Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 754: The Jindan Alliance shed blood!

There are many people coming and going, many pedestrians, and countless flying cars blocking the way, so naturally they can't fly freely in the sky like before.

In fact, there are also rules in the void, according to the different realms, the height of the cultivators flying in the sky is also subject to rules. The higher the flying, the more resistance to the strong wind is needed, and the more powerful the cultivation support is needed, but the higher the flying, the faster the flying speed.

Generally, each region has its own unspoken rules. Jindan can fly in the sky above a certain number of feet, and Yuanying can fly in the space above a certain number of feet. Even if you drive a good flying car, you are not allowed to violate the rules if you don't reach the realm. However, each region has its own differences.

Just like here, Jindan and below are flying below 1,500 feet. Generally, Jindan Zhenren fly at a high altitude between 1,500 feet and 3,600 feet, and Yuanying Zhenjun flies above 3,600 feet.

Luo Li soared in the sky for 3,000 feet, but he was not in a hurry, nor did he rush at lightning speed, but leisurely and walked slowly.

All the robes on his body were shattered. Although there were still some robes in the storage space, he was used to wearing the top-grade robes, and these ordinary robes were really uncomfortable.

Anyway, he also had the Golden Lotus of Deliverance and the Golden Morning Light, so Luo Li simply did not wear a robe, but just wore ordinary mortal clothes.

While flying, he looked at the ground under his feet. At this time, the front was close to the Daozhou area, and Luo Li immediately felt the wealth of Daozhou.

Apart from other things, the Jindan Zhenren here did not fly in the air or with swords. They either drove flying cars or rode dragons and cranes.

After being promoted to Jindan Zhenren, he could become the head of a sect in the left way. Even if he was a casual cultivator, he could enjoy life. This place was extremely wealthy. As long as he was willing to work hard, there would be constant business, so spirit stones were not a problem for them, and they naturally had flying cars and vehicles.

Because of the wealth of this place, the Jindan Zhenren flew in the air and flew with swords here, just like the bumpkins who traveled on foot in the mortal world. You know, even if ordinary mortals can't afford to ride a sweat-and-blood BMW, they must at least get a bullock cart and a horse carriage to sit in, and they can't lose the dignity of a Jindan Zhenren.

Therefore, there are very few Jindan Zhenren here like Luo Li, floating in the air, and there is no magic weapon on the body, and it is a poor ghost at first glance. However, there are quite a few foundation-building cultivators flying in the air and with swords below 1,500 feet.

Because he was enjoying the scenery, Luo Li's speed was not fast. In a short while, seven or eight Jindan Zhenren's vehicles flew past him.

These Jindan Zhenren's vehicles were either flying cars or building ships, flying past Luo Li one by one.

After one of the large flying palaces flew over, there were dozens of beautiful women on the flying palace, running to the side of the ship to watch Luo Li, pointing and talking, as if it was very strange.

Luo Li couldn't help but frowned and stared with his divine eyes. Suddenly, those women immediately turned pale and sat on the ground, and never dared to look at Luo Li again.

Luo Li couldn't help thinking, if his Nine Heavens Dragon Chariot hadn't broken, everyone would have to kneel down when they saw him!

The flying palace quickly disappeared, and Luo Li continued on his way. Suddenly, a flying car flew past Luo Li. Luo Li sighed when he saw this flying car. He had owned one in the past, which was the Thunder Sky Boat, but it was soon scrapped.

The Thunder Sky Boat flew past Luo Li in an instant, flying like lightning. Suddenly, the Thunder Sky Boat stagnated, stopped in the void, slowly backed up, and the car door slowly opened. This was obviously aimed at Luo Li.

Luo Li frowned, secretly careful in his heart, and flew over. He saw a Jindan Zhenren flying out of the flying car, smiling and saying to Luo Li:

"Fuyao straight up ninety thousand miles, stepping on the wind and chasing the clouds, the world is wide! Fuyao Sect Qingbaizi, polite!"

He reported the poem name, which was the poem name of the side sect Fuyao Sect. The disciples of this sect are the best at flying and escaping.

Luo Li nodded and said, "I am Luo Feng, a free cultivator. I am polite!"

The Qianji Sect is Fu Pingsheng's home, so he should be honest. Luo Li did not report his master and pretended to be a free cultivator. He had already used the Painted Skin Mask, and what he showed was not his true face.

Qing Baizi smiled slightly and said, "Daoyou Luo Feng, what's the point of traveling alone? Come on, let's get in the car and talk. Let's travel together. It's better to be happy together than to be happy alone!"

Luo Li hesitated for a moment, and the man suddenly stopped the car and asked him to get in the car. What does this mean?

After Qing Baizi said this, he opened the window, and Luo Li immediately found that this flying car seemed to have been specially modified. It was different from the one Luo Li had back then. He was not the only one in this flying car. There were at least eight or nine Jindan Zhenren, drinking and having fun here!

Qing Baizi said again: "From here to Qianji Lianxia Mountain, there are still 37,000 miles, and it only takes 500 spirit stones!"

After hearing this, Luo Li understood that this was a Jindan Zhenren's taxi to pick up passengers. If he saw a person on the road, he was a taxi driver, and everyone was going to share the taxi together.

Luo Li's doubts were solved. In fact, it was a dragon's den and a tiger's lair, and there was nothing to be afraid of. The other party was just a Jindan Zhenren from a side sect. At this level, Luo Li had killed more than 100 people if not 200. Killing him was like killing a dog!

