Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 792: There are many promotion buildings in the city! (Please give me a monthly tick

After entering the flying boat, everyone was assigned to a cabin, and everyone did not say much. They practiced silently in this cabin. In the blink of an eye, a month later, familiar energy fluctuations came from the front, and they returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at each other, finally back!

They arrived at the Xielianzhong world from Qianji Sect, fought for one year, traveled for three years, reshaped the world here for one year, and practiced for five years. Now, ten years have passed!

It’s been a dream for ten years!

Everyone left the flying boat and stepped on the earth. Among them, Bai Yang knelt down, kissed the earth, and finally came back!

On this trip, I narrowly escaped death, and countless of my classmates were turned into ashes, never to be seen again!

After the seven people arrived, they left the flying boat and immediately found a restaurant. All kinds of spirit, meat and immortal wine were served on the table, and everyone had a full meal.

After the banquet, everyone began to talk about their respective futures.

Qianmo Zhenren said: "I want to return to the sect. This war, especially the five years of enlightenment in Xiaoqian World, has been very rewarding for me. I want to go back to practice and be promoted to Nascent Soul!"

Master Baiyang also said: "Me too. In my Jiuyang Sect, I am just an insignificant little Master Jindan. However, during this journey, I made breakthroughs several times and realized the way of Jiuyang. After I return, I will also Qianxiu.

I defeated that bitch in Shadao and became the number one person in Jiuyang! "

Everyone expressed their feelings one after another, and Luo Li suddenly discovered that apart from himself, Changfeng, and Jiguang, the other four people were returning to the sect.

The five years of enlightenment in the Small Thousand Worlds will be of endless benefit to them and will be useful throughout their lives.

But for Luo Li and the others, it was only a part of the income, which was not enough to reach the realm of breaking through the Nascent Soul.

This is like the other four people, no matter in terms of potential or cultivation level, but the wooden barrel can be filled with one bucket of water, while the three of Luo Li are big tanks. If one bucket of water is poured in, they will only improve their level a little, and they will be one step away from filling it. The tank water is still not enough.

Liusu looked at Luo Li and said, "Brother Luo Li, our Five Poison Sect is bound to rise in the Chunan area. We may have to fight against each other in the future."

Luo Li smiled and said: "The rules of the Golden Core Alliance are that friendship is friendship, and sects are sects. If we really meet on the battlefield, we will fight for life and death. After the battle, we will toast to discuss friendship.

But remember, no matter what the future holds, you will always be one of my best friends! "

Liusu nodded and said: "On this journey, I feel that the Hunyuan Sect is unfathomable. I will report it to the sect and try to avoid a fight with the Hunyuan Sect!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Everyone, we are just Jindan Zhenren now. We have no say in the sect, but in the future, we will become Yuanying and transform into gods!

If one day we become void, then the world will be under our control! "

Changfeng said: "Everyone returns to the sect. If you encounter any difficult problems, just call for brothers. There are three stakes for one fence, and three gangs for one hero!"

Everyone nodded,

Master Jueling, who was born in the Demon-Slaying Sect, said: "If you don't like that brother, call me, I like killing the most!"

Master Changfeng said: "By the way, let's give the talisman to the other brothers and tell them that we are back!"

Master Jueling nodded and said: "We must give out the talisman. Everyone will be very happy. I don't know how many people will be left."

When encountering the undercurrent of the universe, there were still eighty-four people left, but in the undercurrent of the universe, it was impossible for anyone to survive!

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "When the boss comes back, that guy Huntuo must be very depressed!"

As soon as he said this, everyone laughed. Everyone knew that Zhenren Huntuo had always wanted to be the boss and lead everyone, but was suppressed by Luo Li, so he must be very depressed when he heard Luo Li's return.

Liusu said: "Let's not talk about this anymore. We will leave tomorrow. Come on, let's sing a song!"

Then Liusu sang loudly:

"I have been carrying the promise of Qingshan for a long time, but now I still get what I want. I heard that in the Yuqing Cave, the gold slips received the Xuanlu.

