Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 751 Senior, stop chasing me, goodbye! (Third update, please vote for me!)

Under the dwarf's attack, Luo Li's Nine Heavens Dragon Expulsion was immediately controlled by the opponent and could not move a point. Not only that, even Luo Li himself could not move and was completely locked.

This phenomenon can only be achieved by one sect. Luo Li couldn't help but shout: "Zhaoji Sect! Transformation of God Zhenzun!"

The dwarf shook his finger, and instantly Luo Li's car door slowly opened, and Luo Li was about to fly out automatically.

He smiled and said, "Exactly! Boy, feel honored. I'm a dignified god, and I'm here to catch you, a little brat. This is the evil virtue you have accumulated in eight lifetimes!"

It seems that Thunder Demon Sect Yuan Lei Zhenyi has never given up, but he did not take action himself. He does not know how to get this transformation god of Qian Ji Sect to take action. This person has been waiting for him outside Hunyuan Sect for three years, which shows his perseverance. .

Luo Li couldn't help but cursed: "It's so unreasonable for Dangdang to transform into gods and bully Jindan! Besides, there are more than ten people in Fanwujie who have been to the underground ruins. If you don't arrest them, why do you have to arrest me?"

The Qianji Sect Huashen Zhenzhen liked to talk, he smiled and said: "Everyone in the world is watching them, only ghosts will touch them!

If you touch them, will you still come out? Hahaha, do you think we are stupid? We have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. "

Luo Li suddenly smiled and said, "Catch me, that's not possible!"

Immediately, the True Master of the Divine Transformation of the Leading Machine Sect was stunned and said: "Boy, don't be so shameless. When the time comes, I will let you taste the pain of Leading the Machine, and you will know..."

Luo Li kept talking, but he was actually preparing to fight back!

Before he finished speaking, Luo Li suddenly aged. He used the calamity of life and death, his body aged, and his consciousness skyrocketed!

This skyrocketing consciousness turned into sixteen strange energies and was injected into the sixteen fragments of the law of heaven in Luo Li's sea of ​​consciousness. Suddenly, each fragment of the law of heaven shone brightly!

Immediately they were in a state of chaos. Following this chaos, a force of heavenly law spread through the fragments. It was immediately led away by Luo Li and injected into the ninth-level divine sword Kasyapa's Pure Ananda Mingxing Sword. !

This is the treasure secret of Jida borrowing Dharma. In an instant, a sound of Buddha's chant came from Luo Li's body:

"The brightness returns to the sun and the moon. Seeing that the brightness of the sun and the moon has not returned. When seeing, seeing is not the right seeing, then the nature of seeing has also returned. When you first enter and distinguish seeing, all the seven above will understand that each of them has returned. , so the nature is left to be seen, thinking that Ananda understands the nature..."

Following this Buddhist chant, a Buddha image of King Ming appeared behind Luo Li. At the sound of the image, a ball of flame rose up. This is the flame of Ananda King Ming. The anger of Buddhism does not enter the five elements, and everything in the heaven and earth will burn everything. !

Luo Li shouted: "Kasyapa is pure, Ananda is clear about his nature, behead him!"

Following his words, a ray of light instantly emitted from the ninth-level divine sword Kasyapa's Pure Ananda Ming Xing Sword in Luo Li's Taichu Cave!

In an instant, a huge flaming sword that spanned the heaven and earth rose up from Luo Li's body. With a terrifying gesture of destroying everything and burning up the world, it rose up from Luo Li's body and slashed towards the dwarf!

The magical skill of the Leading Machine Sect that restrained Luo Li was immediately shattered, and then expanded outwards. Everything was dissipated and shattered under the light of the flames and the sword energy!

The flaming sword light rises, and all the qi within a thousand miles radius change. At this moment, the entire world is controlled by the flaming giant sword. The mountains are destroyed, the rivers are cut off, the sky collapses and the earth sinks, the earth cracks, and the sea rises with wild waves!

With a click, Luo Li's Nine Heavens Dragon Chaser immediately turned into thousands of fragments!

This time, Luo Li's speeding car was not broken by others, but by himself!

I can’t control that much anymore, just break it into pieces!

Then a pillar of fire rose up here, and the whole world suddenly lit up. Then, there was a darkness over there, a loud noise, and then a mushroom cloud rose. After a pause, the white light spread in all directions. Wherever the light passes, water ripples appear in the space.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..." The earth-shattering violent roars were superimposed, and the huge sound waves spread thousands of miles, and the sea roared, forming a hundred-foot tsunami.

A single sword shot out, slaying the sky and destroying the earth!

