Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 928: Taking advantage of Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea!

After saying the word "continue", Fan Wujie continued to use the Chongsheng Heart Technique!

"Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions. Therefore, tempting his heart and forbearance will benefit him beyond his ability."

Then he looked at Luo Li. The edges and corners on his face seemed to become clearer. All the dirt on his body seemed to have disappeared. The footprints also disappeared. His spine was straight and he was walking slowly. His whole body exuded a strange aura.

This kind of aura was very strange. Luo Li had a feeling, as if this person was the emperor of heaven and earth, extremely majestic and in control of everything. He should surrender before him and listen to his orders!

It's a strange feeling. Looking at Fan Wujie, Luo Li feels a kind of coercion, which makes you feel like you kneel down and surrender, not daring to fight against him!

Luo Li frowned and said, "What kind of illusion and pressure is this?"

Fan Wujie just sneered and didn't answer!

Luo Li couldn't help but retreat, looked at Fan Wujie, and said, "What kind of divine power is this! It's so weird!"

Fan Wujie smiled and said: "This is the natural way of Tao, and the heaven and earth will be destroyed!"

Luo Li said: "Go away, what is the way of heaven and nature!"

Looking at Fan Wujie, Luo Li suddenly knew what this was!

At the beginning of the Golden Elixir Competition, he fought against Brahma Wujie, and Brahma Wujie attracted the Tao Master's clone. Now at this moment, Fan Wujie and the Tao Master are similar!

Brahma Wukong at this moment seems to be the representative of the three thousand heavenly ways and the one-yuan law in this world!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "It's amazing!"

At this moment, Brahma Wujie relied on the three thousand heavenly ways and the one-yuan law. Use mental pressure on Luo Li and invade with his thoughts. This is a kind of penetration of heaven and baptism of law!

No matter how strong your cultivation is, if you haven't entered the realm of returning to the void, you just haven't mastered the laws of heaven. Before that, it's just hard to resist!

This is a kind of artistic conception, without attacking, invisibly, using the divine power of the Taoist master. Invoke the laws of heaven to attack the opponent. The fox pretends to be the tiger's power, bit by bit eroding the opponent's fighting spirit, shocking the opponent's body and mind, as long as a little surrender is born in the opponent's heart. You can use the resonance of the laws of heaven. Instantly shatter the opponent's core. This is the only killing move of the natural way of heaven. If you go against the way, you will die!

Fortunately, Luo Li had the fragments of the Eighteen Heavenly Dao Array, which allowed him to withstand the infiltration of Heavenly Dao. Law baptism!

If you can't withstand his constant mental pressure, the law of heaven will invade. As long as you are slightly timid and have a hint of hesitation in your heart, the other party's laws of heaven will penetrate into your body.

Then you go against the path and your lifelong cultivation will immediately collapse and you will perish!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "So awesome, so awesome!"

But he withstood Fan Wujie's natural way of heaven!

Fan Wujie frowned and said, "Withstood it? But this is the starting point of my divine power!

The Tao follows nature, and heaven and earth are destroyed! God wants you to die, you have to die! "

After saying that, he pointed at Luo Li!

In an instant, Luo Li felt that a world had emerged behind Fan Wujie. That world was filled with countless stars, and the vast starry sky was hundreds of miles away in an instant. It was like a galaxy deep in the universe, with all kinds of starlight everywhere.

The two great powers of Brahma Wujie are both based on the self-generated world, while Luo Li is based on a part of the divine body. After entering the Nascent Soul, they embarked on their own different paths!

Then Fan Wujie pointed his finger, and Luo Li felt a terrible danger. In an instant, a meteor suddenly fell from the sky and hit Luo Li!

This meteor was ten feet in size and blasted towards Luo Li!

This is a meteor. After this meteor, there are another meteors falling, blasting towards Luo Li!

Fan Wujie whispered softly: "The stars shake, the crescent moon falls, the sun falls, the sky breaks, the thick earth splits, the world is gone, the darkness is extinguished!"

This is Brahma’s second divine power, Taoism, nature, and the destruction of heaven and earth!

The starting move is the invasion of heaven, and then the fluctuating light, falling moon, falling sun, breaking the sky, splitting the earth, Juechen, and dark destruction. This divine power is quite powerful!

As meteors fell one after another, Luo Li shouted: "What a way to follow nature, the world will be destroyed! You want to destroy this world, you have delusions, look at me covering the sky with just one hand!"

Then Luo Li took action, Hand of God!

Boom, boom, boom!

Big golden hands flew out into the sky, grabbed the meteor and squeezed it, and it shattered immediately!

As thousands of meteors fall, this big hand rises even more, especially in Luo Li's shadow, with eight shadows moving, endless big hands rise to crush the meteors!

The meteor gradually disappeared, and then the crescent moon fell, turning into thousands of scimitars and slashing down in the void.

But the big hand continued to rise, with various changes: palm, grasp, finger, cut, punch, flick, slap!

In the void, there were constant roars and explosions, and the land thousands of miles away was turned into powder!

Seeing Qizhu and Tiandu nodding, Tiandu said: "I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I want to fight too!"

Qizhu said: "Yes, yes, it's so exciting!"

The crescent moon disappeared, and a big sun appeared in the sky, roaring down and emitting endless power!

Luo Li yelled, and instantly, thousands of big hands turned into one giant hand to grab the sun!

But the sun is too hot and the falling force is too strong, and the giant hand cannot catch it!

Luo Li jumped instantly, made a kick with his right leg, and kicked the sun away with a powerful kick!

But after this kick, Luo Li limped with his right leg!