I have been traveling to heaven for a long time, traveling in the clouds and staying in Xixia. In ordinary times, you can make light decisions and touch the stones to make music in the air.

The ancient stone altar of immortals is surrounded by moss surrounding the Qingyao bureau. Yanggui Lingyan is purple, Yinluo is green with water.

I heard the Alchemy Sutra in another life, and the hanging spring was marked with jade. In front of the Jingyu people, I live in solemnity during the day.

Ask me what I will say and smile to myself. Then the clouds rose from the body, and I looked up to see a pair of white swans.

A piece of paper was dropped, and the writing resembled the feet of a bird. If you look at it without recognizing it, it will return three times and come back again and again.

When you come back and ask the alchemists, no one in the world can interpret it. Why be like a mayfly and then become a worm.

What a despicable official and wanderer, your body and mind are both humiliated. If you can't reach the deadline, you will sing songs and knock on the trees in the mountains. "

If you have wine today, you will be drunk today! Everyone started to raise their glasses and drink, drinking and singing!

The next day, we said goodbye and went our separate ways! See you in heaven and earth next year!

This is what cultivating immortality is, what you cultivate is freedom!

This is the Shanmen territory of the Langye Sword Sect, but the place where the Langye Sword Sect is located is the Suiyuan area, and they still need to travel a long distance before they can return to the sect.

In the blink of an eye, everyone dispersed, leaving only Luo Li and the other three.

But Luo Li and the others were not in a hurry to leave. The three of them rented three caves and lived here.

The reason for this is that both Luo Li and Changfeng have something to do.

The Langye Sword Sect is very stingy. The caves they rent to outsiders don't have much spiritual energy at all. They bring people back along the way and ask for one million spiritual stones per person. This shows how stingy this sect is.

Because of this, the market here has no popularity at all, and no big merchants have a branch here.

Luo Li didn't care about staying here. He secretly used the acupuncture technique to gather the spiritual energy of the Langxie Sword Sect into countless caves. Then Luo Li packed his bags and looked at the twelve Taishang Nine Dragon Ganoderma lucidum grasses. He returned to Taichu Cave Heaven.

The reason why he stayed here was that Luo Li wanted to be promoted to Taichu Cave Heaven.

The last time he was promoted was ten years ago. In fact, he had enough materials for a long time. However, along the way, he was either rushing or practicing, and time was tight, so Luo Li was not promoted to Fangshi.

Returning to Zhongtian Lord World today, there is countless time, so Luo Li calmed down and started to advance to Fangshi.

But before being promoted, Luo Li first went to Fangshi for a walk.

In the past ten years, Fangshi has earned a lot of heaven and earth spiritual objects for Luo Li. Many spiritual objects have been fused and turned into Xuan-level spiritual objects, totaling more than 1,800.

Luo Li put them all away, and combined with what he had gained in the Small Thousand World, Luo Li already had forty-eight heaven-level spiritual objects, twenty-seven earth-level spiritual objects, and two thousand mysterious-level spiritual objects, and most of them were It is a spiritual object that has not been divided. If it is divided, the number will be doubled. It can be said that Luo Li has no shortage of spiritual objects in the world.

However, splitting requires various auxiliary materials. The Langxie Sword Sect's market is too shabby, and many materials cannot be purchased. The only choice is to go to the next place, buy various auxiliary materials, and then refine and split.

After wandering around for a while, Luo Li felt that he was almost done, and said: "Taichu No. 1, let me advance to Fangshi!"

Taichu No. 1 immediately replied: "Master, I understand, Taichufang City has begun to advance, and it will take ten days this time!"

Immediately, all the guests in the market were teleported out, the market was closed, and advancement began.

Ten days later, Taichu Square City's evolution was completed and turned into a sixth-level Square City!

"Beep beep beep, the upgrade of this market has been completed. It has been upgraded to a sixth-level market. Two management agencies have been born. The second-level auxiliary control magic spirit has been promoted to a three-level magic spirit. Five shops have been added!"

