Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 926 Tens of thousands of flames and billions of fires return to Ziji!

Fan Wujie has always been here, in the central courtyard of Tianqing Peak, waiting for Luo Li's return, and Tiandu is guarding Tianqing Peak under the bodhi tree!

Seeing Fan Wujie's posture, Tiandu quietly called Qizhu, and the two of them played chess and watched Fan Wujie until Luo Li returned!

When the two met, Fan Wujie's endless anger suddenly rose, and he watched Luo Li issue a challenge!

Luo Li also looked at Fan Wujie, smiled and said, "Is it really time?"

Fan Wujie said: "It's time! Senior brother Luo Li, back then you defeated me again and again, insulted me, and caused all kinds of hatred. Today I will repay you tenfold!"

The two faced each other, and Luo Li said: "I knew today would happen, so let's do it!

Shall we go to the sect’s martial arts arena? "

Fan Wujie shook his head and said: "No, Luo Li, it's just a virtual battle. It's really meaningless. You and I will fight with all our strength. Let's go to the sect to report first, and then go to a small world to have a good time. !

If you, senior brother, make a mistake and beat me to death, then it’s because I’m not good at learning. Don’t worry, I will never make a mistake and beat you to death!

I will let you live under the shadow of failure forever, and let you know that only the last laugh is the real laugh! "

Luo Li said: "Do you mean that if you get fat first, you won't be fat, but if you get fat later, you won't be able to get on the kang?"

Tiandu on the side made a sound and almost spit out the tea in his mouth!

What was originally a serious duel scene suddenly became funny due to Luo Li's words. .

Hearing Luo Li's words, Fan Wujie's explosive momentum was suddenly severely dampened.

Luo Li took advantage of the situation and said, "Come on then. I just want to practice and see how strong I am after Nascent Soul!"

Fan Wujie said: "Okay, come on then, Luo Li, I will pay you back tenfold!"

Qizhu and Tiandu said, "Well, can we watch the battle?"

Fan Wujie said: "I believe that Senior Brother Qizhu Tiandu is a casual person!"

The four of them immediately jumped into the air, reported to the sect, applied for a small world, and then flew to a world.

That is the small world where Luo Li, the God of Fire, came to the world last time. The environment was completely destroyed with one blow last time, which was just used for the ** battle.

Here they are, facing each other!

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and said slowly: "Senior Brother Luo Li, whatever you owe me, I will repay you ten times!"

"Ten times, ten times, ten times!"

Following his words, in a flash behind him, there were seven-headed dragon birds, blue-eyed blood-red dragon, true dragon of fire, red bird fire bird, flying centipede, golden-winged roc, hundred-footed phoenix, dragon war dragon, Yinglong, Qiongqi, Gouwu Beast, Bi Fang, Frost Sparrow, One-Eyed Chongming, Dafeng Lingxi, Gudiao, Yongzhu, Fire Qilin, Golden Xiezhi, White-clawed Zhuyan...

In an instant, thousands of wild beasts appeared behind Fan Wujie, transformed into various terrifying shapes, and rushed towards Luo Li.

It is the prehistoric path of Brahma without calamity!

Luo Li smiled, and at the moment of his skill, countless ** appeared, headed by the God of Command, assisted by the God of Wisdom, Hercules opened the way, followed by the Wolf God and Tiger God, the Thunder God roared, and in an instant, a thousand and one ** formed a large formation. Shout together:

"Gale, gale, gale, fight, fight, fight!"

This supreme military formation rushed towards the opponent's thousands of wild beasts!

The two sides immediately started fighting, with a radius of hundreds of miles, the roar of war, and bloody battles between heaven and earth!

But Qizhu, who was watching the excitement, said: "It's strange, these two guys don't seem to have made any progress!"

Tiandu said: "Yes, at the Golden Core realm, that's all they can do. These two guys are just playing!"

Fan Wujie smiled coldly, and instantly, a gourd appeared behind him. It was the ancient innate spiritual treasure Yin-Yang gourd!

