Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 861 Who was the most affectionate back then!

After saying this, even Qizhu was stunned, looked at Tiandu, and said: "What else is it for?"

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "In the Xianqin Secret Record, it is said that if you gather these seven treasures, refine them into the golden elixir, and advance to the Yuanying Zhenjun, you can give birth to a great supernatural power without a teacher, and this great supernatural power can be promoted to divine power as you practice, and may even reach the realm of great divine power!"

Speaking of this, Luo Li and Qizhu nodded, but they didn't care much. The golden elixir of the Tiger Zen Zhenjun can give birth to several divine powers, and only one divine power can be born when the seven treasures are gathered, so the two didn't care.

But Senior Brother Tiandu said solemnly: "Don't underestimate this great magical power. The Xian Qin Secret Records solemnly record it and highly praise it. Even in the Xian Qin era, it was a difficult task to gather these seven secret treasures. I think this great magical power is definitely not simple!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "I understand, I understand!"

He didn't care at all. Then Luo Li looked at Senior Brother Qizhu and said, "Senior Brother Qizhu, have you started to refine these seven treasures?"

Qizhu nodded and said, "Yes, I started to refine them! After seventy years, I can be promoted to Yuanying!"

Luo Li thought about it and said, "Senior Brother, have there been any changes in our Hunyuan Sect, the Three Mountains, Five Peaks and Ten Directions recently?"

Qizhu said, "Xu Fengshuang Zhenzun has refined the eighth Danshan Chishui Siming Ming! The ninth has indeed been born, which is Datong Shan Buwei Zhenren and Wanzhu Zhenren of Jinghuo Island worked together to refine it into Jiuyi Chaozhen Taixutian!

After the debate of the three great returning to the void ancestors, the master created the Three Mountains, Five Peaks and Ten Directions Heaven at the beginning, and felt that this method had ten major changes. Now it seems that it is completely correct. There is one last day. If it is created, Tongtian Peak will be perfect!

In the past thirteen years, in addition to this, last year, Uncle Jiuhuang created a super-class spell of the Five Lakes and Four Seas Arctic Ocean! So far, my Hunyuan Sect Liulihai has three super-class spells!

It’s a pity that Jinfutu, Wanyuyan, and Shengshenglin have not made much progress. "

Hearing this, Luo Li nodded and said, "Jiuyi Chaozhen Taixutian, Five Lakes and Four Seas Arctic Ocean, good, good!"

Luo Li's golden elixir can also give birth to two great magical powers, and this Shifangtian is still one day away.

The three chatted for a while. It was already evening. Luo Li went to the best restaurant in Tianmuyuan, Biyunjian, to entertain his friends. Senior Brother Tiandu gave him a lot of instructions. What should Luo Li do with these friends who were present!

Luo Li flew into the air and flew to Tianmuyuan. Biyunjian there was the best restaurant in Hunyuan Sect. It was all thanks to Bai Youyou that Luo Li booked a room there.

Along the way, Luo Li thought about how to entertain everyone and how to canvass for his master. He couldn't help but think a lot!

Finally flew to Tianmuyuan and came to Biyunjian. This was a strange grassland of a hundred feet. There were green clouds in it. Above the clouds, there was a row of chairs.

On the table, there were all kinds of delicacies, spiritual meats and fruits. In the distance, there were more than 30 kinds of strange beasts. They were placed on the spiritual fire and baked by professional chefs. A burst of fragrance came, which made people salivate.

Countless friends of Luo Li have arrived here!

Ajiu, Wang Wu, Lu Zhou, Beichuan, Dafeng, Lingyuan, Lu Qing, Bai Youyou, Tielanshan...

Many cultivators were sitting here. When they saw Luo Li, they stood up and saluted to him, saying:

"Junior Brother Luo Li, you are back!"

"Luo Li, you just came. Did you see that I am already in the Nascent Soul stage? You never thought of it!" This is the True Man Cang Xiang, who is now the True Lord of the Nascent Soul. They had lived and died together in the Shen Dun Sect!