Luo Li nodded, the store he had always wanted to add was finally added!

There is also a choice of two management structures this time around!

"The birth management organization, please choose two from the master:

You can build a welcoming archway and give birth to a welcoming fairy, which will expand beyond the surrounding thirty star fields to the surrounding thirty three star fields!

You can build an auction house, give birth to auction masters, and conduct item auctions!

You can be promoted to a crystal melting workshop, a second level crystal melting workshop, and a junior energy melting craftsman is born. In this workshop, you can split and fuse various first and second level energy crystals.

To build Tianling Square, you must first build an engineering office and Tianling Shenquan, and then the square is born. Various clubs can be built in it for leisure and entertainment, thereby affecting the guest's identity and playing various enhanced functions. To earn income.

A life-and-death arena can be built, but the Tianling Square must be built first. In this life-and-death arena, trialists can have real bodies and fight virtually. Here they can challenge enemies in different star fields to gain enlightenment, gamble, and practice.

The Divine Light Corridor can be built, but the Tianling Square must be built first. The owner of Fangshi has fragments of the Law of Heaven. The minimum level of Fangshi is five, which meets the minimum requirement for building this building. A Divine Light Corridor can be built on Tianling Square. Guests pay to pass here to feel the light of the laws of heaven and have a slight chance to understand the laws of heaven!

The engineering office can be promoted and a second-level engineering office can be created to build special buildings.

In order for a plane shipyard to be born, a secondary engineering office must be established first and a shop must be provided in the city. The shipyard is born and has the function of positioning in the void!

A scavenging yard can be created. The prerequisite is to build a birth plane dock and provide a shop in Fangshi. You can capture the broken dimensional caves in the void at will and lock them. Then the guests can go to those dimensional caves to explore and plunder. Fangshi will charge half of it. reward.

To be able to create a void trade route, you must first establish a plane dock, provide a shop in the city, and find other star domain plane trading markets to connect and do business with each other. "

Luo Li was immediately extremely surprised when he saw several new buildings. Whether it was the second-level crystal melting workshop, the life and death arena, the plane shipyard, the scavenging yard, or the void business road, they were all extremely magical. And Luo Li felt that this was just the beginning, and there would be countless surprises later.

But Luo Li shook his head and said immediately:

"Build Tianling Square!"

This is what he has thought about for a long time, let’s do this first!

"Didi dididi, confirm the master's choice and give birth to Tianling Square. Four service personnel will be born from this. The master needs to invest the following resources: ten sets of first-level energy crystals with five elements attributes, four intelligent cores..."

"Tip, it has an engineering office and an intelligent core. It can be built by itself without any investment!"

Suddenly, there was a roaring sound at the Spiritual Spring that day, and a huge square appeared.

With Tianling Shenquan as the center, a huge square appeared in the center of the square, with one hundred and eight stalls on the periphery, and outside the stalls, there were shops.

The square is paved with bluestones, there are rows of leisure benches beside the hot springs, and there are green trees and grass. It is simple and elegant, very grand, and the environment is extremely beautiful.

There were seven or eight other strange statues in the square. Luo Li couldn't figure out what they were after looking at them for a long time.

Luo Li nodded and continued to order: "Construct the Divine Light Corridor!"

"Didi di di, confirm the master's choice and give birth to the Divine Light Corridor. The master has sixteen fragments of the way of heaven. From this, two divine light craftsmen are born. The master needs to invest the following resources: ten sets of first-level energy crystals with five elements attributes and two intelligent cores. …”

"The master owns the engineering office and has an intelligent core. He can build it by himself without any investment!"

Then in one corner of the square, there was a roar, and a building suddenly appeared. This was a huge spiral-shaped light gate composed of sixteen rays of light! ——

Thank you everyone, it’s so awesome, it has reached tenth place in the monthly voting list, but it is in danger, so please continue to support!

The fourth update begins and will never be interrupted! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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