A ray of white light slashed towards Luo Li, but Luo Li stood there motionless, neither dodging nor dodging!

A golden light rose up on him, condensed, turned into a hammer, and hit the white light!

With a click, the white light could not break through the golden light. The white light shattered and the golden light returned to Luo Li, covering Luo Li's whole body.

It is Jin Chenxi of the Eternal Pagoda!

Luo Li smiled and said: "Your yin and yang gourd has the two qi of yin and yang and can cut through all things! In the past, it was so majestic and invincible!

But, remember, that's gone. At that time, you and I were just little golden elixirs. Today, I have become a Nascent Soul. After endless fission, my golden dawn has been promoted to the light of divine power. It is really easy to break your yin and yang gourd!

Stop playing around and show your real skills! "

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and said, "What a Jin Chenxi, as fine as iron. Let me refine you!"

Fan Wujie let out a long breath and shouted: "It's as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, as motionless as a mountain, as unpredictable as the yin, and as moving as thunder..."

This is his real skill. He used the Zhuanzhou lineage's unique skill, the Chongsheng Heart Technique!

Luo Li also began to concentrate on preparing for a battle!

As Fan Wujie chanted the mantra, he roared loudly, and his upper body robe suddenly shattered, exposing his upper body and chest.

Luo Li, Qizhu, and Tiandu were all stunned. What are you doing?

In an instant, a human face appeared on Fan Wujie's chest, and then a human face also appeared on Fan Wujie's lower abdomen and left and right arms. Then the face changed and turned into four strange big mouths, located on the chest, lower abdomen, and left and right arms. arm!

Then at the same time, in the mouth of Brahma Wujie and these four big mouths, they recited the mantra together!

“In the heavens above, the light is the strongest!

The innate truth, the eight gates of Donglang, the brilliant reflection of Taihua, the sun, moon and five stars, the strongest light! "

As the five big mouths recited the mantra together, Fan Wujie's eyes began to shine. A terrifying and powerful force seemed to fall on him through time and space, in the distant past, through countless dimensions!

Brahma Wukong is a transformation, from a human being of flesh and blood to an elemental body composed of light energy!

A phantom appeared on his body. This phantom was extremely huge, radiating thousands of rays of light, exuding supreme power! It is the God of Light, but at this moment, the God of Light has been completely refined by Brahma Wujie. There is only Brahma Wujie and no God of Light!

There is no longer the crisis of taking over the body, and there is no need to ask gods to send gods away. Brahma Wujie is the God of Light, in the realm of golden elixir, and after years of hard training, he has completely controlled the body of God!

Then he pointed at Luo Li, and with a slight thought in the big mouth of his right hand, he used a spell to raise up circles of ring-shaped flames. The flames were accompanied by earth, fire, wind, thunder, light, and they seemed to rise in the sky. Like a small sun, a dazzling flame appeared.

"The two suns shine together to make the sun bright, and the bright fire wipes out the day!"

It is the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames that spreads the bright flames across the day!

At the same time, the left-hand big mouth began to cast spells!

"The proud dust of the nine heavens rises and burns all endless lives!"

Twenty-one raging fires of Ten Thousand Hell Flames appeared and turned into a huge Suzaku. The flame phoenix was lifelike and about to explode. This was also the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, Fire Phoenix, Aochen Nine Heavens!

The big mouth on the chest also casts a spell:

"Thousands of mighty flames destroy the white sun, burn the sky and destroy the earth and refine the sky!"

Twenty-seven rays of Ten Thousand Hell Flames merged instantly, containing endless high-temperature light. They spurted out like clouds, carrying the power of the flames that burned the sky and destroyed the earth, refining all things. It was the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, Thousand Flames. Baiyang is destroyed!

The Belly Mouth also began to cast spells:

"The candle dragon burns flames on the hibiscus shore, and the golden crow pecks the fire and burns the sky!"