But the sun kicked away, and the sky behind it broke through the sky, cracked the thick earth, and was beyond the world. The darkness was extinguished. Brahma Wujie couldn't use it at all. He looked at Luo Li stupidly, and the divine power was broken!

Luo Li moved his feet, and his right leg quickly recovered. He looked at Fan Wujie and kicked him violently. Fan Wujie was kicked and flew a hundred feet away!

But this kick did not have a big impact on Brahma Wujie. The real big blow was that his own method of killing Dao Fa Zi Zi, the annihilation of heaven and earth, was actually broken!

But soon Fan Wujie came to his senses. He slowly stood up, looked at Luo Li, and said:

"Luo Li, you forced me to do this. I can control the first two divine powers, but they will only hurt you!

But I can't control this third divine power. If I take action, you will die!

It's not too late for you to admit defeat now. I don't want to kill you! "

Luo Li laughed loudly and said, "Come on, let me see how you kill me!"

Fan Wujie said: "You asked for this, Qizhu, Tiandu, two senior brothers, please testify that he forced me!"

After saying that, Fan Wujie slowly recited the mantra:

"The universe has been opened up, and the clear and the turbid are separated. They merge into rivers. They form mountains, which may be equipped with stars above, or hide in caves and heavens below. The great sage is the true master of his affairs, and there is a spiritual palace, a palace, a jade world, and a golden platform.

Or caused by qi. Ningyun is fictional; or Yaochi is green and marshy. Pay attention to the four corners; or there are pearl trees and Qionglin, but they are sparse..."

As he chanted the curse, Luo Li frowned. There is another strange feeling, as if the endless laws of heaven around me are converging towards Brahman Uncaged!

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and shouted: "Heaven has the ninth level, the master of the immortal way! He palms life and death, and gives you a return to the dust! Please ask the master of the way to slay demons with his divine sword!"

After saying that, he pointed at Luo Li!

In an instant, another illusion appeared above Fan Wujie's head!

As if traveling through countless time and space in an instant, an illusory palace appeared above Fan Wujie's head, with auspicious auspiciousness and auspicious light, cascading cornices, and a transparent blue sky, like the condensed waves of ocean waves.

In the void behind it, there are layers of clouds and smoke, fairy bridges flying, and countless palaces.

At the end of the palace, a giant dharma image appeared. The dharma image pointed towards Luo Li, and a voice seemed to be transmitted in the void:

"Accurately, kill!"

In an instant, a ray of green light turned into a sword, flying through the endless void and flying towards this world. It arrived in an instant and slashed towards Luo Li's head!

Suddenly Luo Li understood that the phantom was the Taoist master of endless dimensions!

Fan Wujie connected with the Taoist master, attracted a sword light, and was about to kill Luo Li!

Although this sword light is weak, it emits endless light and is extremely sharp. It can cut through everything. If it cuts towards Luo Li, it will kill Luo Li!

Luo Li snorted coldly and shouted: "If you want to kill me, you're dreaming!"

In an instant, he took action!

Sanskrit sounds immediately sounded in front of Luo Li:

"The waves roll over the Haimen Stone, and the clouds cross the Tianji Mountain."

"There should be a Chicheng Luanfeng passing by, and a long roar going into the Qingming."

Behind Luo Li, Sanskrit sounds also sounded:

"The heavens overlap, the weather is uneven, the caves are secluded, and the wind and smoke are swift and distant!"

"Thousands of clouds come out of Mount Luo, and peaks of floating islands come out of the sky."

Then on the left, the Sanskrit sound also sounded:

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

"Don't be the same color as the mountains, dare to raise a thousand feet from the flat ground!"

Then on the right, the Sanskrit sound also sounded:

"The silver screen shows the green sky in the distance, and egrets fly in front of Xisai Mountain!"

"The jade dragon roars and the mountains open up, and the hanging waves burst out and turn over Cuiwei. When the wind returns, it makes flying rain, and we can listen to the spring thunder in the thousands of valleys."

In the ground beneath our feet, Sanskrit sounds also sounded:

"The white clouds are flying on Jiuyi Mountain, and the emperor rides on the wind and descends into the green hills!"

Finally, above my head, the Sanskrit sound came:

"In the dream, there are vague tears of loving mother, this place of peace of mind is my hometown."

In an instant, ten Sanskrit sounds merged into one, and there was only one sound!

"Beyond the mountains, the mountains are beyond the mountains, and the sky is beyond the sky!"

In an instant, a giant world appeared around Luo Li, with countless high mountains and dangerous peaks appearing endlessly!

The whole world is a world of mountains, a world of mountains, and endless mountains and rivers in the human world!

The sword fell, and Luo Li suddenly raised the mountain with one blow!

Boom, the two collided. Even the sword of the Taoist Master came through the air and was shattered on the endless mountain!

Luo Li struck and instantly shattered the Taoist Divine Sword!

Then he jumped up, holding Mount Tai and the North Sea towards the endless palace above Fan Wujie's head, with a blast!

The Dharma image in the void seems to be furious, looking here!

But Luo Li said: "We, the Hunyuan Sect, abandoned you one hundred and seven thousand years ago. Your existence is worthless, so break it to me!"

Boom, with one blow, even the palace of the Taoist Master will be smashed to pieces!

No matter what you are or what existence you are, everything will be shattered in my world!

Fan Wujie was completely dumbfounded and said, "That's the Taoist Master!"

Luo Li said: "What kind of Taoist master, it's just one blow!"

Fan Wujie looked at the world held up high by Luo Li and was completely shocked!

Then Luo Li hit Fan Wujie, and a blow landed!

Fan Wujie closed his eyes and waited silently for death. After hundreds of years of hard training, all three great powers were defeated, and he lost again! (To be continued...)

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