"Luo Li, I must defeat you this time!" This is the True Man Dao Yu!

A full two or three hundred people gathered here!

When Luo Li saw them, he smiled. He had made many good friends over the years!

Luo Li returned the greetings one by one and greeted each other. Everyone was very happy together!

He greeted each friend one by one according to the instructions of Senior Brother Tiandu. He used the gift of returning as an excuse to send gifts, build relationships, make promises, and help each other to complete Senior Brother Tiandu's tasks one by one.

Gradually, the food was served, and countless spiritual meat and fairy fruits exuded endless spiritual energy!

Luo Li poured himself a glass of spirit wine and said, "Today, we all meet again, and we are one step closer to our ideals!"

"However, the road to immortal cultivation is an endless journey, and we have to continue to work hard! Because this is our ideal, our belief, and our life!

We have failed before, we shed tears silently, we are sad, and we doubt whether our choice is correct!

But we still keep moving forward and keep working hard. Failure is only temporary, and we will definitely succeed!

The fact that we can be here today is a small reward for our success!

I believe that greater success is still in the future!

Everything we do must be rewarded! We will definitely succeed! For our success, our ideals, our struggles, our past, and our sorrows, come, let's drink together!"

Luo Li's words, with a strong belief, all the people present, when they heard this, all touched the softest part of their hearts!

As soon as this was said, everyone couldn't help but raise their glasses and cheered: "Yes, for our success, our ideals, our struggles, our past, and our sorrows, cheers!"



Everyone drank it all! This is so refreshing, don’t even mention it!

Luo Li picked up another glass of wine, everyone listened, he was going to talk again!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes looked to one side, and everyone looked unbelievable, hesitant, surprised, and dumbfounded!

Luo Li was stunned. He looked back and saw a girl standing at the door of Biyunjian, looking at Luo Li with a smile.

This girl is quiet and elegant, dignified and comely. She wears a light plain white Taoist robe. Her bun is piled like a light cloud behind her head. Her expression is indifferent. Especially the two cloudy eyebrows above her two clear eyes are the most moving, like clouds. Light and charming!

She has a kind of orchid in the empty valley, a quiet and elegant temperament, extremely delicate, and sometimes she smiles slightly, just like the sea of ​​clouds outside the cliff, illuminated by a ray of skylight, stretching out, exuding endless charm! The whole person is hazy and cannot be seen clearly, but it gives people a flawless feeling. The graceful body, slender and graceful, is like a fairy washing away the dust, holy and far away, making people feel that it can never be approached.

Her beauty does not belong to the mortal world, it is sparkling and translucent, with the atmosphere of the fairy world.

A graceful lady with a majestic head and horns, standing out from a flock of chickens, otherworldly!

Luo Li's whole body felt hot when he saw her, his heart beat wildly, and he said, "Yan Lan!"

It is none other than the transcendent fairy Mo Yanlan, one of the top ten masters in the world!

Looking at her, Luo Li instantly recalled in his mind how Mo Yanlan shouted to him when his Jingwei filled up the sea. Chongxuanzong thought he was dead, how angry he was!

"Junior Brother Luo Li, if you want to leave the outer gate of Hunyuan Sect, remember to call me, me, me, I will go with you. Wherever you go, I will go with you!"

That flushed face, that infatuating tenderness, Luo Li thought he had forgotten, but in fact it was always in the deepest part of his heart!

Mo Yanlan looked at Luo Li and said, "Junior Brother Luo Li, can I attend this party?"

Luo Li looked at her and said, "Yan Lan, come on, my party will always open the door for you!"

So far, Mo Yanlan has attended Luo Li's party, and suddenly everyone is silent, and there is no more noise at the beginning!

In the last battle, the Transcendent Fairy showed her power, fought against the Demon King Rahu, soared into the sky, and almost became the founder of the Hunyuan Sect, and was respected by everyone in the world.

