Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 718: True is also false, sometimes false is also true!

Luo Li and Tiandu returned to the sect, and within an hour, Qizhu returned and found the two of them with smiles on their faces.

Qizhu quietly led them away from the Hunyuan Sect's base. The three of them rose into the air and flew towards the west, flying a full three hundred miles away from Feilei Ridge.

They did not notice that when they were flying, there was a figure quietly following behind them. His figure was hidden and motionless in the void. It was the Luofu Zangkong Sword Intent, none other than Hai Wujun.

After flying three hundred miles, Qizhu took the two of them and entered a valley with twists and turns. The forest here was very lush, and there were all kinds of strange vines and trees everywhere, covering the sky and the earth.

Qizhu walked in front. Wherever he went, all the trees and vines immediately gave way to a path. When he passed by, the trees and vines automatically restored themselves.

When Luo Li touched it, he immediately discovered that it was poison ivy, and that tree was a ghost tree that could devour living beings. They could even poison and devour ordinary Qi Refining monks. In addition, there seemed to be countless static electricity underground in the valley, like Mercury poured down the ground, flowing in streams from time to time.

Qizhu said: "This place is called Spiritual Lightning Valley, and it is one of the twelve Jedi places in Chifeng Mountain. Ordinary Qi Refining Stage disciples who enter this place will definitely be swallowed by the poisonous ivy ghost tree. Look over there!"

After saying that, he pointed to the distance. Luo Li looked and immediately found Feilei Ridge three hundred miles away, opposite this place, just within sight! It's like being at the two poles of Chifeng Mountain, with positive and negative facing each other, one high mountain and the other valley!

Then Luo Li saw a bolt of thunder hitting Feilei Ridge, and instantly a static electricity was generated on the Spiritual Lightning Valley, whizzing past.

Qizhu said: "I don't know why Feilei Ridge is hit by countless thunder and lightning every day, but I can't feel a trace of thunder and lightning power on the ridge, so it is regarded as a holy place by the Shen Dun Sect, where Nascent Soul Lord is promoted. Carry on to avoid catastrophe!

Later, they discovered that Feilei Ridge and the Spiritual Lightning Valley were one yin and one yang, with strange topography. All the lightning that was struck by Feilei Ridge appeared in this Spiritual Lightning Valley. It is because of this static electricity that all other trees here cannot grow, and only the poison ivy ghost tree can survive. "

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "So magical? Is there any explanation here? Is there really a relic of Xian Qin?"

Qizhu smiled and said: "The world is so vast that there are many wonders. Countless seniors of the Shen Dun Sect have explored this place. Our seniors of the Hunyuan Sect have also studied here. Even Chifeng Mountain has to be turned over. In the end, The conclusion is that it is just an ordinary vision of heaven and earth, nothing special!”

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "That's good, that's good, Senior Brother, how do we get here?"

Qizhu looked at Tiandu with a smile and said, "It's not how we got here, it's you who got here!"

Then he pointed to the distance and said: "Let your clones work, dig out a tunnel here, and then make it look like an ancient ruin!

Then dig inside. The inside has actually been dug into a honeycomb shape by countless predecessors who have been here to explore for a long time. We can contact their ancient tunnels and lay out the layout. "

Tiandu said: "Okay, I have no problem doing this job!"

Immediately, many avatars from Tiandu appeared. These avatars were specialized in digging holes and building buildings. Suddenly, a cave entrance slowly appeared. It was also aged and looked like it had been there for tens of thousands of years.

Then the three people entered this place and started digging tunnels all the way. They went about fifty feet underground and dug the old tunnel. The predecessors who came here to explore this place found that the underground had long been dug into a honeycomb shape, but the exit was blocked. That’s it, the rest will be easy to handle!

Qizhu began to sort out these ancient tunnels, sealing those that needed to be sealed and repairing those that needed to be repaired. Finally, at the seventh turning point, Qizhu said: "The other party must be extremely careful when they get here, so they can't set up an ambush.

Keep moving forward, failing again and again and finally exhausting yourself. Yes, right here, start the layout!

Sealing this place will inevitably allow the opponent to break through the wall. Then Luo Li, you release an illusion behind this place. This illusion will imitate the appearance of a tunnel.

Die Shuangfei can tell at a glance that this is an illusion. When she takes out the Immortal Qin Key, you immediately release your own Bluestone Courtyard Qionghua Palace. She will think that this is the function of the Immortal Qin Key, and she can figure it out. Explain why no one here discovered the ruins of Immortal Qin in the past.

But this is not enough. At this time, Junior Brother Tiandu, if you release the twelve golden-armored gods, remember to do your best to prevent her from entering this illusion. Twelve golden-armored gods were shattered, and twelve more came, and so on, just to stop her!

This woman is the immortal body of the True Light, who can see through all illusions. She is also the reincarnation of a senior master, so she must be arrogant. When the time comes, she will be obsessed with interests. This is the illusion she is most familiar with, and if someone stops her, she will definitely force her way into this place. ! "

Luo Li smiled and said, "When she enters Qionghua Palace, my bluestone courtyard, she will be seeking death and falling into a trap!"

Qizhu said: "Yes, that's it. I'm starting to make the Secret Slips of the Immortal Qin Dynasty. This thing can't be easily obtained by her, so she has to work hard!"

After saying that, Qizhu took out a jade bamboo slip, started to design it, thought about it, and finally said: "Okay, it's done, you guys prepare it here, I'll go and throw the bait!"

Junior Brother Tiandu, you have to come and block the tunnel you dug! "

After saying that, Qizhu disappeared. Tiandu and Luo Li looked at each other, and Tiandu said: "Oh, I will work hard to be with you two!"

