Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 899 Kill the Immortal with a flash of sword light!

We just met, we can only separate!

Luo Li sighed and watched Fairy Xuanji leave with Xuemei. In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared without a trace!

He was extremely sad, but Luo Li knew that this was the best way. Xuemei's situation was special and could only be treated by Ji Mo Sect's Return to the Void True One. This was a complicated and cumbersome process, involving soul transformation, body reshaping, etc. aspect.

Although Luo Li has a heart for nirvana, there is nothing he can do about the situation. If he wants Xuemei to return to normal, he can only separate.

But this separation is only temporary. Knowing that Xuemei is there, Luo Li believes that he can definitely find her!

Fairy Xuanji left with Xuemei. Over there, Su Caizhen covered her face with gauze again, and then she shouted: "Luo Li!"

Luo Li looked over with mixed feelings and didn't know what to say!

Su Caizhen said: "It's not that I don't recognize you, look, just after we met, someone tried to kill you!

If your old friend hadn't taken action, you and I would have died!

That Shaobai Zhenzhen is just one of the lackeys of the other servants in our Heavenly Demon Sect. He is insignificant, but he almost killed you and me. Under such circumstances, what is the point of us recognizing each other!

If you say so, how can I recognize you? "

Luo Li was speechless. He looked at Su Caizhen and said, "You are doing well!"

Su Caizhen laughed and said: "This is the biggest joke I have ever heard. How can one live well in the Heavenly Demon Sect, among all the demons?

Back then, the Spiritual Butterfly Sect was actually the happiest and most relaxing moment I had ever had, compared to the countless demons. Old guy Xiyi is actually the most ordinary, innocent and good person!

Ask me how I am doing, hahaha! "

Su Caizhen laughed, with a kind of madness in her laughter!

Then she suddenly shut up, looked at Luo Li, and said:

"Forget it, it's useless to say more. I'll give you a word, you are too weak! In your return to the void, you are all ants!

Can't return to emptiness. Next time you see me, don’t recognize me, otherwise it will harm you and me! "

Finished. Su Caizhen turned around and left. Never look at Luo Li again!

In the blink of an eye. Luo Li and Xuan Pu are the only ones left here.

Master Xuanpu did not dare to speak and stayed away from Luo Li.

Luo Li stayed still for a long time and sighed. Said: "I am too weak! When I return to the void, everyone is just an ant!"

If I were in the realm of returning to the virtual world today, I could easily kill Zhenzun Shaobai, recognize Xuemei, and recognize Su Caizhen, but I would not be able to achieve the golden elixir!

Practice, practice, advance and return to the void!

This idea, like a weed, grew crazily in Luo Li's heart!

Luo Li took a long breath and said slowly: "Return to the void, return to the void, must return to the void!"

After a long time, Master Xuanpu regained his composure after seeing Luo Li, and then he said tentatively: "Luo Li, shall we go in?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Let's go!"

The two of them entered the main hall. The bluestone Zhenyi sat on the main hall and looked at Luo Li.

Luo Li took a long breath, put all the things that had just happened behind his mind, and said, "Senior, has my magic weapon been refined?"

Qingshi Zhenyi smiled and said: "It's finished, here you go!"

After saying that, he gave it away gently, and a Taoist book carved from jade flew into Luo Li's hands.

Luo Li reached out and took it. According to his request, this magical instrument was made into a thirteen-page Taoist book to preserve the seven emotions and six desires.

But I don’t know why, when I took this book in my hand, it started to change. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a thirteen-story pagoda, and then it changed again, and turned into a cylinder composed of thirteen bamboo boards, and then it changed again. , turned into a circular mirror made of thirteen copper plates...

In Luo Li's hands, this magical instrument changed seven times, and the last time it turned into a string of Buddhist beads, a total of thirteen beads forming a bracelet!

The style of this Buddhist bead is simple and extremely simple. However, if you look closely, you will be surprised to find that these beads are made of skulls. They contain endless thoughts and are filled with evil energy, but there is a vague light of Buddha coming out from time to time!

Luo Li was stunned, looked at Qingshi Zhenyi, and said, "Senior, what's going on?"

Qingshi Zhenyi shook his head and said: "I don't know either, but this magic weapon has a spirit. You can choose its outer body form. Whatever it looks like, that's what it looks like. We can't change it!"

Luo Li put this Buddhist bead on his left hand. It didn't matter what he looked like, as long as it could help him practice the seven emotions and six desires!

Luo Li stood up to say goodbye and left here.

Arriving at the outer gate of Chongxuan Sect, Luo Li thought for a while and immediately used a spell. His outer body changed!

In an instant, Luo Li transformed into the appearance he had when he practiced medicine in Chongxuan Sect. At that time, Luo Li turned into a doctor in order to collect good deeds and treated countless mortals in Chongxuan Sect.

Now that many mortals have passed and left, there are still some mortals here. Even if only one tenth is left, it will be good for Luo Li.

Luo Li transformed into this appearance and began to walk at the outer gate of Chongxuan Sect.

Suddenly, an old mortal man saw Luo Li from a distance. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, then rushed over, fell down and said:

"Immortal Master, Immortal Master, it was the Immortal Master who cured my lung disease and saved my life back then, and I am what I am today. Immortal Master accepts my worship!"

The beads on the old man's hand felt warm, and Luo Li felt the joy, gratitude, respect and love emanating from him.

These feelings were immediately absorbed by the Buddha beads, some of which were integrated into the joy beads, and some were integrated into the love beads.

The old man shouted: "Hurry, San Mao, Si Chao, come here quickly, it was this immortal master who saved me, so I got you!"

Suddenly some children, all the old man's grandchildren, came over and knelt down to thank Luo Li!