Even if Mo Yanlan's cultivation level is unknown, the Buyan Sect, headed by her, also lists her as one of the top ten masters. Although she is the last one, she is still famous in the world!

Kill the Demon Emperor, ascend to the nine heavens, and transcend the fairy Mo Yanlan!

So everyone was speechless when they saw her appear.

Luo Li continued to raise his glass and said: "This glass is for Senior Sister Mo, the strong man of our Hunyuan Sect and one of the top ten masters in the world. Come, everyone, have a glass!"

Luo Li immediately relaxed the atmosphere, and everyone immediately raised their glasses and said:

"A toast to the top ten masters in the world!"

"A toast to the Transcendent Fairy!"

Mo Yanlan's face turned red, and she said shyly in a low voice: "Thank you, everyone!"

Then she drank it all in one gulp!

Suddenly everyone cheered and cheered together!

Then Luo Li continued to toast, and the banquet began. You have a drink, I have a drink, and we drink happily here. The wine is not intoxicating, but people are intoxicated!

Finding an opportunity, Luo Li came to Mo Yanlan and said with a smile: "Mo Yanlan, are you completely okay?"

Mo Yanlan looked at Luo Li, with a strange light in her eyes. She smiled and said:

"I'm fine. Thank you, Junior Brother Luo Li, for risking your life to seize the innate spiritual treasure for me!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "You will do the same for me, so don't be polite to me!

By the way, Yan Lan, what state are you in now? Why can’t I tell? "

Mo Yanlan looked at Luo Li and didn't speak for a long time.

Finally, he said softly: "I have returned to reality!"

Luo Li was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, opened his mouth, looked at Mo Yanlan, and said, "Return to the void!"

Mo Yanlan nodded slightly and said: "After the baptism of the five innate spiritual treasures, I re-entered the human world, practiced a thousand miles, and now I have returned to the virtual realm!"

But she felt sad for a moment and said: "However, this time, for some reason, I can no longer practice the Five Laws Holy Land. My current cultivation level has nothing to do with the Hunyuan Sect!

It was the six great secrets of the Xiantian Yiqi Sect, Taixu Sect, Zifu Sect, and Evergreen Sect that the three great ancestors found for me, which enabled me to practice again, and I was promoted to Return to the Void last year!

However, although I can no longer practice the secret method of Hunyuan Sect, I will always be a disciple of Hunyuan Sect! "

The two talked for a long time here, and the more they talked, the closer they became. Years of past events couldn't help but come back to their hearts. They looked at each other, under the beautiful moonlight, and were extremely happy!

Soon the full moon appeared and it was already past the third watch. Everyone had a great time drinking and left one after another!

Mo Yanlan also left. As she was leaving, she suddenly said to Luo Li:

"Luo Li, although grandpa supports generosity very much, but, this time, I can't listen to him. I also support Master Huchan!"

The grandfather Mo Yanlan mentioned was Earth Emperor Shinichi. Luo Li looked at her and didn't know what to say!

Mo Yanlan nodded, flashed and disappeared!

After all the guests have gone, Luo Li pays the bill, and then escapes, leaving Tianmuyuan and returning to Tianqing Peak!

Along the way, Luo Li felt as if he was in a dream. He didn't expect that Mo Yanlan had returned to reality. All the things he had done with her in the past appeared in his mind from time to time, with a faint smile on his lips!

Luo Li jumped into the sky, and a ray of light flew past in the distance, heading straight for the tranquil sky in the distance!

The escaping light passed by Luo Li. Luo Li was thinking about something and didn't care at all!

Suddenly, the escaping light immediately changed its direction and flew in front of Luo Li, turned into a person, and blocked Luo Li's way. She said slowly:

"Luo Li? But Luo Li?"

Luo Li looked at her and suddenly he was like a fool, his heart was beating wildly, he stared at that person blankly for a long time, and then he said: "Ruo, Senior Sister Ruotong!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!)

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