Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 805: The profit is evenly divided among the four! (Second update, please vote for

Luo Li shook his head, but at this point, he could only continue!

The hundred-year contract is almost twenty years old, and there are still eighty years left. As long as you wait silently, it will definitely pass!

Luo Li took a deep breath and ordered: "Build the Void Business Road!"

"Didi di di, confirm the master's choice, and the Void Trade Road will be born. From this, six trade route guides will be born. The master needs to invest the following resources: Provide a shop in the city, ten sets of first-level energy crystals with five elements attributes, and six intelligent cores …”

Suddenly another shop started to roar and left its original location.

The shop turned into a two-story trading station, which was matched with the dock.

Six trade guides dressed as businessmen appeared. They saluted Luo Li, and then they entered the dock and disappeared without a trace, as if one person rowed out a small boat.

They want to go outside the Endless Star Territory to find similar markets in the outer territory, and then establish contact, so that the two sides can do business and exchange what they have.

This requires a long wait to open up a trade route.

At this moment, the six scavengers who had left suddenly rowed a boat and one of them came back.

He reported to Luo Lihui:

"Reporting to the master, I am in the dimensional void at coordinates A367, C4532, Zi3869, Ding5426..."

They talked about a lot of coordinates, but Luo Li couldn't understand them anyway.

"There, I found a broken cave dimension, which should be the world of the cave dimension owned by the human monks who returned to the void. When the monks died, the world collapsed and drifted in the void of the dimension.

This place can be used for development, but in this dimension, time and space are violently oscillating and very dangerous. It is not recommended for the owner to go there! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "I understand! What should I do next?"

The scavenger guide continued: "This dimensional world can be incorporated into the scavenging field, attracting guests from the city to explore, and we can reap half of the harvest.

When guests from the city enter the scavenging yard, they will copy their physical bodies and regain their strongest strength. Even if they die, their true bodies will not be damaged. There should be a large number of guests going to explore. "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Is it really harmless?"

The scavenger guide said: "How is it possible? How can such a good thing happen!

If the replica body collapses once in a year, the guest will only lose ten years of life, but the main body will not be harmed! If you explore frequently and your body collapses several times, the guest will die directly! "

Luo Li said: "Don't hide this, write it down in the scavenging yard!"

At this moment, another scavenger returned and reported to Luo Li:

"Reporting to the master, I found an abandoned divine kingdom world, which should be established by the ancient god of the beast race. The divine kingdom has been abandoned, but there are still remaining guards, which is very dangerous!"

Luo Li nodded, and this was also included in the scavenging yard.

Suddenly two garbage dumps appeared in the scavenging yard, one was the abandoned cave of returning to void, and the other was the abandoned kingdom of god.

With the discovery and return of the scavenger, more worlds similar to this dimension will be discovered. Luo Li will share the land and rip off half of the income of the explorers who enter these places!

Four buildings were born, and the last building was still missing. Luo Li thought about it and said, "Let's build another welcoming archway!"

This building has appeared for a long time, but Luo Li has never built it. It was finally built today!

"Didi di di, confirm the master's choice, birth the welcome archway, and give birth to four welcome maids. The master needs to invest the following resources: ten sets of first-level energy crystals with five elements attributes, four intelligent cores..."

"Tip, it has an engineering office and an intelligent core. It can be built by itself without any investment!"

Suddenly, at the gate of Nafang City, the entrance archway began to roar and change.

Then four graceful women appeared there, all of them extremely beautiful, and they bowed to Luo Li!

When Luo Li sees these women, they are the most beautiful beauties. When the Dragon Clan sees them, they are the most beautiful female dragons. When the Beast Clan sees them, they are the most beautiful beasts. No matter what race you are, when you see them, they are all The most beautiful feeling.

One of the women slowly stood up, faced Luo Li, and said, "I've met the master!"

Luo Li nodded. In fact, he never had much interest in the welcome arch and didn't care about it!

The woman continued: "Master, please choose whether you want us to expand the star field!"

After saying that, she waved her hand, and thirty points of light of various colors appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes!

The woman began to introduce: "These are all star fields close to our city. This green light is the world of neon clothes. Like our world of the Lord of Heaven, it is a civilization system for cultivating immortals."

Then he clicked on one of the red light spots and said: "This is the world of blood beasts. It is a bloodline civilization system and is controlled by the beast tribe!"

"This purple photoelectric is called the Great World of Yinhuang. It is a Yuaneng civilization system and is dominated by the Flame Demon Clan!"

"Our welcoming archway can open up five outer worlds for the master. When the master's city is promoted to the realm of gathering, and the expanded star field evolves from thirty to one hundred, we will expand another fifteen on this basis. Star field!

