You too, if you have any last words, please say them quickly!"

At this time, the battle over there ended. The real ghost hand was injured by the sword energy and suffered a small defeat.

After everyone finished fighting, Guishou came over to greet Luo Li. He didn't lose a single blow, feeling frustrated and uncomfortable, as if he didn't care at all.

Luo Li chatted with them for a while and asked casually: "Who is your third person?"

The ghost hands and ghost eyes all froze, they looked at each other, sooner or later Luo Li also knew.

Then Ghost Hand shouted:

"Yuan Ya, come here and see your fellow Taoist Luo Li!"

An extremely ordinary Jindan Daoist came over and saluted Luo Li and said, "Yuan Ya has met Luo Li's benefactor!"

Luo Li almost spit out a mouthful of blood, Duan Yuanya!

Luo Li helped him during the catastrophe of the Nine Nether Ghost Underworld Sect, and he warned Luo Li. Later, during the catastrophe, he was the most powerful ghost warrior under the Liling Ghost Saint!

Finally, in the battle, he was blown away and his body fell into a deep pit. Luo Li saw it with his own eyes, but he didn't expect to turn around and live again!

Luo Li pointed at him and said nothing for a long time!

Duan Yuanya said: "My benefactor is nothing strange. The Seven Ghost Patriarch revived me and gave me special training. He told me not to expose my identity easily, so I never came to see my benefactor!"

Luo Li suddenly understood!

Jiuyou Guiming sent someone to come here to be a supporting role, and they also have their own ambitions!

Duan Yuanya died a long time ago, but he was rediscovered. He must have some magical power such as the reincarnation of ghosts. He must have his own strength. How can the most powerful general under the Ghost Saint be ordinary!

The Jiuyou Ghost Sect sent him to fight, and they were fully prepared. When he looked over, he saw only ghost hands and ghost eyes. Standing there, although they were not moving, it was like a ghost cave. They were not the ghost hands and ghost eyes before, and their cultivation levels had soared a hundred times. !

Their smiles turned into sinister sneers in Luo Li's eyes. Luo Li's heart suddenly turned cold. The Jiuyou Guiming Sect, which he considered to be a sure winner, also became unfathomable. Only the Luofu Sword Sect remained unchanged. It turned out to be powerful. , it’s still the case now!

Luo Li sighed and said: "Sure enough, there are heroes all over the world. Why is it so difficult to win two games easily?"

He casually said hello to Ghost Hands and Ghost Eyes, chatted for a few words, and then excused himself from having something to do, released his speeding car, and stood up by himself in an instant, flying towards the Shen Dun Sect!

When Hai Wujun saw Luo Li, he released such a luxurious speed car and floated away. His eyes were full of jealous fire, and his sword energy surged in him, full of murderous intent! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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