He continued to use his clones, dug out the old tunnel, and blocked it again, but this time it only blocked ten feet, and then made it old again.

Then they waited silently, and time passed like water. In the blink of an eye, the next day came, and nothing happened. The two of them continued to wait. At night, someone finally entered the tunnel that had been prepared that day.

Luo Li and Tiandu let out a sigh of relief. Tiandu was hiding in Luo Li's Taichu Cave. Luo Li used the secret magical power of Taichu Cave to hide under a stone as big as a human head.

The entire tunnel was under the radar of Tiandu. He did not dare to use magic to restrict it. Instead, he used the mechanism technique to create a small puppet that could convey everything in the tunnel to them.

Sure enough, I saw Die Shuangfei coming to this valley. She was alone without anyone to accompany her.

Holding the Xian Qin secret slip made by Qizhu in her hand, she soon came to the entrance of the tunnel. She quickly cleared the tunnel, but she did not enter rashly, but began to check the condition of the tunnel. Tiandu's The old work was not in vain, she did not detect any problems.

Then she continued to move forward, entering the tunnel, being careful every step of the way and being on guard at all times. She followed the Immortal Qin Secret Slip to the first turning. There was a stone wall in front of her.

She stretched out her hand to break open the stone wall, and a large hole suddenly appeared. Then she slowly walked through the stone wall and entered the entrance indicated by the Xianqin secret slip.

Suddenly Luo Li activated his bluestone courtyard Qionghua Palace, and a Qionghua Palace rose up, magnificent and wonderful. In this palace, countless figures came and went. This was the projection of Qionghua Palace. The Nine-Headed True Monarch, The old man and the bitter hoe all appear in cameos, dangling around.

Dieshuangfei was about to move forward again, but in an instant the twelve golden-armored gods from Tiandu appeared and blocked the way!

But Dieshuangfei didn't know what spell she used, and she rushed past the twelve gods in an instant and entered the Qionghua Palace!

Tiandu roared loudly in Taichu Cave and said: "Okay, caught it!"

But Luo Li just smiled and did not put away the Qionghua Palace at all. What was the original appearance of the Qionghua Palace? It was as if Dieshuangfei did not exist!

Tiandu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Die Shuangfei is actually an illusion, and has reached the highest level of the Illusion Demon Sect, where the false is confused with the real and the virtual is transformed into the real!"

Both the Fantasy Sect and the True Buddha Sect are proficient in illusions, but the True Buddha Sect turns illusion into reality, while they want to turn the real world into an illusory world!

The real masters of the Illusion Demon Sect do not rely on illusions to deceive the opponent, but turn the real world into an illusory world. This change is not just a change in the appearance of ordinary illusions, but an essential change. In that illusion, They are the masters, they can change the world and the earth with just one word, they can literally turn soil into water, they can turn people into dogs, they are omnipotent!

Dieshuangfei has reached this level. She can't change the world yet, but she can transform herself, exactly like the real herself.

Sure enough, Die Shuangfei turned around and around in Qionghua Palace, and then turned into a shadow and disappeared. At the entrance of the tunnel, another Die Shuangfei appeared.

This time she was not so cautious when she entered here. She came here quickly, but instead of entering the Qionghua Palace, she fought against the Twelve Golden Armored Gods.

Her spells were very special, there were no attack spells, they were just confusing and tempting. Brother Tiandu's Twelve Golden Armor Gods actually started killing each other and they all collapsed.

The golden-armored god-man collapsed, and twelve god-men were immediately reborn, completely different from before, and continued to fight again.

Dieshuangfei defeated the golden-armored god thirty-six times in a row. She was sure that the golden-armored god was indestructible and could not be destroyed. She passed through the golden-armored god and entered Qionghua Palace.

But Luo Li still didn't activate the ambush in Qionghua Palace!

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "Why is this still fake? It can't be true?"

Luo Li just smiled, and sure enough, this Dieshuangfei also disappeared, and it turned out to be a fake!

At this time, the third Die Shuangfei walked in. Luo Li took a deep breath and said, "This is true!"

Tiandu said: "How do you know?"

Luo Li said: "This one carries the Xian Qin Key. The Xian Qin Key has a strange connection with me, so I can feel whether she is real or fake!"

The Xian Qin key is the control mechanism that activates the Earth Fire Dragon, and is bound to Luo Li, so Luo Li can feel its existence and know the authenticity of Die Shuang Fei, otherwise no one can tell the difference between Die Shuang Fei and Die Shuang Fei. true and false.

This time, Dieshuangfei came to the Qionghua Palace easily and entered without hesitation. Luo Li smiled grimly, "You can close the net!"

At this moment, Die Shuangfei gently activated the Xian Qin Key. There was a roar, and suddenly a golden light appeared on the earth wall in front of Die Shuangfei, turning into a golden door, revealing endless pavilions behind the door. The pavilions are endless at first glance. This is not a small palace like Luoli Qionghua Palace, but an endless palace that stretches thousands of miles!

Suddenly everyone was dumbfounded. There were actually Xian Qin ruins in the countless underground tunnels, but they were hidden in dimensional space and could not be opened without the Xian Qin key!

Just when everyone was in a daze, Luo Li took action in an instant. No matter what the ruins of Xian Qin were, he had to take back Qionghua Palace and capture Dieshuangfei alive. This was the most important thing!

As soon as the Qionghua Palace flashed, Dieshuangfei was in shock. When she realized something was wrong, it was too late. Although the bell rang, she was instantly taken into the Taichu Cave by Luo Li! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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