But Luo Li knew that the God-Transforming True Master was not dead. He was really powerful. When his ninth-level divine sword exploded, thousands of lights and shadows appeared in front of him, like a spider web.

Under this net, the brilliant strike of his ninth-level divine sword was immediately separated into layers by him, and the machine weaved out countless flaws, and then through these flaws, he managed to withstand this ninth-level divine sword. A blow.

This is one of the six skills of the Qian Ji Sect. Even if it is a fatal hit, it can still weave a lifeline!

In addition, Luo Li's explosive blow was the power of the divine sword, which was issued automatically. Without the master's skillful control, the full power could not be fully exerted, so it was broken apart by him in this way.

If Luo Li reaches the realm of Yuanying and can control this treasure, then there will be no way for the True God Transformation to crack it.

The most important point is that in the last battle, Luo Li used up all the pseudo-stones. This time when he returned to Hunyuan Sect, he did not add any more. As a result, this time the ninth-level divine sword struck, only the power of the divine sword itself was released, without the pseudo-stones. Stone provides spiritual energy, otherwise the ending would be different.

However, no matter what, it is simply impossible for a small golden elixir, under the control of the Transformation God, to escape and ascend to heaven, and to retaliate and injure the Transformation God!

The dwarf was knocked a hundred miles away by Luo Li's blow. Blood was flowing all over his body. His legs were broken at the knees, and his feet flew into ashes. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

He couldn't help shouting: "What a fool, you have been hunting geese all your life. When you are old, you will be bitten by geese and you will be blinded. Little bastard, I will make you regret being born in this world!"

For a moment, he was filled with endless rage, and then he flew towards Luo Li.

But after Luo Li sent out the blow, he turned around and ran away, using his magic foot to escape into the distance.

The dwarf chased after Luo Li and yelled: "Run away, you should run away, I see where you can escape, little Jindan, I will refine your soul for ten thousand years, so that you will never be reincarnated!"

"Run as hard as you can, run as hard as you can, you should run away, let me see where you can run, wait until I catch up with you!"

"When I catch up with you, I will take you..."

The dwarf screamed like this for a full half an hour. Only then did he realize that he and Luo Li had traveled fifty thousand miles away. Instead of catching up with Luo Li, the distance between them was getting farther and farther!

There used to be only a hundred miles between the two of them, but now there are two hundred and fifty miles between them!

The dwarf was furious and shouted: "How is it possible that I, a transformed god, cannot catch up with the Golden Core! Even if I am the slowest transformed god in the Qianji Sect's escape technique, it is impossible for me to be like this!"

Luo Li was so powerful that he activated his divine feet, just like the six great escape skills of the Royal Envoy. He was really flying and escaping like lightning. Even the dwarf transformed into a god could not catch up!

No matter how angry he is, if he can't catch up, he just can't!

Suddenly the dwarf stopped yelling. He took a calming breath and looked at Luo Li. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the sky, as if grabbing a rope in the void, and then swung like a giant ape wandering between big trees. .

This swing, using the sky as a rope, instantly swung across thousands of mountains and rivers. Based on the two people's desperate flight, they flew across a distance of 250 miles and arrived in front of Luo Li!

The dwarf snorted coldly and said: "Boy, you should run away..."

Luo Li took one step and used the Four-nine Escape Technique to reach three hundred miles away!

The dwarf was furious and cursed: "Four-Nine Escape Technique!"

Then he made another swing, and this swing was also three hundred miles away in an instant. He caught up with Luo Li. Luo Li took another step, and it was another three hundred miles away. The dwarf continued his swing, chasing another three hundred miles!

Just like this, you took one step, I swung, Luo Li finished taking six steps, and the dwarf came behind him.

Luo Li could no longer take the seventh step, and the dwarf was also panting heavily from exhaustion and said: "What the hell, what the hell! It's exhausting for grandpa to catch a little bastard like you!"

Luo Li suddenly turned around, smiled, and said, "Senior, stop chasing me. Goodbye!"

Three rays of light rose up from Luo Li's body, and Luo Li muttered:

"I am wind, I am electricity, I come without a trace, I go without a trace, I control light, I control thunder, I fly into the sky and escape from the earth, there is nothing I can't do..."

Following Luo Li's words, he suddenly escaped with all his strength. Under the magical power of form, shadow, and sacred power, he immediately escaped again. This time, the speed was eight or nine times faster than before!

The dwarf shouted: "What the hell, what the hell!"

He swung violently again, and then swung back and forth, but there was no trace of Luo Li anymore and he disappeared without a trace!

The dwarf stopped angrily on the sea, took out a pill, drank it, and it began to grow slowly below his knees. He said:

"What the hell, what the hell, is this kid still a human? It seems like this business is going to lose money!" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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