A giant hibiscus tree appears, and ten golden crows crow on the tree. The big tree burns, and the whole world will burn with it! Twenty-four to Ten Thousand Hell Flames merged together and broke out immediately. It was the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, Fusang Yan Jiyang Golden Crow!

Then Fan Wujie also chanted a mantra in his mouth, and sixteen hell flames were emitted. Those flames surged endlessly, then suddenly extinguished, and finally condensed into a strange flame and shot towards Luo Li. This flame looks extremely clear, like a stream of water, and does not seem to have any power. This is the dust-free fire that does not stain the world!

"Not stained by the six dusts and separated from the five turbidities, pure and dustless, without birth!"

It is the ultra-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, a fire that does not stain the world and is dust-free!

Everything was completed in an instant. Fan Wujie activated five spells at the same time. In an instant, he used five super-level spells and launched his own crazy attack on Luo Li.

And after these five spells were sent out, Brahma Wujie instantly sent out five super-level spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames again, and then five more!

The current Brahma Wujie is the body of the God of Light. His whole person turns into a ball of light. He is not afraid of any spells or weapons. He has endless energy and infinite power!

This Ten Thousand Hell Flames is a fire spell, and fire is indistinguishable, so this is the most suitable spell for his bright body!

Luo Li smiled, he just used a super-level spell!

"Not stained by the six dusts and separated from the five turbidities, pure and dustless, without birth!"

It is the super-level magic of Ten Thousand Hell Flames that does not stain the world and is dust-free fire!

But under the power of Luo Li's God's Shadow, the shadow under Luo Li quickly cast a spell, and instantly eight streaks of dust-free fire roared out!

Luo Li's nine-path untainted world-clean fire, against Brahma Wujie's body and five methods, boom, boom, boom!

On this earth, endless flames burst out!

Luo Li is an immortal body of earth fire. He contains true fire in his body. He has mastered the four great fire techniques. Luo Li is not afraid of fighting with fire!

Fan Wujie's body moved slightly, and in an instant, four big mouths on his body began to cast spells crazily, one body with five spells, and the seven super-level spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames were used in reincarnation!

Fierce fire starts a prairie fire and boils the sea, borrows fire to burn the sky and burns red walls, tens of millions of fires return to the purple pole, bright flames spread across the day, dust-free fire does not stain the world, thousands of mighty flames extinguish the white sun, hibiscus flames nourish golden crows, fire phoenix proudly dusts the dust Nine Heavens!

Five big mouths, repeatedly, crazily using these seven super-level Ten Thousand Hell Flame spells!

Luo Li, on the other hand, used the five super-level spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, including the bright flames that wipe out the day, the dust-free fire that does not stain the world, the white sun extinguished by thousands of flames, the fusang flames that nourish the golden crow, and the fire phoenix and proud dust in the ninth heaven!

Although Luo Li has two less super-level spells than Fan Wujie, Luo Li has one method and nine movements, while Fan Wujie has one body and five methods. The two of them are constantly fighting, evenly matched, burning the sky and the earth!

Qizhu and Tiandu, keep retreating!

Qizhu scolded: "These two bastards, those super spells are treated as small spells, and they have already hit hundreds of blows like this, these two bastards!"

Tiandu looked at them and said: "**,**, these two guys are really**!

However, Fan Wujie is about to lose. He uses super-level spells so crazily. Look, his Light God body is a little unstable! "

Sure enough, the body of Brahma Wujie Light God was shaking a little. After all, he was still a human being, not a god!

But Fan Wujie snorted coldly and said, "What a senior brother Luo Li! He blocked so many spells!

Take advantage of me! Don’t think that just you can create super-level spells, so can I!

Thousands of flames and billions of fires return to the purple pole! "

The previous seven super-level spells could only be fused with twenty-nine hells at most, but this time it was forty-nine hells, unprecedented!

In an instant, the forty-nine hellfires merged together, roared and exploded, turning into thousands of flames and billions of sparks, burning the sky and destroying the earth! (To be continued.)

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