Luo Li smiled and said: "Get up, you and I were destined to be together back then, so we can get together today!"

Everyone got up, and just like that, Luo Li continued to walk. From time to time, mortals who were rescued by Luo Li came over with their families to express their gratitude.

One after another, the seven emotions and six desires emitted from their bodies and were absorbed by the beads in Luo Li's hand.

Just like that, Luo Li began to absorb these seven emotions and six desires!

Here we focus on Xuanzong. After traveling around for a day, he took Mu Qiu with him on a flying boat, left Chongxuan Sect, and returned to Hunyuan Sect.

According to the method of cultivating the true God through the seven emotions and six desires, this method requires the practitioner to observe the world and life and slowly absorb it.

But Luo Li has the magical power to reward good and punish evil, and has no experience in absorbing good deeds. He wasn't going to sit back and wait for it to be absorbed. He prefers to create the emotions and desires he needs by himself!

At this time, Luo Li gradually understood the practices of the Taoist Sect back then, but he would never create emotions that required hurting others.

On the flying boat. Bon Voyage. We have arrived in the Guizhou area. Will return to Hunyuan Sect soon!

Suddenly Luo Li stood up instantly, looked into the distance, and stayed still for a long time!

Then Luo Li said to Mu Qiu: "You return to Hunyuan Sect alone. Master still has some things that need to be dealt with!"

Mu Qiu nodded and said, "Master, I know!"

Luo Li moved lightly and used the Four-Nine Escape Technique to immediately leave the flying boat, and then Luo Li flew towards Guizhou.

In just an instant, Luo Li felt his flesh and blood beating uncontrollably, as if there was something in the distance attracting him. Luo Li used the sky-penetrating and transboundary spiritual technique, glanced into the distance, and suddenly felt that he was far away from him. Three thousand miles away, there is an existence.

A monk, relying on the ghost screen of all living beings, seems to be doing something secretly!

This man's facial features are like swords, he is upright, with long flowing sleeves and a white robe with a feather fan. He is free and easy. Although he is smiling, he has a kind of majesty and is not angry.

He raised his glass and looked at the blue sky with white eyes, as bright as a jade tree before the wind.

It was the same immortal who used to play with thousands of monks in the Army Flesh Sect and kill the iron Yi Shui who returned to the void!

However, Luo Li sensed from a distance that this immortal was not the real immortal. Just like the one he killed last time, he was also a clone of the immortal.

Luo Li didn't know what could make him so certain. It was just an intuition, the true immortal spirit flesh refined into his body, that told him.

This immortal clone is quietly hiding on the ghost screen of all living beings in Guizhou. It is secretly doing something unknown, as if it is stealing the ghosts in the ghost screen of all living beings.

But the Jiuyou Guiming Sect of Guizhou has no feelings at all. Even the ghost screen of living beings has no feelings. Except for Luo Li, this immortal has real immortal spiritual flesh and can feel it. Otherwise, even if he is standing in front of you, you will ignore him. The presence.

Luo Li felt that this was the immortal clone. Luo Li left the flying boat and quietly approached the immortal clone to see what this guy was doing.

For him, Luo Li was extremely confident, and the Immortal Killing Sword was designed to kill offending Immortals.

Luo Li approached quietly, getting closer and closer, and finally he was only a hundred miles away, just within the sight of the divine eye. Luo Li did not dare to move forward, for fear of being discovered by him!

Luo Li was about to see what he was doing, but the Immortal clone suddenly stopped moving and looked towards Luo Li, and found traces of Luo Li immediately.

Then he stretched out his hand, and a gourd flew up above the screen of ghosts. He picked up the gourd, turned around and ran away!

If you want to run, stop!

Luo Li chased after him immediately!

The immortal used his escape technique at lightning speed. Luo Li hurriedly used his divine foot escape technique to catch up.

Luo Li shouted: "Stop, stop!"

But Luo Li couldn't catch up at this distance of a hundred miles. The immortal clone looked back, seemed to sneer, and slapped the gourd to pieces, causing everything in the gourd to fly to ashes.

Then he stretched out his hand and a light gate appeared in the void, and he was about to enter the light gate!

Once you enter there, you are immediately tens of thousands of miles away, and Luo Li can no longer catch up!

Luo Li took a bad look and couldn't help shouting:

"Senior, senior, I discovered that there are immortals who are harming the common people, doing all kinds of evil, and violating the rules of immortality!"

Following Luo Li's words, in Luo Li's dimensional cave, the Immortal Killing Sword that was still evolving moved!

A sword light rose, cold, bright, and ruthless!

"The Four Swords of Killing Immortals, one is called Killing Immortal Sword, the second is called Killing Immortal Sword, the third is called Immortal Trapping Sword, and the fourth is called Absolute Immortal Sword. It is not copper, iron or steel. It was once hidden at the foot of Xubi Mountain. If you don't use Yin and Yang to reverse the refining, how can you not have the sharp edge tempered by water and fire? ? Kill the gods and kill the immortals, and the trapped immortals will glow red everywhere; the immortals will change in infinite ways, and the clothes of the great gods will be stained with blood."

A sword cry and a sword light!

In the sound of the sword, under the light of the sword, everything in the world came to a standstill. Everything in the sky, the earth, and the universe only existed at this moment.

With a flash of sword light, the immortal's clone was a hundred miles away from Luo Li and died instantly!

This is not any magic or magic, this is the natural way of heaven, the truth of law!

With a bang, the immortal turned into flying ashes, but nine rays of light flew out from his body, which did not disappear and flew towards Luo Li!

At a glance, it was astonishing to see that there were two leg bones, two nose bones, one spine, and four ribs, emitting a white light like jade, flying towards Luo Li! (To be continued...)

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