Every time we expand the star field, we will selectively send out contacts and conduct advertising bombings on all creatures that can receive transactions from the void plane to attract them to our city!

At the same time, we can cooperate with the city to carry out various publicity to improve the positive image of our city..."

The woman introduced slowly, and Luo Li couldn't help but frown. Only then did he feel that he had underestimated the welcome archway!

He asked: "What's your name?"

The woman secretly let out a sigh of relief and said proudly: "My name is Luo Yun!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, come on! These five expanded outer worlds are mainly composed of immortal civilization and human race!

In this way, the guests who come here mean more to us! "

Luo Yun said: "I understand!"

Then she started to choose, and best said: "Master, I chose Luoyun, Diewu World, Tianyun World, Yunxiao World, Wuji World!

They are all civilized worlds that cultivate immortals, and although their level of cultivation is weaker than that of our Central Heavenly Lord world, they are still pretty good! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay!"

At this point, five buildings are completed!

Luo Li asked: "Taichu No. 1, what resources does Fangshi need to continue to advance?"

Taichu No. 1 replied: "To advance to the ninth level, you need to get one precious rock flying stone fragment and two hundred and forty sets of Five Elements Xuan level spiritual objects!"

"To advance to the tenth level, you need to get one precious rock flying stone fragment and three hundred sets of Five Elements Xuan level spiritual objects!"

"The promotion of the market from a city to a market is a change in the nature of the market. The resources required are dozens of times that of the previous promotion. The specific resources will be set according to your future choices, master!"

"Master, please promote Fangshi to level ten before asking again!"

"Fangshi is currently accumulating resources. After one year, he can be promoted to level nine, but it will take five years to advance to level ten!"

Luo Li nodded. Even if he could be promoted now, there was nothing he could do because the Fenbaoyan Flying Stone had been used up!

In addition, Luo Li accumulated thirty-one intelligent cores last time, but after building today, there are only six left. It seems that there is still more to accumulate.

The city was fully constructed, and scavengers returned there, discovering two more dimensional ruins.

At this time Luo Li nodded and said: "Open the market!"

In an instant, in the thirty-five star fields, all the powerful people who could trade in the void dimension received a divine thought, and a beautiful woman immediately appeared on the void trading platform!

The human race looks like a beautiful woman, the orc race looks like a beautiful beast, and the zerg race looks like a mother queen!

They said: "Hello, dear guests, Taichufang City is open again, welcome you!

Our market is people-oriented and free and open. Here you can trade at will and turn your piles of dimensional specialties into endless wealth. You may also buy the treasures you have been dreaming of for countless years!

Our city has the Divine Spring, which can wash away all your worries, the Corridor of Divine Light, which allows you to understand the three thousand ways of heaven, and the Arena of Life and Death, which allows you to challenge terrible beasts, increase your cultivation, and earn rewards. , you can also explore the ruins of other dimensions, where there may be huge wealth, waiting for your arrival..."

Those old guests breathed a sigh of relief and contacted each other:

"Brother Wu Level, this Taichufang City has been upgraded again. It seems that there are two more buildings!"

"Yeah, let's go over and take a look. Last time in the Divine Light Corridor, we didn't stock up on jade tokens and we lost a lot!"

"Yes, this time it will be really hard! Make a lot of money!"

"We have no way to break through in the world of immortality. We are already at the peak. We can only rely on this!"

Those guests who had been here before but gave up later frowned and said:

"It seems like this city is pretty good. Let's go back and have a look!"

Those guests who are newly exploring the world are teleported here with great suspicion!

Suddenly, countless guests gathered in Taichufang City, and the market was extremely lively!

Many new guests enjoyed the spiritual spring that day, and then entered the market to buy goods that could not be found in their own world and sell their own dimensional specialties.

Those old customers went straight to the two new open buildings!

In the arena of life and death, every battle requires a yellow-level spiritual object to be paid, and countless strong men immediately gathered to fight against Luo Li's spiritual beasts and those free clones!

Fighting here does not damage the soul at all, there are countless powerful enemies, and it suddenly attracts the attention of countless militants.

Gradually, they discovered that something more interesting was the battle between these strong men, which was much more exciting than fighting Luo Li's spiritual beast clones.

You can also gamble, there are competitive rankings, and more importantly, you can fight against superpowers from other worlds. Even if you fail, you will not die. This is something that no amount of heaven and earth spiritual beings can exchange for!

Immediately many people started fighting endlessly here.

And the scavenging field is even more lively. This arena of life and death is about internal fighting, while the scavenging field is about external development and exploration. Countless treasures may be right in front of you! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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