Luo Li stepped slowly onto the taxi, took out 500 spirit stones, and entered the car.

Sure enough, after the transformation, the car had a space of more than ten feet, which could accommodate dozens of people. In the center of the car, ten long tables formed a circle, and nine Jindan Zhenren were drinking and chatting behind the long tables.

In addition to these Jindan Zhenren, there were twelve maids in the car, one of whom added a long table here and put wine and food on it.

Luo Li took a glance and found that the immortal wine and immortal fruit were worth at least four or five hundred spirit stones. The so-called transportation fee was simply a cover-up.

Qingbaizi cupped his fists and faced Luo Li and said, "Everyone traveling around the world is inevitably worried, so I'm going to invite friends from all over the world to get together here!"

Among the nine golden elixir masters, a burly man said: "Haha, who doesn't know the name of Master Qingbai of the Fuyao Sect? Sai Mengchang is the best to make friends. He has three thousand diners under his command. He is one of the four great masters in the Kansai region. one!"

Qingbaizi smiled and said: "Thank you Taoist Wuxin for the compliment, Qingbai just likes to make friends all over the world!

In addition, the person who can board my Thunder Sky Boat is not an ordinary person! "

There was a sense of pride in these words. In fact, it was a kind of silent flattery. The nine Jindan Masters in the car all seemed to straighten their waists.

Luo Li sat down, and Master Wuxin said: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know where he is cultivating immortality, what sect or sect he is?"

He started to come over to explore the bottom, and Luo Li said: "I am practicing Luo Feng. I have been practicing in the Dongliao area. This time I received an escort mission to the Guanxi area to see how prosperous this place is, so I walked around."

Master Wu Xin chatted for a few more words, and found out that Luo Li had no leaks. Master Wu Xin saw that Luo Li didn't have a magic weapon on his body, and immediately lost interest and stopped talking to Luo Li.

These Golden Core Masters all have sharp eyes. If you look at the magic weapon on your body, you can see your origin and your net worth. There was a period of time here when it was popular to have no treasure and those Golden Core Masters who were not wealthy , without a treasure, if you look at it this way, the other party will not be able to see your true identity.

The epidemic will eventually come to an end. Now that I have no treasures, I am really poor. Master Jindan has no magic weapon but a magic weapon. He really has no face to wear it and is embarrassed and conspicuous. Therefore, Master Wuxin regards Luo Li as worthless.

When the other Jindan Masters, Luo Li and Wuxin were chatting, they all seemed to be drinking and chatting, but everyone saw everything that happened between them, and Luo Li suddenly became a useless loser in their eyes. A cultivator is not worth mentioning.

Luo Li just smiled, it was just a chance encounter, why should he care.

Those Jindan masters stopped paying attention to Luo Li and started chatting:

"I heard that the Qianjiang Alliance hunted and killed a three-thousand-year-old Bi Fang in the small world of Tianwaifang."

"Ah, no, I didn't expect the Qianjiang Alliance to be so powerful? There are so many treasures in Bifang's possession during those three thousand years!"

"Yes, yes, my fellow disciple Zhao, who is in the Qianjiang League, once tried to win over me. It seems that it is worth going there to hang out!"

"Haha, you don't have to think about it. Just after Bifang was killed, the boss and second son of the Qianjiang League fell out and started fighting over the treasure. The Qianjiang League has been disbanded!"

"It's such a pity that it's just disbanded?"

"But Master Feiyun, the third oldest member of the Qianjiang League, established another Lixue League on his own. It turns out that all the old men from the Qianjiang League went there."

"What about the original boss of the Qianjiang League, Zhenren Hong Tao?"

"After obtaining Bi Fang's treasure, what else do I need to experience? I return to my sect, refine Bi Fang and practice to reach the Nascent Soul realm!"

"Oh, I'm so envious. Lixue Alliance, we used to hang out?"

The so-called Qianjiang Alliance and Lixue Alliance are exactly the same as the Immortal Qin Tushen Alliance established by Fan Wujie. This is called the Golden Elixir Alliance, which is a special product of the Golden Elixir Realm.

In the realm of Jindan, most Jindan masters need to travel abroad, look for opportunities, achieve great success in their travels, gain countless rewards, and return to their sect to practice.

But it's so easy to find opportunities. Whether it's exploring ancient ruins, killing monsters and wild beasts, or exploring foreign lands, it's all difficult. One person's strength is completely insufficient, so we can only stay together, form alliances, and explore together.

Many golden elixir masters unite together to form a small alliance, which is different from a gang and is a spontaneous organization. When a Jindan master feels that he is done wandering around, he will leave the alliance and return to the sect to practice.

This is the Jindan Alliance, which can be said to be an important part of Jindan Zhenren's travels around the world. Every day, new Jindan Alliances are established, and old Jindan Alliances are disbanded.

Many of the friends who have been with Huixu, Transformation, and Yuanying for many years, and are brothers in life and death, are all the friendships they forged during the Golden Elixir Alliance!

However, because of the treasure, allies turned against each other, fought each other, and stabbed each other in the back. Because of interests, there were many betrayals of friends and betrayal of oaths. Of course, to avenge allies, they risked their lives and died. Everyone lived and died together, and never left. This world of cultivation is also happening every day. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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